
By Diana_Rosss

696 2 1

what if Klaus had not got Hayley pregnant but Caroline how would her life be effected would she stay in Mysti... More

Author Note
The news
welcome to The Big Easy
Moving in
Docter appointment
"be an adult"- Stefan pt 1
the Birth
human again
don't say no
an ex for a reason
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
The Wedding #1
Thee Wedding #2
The end offically

back for me?

34 0 0
By Diana_Rosss

                           Caroline Pov
I woke up at 12 pm I checked my phone and I saw 7 texts from Klaus I unlocked my phone and I saw the text said: "can we can talk"  and "Love answer me" I said at 10 I have to go somewhere I got up I went to the closet and picked out a yellow and white floral crop top shirt then I picked out a yellow and white floral leggings I put on yellow and white flower shoes I then got in the the shower for 10 minutes once I got out I brushed my teeth and went into my room I got dressed and put on my shoes then I went back in the restroom I straighten my hair and put a yellow and white headband on I went into my room I grabbed my keys and purse I put it in there I grabbed my Airpods out of my purse and put them in and played cut it out by Tink I started running then my Airpods said call from I answered it I said hey Klauss firtly he said, "how are you?" I said well he said "why do I hear breathing? are you running ?" protectively I said no he said "Caroline," I said fine I'm bored whatever he said "whatever you say" then we hung up I drove to Family Dollar I went into the 3rd isle I saw when I walked in and I saw nails and I looked further in the isle and I saw what I was looking for it was clear lipgloss that said green apple it was in a sealed clear package I grabbed it I left the isle and went to the cashier and she said $1.20 I paid her that and I left then got back in my car then suddenly I felt my stomach hurting I put my hand on my stomach and suddenly passed out after that all I felt was someone carrying me I said Klaus they said "no I'm Marcel Gerald how do you know Klaus" I said he's my- I stopped myself he said "your what?" I said nothing was friends how do you know him? he said "we knew each other back in the day little vamp," I said put me down he said "no little vamp you passed out," I said I'm fine then he vamp sped us somewhere and put me in a bedroom and locked me inside he did know I'm a vampire so why did he take me? suddenly I heard a loud banging and I ran to the door and I knocked it down and went to the stairs which I saw Klaus and Marcel fighting I walk down the stairs and Klaus sees me and says "what are you doing here" I vamp next to him and say I passed out because I didn't do bed rest he said "ok well let's go Caroline" I said ok Klaus I have something to tell you he said "what?" I'm pregnant with your baby he faked looking shocked he said "no that's impossible!" I said, is it? your a hybrid he said "I am the only true hybrid but still it couldn't happen" he stepped closer to me and he heard 2 heartbeats I said now can we go? he said "it can't be true" and Marcel stood there bloody and Klaus said when we were in the car he said "sorry you had to see that" I said "Klaus I almost said something but I stopped myself and lied to him he said "good he didn't need to know I knew already then he got a call from Elijah Klaus said "hey" Elijah said "hey brother there's someone looking for you" he said "who?" Elijah said "Genevieve," Klaus said, "me and her haven't talked in months so what does she want from me ?" Elijah said "she came to see you" then we got to Klaus's house we got out of the car he said "once we get in the house go in my room," I said ok thinking what is going on today Klaus opened the door we vamp sped to Klaus's room and I thought his bed is really comfortable

Klaus's Pov 

I walked in the door Caroline vamp sped to my room then I saw her red hair blue like the ocean eyes I stepped closer to her and said what are you doing here? she said "to see you" I said really I mean we haven't talked in months she said "yes" I said get out of here now! then she said "Klaus why do you think I'm here," I said you want something what is it? she said "to be with you then all of sudden I saw Caroline walking downstairs Genevieve saw her and Caroline said "guess you don't have a thing for blondes anymore" then Genevieve cast a spell then Caroline and me passed out next thing I know I see Caroline and me chained up I said "where are we" she said "idk I woke up before you, can you break free?" I kept trying then I broke free and I set her free then I said "go love" she said "no I will help you" she said it in a protective way I could tell I stared at her for a while I could see her blushing and have a little smile I loved it but I brushed it off and she left but then I heard a sudden sound like someone had fell I walked and I saw Caroline on the floor and Genevieve standing there and she said "hello Nik" I said Genevieve what do you want from me she said "to kill her" I said if you lay a hand on her she said "what you'll rip me limb from limb" I said yes she said "Nik what do you want me to do?" I said to leave me and my - alone she said "girlfriend..." then I grabbed Caroline and vamp sped out once we got in the house I laid her in my bed for a moment I stared at her admiring how beautiful she was then Elijah said "brother where were you" I said my ex Genevieve Kidnapped us once we escaped I came here he said "what" I said yes brother he said "we need to stop her now if she thinks she can lay a finger on my family members and get away with it she is sadly mistaken" I said I know, I know then I said we need a plan he said "your right we have to think logically" then he yelled "Freya!" she ran to us once she finally did she was out of breath she said " you...want?" he said "we want you to sign the deed to our house so you can invite people in" she said "ok in the morning" then Caroline woke up and she stood infront of me 

Caroline's Pov 

I stood in front of Klaus I was thinking about how we kissed before I remember his blue-green ocean eyes I blushed I looked at how his dirty blonde hair simmered I almost leaned but then I backed away remembering how he hurt my friends me so I said bye Klaus thanks for saving me then I vamp sped home 

Rebekah's Pov

I saw Caroline leave I went to Klaus's room and said she's in love with you doofus don't mess it up he said "Caroline?" I said yes  he said "I mean she already told me that kinda because that was also the day we you know" I said what  then it dawned on me wait you guys had sex that day he said "yeah we're having a baby" I said besides that she has feelings for you she might not know what to do with them but  they are there and your ex coming back isn't helping at all brother he said "I don't know if what you say is entirely truthfully sister one minute she tells me one another it's just a plan to help her friends the one thing I'm sure wasn't to help her friends was when I found out she was pregnant" I said Klaus trust is key but you already know that are you ok he gulped and said "yes sister why wouldn't I be me and the girl I love got kidnapped by a girl that's my ex and really wasn't even that if was just sex lord what is with woman" I laughed and I left 

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