ONE MORE CHANCE ~Dadneto Fanf...

By Quickiemut

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What if Erik met his son years before Days of Future Past?? Days after days, Erik dedicates his life to reven... More

«◦ ❖ ◦»
The End of the Beginning
I have a son?
The father of a speedster
Birthday Wishes
How much I miss you
Start Something New
Meet again
Father-son Reunion
Mission failure
I Got You, My Son
Together is Better
All back together
Back to Genosha
Learn to Grow Up
Unexpected enemy
Deadly Speed ​
Run with The Angels
An Embarrassing Thing
Back to Earth
A God and Two Thieves
Taking Over the World
Old and New Enemies
A Message to The World
World Destruction
A Father Against his Children
Shadow Of A Nightmare
Another Traitor
It's Over
Little Cheetah
New Bond
It's Piet-ro
King's Permission
A Forgery of Truth.
Twin Bombs
A Hooded Person
Scarlet & Silver
A Long Night
A farewell
To the Mansion
Magnet Girl's Birthday
Come with You
The Bride and The Groom
The Meddler
Mission Canceled
Into The Space
Bonfire Concert
Red Hook Incident
The Aftermath
A Visitor
Peace Breaker
No Time to Grieve
The End of The War
Tea, Chess, and Love
Sparks of Doubt
Only The Truth
Mask of lies
Something Behind a Smile
The Gene-Fest
Prisoner of The Inhumans
Fight Against Madness

The Result of Revenge

138 6 5
By Quickiemut

Revenge would never end in good things, there would only be damage and destruction that came as a result. That Erik had seen as a result of his revenge against Shaw; Magda died and Charles was paralyzed.

But here he was, in New York looking for Jean, the anger that welled up inside him still compelled him to make the girl pay for what she had done. He was here not only to take revenge for what Jean did to his son but to seek justice for Raven, as the last thing he could do for her.

Life must be paid with life.

After hearing of his plan to fight Jean, several Genoshan especially his two daughters joined in, standing by his side to face the worst possible outcome of this action.

"She's in there," Selene told them that Jean stayed in the building across the road, she was with someone who might be the only one brave enough to hide her from the world's wrath.

"Hello, old friend,"

Just as they were finally about to make their move, a familiar voice was heard and they all turned around, finding Charles and his little team coming with him. There was Scott, Ororo, Alex, and Kurt standing beside him.

"Save 'the old friend' shit Charles, stay out of my way," Erik said, he should have known that Charles would come to once again stop him from doing the things he wanted.

"I'm sorry for what she did, but I can't let you in there," said Charles

Half-smiling, Erik came forward.

"You always sorry, Charles, and there's always a speech but nobody cares anymore," he said.

"We do this here now? They'll see us as monsters, violent freaks fighting on the street of New York,"

" made this monster, Charles, that unstable girl is dangerous, who knows what she will do next, she will hurt more people, how long are you going to protect her Charles!?" Erik asked in annoyance.

"If you fight her, you will make this all worse, everything you and I have fought for will be gone, your homeland and everything your family cares about will be gone!" Charles warned.

"Haven't we already, Professor? Everything we have worked so hard to keep the peace is gone, the government has turned their back on us once again, they don't want to help us, but we always risk our lives just to save theirs!" Lorna said, she looked at Charles and her teammates.

"Lorna, don't let your anger and desire for revenge get the better of you, this isn't going to end well, don't do what your Father did," Charles advised.

Erik raised his eyebrows, he could hardly believe Charles had just ordered his daughter against his will.

"You can't tell my daughter what she should and shouldn't do," Erik said.

"I'm going to get the girl, Charles, and you can't stop me," Erik said.

"If you touch her, I will fucking kill you!" Scott threatened.

"Erik, please don't do this....killing Jean would not bring Raven back, this isn't what she wanted, and Pietro, you know he'll be upset if you do this," Charles was still trying.

Charles understood that Raven's death had been a blow to Erik and to himself but revenge was definitely not something that could be done to find a way out.

