YOURE WHAT???||A Starlight x...

By ferniethegirl

886 16 6

cover art not mine! this fic features.. Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Apple Jack Rarity Fluttershy... More

Waking Up (Twilights POV)
Starlight, talk to me. (Cadences POV)
Scavenger hunt setup (Pinkies POV)
Authors Note

The Scavenger hunt [Sunbursts POV]

176 4 4
By ferniethegirl

As my car pulled into the driveway I noticed something taped to the front door, once I parked I got out to make sure it wasn't an evction notice, thankfully it wasn't, it was a note from Sunset, it read

"Welcome to Starlights surprise scavenger hunt, this is your first clue, in this isle at the store with the red dot, you'll find things you'd typically find in the room of an infant, your next clue will be hiding underneath a shelf

Happy hunting!

Sunset" I stared at it, "A scavenger hunt eh? Nothing we cant solve, to Trixies car!" Trixie spoke up, my car was out of gas, Discord dosen't drive and Shining cant drive at night so we all piled into Trixies car and headed to Target to look for our next clue, we found it taped under a shelf full of baby toys, Trixie read the next note aloud, it was in bright purple colored pencil, and had multiple grammar mistakes, but she read it anyway

"Folow the sun with the W, you're next clu is tapd on a box with a crib insid!

Screwball :)" Trixie laughed and turned to Discord as she shoved the paper in her pocket "Looks like you have alot of spelling to teach Screwy" all of us laughed at that as we headed to walmart, and sure enough, there it was taped to a box of a crib, this note was from Rarity, it read

"To find your next clue, go to the place to get gas, beneath some gummies youll find the note! Your mini hint is that it is minus one letter of the nickname Shelly

Good luck darlings!
Rarity ♡" I thought for a moment, "Shell gas station! That's where the next clue is! Comeon!" We piled back into the car and pulled up at the gas station, and went to the candy isle, sure enough under some mint gummy candies [Starlights favorite might I add] the next note was there, this one was in blue pencil, a few spelling mistakes here and there nothing as bad as Screwballs though, it read

"Pul up to pump 10, their on the screen you wil see the next clue!

McDonalds oreo mcflurry heart" We all laughed at how Shinings daughter nicknamed herself, and went out to gas pump ten, to get the next note, this one seemed to be in Twilights handwriting,

"Well well well! You found the next clue! To find clue 6 head home and straight up, first bathroom on the left and down the sink you'll find it!

Happy hunting!

Princess Twilight Sparkle" We got back into Trixies car and went home, we went upstairs into Shining and Cadences bathroom, and under the sink taped to a box of pregnancy tests was the next note, this one was from Cadance

"To find your next clue head downstairs to the kitchen, taped inside one of the cabinets will be the seventh clue.

Have fun looking!

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza" We went to the kitchen and began our search, about 5 minutes later Trixie said, "Found it!" This one was from Fluttershy it read

"Your final clue is upstairs, in Yours (Sunburst) and Starlights bedroom, taped to the wall is the final clue and prize,


Fluttershy" We all rushed upstairs into mine and Starlights room where the final note awaited us, it was from Starlight herself, it read

"Congrats, your prize is below, see you soon Mr. Father to be!

Your loving fiance

Starlight Glimmer" And below it.. a positive pregnancy test, I was shocked and happy at the same time, the others were congratulating me, all I did was simply, smile.

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