My One and Only - CA Book 2...

By heymacaREENA

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My One And Only (EXO Fan Fic)
Chapter 1: Gazebo
Chapter 2: Beautiful Days With You
Chapter 3: Mr. Clingy Kim
Chapter 4: Michaelangelo
Chapter 5: Serious or Not
Chapter 7: Instant Kids
Chapter 8: Dreams
Chapter 9: Kimchi Spaghetti
Chapter 10: Roses and Note
Chapter 11: Confirmation
Chapter 12: Indulge

Chapter 6: Priority

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By heymacaREENA

She was looking at me the whole time and as our eyes met. I just thought how she is so precious to me. And I will never ever let anyone do harm her. I will do anything to protect her.



"So they'll be temporarily living with us?" Min Na asked. We were walking towards her car. She will be going to work and as I promised to her yesterday that she can drive on her own starting today.

"Yes honey. That's what manager hyung said according to what the president had decided. Don't worry I will negotiate it with the president."

"There's no need to do that Junmyeon. I am actually fine with it. The house is too big for us. Might as well share it with them since both of them are our friends." I guess she's right. It is just temporary anyway.

"Arraso~ Now go and you'll be late for work." I said.

Mr. Jo handed her car's key as she thanked him. I then held the car door open for her.

"Remember what I told you okay? Drive safely and-"

"Not to fast, not to slow. Do not overtake. No driving beyond 80 km per hour. I will call you as soon as I arrive at the hospital and make sure not to skip my lunch. I should not stress myself. And before I leave the hospital, I should again give you a call. Did I miss anything, hmm?" She said as she held my face in between her hands. I found my self staring at her the whole time she is talking, I'm amazed. God! Why does my wife has to be so smart.

"No, you remember so well."

"Who wouldn't? It was like you told me those things several times since last night honey. Don't worry too much okay? Take care of yourself too. I love you." She said as she gave me a smack on my lips.

"I love you too." I replied as I kissed her forehead. She hopped inside the car and she notice I was not yet closing the door. There was actually one thing I should remind her.

"Is there anything you wanted to say?" She asked.

"Yeah. Stay away as much as possible from Dr. Jaehyun." I said. I really don't like that friend of hers. I can sense something on that guy.

"I told you honey he is just a friend. He is a good man. You'll like him. Now close the door, I'll be leaving." She said as she put on her seat belt.

I took a deep sigh. I think I can never like that friend of hers.

"Fine! Then you'll have to make it up with me tonight." I whispered as I kissed her cheek. I saw her face flare red as I pulled away. I winked at her and smiled.

"Kim Junmyeon!" She shouted and I just laughed.

I watched her drive away until the car was out of my sight. As I turned my back, I was surprised to see Kris, Xiumin and Luhan standing with all their arms crossed and wearing those mischievous smile on their face. Why are they giving me that look?

"I did not know you are such a tease huh, honey?" Kris spoke and they started cracking up. So they had been there the whole time Min Na and I are talking? Aish! This guys!

"You guys shut up or I'll kick you out of my house!"

"Aigoo~ Sorry okay? We are just joking okay?" Xiumin said as he placed his arm over my shoulders.

"Joking? So now tell me, are you guys even joking about what you said a while ago during our breakfast? Are you really gonna live here?" I asked.

The three of them exchanged looks and I was confused.

"Actually, there is something you need to know Suho." Luhan spoke.

"The rest of the members do not know about this except the three of us. And since, you are the leader of the group, we have to tell you this." Kris added. Huh? What are they talking about? Why does the other members do not know it?

"What is it?" I asked. I don't know why but I suddenly felt tensed.

"The fire was not an accident. There's a culprit behind it." Xiumin answered.


I am pacing back and forth as we are now here inside our practice room. Baekhyun, D.O and I were just done practicing our song "My Answer". We would be showcasing a special number tomorrow at a TV show.

I am so bothered about what the older members revealed to me this morning. They told me I should not worry to much about it. But still, I couldn't help it though Kris told me that he already hired a private investigator to find the culprit.

I asked them if our manager and the President are aware of it, apparently they are not. Luhan said it would be better if they do not tell them about it because it might just create a huge issue. They opted not to inform the younger members yet since they don't want them to worry too. Kris and Xiumin were the ones who decided that they should temporarily live in our house. They thought that it would be best if we stick altogether in times like this so we could looked over to each other especially me and Min Na.

I even remember what Luhan told me. "You are our leader and we as your members, we wanted to protect you and also the person important to you. We are one right?"

I couldn't help but agree on what he said.

Since the younger members don't know the real reason of them moving in our house, Kris just told them that it was an order from the President. He was expecting that the guys would negate the idea. Apparently, they were instead thrilled about it. And so he did not have a hard time convincing them.