"The girl dies,"

Then it all started, mess broke out in the streets of New York, Hank in his beast form ran into the streets with murderous intent blazing in his mind, then Scott tried to stop him by firing his optical blast, officially starting the fight.

Erik flew easily, and went straight to the building where Jean was staying, Lorna turned and followed her father then Alex instinctively followed her, Selene pulled out her dagger, Ariki with his braids fought Ororo who was hitting him with lightning.

"Wanda wait!" Charles stopped the brunette before she flew off.

"You know that Jean lost control, she didn't mean to hurt anyone, you've been in her position, you understand that more than anyone," Charles began.

Wanda turned to Charles, her eyes fixed on the ground, taking a moment to ponder it.

"She doesn't look like she's lost control, Professor, what if she just wants to hurt people?" She said, lifting her face to meet the professor's gaze.

"No, she's not, she's still Jean, she doesn't know what to do with that new power, she just needs our help. Please don't do this....don't get your hands dirty with her blood, this isn't you,"

"What makes you think that you know who I am, I don't want to kill her, Professor, I won't! I'm just here to stop her...and the rest, I will let my father decide whether she is gonna live or not," said Wanda, then she flew off, joining the fight.

Charles was no longer faced with a choice, Kurt brought him into the fight as it escalated to more severe intensity. Selene controlled Kurt's mind, Charles had to give her a psychic attack.

Erik and Lorna were already at the front of the building, but before the metalbenders could enter, the Summers brothers stopped them. Scott became merciless and continuously fired his optical blast at Erik who was shielding himself with a metal plate. Wanda came and distracted Scott by sending a burst of scarlet energy at him, but Scott nimbly dodged it, making Wanda's attack only hit a street light.

As Wanda and Erik deal with Scott, Lorna didn't waste much time and rushed into the building but Alex blocked her.

"I can't let you in, Lorna,"

Lorna rolled her eyes, "Jean needs to be stopped before she hurts more people, so get out of my way, Alex,"

"Or what? You'll kill me too? It doesn't have to be like this, Lorna, I don't want to fight you,"

"Well, you have to fight me if you want to protect Jean!" Lorna replied.

"I'm not protecting her, I'm not even here for her, I'm here for you!" Alex revealed.

Lorna's expression softened, she should have known that Alex would never leave her alone.

"Please...Don't make me do something bad to you," Lorna begged.

"Stop this Lorna," Alex asked.

"So you're here to stop her or stop me?" She asked.

"To stop you," Alex said.

Lorna sighed, "Unfortunately, you can't,"

Lorna lifted herself, swinging her arms forward, she threw any metal she could find, be it a street fence or a few vehicles at Alex which he managed to destroy with his blast, easily dodging all of Lorna's attacks. They continued to exchange attacks and didn't care about the damage around them.

The battle was still going on, the panic all around was getting worse when Erik took the subway up to the streets, using it as a defense against the enemy's attack. He destroyed the building's entrance with the carriage coming behind him.

There was Jean waiting for him.


Pietro leaned against the side of one of the buildings in Manhattan, his vision starting to get a little blurry and he tried to catch his breath as he started to gasp for air.

He rubbed his dry eyes, regret for forgetting his goggles at the Mansion, but at least he had a jacket he wore that would protect him from the cold night. He knew he looked like a walking crime scene right now, and all his injuries only made him look even more pathetic, he felt bad for having left Crystal and Remy in the Mansion without a trace, they must be very worried right now.

Pietro started running again, running as fast as he could towards Central Park where all the chaos broke out. Less than a second later, he arrived and all he could find was mess everywhere, cries for help in fright for the mutants who turned the streets of New York into a battlefield.

There, Pietro saw his friends fighting against his family.

"Help! Please, anyone? Help me!" A woman's scream.

Pietro heard that scream among others, he darted to the source of the sound, helping a woman trapped in an overturned car.

"Ma'am? hold on... I'm gonna help you, okay?"

Pietro pulled the car door, released it from the hinges, then carefully grabbed the woman and led her away from the battle.

"It's okay now, you're safe," Pietro said.

