Five/Aidan Imagines [BoyxBoy]

By pxachykeen

1.1K 37 61

Five/Aidan imagines. That's it, really. IMAGINES CONTAIN: drug usage, profanity, sex, self harm, suicidal top... More

New Look
Contradictions [SMUT] - Part I
Contradictions [SMUT] - Part II
Contradictions [SMUT] - Part III
Truth or Dare [PARTIALLY SMUT]

My Valentine

156 8 12
By pxachykeen

Hey, so heads up: some of the first couple of chapters are imagines from my previous book I had basically abandoned, so if you're rereading them, expect new ones soon (I'm working on many more btw).


If there were to be any holiday worse than Halloween, it would be Valentine's Day. Even the name itself is absurd. The very definition of 'Valentine' is buying cheap chocolates and calling your partner idiotic nicknames and kissing each other until you pass out. Either that or you receive nothing. No candies, no cards, not even a smile is passed your way. There is no in between. All and all, the holiday is pointless. Why determine your odds of getting your heart broken or falling in love all in one day? It's a waste of time and money, why not just ignore it all together?


Time had flown past faster than anyone in New York could ever imagine. The previous year quickly bled into the past, mixing in with the other years that have faded away. No one was really up for celebrating, except the middle aged group that gathered around Times Square just to see the iconic ball drop. But, a new year equals a brand new start. A brand new start for failing your studies, giving up on resolutions, and dreading each day as if it were your last. A boy named Y/N was not optimistic for this new year, and for one reason only. Valentine's Day. It was coming up shortly, and in a week actually.

The academy had already been passing out cards to each other privately. It was disgusting, due to the fact that we were siblings; well, not blood related. The cards were merely just reminders of how they were complete dickheads and they wanted them to die or a simple 'You're super cool' with a big red heart on the side. They all knew that Y/N despised this upcoming holiday, so they didn't bother to even shoot him a kind glance his way for two weeks straight.

Lucky for him he was not part of the dysfunctional family and moved in several years after the infamous birth of The Umbrella Academy. This made his relationship with the siblings vastly different than the others. He was never close with them, in fact he never seemed to care. Unless asked a question, he would stay silent for the whole day, causing his throat to dry up from the lack of conversation. He preferred it that way. Unless, Number Five came around.

Five was one of the eccentric siblings Sir Reginald had raised, him also being the most powerful of the bunch. His abilities were to spatial jump and time travel through space. Y/N always found his powers interesting despite the others, and he didn't know that Five thought the same with his. His powers were to psychically generate and move electricity. He could move particles through an electric field in a fluid with a net mobile charge. Basically, he could move lightning. Once the academy had acknowledged his abilities, no one seemed to care besides Five. He was strange in Y/N's opinion. He always had quite a fascination over him, and it never clicked with him as to why.

He would always sneak into Y/N's room in the middle of the night just to chat, he would make him his favorite type of coffee in the morning, or he would offer to help him study for an upcoming test. Hell, even one time he snuck out of training just to talk with him when he fell ill. When things like this happened, Y/N never minded; in fact, he enjoyed it. He never talked with anyone, and actually liked the extra company. Five was always the nicest to him out of all the others that lived in the academy, and always will be.

Which brings you to now.

Y/N sat in a comfy chair in the corner of the living room, spending his time reading a book in peace. The book he held was found on the bookcase that took up a fourth of the wall in the room. The shelves were filled with Reginald's most famously boring books that he had never read, or anyone for that matter. And since Y/N had nothing else to do or waste his time on, he grabbed one of them, not even checking the title, and began reading. Already, he absolutely dreaded analyzing each word that was printed on the page. But what else was he going to do?

All of the sudden, the silence was torn apart by a shout that came from one of the Academy members. "Y/N! Y/N! Guess what!" a boy shrieked while holding something behind his back.

He closed his book with a sigh, clearly upset at his interruption of his peaceful time in the living room. "What is it, Klaus?" he groaned.

"You got a Valentine!" The dark curls on his head bounced up and down as he jumped around, waving the bright pink card in the air. His words left him bewildered. No one had ever given him anything for Valentine's Day, especially when they acknowledged his hatred towards the holiday. It confused him terribly.

Swiftly, he stood up on his feet and reached over to snatch the card away from Klaus's hand. It was obvious the person had not put forth effort into this card, and created it in a hurry, but he didn't mind. The card had nothing on it but his name in bold letters, and he opened it to see a short note in the middle.

"Y/N, I think you're super cool, and I really like you. I hope you feel the same way one day. Happy Valentine's. - Anonymous"

He tried to find recognition in the handwriting, but was unsuccessful when he read it for the 100th time. A chin was placed on his shoulder as he kept analyzing it, and Klaus taunted, "I know who it is~"

Y/N turned around to face him fully. "Well, who is it?" he snapped.