So that all explains why the guys are starting to live in our house.


"Hyung!" I almost leaped in surprise when D.O and Bakehyun shouted at me.

"What?" I groaned. Do they really need to shout?

"What? Aren't we suppose to be the one to ask you that?" Baekhyun asked.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I sat in between them as they examined my face.

"You looked like you are worrying on something huh?" D.O inquired. How can I say this? I promised to the older guys that we should keep it a secret for now about the culprit.

"Is it something about us moving in your house hyung?" Baekhyun questioned.

"Yeah that one." I said.

"Don't worry to much about it hyung. We assure you that we will behave. Right Dyo-ah?" Baekhyun said as he turned to look at D.O.

"Are you even hearing yourself Baek? Behave?" D.O huffed. I laughed with his reaction. He is right though. That is also why I am troubled. I thought that I could finally escape living with the 11 EXO members when I got married. But then now, I am left with no choice but to welcome them in my house and live with them again.

I begin imagining Tao who whines like a kid whenever Baekhyun teases him with the way he speaks Hangul. Chanyeol and Chen who love to mock each other in beating their scores playing Xbox. Not to even mention the maknae, Sehun who complains on everything.

Eottoeke~ I can imagine the house in chaos. And I can also picture my wife fuming mad. Oh no! I think that would be the death of me. Min Na getting angry with me because I agreed to let the guys live with us and I can't do anything to shut them out of their misbehavior.


"Hyung!" They both yelled at me for the second time that I almost covered my ears.

"Why do you always have to shout on me?" I grumbled.


I looked up and it was our manager.

"Sorry about that hyung." My face turned beet red. I glared simultaneously at the two who were laughing at me. If only manager hyung is not here, I would have whack their heads too.

"You zoned out a lot today hyung." Baekhyun said. Yeah and it was all because of you guys!

"I had been calling you Junmyeon and it seems like you don't hear me. Are you okay?" Manager hyung asked.

"Yes I am hyung. Sorry about that. Why are you here by the way?" I asked.

"Well, someone wants to meet you. Come with me." He said and I looked at Baekhyun and D.O who were also puzzled as me. I just stood and left the two as I follow our manager outside the practice room.

"Who is it hyung?" I asked as I finally was able to catch up with him.

"You'll see." He said.

We went inside an office. And I was surprise to see her. What is she doing here? She was not alone though. Beside her is someone who looked familiar. I think he's a movie producer. I am pretty sure he is because I met him before on the red carpet movie premiere of D.O.

"Oppa~" She greeted and throw her arms around me.

"H-hi!" I instantly pulled away. I really don't like her. Why on the earth is she here?

"You two will truly make a good pair." The man beside him spoke. A good pair? Oh come on! If there would be a good pair, wait let me correct that, a perfect pair that would definitely be me and my Min Na.

"We are, right?" She said as leaned over me. I then took a step away from her. Don't ever come close, we are not even friends.

"By the way, I'm Mr. Song Il Kook. I am actually here because of the movie that we are planning to produce. As you can see, Ms. Park Chorong is with me because I want the two of you to be the main cast of the movie."

"What?" Did I hear it right they are choosing me as a main cast for the movie? But wait I would be working with Chorong? No way!

Chorong may be part of a famous girl group and I'm sure that a lot of guys would find her pretty except me. They just don't know what bad attitude lies behind that pretty face of hers. I have heard a lot of stories about her and that made me not to like her. But the worst part of it, some fans are shipping me with her. I think it all started when she happened to be seating next to mine during a music awards in Taiwan. I couldn't stop looking at her during that time because all she did was to criticize those who were performing on stage. She would usually comment on girl groups like them and she would say that they have old-fashioned outfits, boring choreography, dull make-ups or even worse ugly faces. It was unbelievable that she could say those nasty things. From that time, I knew that all those negative stories about her was true.

"Don't you like it oppa? This would be great because I'm pretty sure a lot of fans would be happy to see their favorite fan ship in a movie." She spoke and I nearly rolled my eyes. Favorite fan ship? What the hell is she talking about?

"It is a good offer Mr. Song but I'm sorry I can't accept it." I said. As much as I dream of being a main cast in a movie, it would be a big no no for me to be working on someone I don't like.

"But why? We actually thought that you would be perfect to play the role in the movie."

"I'm sorry Mr. Song. But I am really busy with our album promotions and aside from that I am already married."

"Oh! Yeah I heard that. Congratulations by the way!" He said as he patted my arm.

"Thank you!" I replied and smiled.

"So that's it? You are not accepting the offer, it's just because you are already married?" Chorong asked. Yes and because of you!

