The Flowers in Her Hair

By juun_leigh

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The time has come for for Amara Brook, a half human half fae, to be presented to the High King and to join hi... More

Chapter 1 ~ Berry Lips
Chapter 3 ~ Green Eyes
Chapter 4 ~ Fuck The High King

Chapter 2 ~ Little Dove

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By juun_leigh

Upon arriving my mother and father exited first, I took a deep breath as I descended the steps, my father offering his hand to me for help. "Our little girl is all grown up Kael." My mom beamed at me and I gave her a small smile back. There were fae everywhere and my eyes went wide as I took them all in, snagging on the familiar deer antlers of a violet fawn fae whom had become my closest confidant in fairy. Her pure silver orbs met mine at the exact same moment and she slipped through the crowd expertly to me.
"Aster, you look breathtaking!" My mother said, acknowledging my springly friend.
"Oh, Mrs. Brook, you flatter me, look at you! Look at Mari!"
I smiled at her, and linked my arms with her as we headed inside. Upon entering, I was astonished to see the crowd was even bigger than on the outside. An upbeat song was being played on lutes and violins and other instruments. Through the great doors was the throne room and lining up outside were the young gentry to be presented to the king and crowned.
The crowning ceremony was the highlight of every solstice. Each new member of the court was presented before the king, and he would place a crown atop their head. Once placed flowers would bloom, and depending on what flower and what color it would tell the court something about them. Deep red for seductive, a master in bed, green for mischievous, never a boring lover, orange was deadly, my mother had been orange. I did not know what mine would be. Likely not orange. If another member of the court desired them on the night of their presentation, they would simply take the crown from off their head. This did not guarantee the person was theirs for the taking, but it did mean they were first to try. Most waited to see what higher up faes would do before deciding who to court, the last thing a lower fae wanted to do was step on the toes of someone that could have their head.
Getting in line to be presented my mother gave me a squeeze and my father kissed my cheek. "We will see you after my love, okay? Knock em' dead!" My mother teared up a bit, she never cried, and then her and my dad left me to my fate.
I could feel my heart racing in my palms as my turn to be presented approached until it finally was in fact my turn. I stared at the doors in front of me as two butlers opened them. I looked up, too late to turn back now, and was greeted by silence and a thousand eyes. A long red carpet leading to the throne was before me. I took a step forward, gaining courage. I was my mothers daughter. I lifted my wings, not letting them touch the floor.
"The Lady Amara Yarrow Brook, daughter of the High Lord Kael Brook and High Lady Gyr Brook." I descended the short stairs gracefully and made my way to the throne. It was silent aside from my breathing but I kept my gaze ahead, my shoulders set and my head high. I could feel all the eyes on me but mine did not waiver. And then I was looking at him. The King.
Rowan Coleus Amaranth of the Hawthorne Line. The High King of Caladium. My High King, looking right at me. His skin was sunkissed, he had soft brown curls that fell just above his eyes, horns curved up framing his head, and he too had wings, only his were more bat-like whereas mine were that of a bird of prey. He had a bored look in his eyes as they met mine, the deep green of the grass when it rained, but I refused to look away as I approached him. His jaw tightened at my not backing down.
Once I reached the dais, I spread my wings wide, showcasing them to the world, and sank into a deep curtsy, maintaining eye contact the entire time. He stood and taking the simple green twine crown he approached me. He placed the crown on my head gently, "Welcome to my court."
Taking a deep breath I stood, and as I did, I smelled the sweetness in the air, magic, as flowers began to bloom on the crown. A gasp went through the crowd and my eyes went wide, a little alarmed. The King, now back on his throne, smirked incredulously. "How peculiar. Yes, I daresay, you are very welcome at this court."
People gawked at me as I made my way through the crowd, I didn't rush, didn't let my nerves show, only letting out a little gasp when I finally spotted Aster. Her empty brow was now adorned by deep pink flowers, so not nearly as dark as red, but her last relationship told me she wouldn't be getting another color.
"What is wrong? Why was everyone so shocked? Is my color godawful?" I whispered in her ear.
She merely giggled. Giggled. What was so funny? Was it an obnoxious yellow or something? I did not look good in yellow.
"It really is nothing to be ashamed of, Mari, it just isn't something that really happens in this court. You know how the fae are.." she stifled her laugh with her hand.
"Oh god just tell me what it is!"
"Well... it's white. They are little baby's breath flowers on your brow."
"What does that even mean? White is a nice color is it not?" I was so confused. I'd never been told what white meant.
"Simply putting it, the King just outed you as a virgin to the entire court, and not just a virgin in sex, but a virgin in all matters of love. White means that you are... well pure," she stated matter of factly. "You know I knew you never dated but I didn't realize you'd never even kissed anyone Mar!" she was fully hysterical now. My cheeks flushed a deep red.
"I-I-I didn't even know white was an option!" I was flustered, my inexperience flaunted before the court, the King himself mocking me for it.
"It is not something to be ashamed of! You are just all that more desirable, in a different way," she smiled at me reassuringly. "I guarantee before our first dance is done, the men, and women, of this court will be fighting over your crown!" With that she pulled me towards the dance floor. Presentations were almost done and so the revelry would be fully underway soon. I could see eyes already raking over Aster, and... over me.
She handed me a drink and I chugged it, the bitter taste of whatever alcohol it was making me cough. Soon after the King announced that the fun should begin and so the music commenced. It was lively music for lively dancing and quickly Aster yanked me in. I was so caught up in the music, laughing and just letting loose with her, that I did not realize when the crowd parted before me and she abruptly stopped dancing.
There walking right up to me was the High King himself. He had an evil grin on his face and looking down at me I could not seem to catch my breath.
It was silent for only a moment, and then he said, "I think I shall take this." And he plucked the crown from my head, placing it atop the one he already wore. I watched in awe as my once white flowers turned into black thorny roses atop his head. He took my hand gently in his and led me towards his throne. No one dared make a sound. Once there he sat, and gestured for me to take a place in his lap. My cheeks were now cherry red and I could not look at him as I sat on his knee. He placed a hand high on my waist and I gulped, tucking my wings in close, unable to make eye contact. His fingers lightly came up under my chin turning my head slightly so my eyes were forced to meet his.
"I am over here little dove."
The music and dancing had commenced, other crowns had been taken, some had not, I did not doubt eyes were on us, but for the rest of the night mine were on his.

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