Changing the Game

By Ruellecharlotte

461 0 0

This is fanfiction about Game of thrones. Done differently. How doing something by accident can change thing... More

The Characters Part 1: the Lannisters
The Lannisters part 2
The Characters part 1 : the Starks
The Starks part 2 : The bastards of Ned Stark
Waking up to a mess
Waking up to a mess part 2
The King is coming
King's Landing
The Coming Storm
House Flint
Fighting for Power
Winterfell part 2
Winterfell part 3
Wars to Come
Drawing Lines in the Sand
Battle of the Noble houses
After The Battle
More Characters

Baelor II Targaryen

22 0 0
By Ruellecharlotte

Baelor Targaryen is the last son of the mad king that was killed in the sack of king's landing.

He has been over the narrow sea growing his power and his army to claim his right of the throne. Baelor wants to right the wrongs of his father. Baelor is not a full Targaryen, he is only half of one.

His mother was the second wife to the mad king. A lady of the house of Tyrell. Baelor was never supposed to get the crown but with certain events unfolded it came to Baelor.

He heard what happened with his cousin Margaery and her child. And he wants justice for that and get his kingdom back.

Baelor finally was ready for his attack and win his right back. Baelor docked in Dragonstone and began his moves to come in the near future. 


In the north Ethan Stark gotten word of the Targaryen that was in Dragonstone. Ethan was worried about it, he did not want another battle nor a war.

Ethan made his council making his younger brother Rickon master of coin on his council. Ethan ordered that he wants updates on the Targaryen that docked in Dragonstone. 


Ethan Stark -

So the Targaryen made it to Dragonstone. What need to do is to have updates on his moves and what he does next before he does it. Another war might be in the future for us all. 


Baelor -

Very good, very good. Now the main point that has to be addressed.

The Baratheons.

Knowing the "princess Mycrella Baratheon was married off to Dorne they would probably back her and her family if any moves were made. So we need to make an offer to them to have them on own side, but it won't work. I know how Dorne works. 

The other good thing is that half of the Lannisters are wiped out, knowing that there are only two left. Tyrion Lannister the lord of Casterly Rock and his sister Lady Eleanor. Knowing that Tyrion has a wife, Sansa Stark, a lady of the North that is also a princess due to her brother. I know a few things about the North, and some about the house Stark. Just wished I met the late Eddard Stark. It would have been nice to have a man that still hold honor before anything else. 

What about my niece and nephew? Are they still in the North? 


King Damon Baratheon was working away in the capital. And being a father to his children.

" When I heard about the Targaryen being in Dragonstone, I know what he wants and I know that I stand in the way of it. Not just me but my wife, sister. I won't lie I am nervous what will happen next. After being married to Emma, my wife could not get pregnant, she had many miscarriages. It broke my wife and I can not keep putting her though that type of pain. So most likely the kingdom will go to Tommen if I am to die and I am okay with that, I know he will do well if anything happens. Having a strong feeling that will happen sooner than later. 

So I am making preparations for Tommen and my wife, making sure that she can go back to her home when and if the time gets near.  I want them to have everything and anything after I am gone, which is just a long wait to see what " he " has planned.  Standing outside watching the water having this gut feeling of dread coming my way. 


Baelor Targaryen - 

Hearing the ships are ready and all of my men are ready for the fight that was coming near. I sent out letters to all houses before getting on one of the ships, making my way home. 


All of the noble houses got the letters from the ravens seeing that it came from Baelor Targaryen, requesting that all of lords come to King's Landing. And for the North to personally come to King's Landing for the words of the king Baelor Targaryen. And that the new king wants and demands respect from all houses once they get into King's Landing. 

Ethan Stark read the letter and was not surprised by it, in fact this what he would do as well. The Starks have no ill feeling towards the Baratheon's but Ethan does not want to march any army down to King's Landing. But he looks at his wife, the king is his wife's brother, Ethan is conflicted on what to do. 

" What is on your mind?" Joanna said

" Your brother, the king. He will have to fight the Targaryen and that the Targaryen has requested that we respect him. What if he takes the north of us as before in the pass, what if.." 

Joanna cut him off

" My love, I understand your feeling. I can see that you want to help my brother but this what it means to be king. To make choices that is hard and to chose nothing is the hardest of it all. You don't want to lose any northern lives, and I understand that. We will stay here." Joanna said





Baelor Targaryen finally reached King's Landing with his army, he was standing outside the gates waiting for the king to come out and face him. Damon Baratheon has already sent his wife out of King's Landing for her safety because he knew this would happen. Damon was in his armor looking at the army in front of him and his men, he was not going down without a fight. Damon drew his sword and so did his army, Baelor did a little shake of his head hoping that Damon would be smart about it but Baelor knew if he was in shoes he would do the same. 

Baelor drew his sword. Both armies charged on at each other. The people in King's Landing were panicking, some were staying inside and the other half trying to leave on the other side of King's landing. Baelor Targaryen did have dragons of his own but he set them free, he did not want to keep them around because he believes that a dragon should be free. Baelor is a simple man and he believes in hand to hand combat on the battle field. Damon did leave one of the King's guard with Tommen to keep him safe inside the red keep but that did not last because Baelor had spies already inside the walls of the palace. The orders were to kill anyone that protected the 'prince" and then bring the prince to him after the battle was over. 

The spy was able to kill the king's guard and grabbed Tommen and placed him in a room and waited for Baelor to come. 

The battle outside of the walls was still going on and Baelor saw Damon on the field both of them looked at each other in the eyes and then both charged at each other making their swords hitting at the same time. In one blow Baelor was able to cut the throat of Damon, Damon's throat blood came out fast and Damon dropped to his knees but Baelor caught him showing kindness to the passing king. Baelor laid Damon on the ground carefully and he gave the order to open the gates. Baelor's army flooded into King's Landing and Baelor following behind killing anyone that came his way. He worked his way to the red keep, stepping inside the red keep he went to look for Tommen that was being kept by the spy. 