"Wait! My baby! He's still in the car! Please! Please help him..." The woman said.

Pietro quickly darted back to the car and finally found a boy in the back seat, the belt still attaching him to the seat. Pietro grabbed him and brought the crying boy to his mother.

"Mama!" The boy went into his Mother's arms, and only reminded Pietro of something else.

The woman said thanks, but her voice was drowned out by the sound of lightning strikes and strong winds from a distance, Pietro didn't need to be told who did that. After making sure the mother and son were safe, Pietro ran again to the battlefield.

"Peter! What are you doing here!" Ororo was the first to see him coming, Pietro could see Ariki had slumped over exhausted on the tour bus.

"Are you expecting me to lie down while all my friends are here to stop my father from killing Jean?"

"You can count on us, you know that, we'll stop Magneto no matter what --" Ororo said before she gasped when Ariki got back up and started attacking with his dreadlocks.

"I'm afraid my father won't stop until he gets what he wants," Pietro mumbled before he dodged Alex's blast that nearly hit him as the man faced Lorna who was hovering in the air with the cars behind her.

Then he saw Wanda and Scott swapping attacks, Scott aimed his visor at Wanda, continuously firing his blasts, but stopped when Wanda wrapped him in scarlet energy and slammed him into the street. Wanda turned around, planning to enter the building, but Scott got back up and fired his optical blast.

Pietro reacted quickly, time slowed down and he grabbed the car door, using it as a shield as he darted towards Wanda. Scott was surprised by the arrival of his friend who blocked his attack.

"What the hell are you doing here, Maximoff?!" Scott looked at Pietro.

"I don't want to miss anything, Man," Pietro dropped the car door then he grabbed Wanda and led her away from Scott, they hid in the back of the truck.

"Pietro!" Wanda hugged him tightly as soon as she was put down.

"Why are you here?" Wanda asked, her hands on her brother's shoulders, and she ignored the battle that was raging around them.

"What? you don't expect me to come?" Pietro responded.

"I thought you were--"

"In a coma? Nah...I won't go through that again," Pietro said with a big smile.

A smile of relief graced Wanda's face, she had spent her time worrying about her brother, but now he seemed fine even though she wasn't completely sure about it.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not supposed to be here, I'm worried about you!" Wanda asked to be sure.

"I'm fine..."

It was an obvious lie, Pietro was paler than a few seconds ago.

Suddenly they heard the sound of glass breaking from the building where Jean was staying, and they were wide-eyed when they saw their father thrown out, hit the ground.

"Papa!" They shouted in one voice as they ran towards Erik.

They knelt beside Erik, Pietro gently shook his shoulder, his face cut and bleeding, the pieces of his shattered helmet stuck to his coat which was now covered in broken glass.

"Papa! C-Can you hear me? Wake up, please..." Wanda had a death grip on Erik's hand.

"We have to get him away from here," said Pietro.

He got up, tried to bring Erik to the side of the road, but suddenly a gunshot rang out. He felt something shot into his back, it stung him, sending an electric shock that eventually paralyzed him, he didn't even have time to react or respond to Wanda shaking his shoulder. Then he saw Wanda fall beside him.

They lay there, beside their father, a group of soldiers pointing their guns at them.

Pietro groaned, he tried to get up but failed, and found himself unable to move, a small panic swept over him, it was all the same as the last time he was thrown to the side of the road.

He couldn't move.

One of the soldiers pinned his neck with something, he was dragged violently like an animal, the next thing he knew was darkness came back to swallow him like a few hours ago.


The sound of the train engine creaking sharply and the uncomfortable vibration finally woke Erik. His vision was blurry, it took Erik a few seconds to realize his surroundings. He felt a stinging sensation from the cut on his forehead, but suddenly anger and disappointment returned to him as he remembered how he was defeated by Jean who didn't even try.

Erik looked around him, it didn't take long for him to notice that he was on a train, his hands were in handcuffs, and he couldn't even bend any metal at this point to escape. He assumed it was because of the thing around his neck.

