The Academy.

By Kenny_YATES

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Just another day in this fine academy. New experiences, new people, and maybe people to crush on- but you did... More

Chapter 2: Tunneling Deep.
Chapter 3: Pandora's Box
Chapter 4: Coming Clean.
Chapter 5: Subtle Preparations
Chapter 6: Ever So Close.
Chapter 7: Tunneling Deeper
Chapter 8: Worst Nightmares Revealed

Chapter 1: Good Days.

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By Kenny_YATES

"Noella......." A woman's voice called out, but no one responds. 

"Noella..." She called out again, yet, there still is no response. 

Getting a bit irate on how they haven't responded, only one thing can be, and the lady knew that she had to do it, and so it shall be done. Grabbing a bit of chalk, and setting her aim, she took one deep breath and yelled out. 

"NOELLA!!!" With a mighty roar, she flicked the chalk onto a sleeping student's head. 

Who unfortunately is Noella. 

"Ow!" She hissed out as she woke up, rubbing the one spot on her head as she heard the cacophony of some students laughing at her as she fixes her glasses. 

Especially that one bitch Eliza. God, how much she hates her is palpable.

"Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep, Ella." The teacher began. "But remember, you're in class right now, and sleep can be done when you're at home, okay?" 

The girl sighed and gave the teacher a nod and she goes back to paying attention in class, only to remember why she fell asleep in the first place. 

'Calculus....... God, it's so boring.....!' She groaned in her head as she slumped in the chair. 

It's gonna be a long day, that's for sure. 


12:30 PM// LUNCH TIME //

Ah, Lunch Time. A time that can be the best time of the day for wannabe gourmands and foodies, or the worst time for some people.... considering those monsters that start prowling the place. 

Yep.... Those big dumb jocks acting like brutes, thinking that they're better than someone just because they can throw a ball a hundred yards away, or the harpies that roll around, acting like just because they're popular, they act like they're entitled to own the world, and beat anyone down that disagrees. Even the rich kids that can't be half assed to study cuz well, they're rich. 

Okay, Noella, stay calm, and forget about it.... Almost lost your cool there, and besides... You don't want that to ruin your day--.

I-is that.... Him? Leaning over by the wall?

Oh my god..... It is... It's Zach. Just standing their being cool with his dark hair framed to the side, making him look all cool, and mysterious, and how he wears the school's uniform like a jacket adds onto it, especially how he has a few spots of freckles on his cheek makes him somewhat adorable despite the mystique he carries. The poor girl can't help but feel all fluttery and giddy whenever she looks at him. 

Because if there is one thing that needs to be said about Zachariah Alegre, is that he isn't just Zachariah Alegre. He's the son of one of the most richest business men in the whole world! Well, maybe not one of the richest since his dad isn't as rich as Elon or Bezos, but still rich, right? Even then, girls won't even stop to try and be with him!!! 

Man, only to be born lucky. 

"Hey, earth to Ella 'ello! Cat got your tongue, or are ya just fantasizing?" A girl said as she gave Noella a resounding smack on her back. 

Noella shrieked and looked back at the girl, glaring at her only to realize it was just her. And then it dawned on her that it was HER of all people, and with that smug grin plastered on her face. That cheeky smug grin that screamed trouble. 

For if there's one unwritten rule of An Sun-Yee, is that whenever she's around, run for your life. 

You see, in regards to the white-haired South Korean girl, she pretty much has a track record of basically being the Devil, and by devil, a very eccentric and probably insane devil that lives life like a game that utterly confuses people. One such moment in her school record was back when she was studying in America, and let's just say, a bunch of students wanted to have a two week break so they don't have to bother with their studies. Her solution was this: Discreetly unleash a plague of rats onto the school, forcing it to go on lock down.

2 weeks didn't become 2 weeks, it ended up lasting for a month. So pretty much that. So now, Noella feels like she's now cursed just by being around her.

And it didn't help that the students seeing them are beginning to pull out their holy crosses. 

Oh well, at least she has a bully repellant for now. 

"What do you want?" She asked her, hoping that it's not going to bite her in the ass. 

And a part of her regretted even asking, all because An started chucking, and essentially looked over to where Zach is, giving him a cryptic smile before giving Noella a  glance. 

"Just wonderin' if you're fantasizing about the love of your dreams." She snickered. 

Noella just rolled her eyes and went back to looking at Zach, and her heart fluttered when she noticed him looking at her, or maybe in their general direction- she isn't sure, but it's great knowing that. His dark eyes gazing at where they are. 

Then he stops leaning and walks away. 

"No, come back.......!" She muttered quietly, even going as far to somewhat reach for him.

An just gave a mirthful chuckle and gave her strong, resounding pats on her back, knocking her out of her stupor as she grabbed her hand pulled her along to the growing line of students to get their meals.  

"You didn't have to grab my hand you know." Noella said, but the girl didn't listen as she just shoved a tray in her hands. 

"Yeah, and you're going to miss out on I don't know.... Eating?" An retorted smugly as she grabs her own. "And besides, it's better than standing there, awkwardly staring at him, hoping that he comes over and snatches you away."

