Universal Collision - New Dawn

By C1009007

958 13 10

The sequel to Universal Collision is out baby, with new characters and a whole new plot, but now the story re... More

Before reading
Chapter 1 - Welcome to Yurigawa Academy
Chapter 2 - Welcome to Infernal Paradise University
Chapter 3 - Love Live, but in Universal Collision
Chapter 4 - Concert Chaos
Chapter 5 - V.S. Scarlet Canary & Lynx Eyes
Chapter 6 - Cookie kingdom
Chapter 7 - ProtoZ
Chapter 8 - Good Aires Airport
Chapter 9 - Location: Japan
Chapter 10 - A small vacation
Chapter 11 - Lost city of Sugarteara
Chapter 12 - Return to Fifestrier
Chapter 13 - Returning to Thunder Tower corp
Chapter 14 - Surprise Attack!
Chapter 15 - Antique timeline
Chapter 16 - Going forth! Medashi Village and battling a dragon?!
Chapter 17 - Infectious outbreak
Chapter 18 - Scremamel Tower... 676 years ago
Chapter 19 - Returning to Present Time
Chapter 20 - Reunion
Chapter 22 - Fight Against an Administrator! Turn Down!
Chapter 23 - Roses VS Blue Roses?
Chapter 24 - Crossing Paths in Fifestrier
Chapter 25 - Same Name argument... but in space
Chapter 26 - Between a Bridge
Chapter 27 - Friends: To a New beginning for destiny
Main Story 1 Credits
Special Episode 1 - The Birthday Resort of Remembrance
Chapter 28 - Daikare, The Country of Cyber-World
Chapter 29 - A celestial entity
SECRET: Insatiable Gulfing Flame Apparition
Chapter 30 - BanG Dream! Groovy Mix!
Chapter 31 - D4 FES?! Started New World?!
Chapter 32 - Science Lab
Chapter 33 - Re:Call of Sekai
Chapter 34 - A Future not Recorded
Chapter 35 - A fast Fighter
Chapter 36 - Fifestrier: Siriali District
Chapter 37 - The fall of Fifestrier
Chapter 38 - A world set in the Future
Chapter 39 - An Upcoming Star
Chapter 40 - Underwater Restaurant Break?
Chapter 41 - What a Blissful world!
Special Episode: Michiru Kaibara
Chapter 42 - Fighting one's parallel
Chapter 43 - Night on a Fever Town
Chapter 44 - Night of a Cyber Night in... Daikare?!
Chapter 45 - Daikare's Government
Chapter 46 - Daikare's Casino
Chapter 47 - House of Horrors: Mystery
Chapter 48 - Daikare's Showdown
Chapter 49 - One last light
Chapter 50 - All Back to Normal
Main Story 2 Credits
Chapter 51 - The Country within a Parallel Universe
Chapter 52 - The Empress' Palace
Chapter 53 - The Unrecorded Tower: Aftermath
Chapter 54 - The girl from 10 years ago
Chapter 55 - Turnabout Butterfly Cradle
Special Episode 3 - The Birthday of the Garden
Chapter 56 - Brand New Rising Stars
Chapter 57 - Local Village of Sarabi
Chapter 58 - Creator Chase - SPARKLE
[APRIL FOOLS 2023] Chapter 59 - A4FES -SIMULATION-
Chapter 59 - Fifestrier Siriali District: The haunted shrine of horrors
Chapter 60 - Flamamancer & Striker - Guardian
Chapter 61 - Pyramid of Isolation
Chapter 62 - Back to Sargnia
Chapter 63 - Frozen Otherworld
Chapter 64 - Temple of Absolute Ice
Chapter 65 - A4FES -Incident-
Chapter 66 - Prelude: Song of the Sword
Special Episode 4 - The Birthday Arena
Chapter 67 - The Sword's Turnabout (Part 1)
Chapter 68 - The Sword's Turnabout (Part 2)
Chapter 69 - Streamer to 1 Million Followers
Chapter 70 - Super Admin of Sargnia
Chapter 71 - Lost Sargnia
Chapter 72 - Top Floor of Penia
[APRIL FOOLS 2024] It's cancelled
Chapter 73 - Bottom Floor of Penia
Chapter 74 - The 4 Souls
Chapter 74A - The 4 Souls -Black Shooter-
Chapter 74B - The 4 Souls -White Justice-
Chapter 74C - The 4 Souls -Pink Maiden-
Chapter 74D - The 4 Souls -Red Queen-
Chapter 75 - Reunion in the Middle Floor
Chapter 76 - Retake the Top Floor of Penia
Chapter 77 - Brother & Sister VS Mother

Chapter 21 - Enter A New World

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By C1009007

Original Release: 8/12/2022

Chapter 20 Recap: After CarlosYT, Michiru, The Boyfriend, and The Girlfriend get out of Alicia's live show, they try to reunite with the others with the help of Saki. They were able to make it to Fifestrier's Main District and try to investigate on their whereabouts in the doctor's office until a white clothed girl tells them where they are. So, CarlosYT, Michiru, The Boyfriend, and The Girlfriend head to Alpha District to discuss everything they found in antiquity with the group. With them reunited, Michiru wants to show the Star Dreamers something in the Doctor's office.

Chapter 21 - Enter A New World

Location: Fifestrier - Alpha District

Len: Well, let's head back to Main District, we'll try to find a major target in the meantime.

Michiru: Oh, let's do it in the doctor's office, I have something to show you!

Volk: It better be good, otherwise I'm leaving.