For the umpteenth time, he looked around, he couldn't see the people beside him because it was blocked. In front of him was Scott, the boy's head was down, he was still unconscious, then beside him was Kurt who was in the same state as Scott.

Then his gaze shifted to the next person, and he saw Pietro. As if forgetting that his hands and feet were in cuffs, Erik lunged forward, trying to reach Pietro.

"It's okay, Erik, he's fine..." Charles calm him down.

"How did he get here?" Erik asked and his voice brought Hank back to his conscious state.

"I don't know..." replied Charles, he was also confused because the last time he checked Pietro, the boy still showed no signs of waking up.

"He shouldn't be here," Erik's gaze returned to Pietro, his head was lowered while he was still unconscious.

"Nothing can stop him, you both know that," said Hank.

Minutes passed and one by one the mutants came back to their senses, the soldiers were still standing guard around them, watching for any suspicious movements, and Erik still watching his son who was now slowly regaining his sense.


Pietro responded slowly, he looked around first before frantically finding his hands and feet in the cuffs, trapping him in an uncomfortable condition.

"Pietro It's okay..." Erik brought the speedster's gaze to him.

"Where are we?"

"In the train, obviously," Scott answered, still annoyed that Pietro protected Wanda from his attacks.

A soldier passed in front of them, throwing a disappointed look at the mutants.

"My kid used to be a fan," He said while glancing at Kurt.

Now they ignore the soldiers on guard, turn their minds to Jean, figure out a way to deal with all this mess, and now they were starting to realize that this wasn't about a fight between the X-Men and Magneto side, or with Jean.

But with the white-haired woman and all her followers.

"Raven had the right of it. Jean was never the villain. I was," Charles began.

"I should never have lied to her. I was wrong. But this power inside of her, I never put that there," Charles spoke, he finally admitted that he was wrong, and stop making himself blind to all his faults all along. Hoping that it would make Hank relieved,

"I would never do anything intentionally to hurt her. It isn't me and this is not Jean. We can still save her. She is still Jean inside," Charles continued.

"He's right," Wanda said, making everyone's gazes turn to her.

What if all this time Jean was the victim?

Wanda kept repeating that question in her head, Jean looked completely different to her as if the girl was being possessed by a demon or whatever it was that made her uncontrollable. Raven died as a result, and her brother's life was on the line for a while.

But still, killing won't solve anything, Raven would still die and everyone would still grieve. This wasn't what Raven wanted, and Wanda knew Pietro would never give them the option of getting revenge for whatever Jean had done to him.

They both wanted them to save Jean.

"What do you mean he's right?" Selene asked.

"When I fought her in Genosha, I felt like... it wasn't Jean that I was fighting... it was something else which was controlling her and slowly destroying Jean," she explained.

"I told you, this isn't the real Jean, we can still save her," Scott said, setting his sights on Lorna.

"What exactly is controlling her?" Erik asked, annoyed.

Wanda shook her head, finding herself having no answer to Erik's question.

"None of us knows, but this woman---this thing....has had a taste of that of power, and she'll be coming back for more, she'll be coming back for Jean," said Charles.

"Good, Let her," said Erik, that way he would be able to annihilate the source of all this trouble.

"She'll kill her to get it!" Charles exclaimed, he didn't want to lose Jean when there should have been other ways to save her.

"But I promise you, the killing will not end there," Charles warned him.

"That's not what Raven would have wanted, you know that, you both do," Scott told Erik and Hank.

"That woman wants Jean's power, doesn't she?" Wanda asked.

"Yes, we have to stop her before she gets the full power that lies within Jean and destroys our world,  takes it as their own," Charles explained.

"Turns out this problem is much bigger than I thought," Alex muttered.

"So what are they? Are they aliens or something?" Pietro asked anyone who could answer him.

"I suspect they are, I don't know where they came from, but they certainly weren't from Earth," replied Charles.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps rang through the ceiling of the train, and it didn't take long for them to figure out who they were.

"They're here, aren't they?" Lorna said, looking up.

"You two come with me! The rest of you, stay here! Guard the prisoners!" Command one of the soldiers.