Only a laugh was returned, but was cut short as he shook him in the shoulders violently. "Okay! Okay! I'll give you a hint, but I promised them that I wouldn't tell you!" he yelled, desperately trying to make him understand.

He shoved Klaus's body backwards, and he stumbled slightly from the force of it. "Hint. Now." He pointed a finger at him.

"Jesus fuck! Okay. Here's the hint: it is one of the academy members, and they've liked you for a very long time. Like, I don't know, oh! Maybe a year?"

A year? Holy hell! Who would even like me? Especially for that long? He even said such.

"I guess they would. But trust me when I tell you this: they like like you." He grinned cockily. Already, he knew it wasn't Klaus, thank god.

"And that helps me in what way?" he asked sarcastically.

"I have no idea." He straightened his posture and ran his hands over his blazer to straighten the wrinkles out. "Now, I need a smoke. Don't get too invested in this secret admirer thing." He wiggled an eyebrow with a smirk as he leisurely made his way out of the room, leaving the teen alone and frowning.


Y/N did exactly the opposite of what Klaus told him to do. He was completely invested in the situation he was in. Don't get him wrong, he didn't mean to. It was his compulsive thinking that led him to keeping it on his mind for hours. It didn't help that he also never felt this way before. Was he excited? Confused? Terrified? Maybe all of the above. But all and all, he would not stop until he got answers. That was just how his mind worked.

So as the day progressed, he thought about each of the academy members individually and the relationships they had. Luther never liked him, as a friend in that sense. He would always ignore him with a scoff or a roll of his eyes, and called him annoying and to go bother someone else. If he was in love with someone, it was probably Sir Reginald, since he was so obsessed in pleasing him with his good deeds. It made him want to vomit.

Now Diego, he was okay to him. They've never really conversed before. Unless it was during training or during meal times, which was ever so rare due to the rule lingering in the air of 'no talking during meals'. It didn't kill him to not talk to him for weeks. And Diego was too busy throwing knives and hanging out with Klaus. So two no's.

Allison was quite sweet with him. She had always offered to read with him during study hours, and he would kindly accept her nice gesture. Though, it was known around the Academy that Luther and her had a thing, so he tried to avoid that at all costs. Everyone did.

Klaus, whom he had previously talked to, was deemed to be innocent, so he didn't have to go into detail with him. Even Ben and Vanya, whom he had rarely spoken to before. And if they did, it was short and quick. Y/N tended to stick with his own.

Then there's Five. Well, Five was hard to read. Sometimes he wished he would see Y/N dead, but most of the time, he wouldn't leave him alone. He would be so sweet with him, like he would break in an instant if he spoke too harshly. As if he was- wait...

Y/N's thinking was paused as he stared at his wall, feeling himself picking at his nails rapidly. It couldn't be him, right? He was, well, Five, and Y/N was just Y/N. They were good friends and nothing else. Friends would do antics that they had committed before. Of course. But what if?

His contemplations were interrupted by a fierce knock and a shout, "Dinner is ready!" Luther.

Without a reply, he crawled out of his bed and made his way across the room. As he traveled down the grand staircase, the phrase kept repeating itself in his head 'Not Five.' 'Not Five.' 'Not Five.' But what if he wanted it to be Five?

As he entered the dining room, the teenagers were already perched at their seats, digging into their food that appeared to be beef stroganoff. It was the end of a hard-working day of training, and he too was famished. His stomach protested with a growl to confirm it.

He pulled his seat out silently, the room was occupied with the record player playing in the background, making it less awkward for the family and Y/N to eat. The brunette that sat next to him had his mouth full of his meal, but he still smiled at him once he sat down. It made the boy quietly laugh at Five's action, but he was stopped by Reginald clearing his throat and gesturing to his plate angrily.

He rolled his E/C eyes, and dug into his food quickly, eager to leave the room as quickly as possible. But his plan was delayed as Allison leaned over to whisper in his ear, "So Y/N. I heard someone is crushing on you."

A choked sound echoed through the room after her statement, but when he turned to see who had, everyone was viewed eating normally. But after the incident, Klaus leaned over to Five, who had his head hung low, and whispered something to him. With a pat on his back, he leaned back in his chair.

"Who?" he answered Allison with a desperate question.

"Well, he-" The silverware clattered as the man at the head of the table slammed his fists into the wood.

"Did I not make myself clear the first time? I will have no talking at this table!" his voice's volume was a little less than a shout, making the kids flinch. Y/N hated when someone raised their voice at him, and a specific someone knew this. A hand was placed on his knee, and he turned to see Allison comforting him. But what he found out was that she went back to eating again, and he turned to meet Five's green stare. He smiled sadly and went back to his meal, taking his hand with him. He secretly longed for his touch again, but he didn't do anything as he did as well. Was he catching feelings for him? No, no he can't be.

