Even in our Afterlife

By livetowrite_7

524 17 33

Sequel to Two Broken Wings That's all I really have to say, so enjoy 💜 More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

167 6 24
By livetowrite_7

Hi, real quick authors note, this is book 2 to Two Broken Wings so if you haven't go read that first, and if you already have welcome back :) hope you enjoy book 2, Even in Our Afterlife.

Luke's POV

Part of me want to be upset that we're dead, just sitting in this dark room with nothing to do, but part of me really just doesn't care. Well..I care that it happened before we got to play the Orpheum, and that Reg and Alex are here. I would rather it just be me here, and I'd give anything to get them out of here and find peace or whatever it is you're supposed to go when you die.

"Luke?" Reggie says looking up at me. His read was resting in my lap as he played with my hand, and I played with his hair with my free hand.


"Where do you think we'll go after this...or are we just gonna be here forever?"

"I don't know." I say. "But we're here together, that's what matters."

All of the sudden I feel something sucking me down like a vacuum. I land hard on the ground and I hear Alex and Reggie groaning on either side of me. Did we get sent to hell? Are we in hell? Down means hell and we went down! I knew I wasn't perfect but hell? Really? And there's no way Alex and Reggie would go to hell, Reggie's literally a human golden retriever and Alex is nice (for the most part).

We stand up and I look around and realize we are back in the studio. "How'd we get back here?" I ask and then I hear a screaming, so I start screaming and Reggie and Alex start screaming. Alex grabs my arm and I pull Reggie close to me, partially to use him as a human shield and partially to protect him. I know it doesn't make sense, leave me alone.

A girl runs out of our studio still screaming. Why was she in our studio in the first place?

"We're back." Reggie says.

"Back from the dead." Alex says.

"Ohmygosh like zombies!" Reggie says.

"I was thinking more like ghosts." Alex says. "You know, I don't really feel like eating brains."

"Yeah, that makes sense, but zombies!" Reggie says.

"Zombies aren't real." Alex sighs.

"Oh but ghosts are, like that makes sense." Reggie says.

"He's got you there." I say.

"So, now what do we do?" Alex says. "Haunt Bobby?"

"It's not a bad idea." I say genuinely considering it. Bobby was a jerk, he deserves it.

"What, no I was joking!" Alex says.

Just then we hear soft footsteps coming towards the studio and we all freak out again and some how we teleport right outside the studio, and that girl from a few minutes ago is in our studio holding out a cross like an exorcist. What does she think, that our studio is haunted by demons or something!?

"Hello? Anybody here?" She says. "Whoever you are."

Whoever we are? We are Sunset Curve and we are legends! Or...we were going to be if we didn't die last night.

"I know I saw something I'm not crazy!" She says.

"Well we're all a little crazy." I say as the tree of us teleport a few feet forward. That's rad, I don't know how I did it but it's pretty rad. Sure makes things easy getting around.

She starts screaming again and I cover my ears. Why must she scream?

"Please stop screaming!" Alex says want we were all thinking and thankfully she stops.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my mom's studio?!" She says holding the cross out at us. This girl needs to chill.

"Your mom's studio?" I ask confused. "This is our studio! She holds the cross at me and as I walk further into our studio. Why doesn't she believe me? "Trust me, alright the grand piano is new..." I say scotching across it as she fallows me holding her cord spit to me. I'm not a demon and to be honest I'm a little hurt she thinks I am. I look to they guys as if to say "Um a little help?" Then I see me couch. "My couch!" I exclaim happily plopping down and that's when I was a 6 string I didn't recognize hanging on the wall. "But...that is definitely not my
6 string" I vocalize my thoughts.

I look at the coffee table that had vases on it that weren't there before and I look up and there literally just chairs attached to the ceiling. This girl is crazy, crazy than the rest of us. How'd she jet chairs on the celling?!

"Can you give me a second?" I ask the girl heading back over to Reg and Alex and she holds the cross out to me. "Just give me a second! Thank you!" I say annoyed. "Guys what is going on!? How'd she get her stuff in here so fast?"

"Maybe...maybe she's a witch." Reggie says. "There's chairs floating on the celling." He points up to the chairs.

"Okay there is no such thing as witches." Alex says.

"Oh yeah, well I use to think there was no such thing as ghosts!" Reggie says using that argument again. I wouldn't be surprised if he used that argument every time Alex said something wasn't real.

"That's fair." Alex sighs accepting his defeat.

"Alright so we're going with witch?" I ask.

"No we are not going with witch! She's not a witch!" Alex whispers far too loudly. "She's just scared. Let someone." He points to himself. "With a softer touch, handle this." He turns around to face the witch in question. "Why are you in our studio!?" He asks. Yeah...real soft Alex.

The girl shoves the cross at Alex and it goes right through him expectantly because we're ghosts. We aren't exactly solid.

