Oneshots! (Mostly Hermitcraft)

By JadedSundragon

16.3K 575 1.7K

Hello, and welcome to my oneshots book! I write Hermitcraft fanfiction, with a side of shenanigans from Hermi... More

Cub's UFO [Cub]
A Game of Tag (I got tagged. I hope this is entertaining)
The War of Faces (Hermittpad)
Possessed by an Idiot [Grian+the jungle crew]
Spring Prompt Challenge: April 1 - Bouquet [Iskall]
Spring Prompt Challenge: April 2 - Thunderstorm [Impulse]
Spring Prompt Challenge: April 3 - Meadow [Tango]
Spring Prompt Challenge: April 4 - Butterfly [Grian]
Spring Prompt Challenge: April 5 - Kite [Mumbo]
Spring Prompt Challenge: April 6 - Umbrella [Xisuma]
Definitely [Grian]
Song Fic: 'Bleeding Out' by Imagine Dragons [False]
The Pickaxe [Iskall, Grian, Mumbo, + Scar]
Indifference [Grian+Doc]
Fly You Fool! [Stress]
Tennis of Tables [Etho, Grian, others]
The New Watcher [Pearl]
Incorrect Quotes [Hermits]
The Void Only Steals - Pt. 1 [Xisuma]
Second Loss (TVOS pt. 2) [EvilXisuma]
Rest (TVOS pt. 3) [Xisuma]
Letting Go [EvilXisuma]
They could only Watch [???]
Watch Me Fly [Cub, Grian]
Not you [Xisuma]
Regrets [Grian, Scar]
Return (Regrets pt. 2) - Mumbo
Merry Christmas!
Hiatus [Mumbo]
Tagged Again
Bound to My Enemy [Xisuma, Cleo]
Raids - Team ZIT
Toss and Turn [Bdubs]
The End of Pixlriffs [Pix]
Accio Tagged Me. [Jade]
Black as the Void [Pearl]
Attempted [Xisuma, Tango]
Never Tell Me the Odds (pt. 1) [Impulse + Tango]
This is Where the Fun Begins (pt. 2) [Tango, Xisuma]
I Have a Bad Feeling About This (pt. 3) [Tango]
Wither Heart [Impulse]
5k Special: Incorrect Quotes
Skulk Wasp [Xisuma]
The Code Speaker [EvilXisuma]
The Code Whisperer [Xisuma]
But I am Hell Bound [Impulse]
Don't Get Too Close; It's Dark Inside [Team GIGS]
At the Curtain's Call
A Hell Within My Head [Cub]
Can We Skip to the Good Part? [Tango]
Febuwhump 2024 [A/N]
Cut apart (for the sake of science) [Tango]
Alone, alone, alone (time means nothing) [Impulse]
Crossbow quarrels (please spawn proof better) [Tango]
We'll protect you (if you obey) [Zedaph]
The City on the Cliff [Etho]
Phasmophobia (a free-verse poem) [Anon.]
One More Time: From brothers into strangers once again [Impulse]
One More Time: Do I have to die to hear you miss me? [Impulse]
Cursed [Skizz]
The Code Brothers [Evil Xisuma]
10k Special (Y'all are insane)
Running to Never: We claw our way to the top [Impulse]
Running to Never: Will we ever know how to stop? (Running, running) [Impulse]
Heroes Suck. [Cub]
Glowberries (high in citric acid) [Jevin]
Seconds I wasted (I was fixated) [Impulse]
All my walls are built and on display [Cub]
For the Bad Boys (pt. 1) [Joel]
For the Bad Boys (pt. 2) [Joel]
For the Bad Boys (pt. 3) [Joel]
Off to die a thousand deaths (or until I finally rest) [Tango]
Why the helmet? [Joel]
Viva La Revolution: Out of the Frying Pan [Impulse]
Viva la Revolution: Into the Fire [Grian]
Content Warning: Last Man Standing [Grian]
Dying Coals [Tango]
An appetite that only hatred satiates [Evil Xisuma]
Crying because you're dying (please stop dying) [Tango]
Important Author's Note (31.5.2024)

Spring Prompt Challenge: April 7 - Sunshine [Stress]

210 3 21
By JadedSundragon

TWs: Suicide, depression, grief, loss of loved one, your typical sad fic. I apologize in advance.


 You were my sunshine. The only one who could brighten my day. You've gone now and left me behind. I cannot follow.

 Maybe I could follow. Maybe the best thing for me to do is to try and follow. But what if I let everyone else down? I don't want to leave others as you left me. Inflicting pain on others is never an option. But I can't stay here any longer.