He still denied his feelings when he finished dinner and the siblings went back into their rooms. He denied his feelings when he got ready for bed and wished everyone a goodnight. He denied his feelings when he stared up at his blank ceiling, not being able to fall asleep. He replayed the scene at dinner over and over in his head, trying to find any clues as to whom it may be. Until he realized. When Allison and him were talking about the topic, she said something quite out of the ordinary. Something that left him bewildered and confused and angry, yet so happy. She said he.


Daytime crawled into each window of the dark Academy, leaving a dim glow that reached through the rooms and skated up the walls. It was quite early in the morning, so the outside was still touched with a layer of ice and dew. In Sir Reginald's eyes, this was the perfect time to wake up and train.

Y/N was in a deep sleep in his comfortable bed, the blankets he used as a shield from the deadly cold of his bedroom. Oh, how yesterday exhausted him to no end. His H/C hair was tousled and in his eyes, and his arms were flailed in different directions as he snored loudly. He wasn't the prettiest sleeper, but who was he trying to impress?

Conversation arose in the hallways, somehow waking him up. The red numbers of his alarm clock beamed brightly in his eyes as he looked at the time, and he groaned in annoyance as he snuggled deeper into his fluffy world, not wanting to get up.

He was late. Reginald was expected to arrive in his room and lecture him for not meeting up to his standards, but someone else woke him. A hand was placed on his shoulder and they softly shook him, making him groan again. It was strange as to how he did not hear them enter nor walk into his room, but he was too sleepy to notice.

"Y/N. C'mon, training is today," a voice whispered gently into his ear, trying not to anger him.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he stretched his arms up over his head, and viewed who spoke to him. It was Five, all ready for the day. His dark brown hair was gelled back into his signature swoop, and his green training outfit was placed on his body. His sage eyes and chiseled features contrasted to the softness of his smile, making him look so perfect. Today, Y/N found him undeniably pretty. But his sense of wonderment was halted when wondered how long he was in his room.

"Five? What are you doing here?" he asked tiredly, his voice still hoarse and deep from his slumber.

"Reginald didn't want to wake you up today, he was too busy with office work." He rolled his eyes with a chuckle, and sat down beside him on the bed.

"Did he send you?" He rested his cheek tiredly on his pillow. Of course the bastard didn't want to deal with him today.

A pause. "Yes, he did." Due to the tone in his voice, he knew that he was lying. His gaze darted away from him, and focused on something else in the room.

"Five?" Y/N muttered. "Do you know who gave me that card yesterday? I've been wondering about it for quite some time."

A small pink blush ran across the boy's cheeks, and he scratched the back of his neck. "I-I don't know." He huffed a nervous laugh.

Slowly, he sat up to face him. "But everyone in the Academy does. Why don't you?"

Five's repartee was his strong suit, and he quickly responded, "No one here tells me anything these days. I-I don't know about this 'crush' of yours. I'm sorry." At this point, his face was bright red. For a moment, he felt bad for him. No telling why, but he did. So, he sat up and scooted closer to him until he sat right next to him. Their knees were touching, and Five writhed and looked away swiftly.

"B-But what I do know is if anyone liked you, they would be liking the most amazing person I've ever met," he murmured. Y/N turned to look at him after he gazed out his window, and lifted a brow. "I mean, you're so kind, talented, and smart. Even smarter than me." Five laughed, even making him laugh as well. "And you're so determined. With your dreams, you never stop chasing them until you achieve them. You'll do everything you can for them. I think that's your best characteristic."

Y/N smiled at his compliment, and he thanked him with a small nod. No one has ever told him such before, and he was nothing short of flattered. His face heated up, and his smile turned into a grin. "Why are you saying all of this?"

No answer. Five turned to face him fully, and looked down at his hands. He almost didn't notice that he licked his lips nervously. All that he did made him quite anxious, and lured him into a silent frenzy. Especially when his hand slid over to his, and gently grasped it. He had never acted like this before. Sure they gave hugs every once in a while, but this was different.

Five's eyelids drooped, making him look so tired, when he finally replied, "Because I never told you this before, and it's how I feel about you. I just wanted you to know that you are such an amazing human being that has walked into my life. I will be forever grateful." Y/N could barely tell, but his face slowly leaned towards him, his eyes fluttering closed in the process. Ice traveled up his body and into his throat as he froze and stopped breathing, carefully watching his every move. It was so unexpected that he didn't know how to react. But maybe that was what he liked. Before anything drastic happened, his lips halted an inch away from his, and Five murmured, "I need you."