"Don't be fools! You need our help!" Erik shouted, but the soldiers paid no heed to his warning.

"Goddamn muties come to spring you," said one of the soldiers.

"They're not mutants!" said Charles.

"They are aliens!" Pietro added.

"You want me to believe that?" Respond the soldier.

"Free us, you're going to need our help," Charles tried to reassure.

"We're the only chance you have," Erik added.

"Keep your mouth shut!" The soldier still won't believe them.

Then gunshots from all directions rang out followed by terrible screams, adding to their sense of alertness and increasing their worries. Then, the sound of explosions rang out and immediately made the worried soldier urge to get information from his comrades.

"What's the status on those mutants?"

"We're falling back now! They're not--" the voice broke.

"What? They're not what?"

"They're not mutants!!"

"They're here for Jean!" Scott told the soldier.

The soldier hissed sharply, and immediately gave orders to the other soldiers.

"Get Ready to open fire!"

"Your kid was right about us! We could help you!" Kurt begged.


"Damn it! we're all going to die if you don't let us free!" Lorna yelled, this was definitely not a cool way to die.

A heavy smack against the door was heard, forming a large dent and eventually destroying the door, showing one of the aliens entering with a murderous smile.


The soldiers fired their guns at the same time, undaunted by the creatures in front of them as the bullets continued to rain down on the floor like knickknacks.

When one alien form dies, another wave of aliens arrived, and this time the soldiers were subdued, they were slaughtered in front of the mutants.

One of the soldiers backed away, pressing the buttons shakily to release the mutants. As soon as their cuffs were removed, they threw things around their necks, feeling the sensation of power within them again as their X-genes reactivated.

"We only want the girl, step aside," the lead alien warned.

"No!" Cried Hank, standing at the front, clenched his fists, and transformed into a beast. This time making sure to do the right thing, what Raven wanted for the last time.

"What are you doing?" Selene asked.

"What Raven would have,"

And the fight broke out.

The mutants were united in one goal, did their best to defeat the aliens who were trying to take over the earth and take everything they love.

"Scott! Get me to Jean," Charles put his arm around Scott's neck as the younger mutant blasted the door of the carriage where Jean was held.

Ororo flew out of the carriage, attacking from the sky where she could gain complete freedom and control of her power, without mercy, sending a bolt of lightning to the aliens.

Alex jumped out to help Ororo, fighting head-on with some of the aliens, then sent his energy blast at them which threw them out of the battle arena.

Inside the carriage, Erik used his ability to throw a floor panel at one of the aliens, stabbed him in the neck with metal, and knocked him to the floor, then continued to attack the other aliens with all the metal he could use on the train.

Lorna did the same thing in the other carriages, she reliably took control of all the metal on the train, stabbed any alien she could find and didn't hesitate to cut their heads, killing them quickly. While being busy dealing with the aliens, suddenly her back hit another person's back.



"Pietro!" The Speedster added, had just come from another carriage after beating some aliens there.

Their eyes met, but quickly the three of them returned their focus to the aliens. They fended off the attacks that came at them at the same time, together forming a defense with an unyielding spirit.

Wanda grabbed the alien's leg from the hole in the ceiling, shattering some of their bones, then Lorna tore the wall and Wanda threw the alien out of the carriage.

Meanwhile, At full speed, Pietro punched the faces of the other aliens, one fist wasn't enough for them so Pietro had to double his attacks, a gentle push from him was like a high-speed smack to them, sending them flying out of the wall that had been torn apart by Lorna.

"You know what? We can be a great trio," Lorna said in the middle of the fight.

"Undefeated trio!" Pietro added.

"We already are," Wanda said with a smirk.

Then a roar was heard, their father came, having previously managed to crush the other carriage as easily as crushing a can.

"Come with me!" Erik took the lead, and they went to the next carriage, moving forward until they reached the carriage where Jean was being held.

Their father stopped in the doorway, they could see Charles who was still trying to reach Jean and Scott who was battling the aliens that come from the hole in the ceiling above him.

"We have to protect them," said Erik to his children.

