Voldemort's Daughter

By Lunabri1317

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Bri Riddle knew she was different from the rest of the shabby grey orphanage. Dumbledore decides to give her... More

Information and Acknowledges
Chapter 1 A Riddle Orphan Girl
Chapter 2 Diagon Alley
Chapter 3 Hogwarts Express
Chapter 4 Sorting Ceremony

Chapter 6 Lessons

24 1 1
By Lunabri1317

The fire burned my skin as I tried to run. Screaming on my knees, I looked up to see Harry looking straight at me, his green eyes bore into mine. He was scared, tired and in pain, I could see the fire that surrounded me in his eyes knowing he couldn't save me.

"Bri!" I heard Harry yell before the flames and darkness consumed me.

I woke up sweating. Wincing as I moved to sit up, my dream felt so real and the fire had felt so hot. Glancing at the clock I decided to get up even though it was only 5 o'clock in the morning. Today decisions would have to be made. I grabbed my books for the day and my journal before heading into the common room. I wrote down possibilities that would be able to get me through the next few years covering things that could go wrong and what would be best for everyone around me as well as myself. At 7 o'clock I finally went back to my room had a shower and got dressed into my school uniform and robes then headed down to breakfast.

The early risers were headed into the great hall just as I arrived. I sat down at the Slytherin table at the very end close to the doors of the great hall. As I sat down Professor Snape came over and handed me my timetable.

"Your timetable Bri. After our first class I will talk to you about extra classes with me." He drawled slowly. He then turned before I could reply to keep handing out other's timetables.

Looking at my timetable I started to memorise it as I ate my French toast.

Schedule Year 1: Slytherin: Bri

Breakfast is at 7:30 am till 8:50 am.
Lunch is at 11:45 am till 12:45 pm.
Dinner is at 7:35 pm till 8:35 pm.
While there is no set 'Lights Out', I have the student in bed by 10:00 pm.

Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Potions
9:55 am till 11:35 am: Free Time
Class 2: 12:55 pm till 1:40 pm: Free Period
Class 3: 1:50 pm till 2:35 pm: History of Magic
2:45 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time

Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Charms
9:55 am till 10:40 am: Free Time
Class 2: 10:50 am till 11:35 am: Defense Against the Dark Arts
12:55 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time

Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Potions
9:55 am till 11:35 am: Free Time
Class 2: 12:55 pm till 1:40 pm: Transfiguration
1:50 pm till 3:30 pm: Free Time
Class 3: 3:40 pm till 4:25 pm: Flying
4:35 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time

Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Charms
9:55 am till 11:35 am: Free Time
Class 2: 12:55 pm till 1:40 pm: Magical Theory
1:50 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time

Class 1: 9:00 am till 9:45 am: Potions
Class 2: 9:55 am till 10:40 am: Potions
Class 3: 10:50 am till 11:35 am: Herbology
12:55 pm till 7:25 pm: Free Time
Class 4: 12:10 am till 12:55 am: Astronomy

Quidditch Game: 2:45 pm till end of game.

Free Day

After finishing my breakfast quickly, I headed off to grab my books for the day from my room then headed to the study hall, where I met Hermione which obviously meant I would be having potions with the Gryffindor's. I waved at Hermione as I walked up to her.

"Oh hi- Bri right?" She greeted me brightly.

"Yes, you're Hermione? You ended up in Gryffindor, right?" I asked her nodding.

"Yes, and you ended up in Slytherin, I wish we had ended up in the same house, I bet we will be great friends."

"I would love to your friend Hermione, I've never had a real friend before."

"Well, now you do." She grinned at me as we headed into the potion classroom as it was almost time to start. I sat next to Hermione. Harry sat down next to me with Ron following shortly after about 10 minutes later.

"Hi Harry, how are you this morning?" I turned towards harry as he sat down.

"Good thanks, you?" He replied with a grin.

"I'm good. I can't wait to learn potions, I've read and studied everything in the text book already, I just hope Professor Snape is a good teacher, I've heard all sorts of things about him."

"I'm not sure what I'll like yet." Harry replied slightly frowning.