But Baelor saw the Iron Throne and he took an axe to the base of the throne trying to break the throne apart. And he was successful on breaking the throne apart. After that task was done he saw Tommen placed in front of him. 

Tommen was crying, and Baelor could understand his fear from the boy. So Baelor came to stand in front of him. 

" Wipe your face. Nothing is going to happen to you. I want you alive for my reasons only. I want you to know that you are no longer a prince and not in line of the iron throne. You will never become king." Baelor said to Tommen

" I never wanted it to begin with." Tommen said

" Yeah, I can see that. You are a sensitive young man and that is okay." Baelor said

" Why do you want me alive?" 

" Well someone has to rule Storm's End since your last name is Baratheon. But let's face, you are not really a Baratheon, your a lannister but no one has to know the truth. Your last is a Baratheon and we will leave it at that.' Baelor said fixing Tommen's clothes

" The lord of Storm's End? Why? " 

" Because I said so". Baelor said. 


Baelor ordered and he helped around King's landing after the sack and he was crown king of the kingdoms. He had Tommen sent to Storm's End as the new lord where Tommen would stay for the time being. 

Baelor was not surprised that northerners did not show up so Baelor wrote a letter personally to Ethan Stark, the king of the north to make his way to King's Landing with his court of his own. Ethan could not refuse not one bit. Ethan showed the letter to his wife Joanna, and she was nervous she ready herself. And it was same for Jon and Valena to come as well, some of the brothers came to protect each other. 

Ethan made sure that a Stark stay in Winterfell no matter what. 

Some of the Starks made the journey to King's Landing. Baelor also summoned the other lords to king's landing as Baelor wants to know his people in his kingdoms. The Lannisters were first to arrive, Baelor spotted Sansa first because of her red hair, to Baelor the north is very intriguing to him. Baelor had a new chair placed where the iron throne was to better things, to his left Lord Varys told him that the Starks have arrived. 

All of the Starks were bought in the throne room and it was the first time for them to see Baelor. Baelor came to stand in front of Ethan that he wants to talk to Ethan and Joanna along with Jon and Valena in private. 

Inside one of the rooms behind the throne room Baelor started.

" Ethan Stark, the oldest son of Eddard Stark,  King of the North. It is nice to finally meet you and your family."

" What is the reason we were called here?" Ethan said

" Because I have my own reasons. But the main thing to tell you Ethan Stark that the Riverlands are no longer belong to North. If you accept that you and the North can still be an independent kingdom. And be an important factor to me and other noble houses. Being a place of high trade that will be beneficial to all." Baelor said.

Ethan Stark saw that this was the best way of action. He does not want another war nor battle, he has to think about his people. But there was something that Ethan could not understand about Baelor.

No one really knew that the mad king had another wife.

" I agree to those terms." Ethan said

" Good choice, King Stark. We are equal to each other." Baelor said.

" But there is something that I have to say. Having no idea that the mad king had another wife, care to share on the fact". Ethan said.

Baelor smiled and he began to speak.

" It is true my father was the mad king. He had children with his first wife but things did not go as planned. He took another woman to be his wife, which was my mother. My mother, her name was Cecily Tyrell of the house Tyrell. She was able to give birth to me in the reach after Robert Baratheon took the capital.

My father made sure that no one knew he had another wife. So I am part of the house Targaryen and the house Tyrell.

That clear some things for you King Stark." Baelor said.

" It does." Ethan said

" Oh more thing, Jon and Valena I think you know the truth of your heritage." Baelor said

Jon spoke first

" We do. It changes nothing."

Baelor shook his head as a approval from Jon's words.

" No what you two feel I am your uncle, you two are my family. You two are Targaryen's by birth where you like it or not. I want you both to understand that and if you need anything I am not to far way." Baelor said

Valena looked at Baelor and she walked over to him and she hugged him. Baelor hugging her back, she is niece after all. The Starks talked more with Baelor in the capital inside the red keep about the plans in the future, what they can approve. And then the Starks left the capital before it got to dark outside.

When the Starks left Baelor needed a hand so the best choice had to be Lord Tyrion Lannister. Baelor knew that he is the best choice for the job. And Tyrion could not miss this opportunity. So him and Sansa moved to the capital for the time being. But sometimes Sansa would stay at the Rock with the child while Tyrion worked as the hand of Baelor.

Apart of the small council for Baelor Targaryen, his hand; Tyrion Lannister.

The maester to the small council Baelor had many choices to choose from, great choices but he chose Samwell Tarly.

Master of whispers; Lord Varys.

Master of Coin; Lord Footly from the Reach.

Master of ships; Lord Bulwer from the Reach.

Master of laws; Lord Fell of the Stormlands.

And the lord commander; Lady Ser Brienne of Tarth.

Tommen was in Storm's End as the lord, he was on his own, learning things by himself for the first time in his life. He was able to find a nice lady from a house that is in the Stormlands and the settle down with a family. Tommen had peace in his heart, without having the pressures of the crown. He has something that he always craved for.

For Baelor, he needs a Queen to help him rule. So he looked over the map and he settle down on house Rambton. Celeste Rambton, the 3rd born daughter of the lord.

Baelor called for them and soon after they were married. Starting the Targaryen line back up again.




Lady Celeste Rambton
( warrior Queen)

King Baelor Targaryen II

Baelor's mother, Lady Cecily Tyrell, Crown princess on the orders of the mad king.

THE END !!!!!!!!!!




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