PraNish- A tale of selfless l...

By Leaf_singing

8.6K 417 246

'out of all the souls in this world, I'm glad that you're mine.' πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ . . . Category- LGBTQ+ 🌈 . . . This... More

The Second encounter
From strangers to Friends
The Decision
Money Task
The 3rd Wheel
You're My Weakness
Home Sweet Home
The Uninvited Guests
(Love) Triangle? (part-1)
(Love) Triangle? (Part-2)
(Love) Triangle? (Part - 3)
The Christmas Eve
Just Friends?
The Truth
Love Language
The end is near

Finale (Beginning of the End)

307 17 27
By Leaf_singing

Author- Life consists of several moments where we often question our decisions. What's right? What's wrong? Hundreds of questions intervene our daily thoughts. Nishant and Pratik's confusing relationship needed time to mend, but the end was near. Will the gradual feelings that sprung in their hearts die down? Or will it stay intact?

*Nishant's pov *

Today is the finale. I've got mixed feelings in my heart. I feel anxious yet so relieved at the same time. Relieved because this stressful and hectic journey is finally ending. Anxious because it's probably the last time I will seeing Pratik.

Today is our finale, but this exactly feels like the premiere. The day we met. It feels like just yesterday, that we crashed to each other and fell at the backstage of the premieres. We used to be such fools back then! *laughs* we still are fools tho.

I just hope he wins. I have seen his journey and looking at how far he has come and how eagerly he wants the trophy, I want to see him lifting it.


*Pratik's pov*

Today is our finale. I am super excited. I have been dreaming of this trophy day in and night. I want to achieve all of my dreams, that's what I was here for anyway.

But, losing the person who means a lot to you in order to win a the end of the day, is it still worth it? What if I never see him again after today? Will I miss him? I guess.

All this while I was so eager to go out of this house because I missed my family so much. But come to think of it, I think I will miss Nishant even more. Every day, every night, we have spent months together. We are leaving the sign of our friendship behind in this house. Our very own 1BHK.

What will be the result? I don't know. All I know is, I don't wanna lose him forever. I wish I could talk to him once before we get out. Will I get a chance?


*The finale stage is set. One after one the performances are about to take place. The contestants have been divided into pairs. Nishant, Pratik and Shamita were alloted together.*

Shamita, excited- Guys, let's go it's our turn to perform. Let's set the stage on fire.

Nishant, looks at Pratik- Shamita you go ahead, I'll follow you in a minute.

*Shamita leaves*

*Nishant walks towards Pratik and casually starts fixing his clothes. Pratik was fidgeting with them for long which Nishant noticed so he came up to him.*

Pratik, caught off guarded- Oh, thanks Nishant. I really was struggling with it.

Nishant, focused- I can see that. You still cannot wear things properly by yourself, can you?

Pratik, mocks casually- Yeah, I guess- but why should I worry? You are always there to set them up for me anyway.

Nishant- I won't always be there.

*The seriousness in Nishant's voice hits Pratik. He stops smiling and has a sudden realisation. But this time, a sad one.*

*Nishant finishes settling and heads towards the backstage where Shamita was waiting for them.*

Pratik, in a serious tone- Did you come to fix my clothing only because we were getting late or were you actually worried?

*Nishant doesn't turn back*

Someone- All the contestants please hurry up and assemble backstage. Its time to perform.

Nishant, looking down- Hurry up Pratik, we're getting late. [Leaves]

*Pratik signs. He looks back at dissapointment and gets up.*

*The performance starts. The first half of the performance consisted of PraNish's duo and Shamita comes in from the second half.*

*Pratik's pov*

It feels like a dream come true. Getting an opportunity to dance with my best friend in a big stage like this is easily one of the best moments of my life. People told me they loved my performance and that I shone well, even though I was dancing beside such an amazing dancer like Nishant. But truth be told, Nishant purposely made me shine in this performance. He doesn't tell me, but I understand. Me, being a non-dancer has evolved so much in dancing only because of his hardwork. I could see him day in and night, thinking of the choreography that would suit me well. Something that is easy yet looks good on me. He would always make me stand in front of the line when we are dancing with other house members. The way he would teach me every move, every step, with utmost care and love- I don't think any of it would've been possible without Nishant by my side.

*Nishant's pov*

I remember that day when me and Pratik were talking. I told him how excited I was to see his finale act. He then told me that the finale act will be on our friendship and he is sure of that, even though I wasn't. I was afraid I might get eliminated that week itself but Pratik reassured me with his words. He said he could predict us dancing together on the finale stage and how it would be "our" act. Today, seeing this day arrive and things finally taking place, I feel so happy. It makes me feel that dreams do come true and manifestations does work. I knew Pratik believed in manifestations and subliminal messages for long but I never knew its so strong. It actually worked and I feel so proud and happy.

Author- The performance was a dream come true for PraNish. What they've dreamt together for day in and night is finally turning true. What more could they ask for! Proud was an understatement for them at that moment.

These pictures are the best representation of their emotions, happiness and Pride that they felt for each other.

