Paranoia | Stiles Stilinski

بواسطة notdaisyloll

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✧🜸✰✵☆♡︎ STILES STILINSKI /TEEN WOLF | SEASON TWO- SEASON SIX | Stiles stilinski x fem Started- 3/28/2022 Pu... المزيد

i. omega
ii. shaped shifted
iv. abomination
v. venomous
vi. frenemy
vii. restraint
viii. raving
ix. party guessed
x. red door
xi. fury
xii. rage
xiii. battledfield
xiv. master plan
xv. tattoo
xvi. eloise
xvii. you and me
xviii. chaos raising
xix. firefiles
xx. unleashed
xxi. frayed
xxii. motel california
xxiii. currents
xxiv. the girl who knew to much
xxv. the overlooked
xxvi. alpha pact 'nd lunar eclipse
xxvii. transition
xxviii. hybrid
xxix. anchors
xxx. more bad than good
xxxi. galvanize
xxxii. illuminated
xxxiii. sliverfinger
xxxiv. riddled
xxxv. letharia vilpina
xxxvi. echo house
xxxvii. the fox and the wolf
xxxviii. de void
xxxix. insatiable
xl. the divine move
xli. the dark moon
xlii. 117
xliii. muted
xliv. the benefactor
xlv. I.E.D.
xlvi. orphaned
xlvii. weaponized
xlviii. time of death
xlix. perishable
l. monstrous
li. a promise to the dead
lii. smoke and mirrors
liii. creatures of the night
liv. parasomnia
lv. dreamcatchers
lvi. condition terminal
lvii. a novel approach
lviii. required reading
lix. strange frequencies
lx. ouroboros
lxi. lies of omission

iii. ice pick

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بواسطة notdaisyloll

| 𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗉𝗂𝖼𝗄

"I hate rock climbing , makes me feel like a monkey." Hayley glared up at the two teens who were half way up from climbing.

"It's not so bad." Lydia Martin tells the girl, Hayley scoffs crossing her arms over her chest. "Easy for you to say, you don't have to climb." Allison smiles over at the shorter girl.

It was true, the Martin girl always made up an excuse to not climb the wall, something about just getting her nails done or getting her monthly period. "...that's—that's not true, uh, not all the time."

"Argent! McCall! You're up." Coach Finstock announces, making the hunter and the werewolf make their way towards the rock wall, but first had to wear the hardness to protect themselves.

"You know, you're a werewolf it wouldn't be that hard." Stiles whispered in her ear, he briefly close his eyes taking in her scent, she smelled like roses. He loved it.

"Yeah, I know." Hayley mumbles, making the boy snapped out of his day dream. Hayley always been in love with the boy since third grade, but neither of them knew that they both had the same feelings, the werewolf previously grew a crush on Jackson Whittemore in the fifth grade but that went away when they hit six grade and they became friends.

Just as stiles was going to say something a loud bang kept him from saying anything, Scott had dropped hitting the mat below him, Hayley glanced up at Allison who wore a proud smile.

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Couch Finstock laughs at the McCall boy, "right?"

"All right, next two. McRae! Stilinski!" Coach turned around to face them, Hayley groans hissing beneath her breath, she hated being paired up with Stiles because he always had to win at everything.

"I'm going to win, again." Stiles giggled like a little boy, wrapping the harness around his body, Hayley doing the same as they began to climb the wall.

"Let's see about that." Hayley mutters, placing her foot onto the yellow rock then onto another, their friends knew how competitive they both were especially if they were going against each other.

"You know, I know that you always let me win at these." Stiles was right beside her, Hayley furrowed shaking her head, denying.

"No, I don't let you win, in fact just to prove it I'm going to reach the top." Hayley smirked climbing faster, Stiles stared up at her with his jaw dropped.

"That's what I'm talking about! McRae!" Couch Finstock praises with a huge smile on his face.

Stiles wasn't going to mess up his strike of winning this time,  Hayley glances down at him for a second seeing that she was almost at the top when, she felt a hand wrap around her ankle.

"Stiles? What are you doing?" Hayley stops climbing  for a moment turning her head to see what the boy was up to now.

"Winning." Stiles smirked, out of the blink of her eye, the teen had yanked her foot down, Hayley eyes widen loosing her balance falling down onto the mat with a groan.

"Other year, and other fail." Coach shakes his head in disappointment, Hayley glared at the teen who was laughing his head off.

"No, that's not truth." Hayley tugs her t-shirt off her body, standing in front of her open locker in the girls locker room, Allison Argent scoffs tugging a new shirt over her head.

"Oh, that's is such a lie, you are telling me that you a werewolf let Stiles, our friend who is afraid of begin blind. You can't tell me that you just magically let him beat you."

Allison Argent had become one of Hayley closest friends, she considered her a sister. The werewolf loved her to death, if she had to she will most definitely kill for her, she didn't care at what cost.

"Really, so you didn't see Stiles yank me down from the wall making drop and land on my ass." Hayley chuckles, tugging over a new t-shirt over her head. "You're right, I let him win." She smiles cheekily.