Erik clenched his fists, then the door behind them closed tightly with metal. They could see a woman coming, with white hair and pale skin. Erik recognized her, she was the same woman who manipulated Jean, the woman who wanted to use Jean's power as a tool to take over the earth.

"I have no desire to fight you," That woman said.

"I get that a lot," Erik said.

"You wanted her dead," She said, her voice serious and filled with hatred.

"I had a change of heart," Erik said.

Erik glanced back at his three children who looked just as alert as he was, Erik knew they were strong, but as a father, he still had to protect his children from whatever danger now lay in front of them.

Erik stood in the front to fight the woman, the guns start to float in the air, all of them were fired at the same time, empty bullets rain down on the floor, but the woman looked unperturbed. Her skin was torn and her body was damaged, however, she continued to move forward.

The bullets ran out, and the woman was still able to stand, her skin healed again, and she gave Erik a small grin as if satisfied with her small victory. The woman raised her hand and Erik was thrown to the side, hit the wall hard, and immediately fell to the floor.

Pietro watched his father for a second before he filled with anger, grabbed the woman in front of him and banged her against the wall, gripping her neck tightly.

"You think you can beat me? Think again," The woman said.

Time slowed down again, Pietro slammed the woman to the floor, then threw her into another carriage, where Ororo, Hank, and Alex have been defeated. Pietro hit the woman again against the wall at top speed, delivering several hard fists in a matter of seconds.

"Stupid brat, you have no chance of winning," the woman said, she got back up, but Pietro sent another attack.

"Do you ever stop talking? Or do you like your voice just this much?" Pietro swung a punch to the woman's chin, knocking her backward.

The woman got back up, now looking angrier, she raised her hand, sending Pietro up in the air, the speedster thrashed, desperately trying to get his foot back on the floor, but then he felt his body slam into the side of the wall, and he immediately fell.

He tried to get back up, but his entire body was hurt, which only made all of his previous injuries worse. Pietro guessed that he had never been lucky in a train fight.

"Look how pathetic you are, but I have to admit that your power is troublesome," The woman smirked at him.

"Yeah... I know," said Pietro, panting.

"That's why I have to end you now," said the woman with her psychopathic smile.

"No you won't, I won't let you," Wanda came from another carriage, staring furiously at the woman for what she did to her brother and father, ready with enough strength to tear the aliens apart.

"Oh, another stupid brat,"

The woman swung her arms forward, sending cosmic energy full of lust and anger at Wanda, but the brunette managed to restrain it with her own power.

The woman looked slightly surprised, looking at the Mutant in front of her with interest.

"That is interesting..." The woman said, finding the mutant who was now her opponent seemed immune to the cosmic power within herself.

Wanda swung her arms, she attacked like a bull, hurling blow after blow of her scarlet energy, every blow that hit the woman knocked her back a little. Wanda continued to attack, not stopping for a split second to even catch her breath.

Wanda lifted the woman into the air, sending wild sensations throughout the alien's body as she had never known before. Unlike in previous fights, this time the woman felt pain, an unfamiliar power had injured her, a power that other living beings didn't have.

The woman groaned and the little moans slowly turned into screams, but as her body screamed and suffered, her anger grew uncontrollable, her passion grew, she must not give up for the sake of her people.

A power with purple, yellow, and orange hues, surrounded the woman and looked like it was raging at another power that was trying to subdue it. The power caused great damage to the surroundings, the walls starting to crumble into dust as the two forces collided.

"Wanda!" Pietro screamed as the power reached him and Hank who was lying not far from him.

"You're gonna kill them..." The woman said.

Wanda backed away, and the woman fell to the floor with a satisfied grin.

"Sentiment has always been a weakness to people like you, isn't it?" That woman said.

Wanda ignored the woman's words, she ran towards Pietro, but the woman slammed her against the wall with just a wave, even before Wanda could even respond.

The woman left them in that carriage and headed straight for the next one where Lorna was on guard, beside her was Erik who was still in a state of fainting.