*After the performance, few celebs enter the house to collect the top 3 contestants of BB House and eliminate the rest.*

Celeb 1- Okay guys, this is a time to get a little bit serious now. There are boxes with us each and they contain your pictures, we will lift up the cloth from the boxes at the same time and the one empty inside will be eliminated right now. This elimination is purely based on the contestant who got the lowest vote out of the five present here.

Celeb 2- Okay guys here we go, all the best to you all.

*The anxiousness in the air was visible. Everybody was hoping they weren't the one with the lowest vote. The celebs gathered together and stood beside the boxes. On the count of 1, 2, 3- they will lift up the box*

Celeb 1- One.

Celeb 2- Two.

Celeb 3- Three.

*All the clothes were lifted up together and the contestants looked eagerly.*

Celeb 1- Shamita, you have been eliminated by the audience.

*Shamita forces her smile but her dissapointment was visible. Still, she was glad her two friends Pratik and Nishant were saved. She ran towards the both and hugged them. She wished them both luck and went out.*

Celeb 4- Its time for us to take another one out. This time, it's your own choice.

Celeb 5- Here is a briefcase with a handsome amount. On the count of 1, 2, 3, you will have to come here and press the buzzer. The fastest one to press the buzzer will take this briefcase and walk out from the competition immediately and join Shamita.

*Another wave of anxiousness prevailed in the minds of the contestants. They started mathing the possibility of their win.*

Celeb 1- Okay guys, one.

Celeb 2- Two.

Celeb 3- Three.

*Nishant runs up to the buzzer and presses it hard. Everyone was surprised by his decisions because he was one of the most popular and easily one of the most deserving contestants of BB this year. The celebs too was confused. For Pratik, he wanted to see Nishant with him in top 2 but here he was eliminating himself on top 4. Nishant, on the other hand probably knew his probability of winning so this appeared to be the best decision for him. He took the briefcase, bid everyone a goodbye and was heading towards the exit when emotional Pratik ran up to him and gave him a tight hug.*

Pratik- We'll see each other outside. We will, right? [His words trembled. He hoped for a positive answer.]

Nishant- Yes, we will. [Nods his head in agreement.]

*A beautiful smile broke out on their lips. They felt content and happy. The unusual void was finally disappearing. The hug lasted for a minute and then Nishant excused himself.*

Host- Finally the time has come when we bring our top 3 here on this stage with me. So Pratik, Karan and Tejasswi, please switch off all the lights of the house and leave the BB house together.

Celebs- Guys, the last time we would like to stir your memories which you leave this house forever. Here are frames of your memories spend in this house, hanging from the tree. Please choose the best one and tell us what you want to take this with you.

*The three of them eagerly looks at the frames of memories and one by one chooses each.*

*Teja and Karan chose a frame with the memories they spent with each other in this house. It was Pratik's turn and he picks out a frame.*

Celeb 1- What frame did you choose and why?

Pratik, smiling- This is a picture of me and Nishant. We were practicing the choreo together and it was so fun. Times that I spent with him in this house is irreplaceable. I don't think any other memory is worth it more than this, so I would like to keep it with me forever.

(The picture in the frame that Pratik chose.)

*Pratik blushes while everyone else applauds to the honesty of his reasoning.*

*The celebs took their leave and soon it was just the three of them left, alone in that house. Together, they turned off the lights and with cracking fireworks, three of them stepped outside the gates, admiring the beauty of the BB house for the very last time.*


Host- Please welcome our top three of BB season 15, Pratik, Tejasswi and Karan with a huge round of applause.

*The audience starts cheering loudly. Pratik's eyes fixes on Nishant who was sitting with the other ex contestants and cheering loudly for him. He seemed happy and proud.*

Host- This is the time when we finally get our top 2. I will hold one of your hands and walk you to the ex contestants on the count of 1, 2, 3 so please look forward and do not turn back.

*The anxiousness in the studio was on peak. Everybody was very excited and held their hearts firmly looking forward to the three contestants with their eyes wide open.*

*The host slowly grabs Pratik's hand and takes him to the contestant's panel where his mother and sister was sitting. Pratik was too stunned to speak. He wanted to win, but guess its the end. He was dissapointed and was about to sit down when the host comes again and grabs his hand. He was being playful and hence was just being funny. He took Pratik back on the stage and instead took Karan. Hence, Pratik was declared the top two contestant along with Tejasswi.*

*Pratik's pov*

I cannot really explain the things that I felt at that moment. I really wanted to win but when the host walked me up to the contestant's panel, I was so dissapointment but when he took me back again, I ended up crying. I was very emotional. I could hear the audience going crazy and all of my friends rushed towards me. People were cheering so loudly for me as if I was already a winner. For that moment, I felt like a king and I was the only thing that mattered. This moment will definitely be engraved on my heart forever.

*Nishant's pov*

My heart was beating so damn fast. I cannot explain how exactly I felt at that moment. All I know was, that everyone of us were so excited for Pratik. When he was announced as the top two, I could not hold myself anymore and I rushed at him. I proudly hugged him and said how happy I was for him. That moment was so special for all of us.

(That auspicious moment when Pratik was declared as the top 2 of BB 15.)