Allison smiles at her friend, when Hayley suddenly snapped her head towards the door which lead outside to the empty hallway, the hunter grew concern and confuse. "What is it?"

The werewolf didn't have answer her when she fled the locker room, she ran down the hallway going into the gymnasium just in time for Scott McCall to catch Erica.

Allison rushed past her friend over to her boyfriend, the blonde girl eyes rolled to the back of her head. "Put her on her side, put her on her side."

Scott quickly did what he was told, Erica was shaking violently whilst gripping Scott's hand, Erica was having a seizure, Hayley stood behind them keeping a close on the girl, she never once through that her being a werewolf might actually begin to save someone's life.

"How's you know?" The huntress question her boyfriend out for curiosity and shocked, if no one would have heard the girl she would have been dead.

"I just felt it." Scott let the poor girl clutch onto his hand, Allison turned back to Hayley noticing the discomfort and confusion on her face.

"Got 'em." Stiles Stilinski had just gotten the keys from Boyd, someone Hayley knew from math class, the group decided that they wanted to go ice skating in the school.

"Pick you up right after work tonight and we'll meet at the rink, Hayley will meet up with Allison and Lydia, cool?" Stiles tells Scott, just as he was about to answer, everyone's attention turned to the door. Erica Reyes had walked in wearing a leather skirt in cheetah print heals, a leather jacket covering her white shirt, she looked like a brand new person.

Hayley watched as she approached a freshman taking a bite out from his apple with a innocent smirk on her face. "What the holy hell is that?" Lydia Martin stared at the new Erica, Hayley was too stunned to answer her, watching the blonde girl walked out the cafeteria.

"It's Erica." Scott's says, The two's boys scrambled out their seats following after the blonde girl.

"Why did she get a glow up like that?" Hayley says picking up her tray following Lydia, tossing her trash into the bin when she passed it.

"She probably got a call from mr brush and miss makeup." Lydia says in her own ways, Hayley opened her mouth to speak but couldn't find the word, instead she snickered.

Allison stop in front of her closet picking out a outfit for when they go ice skating, her brown eyes trailed off the to strawberry-blonde who was listening to music while taking selfies. "Hayley, how exactly did you know about Erica when we were on the other side of the gym?" Allison tucked in her lips, she been holding the question in since the locker room.

Hayley turns away from Lydia up to the hunter, she knew that she was going to get ask that sooner or later. "Uh, I just— I just knew, I hear her breathing and I just knew something was about to happen."

"Really? That's insane, so you can pretty much hear anything from a mile awhile, right? Imagine all the things you can do with that." Allison jumped onto the bed taking the werewolf hands into her, she was excited.

"Whoa, I—I'm still having trouble with my abilities, like everyday I wake up and think to myself that today might just be the day were I don't discover a new ability, and it honestly.. it scares me."

Allison gaze softened staring at her best friend, the hunter knew that Hayley was different from the other werewolves but she didn't know how different, she thinks that she might be stronger then the alpha, but it's just a theory.

"I feel it in my blood and I know, I know that I shouldn't feel like a different person because of this but— but I do." Hayley played with the bracelet on Allison wrist. "And when my mother died I discovered something I didn't know I could do, and now it happens when I get angry or when I upset because I... my— my family had just died that day."

"We don't have to talk about it, it's okay, just know that— that whenever you need me, just know that I am here, always and if somehow you discover what you are I won't judge you ever, you are my sister and my best friend."

Hayley smiles grasping the hunters hands before it they both pulled each other into their embrace, the werewolf would forever be grateful for Allison Argent, parting from the hug.

"God, I hope that whatever I find out about the other me wouldn't be like a... crow or something. I don't know- Ooh— or like a spider, ew." Hayley shivered. "Oh, my god, it could happen, that would mean that I will have eight legs."

Allison giggled at her friends ranting, her smile was so bright that her cheeks hurt from laughing, Hayley laughed along side her, when Chris Argent walked in hearing the two girls.

"Headed out?" The older hunter stared at his daughter, Allison turns to her father, her smile faded for a moment.

"Studying." Allison tells her father, Hayley tucked in her lips smiling at the older man, Chris Argent turn to his daughter, calling her over.

"Just studying dad."

Lydia removed her earbud, getting up off the chair over to Hayley. "Come on, take pictures with me." The girl tossed her arm over the werewolf shoulder tugging her down.

"Oh-" Hayley chuckled when they both fell back laughing hitting the mattress, the two Argent's turned to the girls, Allison smiled at them.

"She seems okay to me."

"Could it be any colder in here?" Lydia Martin rubs her hands over her black sweater, the group were at the ice staking ring in school, Hayley sat a few benches down from them.

Stiles glances over at Hayley with his mouth turning into 'o' he was debating whether to give Lydia Martin his coat, but Hayley didn't really care, she knows that Lydia didn't have feelings towards the boy.

"Here." Stiles reached into his bag pulling out a orange sweatshirt, handing it over to Lydia.

Lydia stared down at the sweatshirt then up at him."I'm wearing blue. Orange and blue not a good combination."