"Oh shut up!" 

"Yet, you know I'm right." An just replied mirthfully. 

After the two girls got their food, they settled on the nearest table and sat down to continue their simple conversation, well, along with eating their meals of course. The idle chatter went on, simple girl things that they often gossip about. 

That is until a gaggle of harpies came in to ruin the fun. 

"Well, well, well." The lead girl began condescendingly. "Didn't think we'd run into you low lives."

'Great, it's Jocelyn....' Noella groaned inside her head. She took a brief glance at An, and was rather surprised that she only had a grin on her face.

"Why are you looking at her like that...?" She whispered to her in concern. 

"Yeah, why do you look at me like that?" The Queen Bitch said with a smug smile.

"You see, there's a reason why I look at you like this." An began, her smile shifting to a be a bit more deranged as she fiddles with her sleeves. "I don't fear you. Not one bit at all~." 

"Well, you should." Jocelyn snapped back. "Because I don't think you understand, my parents are the ones that provide the funds for this school. Teachers kiss my ass, and the very feet I walk on, because they know if I get a grade, my folks would close this place down, and they'd be out of a job." 

Jocelyn's friends start laughing, and snickering along the while, and the girl in question just looked at An, her ego as palpable as the air they breathe, expecting her to suddenly bow down and say sorry. 

Yet, she only laughed at them, mockingly. She even started slapping her thighs as she just keeps on laughing. After forcefully trying to get her to stop, she looks at her dead in the eye with the same smile she had.

"Are you really threatening me about school? Like I'm some kind of teacher?" She said ominously. "Did you really think I'm going to be subjected to the same problems as them?"

"Well, I don't see what you're going to do about it." She said challengingly. 

An then showed her a fist, then she looks at her dead in the eyes. 

"Do me a favor, and guess what I have inside my fist." An challenged, and to her delight, the brat fell for the bait as she looked. 

And as she opened her fist, the cacophony of screams became music to their ears- at least, the ones that hated Jocelyn and friends- as they started thrashing in horror, some grabbing their hair to try and get whatever is starting to attach itself to their hair. 

"What did you do?!" Noella said in slight horror as she looked at An. 

To answer the question, she showed her what was inside, and it was a can. A small can that housed tiny, spring loaded snakes that pop out when you open them. As they looked back at Jocelyn screaming in fear with her friends, Noella couldn't help but snicker as she ran away. 


4:15 pm (End of Day) [ZLJYLAZ SPL KLLWSF]

As the bell rang, students began collectively sighing, and flat-out cheering for that noise, as it meant that the day has now come to an end. Students wasted no time grabbing their things and some immediately rushed to the door, hoping to be the ones first to get home.

As for Noella, she just went on, walking with An to the gates and hoping that they don't encounter Jocelyn again. She merely sighed and looked at the warm sky, seeing how the leaves of the cherry tree fall and blow against the wind. 

"Heh, can't wait for April because of that tree." An said mirthfully. Licking her lips at the branches. 

"Why? We don't have school in April, much less in May." Noella looked at her concerned. "Surely you don't have a reason as to why you want to stay for so long." 

"Who said anything about staying?" She replied. "I'm just waiting for those cherries to come, and when they come, I wanna pop them in my mouth. Sweet, sour, I don't care, it all tastes the same to me. Because I just love popping cherries~. I love them more when I pop them in my mouth first before going to the main course~." 

Noella can't help but cringe after hearing those specific set of words. Unfortunately, An didn't spare her any kind of reprieve as she glances at her with a smirking grin, and showed what was inside her mouth: A cherry that's nestled in between her teeth, staining it red like blood. 

She massages the fruit with her teeth, making it bleed more of it's juice before crushing it and licking it before she just straight up eats the fruit, ending its non-existent misery. 

"You are literally the weirdest person I have ever known..." Noella said plainly. 

"Ah, but you have heard of me." An replied, and chuckled despite Noella's dismay. 

As they pass by the tree- especially  after An spat the pit at the tree. They approach the main gate where the other students are, having one last conversation before they leave for home. Others using that opportunity to catch up, share cheat sheets like it's some kind of drug deal. 

Of course, there's many others, but they don't need to mention it. And in regards to things that needed to be done, it's also a good idea to check into your bags and see if you haven't missed anything, or forgot to pick up before you get home. 

So in turn, Noella opened up her bag to check, and as it stands, it's there. All the things that she needs. 

-Her Phone: Check.
-Pens and Writing Instruments: Check.
-Notebooks: Check. 
-Cheat sheet: Che-- Hold on, it's not there. 

Panic quickly grabbed Noella as she reaches in and starts feeling it up. Desperation also quickly setting in with Denial, as she notices that it's not there. She had half a mind to essentially dump all the contents inside her bag and check again, but she quickly pushed it down, or else Jocelyn would come in and steal her phone out of spite. 

"Something wrong?" An said as she notices her turmoil. 

"I can't find my cheat sheet." Noella replied. "I need it for the quiz coming up in Friday!" 