Host- Guys, please calm down, it's time for me to announce the winner of BB15. But before I do so, I wanna ask some of the ex contestants on whom they think should be the deserving winner out of Tejasswi and Pratik.

*Almost everyone wanted Pratik to win. Some of them had sick fights with him back when they were in the BB house, some even disliked him, but from a fair point of view, the name was obvious.*

Host- What about you Nishant? Tejasswi and Pratik both were such good friends of you. Whom do you want to see win it?

Nishant- I would be happy no matter whoever wins because both are such dear ones to me. But if I talk about whose win would make me the happiest, then it has to be Pratik. Sir, this guy has been dreaming of holding this trophy every night and day. I can surely say that he has dreamt of this day for a thousand times. [Pratik laughs and nods in agreement.] For me, he is already a winner but I would love to see his dream come true and not just this, I want all of his dreams to come true. [Nishant looks at Pratik and smiles. His pride was visible in his eyes.]

*Everybody applauds his answer and the audience chants the name of "PraNish" loudly.*

*The tension arose in the air again. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, hoping Pratik would win the trophy.*

Host- and the winner of BB15 is.....

*With wide eyes, everybody bend forward, holding the edge of their seats.*

Host- Tejasswi Prakash.

*This time it wasn't a lie. Tejasswi was really the winner but it was a hard to swallow pill for others. A strange silence prevailed in the audience and within the contestants. Everybody sat in utter disbelief.*

*Pratik was dissapointed but he congratulated Tejasswi anyway and passed a sweet smile to everybody sitting there.*

Host- Tejasswi here's your trophy, but before I pass this to you, I would want Pratik to give a speech first.

*The host passes the trophy to Pratik and he lifts it up and utters a few words for everyone.*

Pratik- Firstly, I want to thank all of you, my mom, my dear sister and of course my fans. Yes, its true I dreamt of this trophy day in and night. I didn't win it but right now, holding this and seeing everyone of you cheering for me, I feel like I already won. I was a nobody when I came here. Today I see so many people showering their love to me. I see so many respected elders giving me their blessings. All of these already made me a winner. I won all of your hearts and its so much more than my expectations already. Therefore, thank you so much for always being here with me, throughout this crazy journey and supporting me. I feel so grateful to be standing here. I love you all. Thank You.

*The loud screams and cheer of joy soon cut the dead silence of the studio. People were happy with Pratik's speech, they applauded for him, stood up in respect for him. Nishant and Shamita had tears of joy overflowing from their eyes. Proud was an understatement for them.*

[Pratik wasn't a winner, but he won already. He won our hearts, our love, our respect. He proved that dreams do come true. From nobody to somebody in everybody's lips, a legend was created that day.]

[Pratik holding the BB15 trophy.]

Author- This was the sweet end of Pratik's BB15 journey. But what about PraNish? What happened to them after the finale? Here, let me give you an overview. ;)

*The BB after finale party was the next big thing to happen. It was only for the contestants and ex-contestants therefore the audiences were sent back already but the fans were still worried. They were worried about their most beloved ship--- PraNish.*

*But soon their tension broke into peak excitement when drunk Nishant (on his trip to Goa with his bestfriends), posts his picture with Pratik around 2am. All the fans screamed in joy and twitter trends started happening.*

(Nishant Bhat's IG story)

*Soon both of them got busy with their schedules and interviews where they ended up complimenting each other.*

Author- And this was how, two individuals who were very different to each other, started their crazy journey together in this house of BB,

Shared and created many different memories. They fought sometimes, went through hard times understanding each other,

But irrespective of the distances, they came back together like two poles of a magnet.

This bond, which was cherished by thousands, soon became a hot topic for all the BB fans.

They redefined the meaning of friendship and love. The endless love and affection that PraNish taught us is now a path for many.

After BB, PraNish came closer and their chemistry left a striking impression on the hearts of everyone around them. They spent more times together, texted crazy stuffs and did more projects together.

From complete strangets to becoming the number one ship of the year,

PraNish found each other and lived happily everafter together. ♡

"From two people who couldn't be friends to two people who couldn't just be friends" ~ Bad Buddy.

Author- With this, I would like to happily announce that my fan fiction "PraNish: A tale of selfless love and affection" is finally completed. I would like to thank all of you for the continuous love and support that you have shown me. Your patience and support is what kept me going on throughtout these chapters. I hope I did justice to the amazing journey that our favourite boys had.

I'll never forget this writing experience of mine. You'll are the most amazing audience I could've ever ask for. With a heavy heart, I have to end this chapter here and bid y'all goodbye.

Please take care, stay well and I love you all so much. <3

For the last time, if you liked this chapter, please don't forget to vote. You can follow me on my socials to become moots with me (link is in my bio). You can also add this story to your library in case you wanna read it again. You can comment down if you liked this chapter too and please follow me if you liked my work. ^_^.

Atlast, I would like to say that I might be leaving but I will not stop writing. So, I hope you would look forward to my next works (it might take some months before I comeback tho.). That's it, goodbye. Please be kind and spread love to everyone around you. This world is too small for hatred. Love you all.
Thank You.
This was Mallika.

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