So I'm a Twin-Tail Warrior No...

By TrapMaster20

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Y/n was a standard Kuudere until he and a few of his classmates, along with their teacher, were killed due to... More

Prologue - A World Changer... Literally
1 - The Inevitable Encounter
2 - A Class Reunion
The Reincarnated Bios
3 - First Day with the Black Eagles

4 - A Bizarre Dream

939 36 5
By TrapMaster20

No one's POV

We see Y/n looking very nervous, as he had just learned about the mock battle through his classmates the day before. And by that, I mean the night before there would be only two days left for Y/n to train.

Y/n: Wait, we're actually going to be fighting each other?! I can't kill you guys!?!?!

Amie: Yeah, we should've seen this coming.

Jonah: That's exactly why I told you right after we learned Y/n was our classmate that we needed to tell him about this! But no, you waited until the last freaking second to tell him this, and now he's scared shitless for his life and the wellbeing of the other reincarnations!

Amie: You know very well I don't do jack shit when someone tells me to do it!

Jonah: *sigh* Leave it to me to explain shit. It's not a like those Death Battles that you've seen on YouTube, Y/n. It's just a little test meant to gauge the current progress of all the houses.

Y/n: Oh...

Amie: And with what we've learned about you, there's a high chance that you're GOING to have to be in it.

Y/n: What?!

Jonah: It is kinda what you get for coming in at this time.

Y/n: It's not my fault I was reincarnated later than all of you!!! I still don't even know why that's the case!!!

Jonah: *sigh* You don't have to worry, man. All of us have gone through some seriously strict training. We're prepared for anything that comes our way. So don't hold back on the others just because they were our classmates in our previous lives. We should be able to take the pain you bring.

Y/n: O-okay...

Amie: Oh, and some words of advice. While you're in the mock battle, be aware of anything suspicious coming from Claude. He may say he'll fight fair and square, but that's a giant lie. He said the same thing it last year. In the end, he made Ms. Stewart slip and fall, which critically injured her back. Rhea had him on cleaning duty until she fully recovered, and that was for almost eleven whole months!

Y/n: Thanks... I'll keep that in mind. Well, I'm going to be heading to bed.

Amie: See you tomorrow morning!

Y/n then heads to bed, and falls to sleep, but tonight won't be a normal night for our young protagonist.

Location: ???

Y/n's POV

I open my eyes, and I find myself in a wasteland.

Y/n: Where the heck am I...?

Suddenly, a sword comes right for my head, but instead of killing me, it goes right through me. I can manage my body to turn around, as I see the Knights of Serios fighting off a horde of bandits, as I see a women who looks like Rhea cutting down some of these foes as fire arrows come down from the sky.

Y/n: *panting*

As the women cuts down one of her foes, another pulls out a very odd looking axe and attacks her with it, but she blocks it. Another bandit goes to attack, but a dragon appears, and starts burning the area.

Unknown Person: Run!

I try to run, but my body still refuses to move. However, just like the sword, it phases through me. Suddenly, another giant beast appears behind me, and takes down some of the bandits. As this happens, I see a hooded figure with dark mages standing behind them, attacking the woman from before.

???: Seiros!

The woman, who I now know is Seiros then somehow turns into a freaking dragon?!


As a series of explosions occur, Seiros attacks the mages, but before anything can happen, everything stops.

Y/n: What the...?

???: I'm sorry, but since you're only using a fraction of the power I've blessed you with, and since our time's almost up, I couldn't show you everything that I wanted to.

I turn around and am shocked to see a very familiar face walking towards me.

Y/n: Twoearle?!

Twoearle?: I do look like Twoearle, but I am not the one you know of. Be careful, Y/n. I reincarnated you differently from your classmates because I didn't want you to end up blinded like the others. Someone needs to know the truth of this world! What's happened to the once pristine land!

Y/n: What does that mean?!

Twoearle?: I can't answer that now, as I mentioned recently, we're running out of time. Do not be afraid, Y/n. You are not alone in this fight. I will protect you...

I try to reach for the girl that looks like Twoearle, and her hand touches mine, everything fades to black, as I hear her voice again.

Twoearle?: My Hero!!

*Outside of Y/n's Dream*

Time of Day: Morning

No one's POV

We see all the students heading to their classes, ready for the mock battle, when suddenly, an powerful earthquake occurs, causing many of the students to panic, and with Rhea, left worried. After the earthquake dies down, soldiers from the church search the outside, trying to find who did it, and as Seteh looks around the student's dorms, as Rhea was worried that something might have happened in a student's quarters, he finds nothing, but when he makes it to Y/n's room, and enters it, he's shocked.

Seteh: What the...?! How did this even happen?!

The reason he's shocked? Y/n, who despite not being perfectly fine in bed, was somehow covered in burn marks, cuts, and all sorts of magical injuries.

*Time-skip brought to you by*

It's the day after the earthquake/mock battle We now see Y/n laying down in the nurse's office, somehow still asleep, with Professor Manuela keeping an eye on him. Seteth and Rhea then come in, wanting to check on Y/n's condition.

Seteth: Manuela, how is Y/n's condition?

Manuela: Well, it's improving, which is always a good thing. However, the type of injuries I noticed on his body is what really confused me.

Rhea: What injuries did you see?

Manuela: Multiple sword slashes all across his body, burn marks from magic I've never seen before, and some minor injuries from debris.

Seteth: But how is that possible? Y/n wasn't fighting anyone, so the fact that he even ended up with these injuries...

Manuela: That's what I can't seem to figure out. It's mind boggling to think that this sort of event happened within the Monastery.

The turn to hear Y/n groan and slowly opening his eyes.

Y/n: *groans* Where... am I...?

Rhea: You are the infirmary, Y/n. You've been unconscious for a least one day.

Y/n: I-I see...

Y/n: I was asleep for 24 hours?! I'm still confused on what happened during that battle!

Y/n: Well, I should be heading-

Y/n tries to get out of the bed, but his body flinches in pain.

Y/n: OWowowowowowowowowowowow!

Manuela: Y/n, I think it'd be best if you rested here for a few days. Your body is in immense pain, and your wounds haven't fully healed yet.

Y/n: But... what about the mock battle?

Seteth: I understand your worry. However, as Rhea did mention, the mock battle was yesterday.

Y/n: Ah... I guess I was a little out of it still...

Rhea: Still, I am happy to see you recovering. Please take the next few days off so you can recover. Fighting with injuries like yours will only hinder you.

Y/n: O-Okay. Thank you, Lady Rhea.

Rhea and Seteth then leave the room. Manuela goes with, since she has her class to teach, leaving Y/n still confused about the entire dream, and a little panicked, since he's noticed something big when he looked at Rhea and Seteth.

Y/n: What I saw in that dream... It must've been real... But then... why does Rhea and Seteth look like Serios and that one guy who had warned her of the attack? What's going on? What am I missing here?!

Y/n then grabs a glass of water that was near his current bed, and takes a sip of it, saying one thing to himself.

Y/n: Whatever's going on.... I need to investigate it. I need to find answers to my questions! What truths is the church hiding? What lies is the world being led to believe? I need to figure these out, right now!

Y/n then tries to get up, but after feeling another amount of intense pain, he then lies back onto the bed and sighs.

Y/n: Okay... Maybe not right now... Maybe after I recover from all of this... Yeah... Then I'll start my investigation...

To Be Continued...

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