A Fakebook Lover

By lifeless_soul

77.2K 2.1K 629

Mariah Wilkerson is a shy and self conscious girl. Her life is completely changed when an unexpected friend r... More

An Unexpected Friend Request
Mark the Cutie Pie
I made a grown man cry
Love me back, please?
Fantasy Fanatic
A Shocking Past
My First Kiss
Bloody Rumours
Sour Lemon
A Dead Doppelganger
A Second Chance
A Painful Birthday Present
Heartfelt Confessions
Undying Love

Jumbled Mess (Mark's Point of View)

2.7K 111 28
By lifeless_soul

A/N: Not proof-read yay finally the long awaited chapter lol....enjoy!

Mark's POV

"I-I love you, always have, always will. I have loved you for a very long time and after realizing life can turn out to be so hideous at times I decided to finally tell you. Look, nothing has to change okay? I just had to tell you." Mariah said, uncertainly.

My heart was pounding hard in my chest. I can't believe she said that; I don't believe this. My thoughts were scattered everywhere. Is my dream really coming true? The girl I have loved for so long finally loves me back? It took me all the self-restraint I had to not just recite sonnets to her, or throw her on the bed and kiss her-among other things-until the last day of my life.

I know I sound like a sappy moron, but it's not every day that the love of your life feels the same way about you, but I can't tell her how much I love her...yet. I have some business to take care of plus I can't just say I love you sitting here like that; it needs to be a little more special than this. With that thought in mind I put on a blank expression on my face, masking my true feelings. With one last look at her beautiful face, I left.

In the car, all I could think about was her, she is so damn beautiful and yet she doesn't even know it. I hope when I get back she still feels the same way...I mean anything is possible with that girl. She always catches me off guard. I was planning on telling her how much I love her anyways, but I am really happy that she said it first.

All of a sudden another thought sprung into my mind, what if she doesn't understand? What if she is thinking that I...rejected her? What if she is crying her eyes out right now? Oh no...

I bet that's exactly what's happening right now, she is so self-conscious she must be thinking I don't feel the same way about her. I am such an idiot I should probably go back and apologize or beg her to take me back. My baby is hurting so much and I am out here being a jerk face. I really don't deserve her.

As I was about to go back I thought well I have come so far now I should probably buy her things then go back. But, first I should stop being so damn selfish and tell her it's over.

That's why I was rapping on Alex's door like a crazy person and waiting patiently for her to open the door. After what seemed like a long ass time she finally opened the door. Without waiting for her to ask me to come in I invited myself in and got straight to the point, "Alex it's over, she told me she loves me so, now you can bang Curt all you want." I finished grinning.

Her eyes got really big and quite frankly, she looked kind of scary. Looking at Alex like that reminded me of Mariah, how her eyes get all big when she is excited or scared, but she looks adorable like that, while Alex just looks fucking crazy. "Oh, my God! Really? She got jealous of seeing me with you and finally confessed? I never would have thought that would work. I mean we have been pretending to date for two months now, about time that girl got her stuff together." I didn't waste my time telling her that it didn't work because she got jealous. The reason behind her confession was way more meaningful than that.

I smiled, waving at her and was about to leave, when I thought about something. I have been thinking a lot lately, good job Mark, Mariah will be so proud. "Hey, Alex...um well the thing is I didn't say "I love you, too" to her, I wanted it to be special, but she is probably really mad at me, what should I do?"

Alex smirked, God this girl is annoying, "Does she like chocolates?" I nodded my head grinning, remembering the time when I used to buy her chocolates every time she would get mad at me. But, it's a little more serious this time, what if she doesn't forgive me? Okay I need to stop being so pessimistic.

"From all the things you and Curt have told me about her I am sure she is those hopeless romantic types. You know flowers and teddy bears loving kind of girl. So, just get her, her favorite type of chocolates along with her favorite type of flowers and then just work your charm."

"What does 'work your charm' means?" I asked, confused.

"Tell her how much you love her you idiot, you are a sappy bastard you should know what to say," she said, face-palming herself. I rolled my eyes, and just like that I knew exactly what to say to her.

I said goodbye to Alex and then drove away to get the love of my life her favorite flowers and chocolates.

I was standing outside of Mariah's house, almost on the verge of hyperventilating. I know I am overreacting, but if she rejects me this time it will hurt twice as much I just know it. Taking a deep breath I pressed my finger on the door bell.

Mariah's mom opened the door, looking very amused for some reason. I gave her a sheepish grin as she invited me in. Without wasting any time I ran upstairs with a bouquet of roses in one hand, and a box of Godiva in another.

I entered her room without knocking, because I know she would have kicked me out. Mariah was lying on her bed, looking every bit like the goddess she is. She is the most perfect thing in the world, everything she does is perfect and beautiful, especially her smile, it literally takes my breath away.

I cleared my throat in order to get her attention, and she glanced at me glaring. If only she knew that her glaring doesn't make her any more threatening than a kitten. She is so cute, and she is all mine, or well she will be.

I walked over to her bed and took a seat at the very end of it, just in case she decides to strangle me it will be easier to run from here.

She sat up, leaning against the back, refusing to look at me. I smiled and pushed the bouquet of roses in front of her face, frantically waving it. Her eyes were moving with the roses, her eyes looked bright. "Forgive me?" I whispered.

And just like that the brightness of her eyes was gone, replaced by a sudden coldness. I gulped, this is not good.