"Yes, we are just newly married. I wanted to spend more time with my wife. And as I have said a while ago we have album promotions."

"Maybe you are afraid that your wife might get jealous isn't it?" She responded, raising a brow on me. The nerve of this girl!My Min Na might get jealous sometimes but I'm pretty sure she would never ever bother to waste her time on you. She is way over than you! I thought and feel like shouting those words on her face but I stop myself on doing so.

"Of course not. It's just that she's my first priority now. My family is my first priority." I replied instead.

"You are right. I guess I tried my best." Mr. Song said.

"I'm sorry Mr. Song."

"It's okay Junmyeon. But then, if you ever change your mind, you can always refer to your manager and contact me."

"Thank you Mr. Song but it's really final." I said.

"You should still think about it oppa~" Chorong said as she tapped my arm and left together with Mr. Song.


After our practice, I decided to fetch Min Na to work so I told the guys that I will be going ahead. I know I already allowed her to drive starting today but I just can't help it. I am actually thinking of taking it back especially now. I can't really stop worrying about the culprit. My thoughts retrieve back to my conversation with the older members this morning. According to Kris, that same day before the fire happened, he received a text message from an unknown number.

EXO will pay everything that you had done. And tell your leader, he owe me big time. A tooth for a tooth.

He instantly ignored it thinking that it is just a random people making a prank or something. But then, after the practice of EXO M, they were just shocked to have a call from Kai saying that the dorm caught fire. As they were on their way, Kris again received a text message from the same unknown number.

I told you, you guys will pay. This is only the beginning.

He called the number but then the server was already out of reached. And from there he knew that this person is behind the fire incident. He then confided it to Luhan and Xiumin. They suggested that they better have the number tracked. Since Kris family have a security agency, he then referred the number to trace the location of the perpetrator. Too bad, until now they were unable to locate it. But they assured that they will never stop finding whoever that person is.

I can't ever think of someone who could ever do that. And the worst part of it was that what does that person wants from us, the EXO and especially from me? I can't even remember that we had been involved in any serious dispute.

But then, Xiumin advised me that I should not let fear rule over me. Instead, I should be strong especially for the guys and most of all to my wife, Min Na.

I am on my way now to her clinic. I am keeping my best to greet and smile the people I encounter along the hallway from the nurses and doctors to the patients.

"Hi you are EXO Suho right?" An ahjumma asked.

"Ne ahjumma. Wae?" I responded. I notice a little girl hiding behind her.

"Would you mind if my child takes a picture with you? She is really a big fan." She said.

"Umma~" The little girl whined as she tugged the hem of her mother's blouse.

"Sure." I said. I kneel beside her so that my face would level hers but she continue to clung at her mother's leg.

"Sweetiepie, why are you shy? Come on, it's your idol. I thought you wanted to take a picture with him?" I heard her mother whispered.

The little girl took a peek at me and I just smiled. Cute!

"Annyeong~ Come on, I won't bite." I kidded as I extended my hand to hers. She stared at my face then on my hand. Funny how I felt a little bit nervous. This scene looked similar when I was proposing to Min Na at the gazebo. She was reluctant at first but the moment her tiny hands touch mine, I was happy.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Minji." She answered shyly.

"Minji is a beautiful name." I said.

Her mother took a picture of us and she thanked me so many times. I found out that the little girl was one of the patients here at the hospital and I was glad that at least on my own little way, I was able to make her happy.

I again caught myself smiling when I started thinking of raising my own children. I can't really wait for that day when I can also have my own little girl. It would be so wonderful hearing her call me "Daddy" while I call her "My Princess". Of course she will be my princess because her mom is my queen.

And speaking of my queen, I was delighted to see her but then the smile on my face vanished when I saw the person she's talking to. It was Dr. Jaehyun.


Her head whipped at my direction and I can say that she is surprised to see me. I went near her but she already rushed towards me and welcome me in her warm embrace.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she looked up to me.

"I can't wait for you to come home so I think of fetching you here. I already miss you." I said as I kissed the tip of her nose and her cheeks automatically blushed.

"That is so sweet Mr. Kim Junmyeon. I miss you too. But how about my car?"

"I'll asked Mr. Jo to asked one of our driver to get your car."

"Arraso~" She nodded.

We pulled away when Dr. Jaehyun cleared his throat and spoke. "Ahm Dr. Han, I think I'll go ahead."

"Oh you are?" Min Na said.

"Yes I am. My shift is up to 7PM." He said.

"Ah yeah. Thank you for the helping me by the way." Help? Don't tell me they had been together the whole day?!

"You are welcome chingu-ya. Nice seeing you again bro." He turned to look at me. Bro?

"Bye Jae-jae!" Min Na said as bade goodbye at us. Did I hear it right? She calls him Jae-jae?