"You have a cheat sheet?" An said somewhat incredulously. "I didn't realize you have one, much less use one." 

"It's not really a cheat sheet." Noella aptly replied. "It's just a notebook that I used to summarize the lessons, make it easy to remember. I have the cheat sheets for the others, but I don't have the one in history."  

"Well, I can help you look for it." 

"No need." Noella said quickly. "You can head on without me, I'll just look for it myself." 

And with that, she closed her bag and ran back inside to the school. An hums in concern, but ultimately does what she's told and moves on, hoping that she would be able to get back home safely.


Back at the classroom, Noella looked around to see if anything is out of place. Both to her dismay and relief, it doesn't look like many things have changed. Chairs being the same and what not, but her main target is her desk. Walking over to come and see if the notebook is there. 

To her relief, it's there. Untouched and just waiting to be picked up. She's also thankful for the fact that Jocelyn didn't think about stealing the book, because knowing her, even though the book useless to her own agenda, if it means making her beg and flat out humiliate her with it, she will absolutely steal it. Whether or not she'll keep it or burn it is pretty much the only question worth asking. 

Deciding not to stall any further, she swiftly, and deftly grabbed the book, and put it inside where it belongs. With that debacle finally settled, she sets off to go back home, briskly walking away from the room. Yet, when she makes it to the entrance, she couldn't help but look around.... 

"What the hell.......?" She muttered as she starts shaking a little. She fixes the glasses nestled on her face as she gripped her chest. "Why do I feel like.... I'm being watched....?"

She turned to a hallway, and her eyes widened. She could've sworn that she saw something at the corner of her eye, some kind of shadow staring at her, and at the moment it realized she was looking, it quickly ran off. 

"What the fuck....!" She breathed out. "What the fuck is that...?!" 

Thoughts raced in her head, and she held the sides of her head, breathing slowly and calmly as best as she can to soothe the bad thoughts. Surely, the school can't be haunted, right? For the displays of crosses atop the hallways, surely that's proof enough that God protects, right? A place that's blessed by symbols, would ward evil spirits.

So in turn: No need for concern. 


Noella screeched, and with her panicked thrashing, she barely managed to catch the glasses that flew off her face from the fright. Shakily, she turned around. When she saw, she breathed a sigh of relief that it was someone that's somewhat familiar. 

The Janitor: Emilio Cruz

"Just what are you doing in here?" He yelled out. "Shouldn't you be at home? Like everyone else?" 

"I came back because I lost a book." Noella explained. "Don't worry, I won't stay here for long." 

She sighed happily after seeing him nod in understanding. She turned around to leave and to walk away. 

"Hold on." He yelled out again. "I need you to tell you something." 

Noella becomes confused, and yet somewhat curious from what he had to say. She turned around to look at him, but became concerned because of how intently he's looking at her. Surely it can't be anything serious, and hopefully it might just be him spilling some secrets in regards to the Lady's room after the times he cleaned it out. 

"What I'm going to say to you.... I'm only saying once." He began sternly. "The things you'd see in this school? In regards to this time? They're real, and if you think right now is bad? Just wait until the evening sets in." 

"What....?" Noella said in concern, and she becomes fearful again. "Come on, the school can't be haunted."

"But I'm serious." He said to her. "Not only does the weird shit in this school appear when students should be gone, those things too? When you hear them speak, don't listen. When they start asking you for what you want? Don't give them any. I know how much people don't like others here, but if you give it what it wants, you pretty much put yourself in deep shit."

"What if we lost something, and we have to go look for it?" She interjected. "Surely, we can at least look for our stuff even though school is over, right?" 

"If you have to do something like that, then get it done." He replied curtly. "Don't fuck around, don't dawdle, and just do what you need to do. As long as you don't stay in the school afterhours, that's fine by me."

"Okay......" Noella gulped. "I'll keep that in mind." 

She turns around and began to walk away, yet, the more she thinks about it, the more questions arose. Especially the most prominent one: How did he know about all this? 

So she turned around and looked at him again. And she yelled out. 

"How did you know? How did you know all this?!" 

"Keep it down." The Janitor responded. "For that? Let's just say that if they decide to come, I'm not going down without a fight." 

She only raised a brow at that, and watched as the man left to continue his work. She took a deep breath and let it out as she walked off. Thoughts raced in her head, asking herself questions that she's not sure if she can even answer. 

Could the school be hiding a dark secret? Surely, it can't be, right? Yet, if the janitor is willing to tell her that, then he can't be lying. He sounded genuinely concerned when he told her all of those, laying it in thickly on how bizarre things can be after hours. 

Maybe the monsters come in and take the students at this time? But how? Surely they can't just take students that are stuck inside after an hour has passed, especially since some of them have activities that they need to tend to. Maybe it's in regards to the evening? The school doesn't have any evening classes that lead into the night, so that's not much of a problem.

Regardless, like what the janitor said, she should be home. So she will be home. 

Unfortunately for her, however. She wasn't paying attention, and in turn... She bumped into someone.

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