 My life is dim and colorless, the sunshine that was you completely dark. Nothing is left, not even a token that you were ever here. You took everything with you. Your life, your smile, your laugh.

 You took my heart.

 Oh, sunshine, why did you have to go? You have gone where I cannot. I am torn, sunshine. I want to follow, yet there are those who need me. They were hit hard, too. Did you think of that, sunshine? Did you even pause to consider the people who relied on you to be you? To be our sunshine?

 No, you just left us behind. It was all an accident, I know. A freak incident that was never supposed to happen. But that's what life does sometimes. It takes the improbable and makes it into reality. What could have been a one in a trillion chance had happened in the space of the few hours you were away.

 The few hours you were away before it took you away permanently. Forever.

 Do you see us now? Are you watching from wherever you went? Do you see this pain?

 Maybe you do. Maybe you watch from the afterlife, spectating our decisions, our actions, our pains. Maybe you see the pain I cause myself, knowing that I should have been there. I could have prevented it, but I didn't.

 It should have been me.

 If I'd only been there a little earlier. Maybe I would have seen the creeper and alerted you. Maybe you would have been able to escape death's cruel clutches, if only for a little bit. Who are we to choose when we live or die? There are players who live but deserve death. There are players who die and yet deserve life. We cannot be the judge of that.

 But I wish we could be. I wish I could bring you back. But I can't.

 I'm not a wizard. I'm not a magician. I'm not even a programmer. I can only heal. I wouldn't be able to bring you back even if I tried. There are aspects of life that are inalienable. Death is one of them. Sure, there are respawns, but that one in a trillion chance, that microbe of plausibility, just had to come true.

 And there was nothing any of us could do.

 I remember arriving at the scene, tracking the location of the last place I saw you. I remember the dust, still settling from the air. I remember the fissure in the ground, the scorch marks on the trees. I remember finding nothing else there but a scrap of fabric. Burnt, mutilated beyond recognition. Yet I still knew whose it was.

 There was no way you could have survived, the others said. They were sad, too, but they listened to their reason. Reason told them you couldn't be alive, and they accepted it. They grieved, but they accepted it. I refused. I heard reason and threw him out. I couldn't listen to anything or anyone that told me you were gone.

 But now, I know for sure you're gone. I've tried to ignore it for so long, to hide from the cold, hard truth, but the truth always makes itself known. Sooner or later, everything comes out. Everything is revealed. Nothing stays secret forever.

 I know I'll never see you again in this life. That single coincidence. The cloud that blotted out my sunshine. The sun shall never rise again.

 I want to follow. I want to follow so badly. I want to leave everything behind in the hopes of being with you. I know, it's impossible. None of us know where the permanently deceased players go. We don't even know if they go anywhere.

 You're still out there, I know that. If you weren't I wouldn't be able to think about you. I wouldn't be able to wish for you. I wouldn't be able to remember you.

 The memories are all that are left. They're all that I have. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing but finding you. I'll go back to the spot where you met your demise. Meet me there, if you can. Wherever you are, I hope that you can somehow hear this plaintive cry. Please, please, please come.

 I can feel the light wind, the cold barely bothering me. I know the place. You know the place. I've visited it so many times. You ought to know that. Please, sunshine, please be there today. It's always the same cry I give to you. It's always the same results. But each day, I pray it will be different. That you'll be there.

 Today is the last day. I need you, sunshine. You were the only light I knew to a darkening world. You brightened every room, both literally and metamorphically.  We both know what will happen today. It's the last one. I can't do this anymore.

 It's been hours. Hours of cold. Hours of waiting. Waiting for you, my sunshine, to show up. To wrap your arms around me and tell me that you're here. But no. It's impossible. You're gone. That's what everybody says. Everybody is right.

 I'm sorry it has to be this way. May we meet again, my sunshine.


Stressmonster101 fell out of the world

Permanent death hath struck

<Xisuma> No!

<MumboJumbo> Oh Notch, no

<ZombieCleo> It's true. I found her

<ZombieCleo> The same place

<Xisuma> Server meeting,  please

<TangoTek> You don't need to tell us twice

<ImpulseSV> We're all gathering at the spot

<Xisuma> See you there


"Oh Stress, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"I could have been a better friend. I should have done more."

"I've let everyone down. I'm so sorry."

"I can't believe it."

"I don't want to believe it."

"She's dead."

"We know."


I'm so sorry. So very, very, sorry. I'm just gonna- *runs away to crying corner yet again* Don't kill me, please...

Anyways, that's the end of the Spring Writing Challenge, as set up by Saph on the HermittpadRecap team. Thank you, Saph for such an amazing event!

And yep, that's it for now. I'm gonna go find some jokes or something to cheer me up now.

Not proofread or anything.


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