"Yup. I call him Jae-jae. I gave him that nickname. Cute isn't it?" Min Na said and I am so jealous. So that's how close they really are that she made him a nickname. I frowned.

"I'll just go inside and get my things." She said and I just nodded.

"Cheer up handsome! Moo is still the cutest." She whispered in my ear before proceeding inside. I slowly cracked up and shook my head. And you Min Na, my one and only is the sweetest of all.

As we reached home, I think my worst nightmare had just taken into reality. I can barely hear the voice of the guys the moment I got out of the car.

"What's happening Mr. Jo?" Min Na asked as she stepped down from the car.

"I think they are arguing about the room assignment Ma'am and who will be their room mates as well."

"I already see this coming." I mumbled as I sighed and went inside the house.

"I don't like staying with Lay hyung! It's no fun! I want to be in your room Luhan hyung!" Sehun complained.

"No way! You lose so Xiumin and I would be the room mates." Luhan replied.

"You really suck at rock, papers and scissors, Oh Sehun!" Tao stuck his tongue out at him and the maknae glared at him.

"This is unfair! Well then, I will be joining Chanyeol hyung's room then!" Sehun said.

"No way!" Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen said in unison and the maknae frowned.

"I thought you are considering me as part of the beagle line."

"Oh please! There is no way that the four of you would be room mates. Having three of them in one room is already enough. Don't ever add up!" Kai added.

"Kai is right. The four of you are already trouble. Just stay with Lay hyung." D.O agreed.

This is ridiculous. This was the same scenario we had when we were also having our first room assignment at our dorm.

"D.O is right Sehun. Just stay with Lay." I finally spoke and it was then they just notice that me and Min Na finally arrive.

"Noona~ help me!" The usual Oh Sehun who uses again his charm with my wife to get what he wants.

"Sorry Sehunnie, I can't help you with that. How's your arm?"

"It hurts sometimes but the pain is tolerable. Don't change the topic noona! I don't like staying with Lay hyung!" He whined.

"Why you don't like Lay? He is nice. Where is he by the way?"

"He is in the kitchen helping in preparing for dinner." Kris said.

"I'll go and help too." D.O stood and went to the kitchen.

"Well then, can I sleep in your room noona?" Sehun asked and she stared at him wide eye.

"No!" I instantly reacted. What came into his mind that he can share a room with us?

All the guys laughed except Sehun who looked confused.

"Why are you guys laughing? I'm serious here! So I can't share a room with noona?" Seriously, Oh Sehun, all grown up but still innocent?

"Of all the rooms Sehun, Min Na's room is forbidden." Chen said.

"Huh? Why?" Sehun still clueless.

"This kid is frustrating!" Baekhyun threw his hands in the air who was already exasperated. He then stood and whispered something on Sehun. He then eyed me then my wife. What is Baekhyun telling him?

I looked at my wife and she was already blushing like me. You'll be dead to me later Byun Baekhyun. Who knows what silly thoughts he is feeding the maknae's mind?

"Oh-kaay!" Sehun nodded when Baekhyun was already done.

"Hey! What did you tell him? Share!" Chanyeol exclaimed and they began whispering to each other. Imagine how the guys compressed on the corner. They looked like teenage girls making gossips about their crushes.

"Their cute!" Min Na laughed as she watched them.

"Sorry about them." I said.

"It's okay honey. It's like our high school days isn't it?" She said and smiled.


This was the reaction I was not expecting from her. At least she's not mad. I guess we'll eventually get used to it. Well, I hope she gets used to it.


"What are you thinking?" Min Na whispered as she look up on me. We had just made love and here we are cuddled, still naked.

"About us." I said which is partly true because actually I am again thinking about the culprit. The message he had sent to Kris just kept running in my head.

EXO will pay everything that you had done. And tell your leader, he owe me big time. A tooth for a tooth.

If I owe that person big time, I am afraid of the possibilities that person could do. I am afraid that he will do ever something bad especially with this woman wrapped in my arms. I almost lost her ten years ago and I will not let that happen again.

"What about us hmm?" She inquired as she caressed my face. I reached for her hand and kissed each of her knuckles. She was looking at me the whole time and as our eyes met, I just thought how she is so precious to me. And I will never ever let anyone do harm her. I will do anything to protect her.

"Please promise me one thing." I said.

"What is it?" She replied.

"Promise me that whatever happens, we will trust each other. That you will trust me."

She held my hand and place it at her bare chest where I can feel the beating of her heart. Every beat, I knew it was only mine.

"I promise." She said and sealed it with a kiss.

I held on to her promise but then she was not able to keep hers because I did something for her to break it.




-Reena (Former Username: GuardMeJunMyeon)

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