"That's okay, you have the rest of our years here to figure that out." He grinned again at me, his mood shifting as I started talking about other classes I was looking forward to and some extra curriculum classes I was going to be taking in my free time, like art and music. I also told him about my deal with Dumbledore leaving out the part about being Voldemort's daughter obviously. Harry and I compared out timetables we have potions, charms and flying together.

As 9 o'clock came around, Professor Snape waltzed into the class, banging the doors with his robe swishing around him as he stopped at the front of the class. When his eyes met mine briefly he directed his gaze onto Harry that immediately hardened into hatred.

"Ah, yes, Harry Potter. Our new- celebrity." Professor Snape said slowly making Draco and the other Slytherin's in the class laugh. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making, as there is little foolish wand waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with it's shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death." He drawled.

I glanced beside me at Harry who was taking notes, Hermione seemed to be on the edge on her seat listening intently.

"Potter! What would I get if I added powered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry completely looked confused, I on the hand was trying to go through my memory, I knew I had read it somewhere. Hermione's hand was shot up in the air. Ron looked just as baffled as Harry.

"I don't know, sir." Harry whispered embarrassed.

"Tut, tut- clearly fame isn't everything."

I wrote the answer on my scroll of paper.

Makes a sleeping potion known as the Draught of Living Death.

I pushed the paper over to Harry and nudged him. His eyes widened and then he thanked me quietly.

"What was that Potter." Professor Snape snapped.

"Um, the answer to your answer is it makes a sleeping potion known as the Draught of Living Death."

"Who helped you?" He bore his gaze into Harry before he turned his attention to Hermione, "Did you Miss Granger?"

"No." Hermione stated confused.

"Then it must have been you Bri."

"Yes, Harry didn't know the answer so I helped him. You were trying to embarrass him, how is he supposed to remember that, I bet not many people would be able to actually answer it. I hope you can put your hatred aside back where you found it Harry hasn't done anything to you." I answered back calmly and in a similar drawling tone as Snape normally uses. People gasped and started whispering about me.

"If your so smart then Bri, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" Snape smugly replied.

"A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons."

"What is the difference between monkshood and wolfs-bane?" He counted back at me, his smug look dropping into a thin frown. At this stage Hermione's hand was stretched all the way up and she was barely in her seat. Harry and Ron were both looking confused, bewildered and impressed all at once.

"Monkshood and Wolfs-bane are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite." I answered confidently.

Snape looked at me quite impressed before covering his emotions back into his cold stone look.

"Get your hand down girl," He shot at Hermione. "10 points to Slytherin for answering correctly. 5 points from Gryffindor for having help with the first question.

"Sorry Harry," I whispered to Harry, "I didn't mean to make you lose house points."

"It's ok, thanks for helping me."

"He would have done it probably anyway, hates Gryffindor's he does." Ron mumbled to Harry and I.

After the class I ended up speaking with Professor Snape about extra lessons and he gave me a ton of homework to complete. The rest of the day and weeks flew by quickly, I had successfully gotten work from all my teachers and extra lessons, I also had a few meetings with Dumbledore. I grew quite close to Harry, Ron and Hermione although Ron wasn't very happy with Hermione always saying how she's a know it all.

After potions I had History of magic that was pretty boring that I had with the Hufflepuff's, Professor Binns was a ghost that was said to have died in his sleep and got up as a ghost not even realising he had died.

Tuesday, I had charms with Professor Flitwick with the Gryffindors, then Defense against the dark arts with Professor Quirrell and Hufflepuff. Whenever I was around Quirrell he gave me a weird feeling, one that I did not like at all.

On Wednesday I had potions then Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall with the Ravenclaws. I quite enjoyed transfiguration. My last class of the day was flying with the Gryffindors. Flying class was filled with drama from Draco constantly having ago at Harry, Neville lost control of his broom and broke his wrist so Madame Hooch had to take him to the hospital wing. Draco then found Neville's Remembrall and Harry chased after him.

I followed Harry on my broom, I saw Harry race to the remembrall and Draco followed him as Harry caught it.