Then a pair of soft lips were placed on his, and he completely froze at his touch. For a moment, they sat there, unmoving and waiting for one another to do something. Or maybe Five was contemplating on pulling away? But he demolished his assumed idea when he reached up and placed his hands carefully around his neck. He loosened his stiff posture and lifted a hand to run it through his H/C hair while the other went to his flushed cheek. The way their lips moved left him breathless, and he deepened it by leaning his body into his. They moved so quickly, as if they were dying to finally touch each other like this at last.

Five pulled away from the heated kiss and he leaned his forehead on his, shaken and surprised at what he had just done with his aching lips. His fingertips rubbed the pulsing points of his neck to try to reel him back with the evidential proof that they were doing what he dreamt of doing with him for ages. They kissed, he looked into his eyes with shock and love, he was touching him like this and feeling him like this.

The corners of his lips twitched up into a smile as he swallowed his nervousness down with a hard gulp. Five's eyes were looking into his widened ones, his hands skating down to his trembling shoulders delightfully. "Did I go too far?" his quiet voice spoke to him. The boy shook his head to his consented question, and tentatively kissed the corners of his mouth, trailing them over the planes of his jawline, his cheekbones.

The hands on his shoulders twitched, stilling for a moment, then dragged down his arms, leaving a wave of goosebumps flowing down his skin in the paths of his featherlight touches. His chin tilted upwards and angled his face towards his when Y/N pulled away, conscious of his inexperience with kissing. His thick eyelashes fluttered as he shuffled closer to him, and whispered breathlessly, "It's you. It has always been you." And with that, he pressed his mouth against his, but more desperately. His lips moved on his with hard pressure, and he returned the favor and moved even closer to him; their chests pressed together as Y/N pushed his hands on his back and moved him near. Deep down, he knew it was him that made the card all along. And he was so glad that it was.

"Yes! I knew they would work out!" A shout was heard across the room, and they pulled back briskly from being tangled up in each other. Klaus jumped around in a little dance by the threshold of his room, and Ben stood by him, rolling his eyes.

"What are you doing? Get out!" Y/N shouted at the two, directing it more towards the dancing Klaus. It seemed as if he forgot to lock the door last night, since he was drunk with sleepiness. It was the worst mistake he ever made, it seemed.

"Sorry for interrupting, love birds!" He giggled and put a hand on his heart. "Oh! Is it too late to say that it was Five all along?"

"Klaus, what would it take for you to shut up? Sorry guys." Ben scoffed at him and apologized to the new couple as he dragged him out by his hair, making him yelp in pain. The door was unintentionally slammed behind the two, leaving Five and Y/N all alone in silence.

Leisurely, he turned to face Five, and he found him still glaring at the door with a frustrated blush. Five and Klaus never truly got along. Even when they did, it was to ask a favor from one another, or to open up about something. They usually kept it short and sweet, and not too in depth. They weren't a 'duo', as you may call it, but they were nice enough to not murder each other. Well, Five murder Klaus. Stubborn and annoying is not a good mix.

A tingling sensation spread over Y/N's lips as he eyed Five's; they were set in a small pout. They were undeniably perfect, as was the rest of him. Sometimes, he sincerely hated him for it. Did he think the same as him? Yet again, he yearned to see his stupid smile all day every day, and he even desired to see it now. So, he quickly pressed a peck on his flushed cheek, making his eyes widen. Even after all the kissing they had previously done, he was still just as nervous, and it made Y/N stifle a laugh. But, he still earned that toothy grin from him when Five placed a hand on his cheek.

"I knew it was you this whole time." Y/N murmured to the boy who was clearly still reeling from the sweet kiss that was placed on his skin.

"Really?" He backed away slightly with startled eyes. If his face wasn't red before, it surely was now.

Y/N laughed and nodded a yes. He wrapped his arms around his body and hid his face in the crook of his neck. The smell of his cologne could knock anyone out from under their feet. "You're not disappointed?" He wondered as he hugged him back tightly.

He pulled away to look at him with a knowing look, and a smile creeped up on Five's face. He pressed his lips against his to kiss him more and Y/N angled his face to receive it better. How they were moving so fluently, as if they had done this many times, it made Y/N never want to stop. "It was always you, too," he breathed between kisses, finding it so easy to say this to him. Five grinned against his lips, and they continued to kiss each other for what seemed like an eternity.

After this whole time of asking around and wondering who created and sent him the mysterious card, it was all worth it. In the end, Five and him would be together, and would stay together until the stars gave out and their love was nothing more than a whisper in the dark. And once they finally managed to pull away from each other, as if someone was trying to stop themselves from taking another hit from a drug, Five took his hand and led him downstairs to begin their daily training. Maybe Valentine's Day wasn't so bad after all.


Tell me what you think about this imagine in the comments. I always love reading feedback btw.

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