"You have two choice, let me through that door, then you live, or fight, then you die,"

"You're here to get my friend right? pass me first!" Lorna exclaimed, she was on alert, all the metal around her was her weapon.

"The you choose death,"

The woman waved her hand, sending sparks at Lorna who managed to shield herself with the magnetic field she created.

Strips of metal came from behind the woman, wrapped around her neck, and lifted her into the air, another metal wrapped her body, piercing every part of the alien's body, and tearing apart every organ inside. Yet the immense power within her turned all that metal to dust.

"You're strong, but not strong enough,"

For the second time, the woman swung her arms forward, a mysterious force throwing Lorna back, crashing into the door, she fell right in front of Scott.

The white-haired woman walked in, Scott reacted quickly by planning to fire his optical blast at the woman, but when his finger was an inch from the optical button, it couldn't be moved.

But Scott fought back, and he was finally able to fire his blast, but the attack boomeranged when the woman easily returned the optical blast to him.

Charles was wide-eyed, he couldn't read the woman's mind let alone send a psychic attack to fight her.

Now only Jean everyone could rely on.

Jean opened her eyes, all the cuffs holding her shattered, her body lifted into the air. She stared at the alien in front of her with a piercing gaze and a desire to kill, but above all that, was the desire to protect her friends---her family.

Everyone in the carriage was lifted into the air, wrapped in the telekinetic bubble that Jean created. Jean swung her hands, and the train vibrated, lifted into the air, she easily tore the whole carriage apart.

The wrecked train ended up at a power station, and everyone climbed out of the wrecked train.

Pietro put Wanda's arm around his neck, helping her out, then Ororo and Alex came out after Hank, Erik got out of the other carriage with a bit of a limp, Scott came out with Charles, then Lorna came out coughing.

Jean was in a state of alert, she looked around to make sure her friends were safe. She realized that aliens with extraordinary physical strength were surrounding her from all directions.

But Jean didn't flinch, one alien was running towards her at full speed, followed by another, planning to give her a barrage of attacks.

With a swing of her hand, Jean was able to crush them into dust, one by one the aliens were annihilated, all that was left of them was the dust that flattened the ground and their leader who still stood firm with unwavering determination.

She dashed through the flames towards Jean, she tightly gripped the red-haired Mutant's neck, ready to absorb the brutal power within the girl. Jean let her, she wanted to see what happened, she wanted to escape the power that had taken everything from her.

But it had only been a few moments since the woman had touched her, and she became unable to contain the great power within Jean. The woman loosened her grip, but Jean pulled her back, and their power flared in all directions. That power pleased with the amount of death and suffering it had caused, it gave a rush of euphoria to both bodies it possessed.

Flames were burning everywhere, everyone saw Jean fighting with the alien as well as with herself, trying her best to fight any bonds the cosmic entity tried to make with her. Jean keep fighting, she didn't want this thing to hurt her family, she knew that any bond this entity tried to create with her was nothing compared to the bond that connected her to her friends as a family.

"Jean!" Scott screamed in pain, there was fear in his screams.

Jean turned to the man she loved, he was hurt and it was because of her.

"You can't control it, if you kill me, you kill them all," the woman warned in a dying voice.

Jean looked at her friends, she couldn't be the cause of their death, her eyes turned to Charles, the man who had given so much to her, loved her unconditionally, she couldn't bring this disaster to him

Professor I'm sorry...


I promise I'm gonna end this, and protect all of you...

Jean gave Charles a short nod, then she returned her focus to the woman who still had a grip on her neck.

"Your emotion makes you weak," The woman belittled her.

"No..." Jean lifted herself and the woman higher into the sky, where she could unleash all the power that bound her, destroying the aliens that tried to snatch everything she loved.

"No, you're wrong,"

"My emotion make me strong,"

Jean tightened her grip on the woman, her skin slowly peeled off, revealing her true form. The power that the alien had previously absorbed from Jean, returned to her. At that moment, Jean could feel a great surge of energy within her. Her inner bond with that power became stronger, Jean surrendered herself, and she merged with that power into the most majestic and beautiful being in the universe.

She was finally free.


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