"Harry, here." I shouted. Harry threw the remembrall to me, I caught it and swerved around Draco as I headed back down. "Good job Harry." I grinned at him as he came to stand beside me.

"Nice catch." He replied grinning back at me.


"Mr Potter and Bri will you please follow me." Professor McGonagall had a straight look on her face with a small hidden smile. Harry and I followed her after giving each other a brief look. She took us to the Defense against the dark arts classroom.

"Professor Quirrell can I please borrow Wood and Flint for a few moments." After the two boys came out of the classroom McGonagall continued excitement sparking in her voice. "This is Oliver Wood and this is Marcus Flint. Wood I have found you a new seeker and Flint if you have room for Bri, she will make an exceptional chaser."

Flint looked at me and scoffed, "But she's so small."

"Hey, idiot, I'm literally right here. And for your information size can be used in many ways, my small size and lightness will make it easier to get the quaffle quickly and more efficiently as I would be able to weave my 'small' frame across the pitch. I have read up on the rules as well, I know what can and cannot happen and the loopholes." I smirked at Flint as he gave me a baffled look then gave me a smirk back.

"Ok, I like you kid, you're in."

Thursday, I had charms and magical theory.

Then Friday I had double potions and Herbology and Astronomy.

The rest of the days and weeks flew by quickly, I had successfully gotten work from all my teachers and extra lessons, I also had a few meetings with Dumbledore. In my free time I did my homework and I grew quite close to Harry, Ron and Hermione although Ron wasn't very happy with Hermione always saying how she's a know it all.

Thursday the 31st of October Halloween day arrived quickly but we still had class to attend. I was seated next to Hermione who had Ron on her other side in Charms class.

"One of wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation, the ability to make objects fly. Do you all have your feathers? Good, now, well don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, the swish and flick, everyone." Professor Flitwick addressed the class. This was gonna to be quite easy for me, Professor Flitwick had already taught me that spell a couple weeks ago, but I had to pretend in front of my class mates that didn't know.

"Swish and Flick." Everyone chanted waving their wands.

"Good now enunciate Wingardium Leviosa, off you go then." Flitwick praised and told everyone.

All around me people were struggling to levitate their feather's. Ron looked like he was going to hurt someone if he continued to wave his wand. Hermione must have thought the same.

"Stop, stop, you're going to take someone's eye out, besides you're saying it wrong it's Wing-gar-dium Levi-O-sa, not Levio-sa." Hermione stated.

"Go ahead you do it then, if you're so clever." Ron retorted back.

Hermione cleared her throat, said the spell and her feather floated perfectly in the air. Ron stared glumly looking like he just got hit in the guts.

"Oh, look at that everyone, Miss Granger's done it." Flitwick beamed happily as he awarded Hermione house points.

"Oh, Ron. You should know by now not to say that shouldn't you." I laughed at him.

"Oh, Shut up Bri.

As Hermione and I started to head off to our next classes, we caught onto Ron complaining about Hermione again. Ron was starting to piss me off about he talked about her.

"It's Levi-O-sa, not Levio-sa. She's a nightmare honestly, no wonder she doesn't have any friends." Ron continued complaining. Hermione shoved Ron as she walked past him sniffing and trying to hold back tears.

"I think she heard you." Harry muttered.

"Yeah, no shit. Ron how dare you, Hermione was trying to help you in class now your repaying her by bullying her. I thought you were better than that, you don't like it when Draco says things about you. And for your information Ron, I'm Hermione's friend. You had better apologise to her. I better go find her now, no thanks to you."


"I'm not the one you need to say that to." I snapped at him as I turned around to go find where Hermione.

Heading into the girl's bathroom after searching everywhere else I could think of that included, class, library, great hall and I even had one of the Gryffindor girls Lavender Brown check Hermione's room, I finally found her crying in one of the stalls.