"But it's the colors of the Mets." Stiles tells her jaw dropping, Hayley chucked from below knowing what the sport meant to the boy, Lydia gave him the look.

"I'm gonna do some warm ups." The strawberry blonde stood up from the bench, carefully making her way onto the ice.

"Stiles, you should know by now that Lydia doesn't do miss match outfits." Hayley tied up her laces, Stiles scoffs moving down to sit right behind her.

"It's not like I'm trying to impress her, I was just doing something nice." Stiles says, turning over to reach into his bag pulling out his candy of Reese's Pieces, he held it over her shoulder, she eyes the candy then up at Stiles, taking the candy with a grin. Stiles smiles, pleased with himself.

"The last time I went ice skating was with my dad, for my fourteen birthday. He didn't know how to stake." Hayley laughed at the memory.

Stiles stood in the middle of the ice, he watched as his crush spin around, her brown locks flew in the air as she made a spin, the smile on his grew much bigger, Hayley stopped for a moment turning to Stiles, who stood there froze in his spot.

"Stiles?" Hayley staked towards the teen, her eyebrows furrowed waving her hand back and forth across his face. "Stiles!"

The Stilinski boy snapped out of his daze, seeing how close the girl was to him, he stumbled back, before he realized he had slipped back landing on his butt.

"Oh, my— are you okay?" Hayley hovered above his head, Stiles groaned, he eyes met up to her brown ones, he nods with a smile. "Okay, good."

Hayley helped him off the ice, as they both staked around the ring, holding into each other's hands to keep them from slipping and hitting the hard ice.

"Have you ever thought about what Lydia might be?" Stiles leaned back against the wall next to the vending machine, Hayley pursed her lips slowly shaking her head. "You know, since the bite didn't effect her?"

The werewolf crossed her arms letting her dollar get taken by the machine. "Well, not really but whatever she might be, we can help her through it and it won't change how we see her."

Hayley pressed d7 for powdered donuts. "I mean this is Lydia we are talking about, she can't handle all on her own." Stiles tells her, he didn't want to doubt the Martin girl but after what Jackson told him he couldn't help but think that he might be right.

Hayley bends down to grab the powdered donuts, suddenly the silence was interrupted with someone screaming. "Lydia." Hayley completely forgets about the snack making her way back into the ice ring.

"Lydia!" Hayley scrambled down to the ground wrapping her arms around the girl, Lydia screams dialed down for a moment, the brunette girl glanced over at Scott and Allison who were confused as her.

Scott had told Stiles and Hayley to go over to Boyd's house, they had to check if he was home and he wanted to know if Derek hadn't come for him to change him into a werewolf.

"Hey! Boyd!" Stiles banged on the door, checking through the window beside the door. "Hey, Boyd? It's Stiles."

"It doesn't look like he's home—" Hayley turns around only to find the new beta, Erica standing right before her right. "God!"

"Oh, you're like everywhere, do you like own a time machine?" Stiles sassed her, Hayley smiled softly at the boy before turning back to Erica.

"What are you doing here, Stiles?" The blonde werewolf smiled sweetly at the boy, completely ignoring Hayley's presents, making the girl roll her eyes.

"Uh, nothing, we was just looking for... um." Stiles glances at Hayley but the girl eyes stayed glue on Erica, if she was looking at Stiles the way she was looking at Erica, he wish he was dead.

"Boyd." Erica innocently says.

"Yeah, yes, Boyd." Stiles says, looking straight into her hazel eyes, the boy refused to fall for her tricks and look anywhere else.

"You know what's you're doing right now, that's kind funny?" Erica giggled, Stiles only shook his head. "You're only looking in my eyes." She smirks.

Hayley turns back to Stiles, she was right, he didn't look anywhere but her eyes. "That's funny?" The boy questions.

"Well, yeah, because it's that kind of look where you're trying not to look anywhere other than my eyes, but you want to don't you?" Erica tilted her head to the side.

Hayley stood back watching the boy freeze up. "You want a long, hard look." Erica stepped closer to him, Stiles closed his eyes before he shrugs, opening them and shook his head denying.

"Not really, no."

"Oh, so it's just my eyes?"

"You have beautiful eyes." Stiles gulps, Erica chuckled stepping back away from him, leaving space between them. "I have beautiful everything." Erica corrected.

"Okay, Erica what do you want, because i don't think you came all the way here to show us your huge— glow up." Hayley says, making the Blonde lose her smile and glare at the werewolf.

"We should be going." Stiles sighs, grabbing Hayley hands making his way down the steps but was pushed back by Erica.

"You're not going anywhere."

"You might just want to get your hands off him." Hayley growled, her eyes flashed yellow, Erica smiled dropped slightly, the werewolf had been told by Derek about Hayley and how different she was from all of them.

"I wish I could, but Stiles is having car trouble." Erica held the engine mount in her hand, she then punched Stiles in the face with it, knocking him out cold.

"You bitch." Hayley went to charge towards her but the blonde held up her hand blowing some kind of different powdered towards her face, Hayley coughed gasping falling to the ground, before she passed out.

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