"Ohmygosh! How'd you do that?!" The girl says.

"Okay clear you don't understand," Alex says and he turns to us "she doesn't get it." As if we couldn't tel proem here. "We're ghosts." Alex says. "We're just three ghosts who are really happy to be home, so thank you for the flowers, they really brighten up the room."

"We're actually in a band called Sunset Curve." I say.

"Tell your friends." Reggie smiles. Even in our after life is smile brings me life.

"Tonight was supposed to be a really big night for us." I say. "It was gonna change our lives."

"I'm pretty sure it did." Alex whispers.

"This is freaking me out." The girl says taking something out of her pocket. It was rectangular and she started tapping it, what the heck? And Alex says she's not a witch?

"What is that what are you doing?" I ask.

"It's my phone." She says. "No- stop talking to them, they aren't real, there's no such things as cute ghosts."

"Think we're cute?" Reggie says and the girl just goes back to her "phone" probably regretting saying that out loud.

"Who ya calling?" Alex asks.

"I'm googling Sunset Swerve." She says. Alright that's just rude, if you're gonna be in our studio acting all freaky at least get our name right!

"Sunset Curve!" All three of us correct.

The girl gives us an awkward smile and looks at her phone and a shocked look comes across her face. "Wow. You guys did die." She says. Why would we lie about that, of course we died. "But not last night."

"What? But that's impossible." Reggie says. "After we floated out of the ambulance all we did is go to that weird dark room where Alex cried."

"Well...I think we were all pretty upset, okay?" Alex says his voice going five octaves higher.

"But that was just for like an hour, we just showed up here." I say.

"I'm just telling you what my phone says." The girl says showing us the device she calls her phone. "See, you died in 1995, when you were 17. It's now 2020."

"Wait...so this is the future?" Reggie says.

"Wait, so it has been 25 years?" Alex says. "I have been crying for 25 years!? How is that possible!?" How did Alex get 25 so fast jeeze I knew he was good a math but I'd need a calculator for that.

"Well you're a very emotional person." Reggie says trying to make him feel better.

"I am not!" Alex denies.

As if it wasn't chaotic enough, another person just waltz right into our studio, a little boy about Steve's age.

"I thought you were afraid to come out here." He says. "Talking to your ghost friend, how's he look, is he hideous?"

"He can see you." Alex says to Reggie and I slapped his arm. I thought Reggie was very handsomely beautiful.

"No. He can't." The girl says.

"What?" The boy says looking behind him, clearly not being able to see us, probably because he's not a witch. To be fair, I don't think this girl is a witch but it's fun to pretend.

"Uh...what do you want?" The girl asks.

"A normal sister for starters." The boy says. "Stop being weird and come eat." And with that he walks away.

"He couldn't see you." She says.

"Yeah, that's usually how ghosts work." Alex says.

The girl sighs and walks towards the door before turning back at us. "Look, I'm very sorry for what happened to you, but this isn't your studio anymore. You have to leave." She turns back towards the door but I couldn't let her leave without a name to put to a face.

"But wait, we didn't get your name." I say.

"It's Julie." She says, not sounding too happy to still be talking to us.

"Cool, I'm Luke by the way." I introduce myself, taking a step closer but she holds my cross at me. Okay, she loves that thing a bit to much. Like I said I'm not a demon. "And this is-"

"Reggie. I'm Reggie. Hi." Reggie says smiling. Even though I'm dead his smile brings me life. I love that about him.

"And I'm Alex." Alex says. "How's it going?"

"Ba-da" I say doing jazz hands but I don't think she's too amused.

"Okay?" She says and walks away.

Reggie's POV

"Julie seems nice." I say with a smile after she's gone.

"Did you miss the part, where she kicked us out? Or..." Alex says. "Yeah okay."

So what I think she's nice after kicking us out? It's not like she sucked us up with a vacuum or something. I'd say she's very nice for not doing that.

"So what are we gonna do now if we can't stay here?" I ask.

"She'll change her mind, trust me." Luke says. "Besides, it's our studio."

"Our old studio." Alex says. "Luke it's been twenty five years. I don't even think this is Bobby's house anymore. Everyone has moved on, maybe we should to."

"Are you kidding? We are alive again, we could play music again. And this time, nobody or nothing, not even a street dog, can stop us."

"Death. Death can stop us." Alex says.

"Reg, wanna get our instruments from the loft with me?" Luke asks.

"Sure." Luke poofs up there like he already took a seven course class on house to poof around. I poof up there too, not knowing how I did it. We grab our guitars and come back down.

"Alex, you in?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll get my drums." So he poofs up to get his drum set and we get all set up just like old times, and start playing.

So that's chapter 1, I know not a lot really happened but we're getting there. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you on the next one, thanks for reading and remember to stand tall💜👻

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