"Hermione. It's me, Bri. Can you please come out or at least open the door? Don't let Ron get in your head okay Hermione. He's just being a prat because your smarter than him. Just you wait, he'll be begging for your help one day." I sat on the floor with my back against the wall next to the cubicle. "We'll have each other, we can study and practice together, go to the library and read through all the books. We can have girl talks and when we get older maybe whisper about our crushes." I heard her giggle at that, I grinned at her laugh. "I'll be here for you mione. Even if things go wrong you can always come to me. I promise."

I heard her open the door. I quickly got up on the floor and threw my arms around her pulling her into a hug. I half laughed and half cried in my embrace as I just held onto her waiting for her to pull away when she needs to. I took her pinkie finger and hooked it around mine as I stared at her showing my honesty.

"I Bri, promise to protect, help, support and be friends with you Hermione. No matter what happens, let me tell you my truth's before believing lies and rumours including reasons for those secrets and I'll do the same for you. I swear."

"I thought we weren't supposed to swear." Hermione laughed at me blinking away more tears.

I laughed as I rolled my eyes, "This is a different swear it's like accepting to withhold a promise or truth."

"Okay. I Hermione, promise to listen to you, help you and be your friend too. I swear." I nodded, I wrapped her into another hug. I looked at the time seeing that it was dinner time.

"Do you feel like going to feast, we could even probably sit together, if anyone says something about it I'll deal with them." She nodded slowly thinking, before laughing.

"I thought I was the Gryffindor. I'm supposed to be the brave one."

"You are brave but Slytherin's can be brave too. Besides I having ambition, resourcefulness and cunning ways to deal with people." I grinned at her, she just grinned back before shaking her head amused.

"Watch out." Hermione and I both screamed as a troll swung its gigantic club at us.

"How on earth did a troll get in here. In this school is nuts." I muttered as I ducked shoving Hermione down out the way pushing her towards the sinks.

Harry and Ron decided they would make an appearance, looking them in the eyes I glared at them if it wasn't for Ron we wouldn't have even been here in the first place.

"Do something!" Hermione squealed the troll swung at her again.

Harry grabbed hold onto the troll's club and somehow ended up on it's back with his wand stuck up it's nose. I was conflicted between laughing and disgusted at the sight. I pushed the feeling down as we were still in danger.

"Ron, swish and flick." Hermione instructed him.

"Wingardium Levi-o-sa." The club rose out of the troll's hand as Ron whimpered out the spell. At the same time, I shouted a spell too.

"Petrificus Totalus." The troll then fell backwards landing heavily on his back. Harry only just got out of the way in time not to be squashed. He then went and pulled his wand out of the troll's nose.

"Urgh, Troll bogies." Harry grimaced disgusted as he cleaned his wand.

Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Professor Quirrell all came running into the bathroom looking horrified.

"Well, look who finally turned up. Would have been more helpful 5 minutes ago when we all almost died." I scoffed sarcastically. They all blinked at me.

"Oh my goodness. Explain yourselves, both of you." Mcgonagall gasped looking at Harry and Ron, ignoring my previous comment.

"Sorry it's my fault Professor McGonagall." Hermione cut off the boys attempts at trying to say an excuse.

"Miss Granger." Mcgonagall looked completely shocked at this outcome.

"I went looking for the troll. I've read all about them and thought I could handle it but I was wrong," I could see what Hermione was doing, taking the blame to get them out of trouble.

"I too thought I could help, seeing as I've been practicing advanced magic." I interrupted, I was gonna be damned if I let Hermione take the fall by herself. Hermione glanced at me slightly with a small grin.

"If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found us we'd probably be dead." Hermione stated.

"Harry and Hermione distracted the troll, Ron used the levitation charm on it's club and I used the body-bind curse to paralyse it." I finished.

"Well, I would have expected more rational behaviour on your parts. 5 points will be taken from both Gryffindor and Slytherin for your serious lack of judgements. But I will award you all 5 points each, so 15 to Gryffindor and 5 points to Slytherin for sheer dumb luck. I hope you all realise how fortunate you are not many first-year students could take down a fully-grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale." She then turned around and headed out of the bathroom, we all quickly followed not wanting to be around the troll any longer.

I then parted ways with them and headed off to bed.

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