"Meme, let me explain okay?" she didn't say anything, so, I took that as a "fine, talk you moron."

"I went to Alex's house, to tell her it's over between her and I. Did you know she was cheating on me with Curt?" That got her attention as she looked in my eyes, with sympathy. Ha! She should not sympathize with me I knew Alex and Curt were banging this whole time, Mariah doesn't need to know that, she will probably kill me for lying to her about not knowing. I will tell her I knew once her anger cools down.

"Yes, I knew she was dating Curt, I should have told you but Alex or Lexi, whatever her name is said she will tell you on her own. I am sorry." I rolled my eyes, I came here to apologize to her and now she is apologizing to me. She really is something.

"Please don't apologize I should be apologizing to you, I am really sorry Mariah I should have told you where I was going before just barging out of here." She smiled, dazing me, she is so beautiful...

"I forgive you, but yes you should have told me where you were going, I felt like whipping you, you know." I smirked.

"You mean you wanted to spread whip cream all over my body and then lick it off? Wow, I would like that." She glared at me, but I know when it's real and when it's not, right now she is trying her hardest not to laugh. Oh God, I love her so much.

"No, like whip you with an actual whip until your skin start peeling off," she said, I shuddered, wow, she is violent.

"Ah, whips and chains...you are kinky I like it," I winked and that was it; I finally got to hear the musical sound of her laugh ringing throughout the room.

"Shut. Up! What did you come here for anyways?" she asked, in between laughs, with hope shining in her eyes.

I took a deep breath. "I love you, since...well I don't know I just know that I have loved you ever since I realized that girls don't have cooties. I can't go on a day without being with you. If I could I would always keep you right here by my side, and in my arms. You are more beautiful than Cinderalla, you smell like pine needles, and have a face like sunshine and I love you, love you, and love you very much, more than you can ever guess. So, please be mine?" I asked hopefully.

I glanced at Mariah to see her crying, and my heart stopped. Maybe I said the wrong things, oh no she is crying even more now. I ditched the box of chocolates I was holding and wrapped her up in my arms. She clutched the back of my shirt in her hands, still sobbing on my shirt. Why is she crying so much? I even referenced Bridesmaids, she loves that movie! After she kept sobbing for a good 5 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore. "Mariah, just yell at me for that crappy confession, but please stop crying my love," I begged and after a few calming breaths she finally stopped crying. Thank God.

"I am sorry, that was just so sweet, you're amazing and I love you, so much." She smiled and I leaned in to kiss her, there's no stopping this time. She closed her eyes, waiting for me to kiss her, I smiled at the beauty in front of me and finally pressed my lips against her.

You know how those sappy girls in romance novels say fire-works exploded and all that crap, but right now I couldn't have agreed with them more. Kissing Mariah set every nerve in my body on fire. Her soft lips moved perfectly against mine as I was lost in this moment, maybe forgetting to breathe a couple of times. I can't believe she loves me back. I don't deserve her, but I know that no one can love her more than I do.

Reluctantly I pulled apart when I felt like she was having trouble breathing. Her lips were swollen and red, and she never looked more gorgeous. I smiled at her giving her one last peck on the lips before wrapping my arms around her. "Mark, if you loved me for so long, why didn't you tell me this before?" I know it's natural for her to ask, but I am embarrassed to tell her. Well, here goes nothing...

"Remember in seventh grade when Maya spread the rumor that you have a crush on me?" I asked and she nodded her head. Her hair touched my cheek and for a moment I lost my train of thought, all I wanted to do was jump her right now... there's plenty of time for that, she is all yours, a voice inside my head said.

"Well, you cried so much after that, like the idea of being with me was repulsive to you. You were distant, and never wanted to be seen with me in public. I thought that maybe you will never see me as boyfriend material; maybe you can only see me as your best friend. That's why I didn't tell you; I didn't wanted to lose you," I confessed and Mariah started laughing.

I looked at her, confused and kind of angry. Is she laughing at me? Before I could say anything she kissed me full on the lips, making me forget what I wanted to say. She pulled apart and I blinked at her dazed. Wow, she is good. "I know you must be thinking, why the crazy girl is laughing. It's because I cried back then because I thought you would want to stop being friends with me. I thought you will refuse to hang out with me because I like you more than a friend. Wow, we are so stupid, I wish we would have confessed when we started liking each other." I couldn't agree more.

Whatever may have happened before, I don't care. All that matters is that the girl I love is in my arms.

I pushed her on the bed leaning over her, her eyes got all big and I wanted to laugh at her face. She is so cute. I hovered over her leaning even closer to kiss her and that's when my stupid cell phone started ringing I sighed in frustration and Mariah giggled. I got off of her and put my phone on my ear.

"Hey, Rick my man what's up?" I asked.

"Mark there's a rocking party at Denise's tonight, want to come?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes. Denise is a whore I don't want to go to her party, and tonight what I will be doing is going to be way more exciting.

"Nah man I am busy tonight, maybe some other night." With that I hung up.

"What are you doing tonight Mark?" Mariah's soft voice asked me.

I walked over to her and looked in her big brown eyes, "You"

"Mark I don't want it to suck for you." I pressed my finger on her lips.

"As long as it's with you I know it won't suck, but if you don't want to it's okay."

"No, I want to do it too!" she said blushing furiously.

I smiled and hovered over her, "Are you ready? Because once I start I am not going to be able to stop," I warned her. She smiled, nodding her head and I crushed her under me, ready to make love to the only girl I ever loved.

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