CarlosYT: Promise me, it'll be good.

Volk: ... Promise.

AprilYT: Let's go!

Some time later...

Location: Fifestrier - Main District

CarlosYT: [Yawning] Ah, finally back at Fifestrier Main District- Wait, this ain't Sargnia.

Volk: You shouldn't have said that after yawning.

Heidi: I'm sure Michiru's there.

Mistrare: We'll enter.

Inside the Doctor's Office...

CarlosYT: Michiru! Where are you?

Michiru: You all finally arrived, took you some time.

CarlosYT: So, what do you want to show us?

Michiru: Follow me!

Location: Doctor's Office - Basement

Len: It's dark here.

Volk: Yep, someone turned off the lights.

Michiru: [Takes out a computer] Well, we'll use the darkness in this room for the simulation. Don't worry, I'll be with you all.

Len: [Takes out his Bow of Control] Okay, show us the enemy!

Michiru: Wait, there are no enemies, other than singing battle enemies-

"Loading Project Princess Letter(s)! From Idol!"

Location: ???

Boyfriend and Girlfriend: Week 6?!

CarlosYT: A school?

Shuichi: Yep, it's a school.

???: You must be transfer students.

AprilYT: Huh?

???: But you all look weird.

CarlosYT: Uhh, these are our actual outfits.

Renri: Mistrare, why did your clothes change?

Mistrare: I went to a clothing store before y'all reached to the store I went to. I bought clothing that I liked.

Renri: Oh...

Yoshino: My name is Yoshino Kariya, pleased to meet you.

Boyfriend: Michiru, are they sentient?

Michiru: Well yeah, it's a simulation.

Mashiro: Uh, so do we sing now?

Yoshino: Yeah!

Before starting this chapter, this assist team is Semi-restricted:

Assist details (Left to Right):

Yoshino Kariya - Notes of a promise - HP Regen 25% every 3 seconds (9 Seconds), Score UP 60% (9 Seconds), Note Power Increased by 20% (9 Seconds)

Ayame Mizukuki - Promise to a Friend - HP Recovery 60%, Grant Shield with HP equal to user Max HP (Max 50/50 HP) (120 Seconds)

Tayori Kingyobachi - Friendly Letter - HP Recovery 50%, Score UP 60% (9 seconds)

Akito Aduki - Letter of a Future - HP Regen 25% every 3 seconds (9 Seconds), Score UP 60% (9 Seconds), Defense increased by 20% (9 Seconds)

Shin Meiouin - Future of an upcoming year - HP Recovery 50%, Grant Shield with HP equal to user Max HP (Max 100/100 HP) (10 Seconds)

Yuzu - Year already passed with Letters - HP Recovery 60%, Score UP 50% (9 Seconds)

Lokido - I defend the weak with these fists! - Note power of user increased by 15% each 10 seconds (Max: 75%), and stop at 1HP if HP hits 0

Alicia (SP) - We'll learn with everyone together! - A poem will be written at certain intervals with the effects of:

Halfway done: Inflict cobweb on enemy preventing any note presses (6 seconds)
All done: Note power and defense of self increased by 60% (9 seconds)

The first song for this chapter is From Yoshino Kariya (Princess Letter(s)! From Idol! Song below)

Michiru: A stage switch should happen now...

Yoshino: Hey, let's share our letters.

CarlosYT: Letters?

Yoshino: It's the way of communication here.

CarlosYT: Uh, alright.

CarlosYT and Yoshino exchange letters.

CarlosYT: Huh?! A shift?

Heidi: Why am I suddenly here?

Boyfriend: "Stellapie"

Girlfriend: It's "Stella Pie"

Mashiro: N-No, it's "Stella-pie"

???: The blue haired kid is right, it's "Stellapie."

CarlosYT: That's an odd name.

Michiru: It's based on an actual user.

CarlosYT: Oh.

Volk: Who are you?

Ayame: I'm Ayame Mizukuki. Why are you in my dorm?

CarlosYT: Wait, these are the dorms?

AprilYT: Weird that it's suddenly night time.

Michiru: It's a simulation! Anything is possible in simulations!

CarlosYT: Sorry for intruding, but we'll get out.

Ayame: No, it's fine actually.

Renri, Len, Mistrare, and Kaito: ?

CarlosYT: (I know where this is going.)

The next song for this chapter is From Ayame Mizukuki (Princess Letter(s)! From Idol! Song below)

Heidi: Thanks, but this time, we'll exchange letters.

Ayame: Yoshino told you?

CarlosYT: Yeah.

Heidi and Ayame exchange letters.

CarlosYT: ... Hey Michiru.

Michiru: Huh? Yes?

CarlosYT: Does the people in the simulation instantly know people's names as soon as they enter?

Michiru: Undoubtedly!

AprilYT: So no introductions, saves some time.

CarlosYT: That was ill timed...

Tayori: My name's Tayori Kingyobachi! Nice to meet ya!

Len: Seems to be outside, meaning that we're outside the usual places.

Tayori: Nono, it's actually part of the campus.

Everyone: Huh?

Tayori: You'll understand when we get there.

The third song for this chapter is From Tayori Kingyobachi (Princess Letter(s)! From Idol! Song below)

CarlosYT: Alright, here's the last letter exchange that we were able to pull off with Yoshino and Ayame.

CarlosYT and Tayroi exchange letters.

Michiru: Now all letters have exchanged!

Volk: Ok, and?

Michiru: We'll be able to enter the U4FES!

Kaito: So like A4FES and D4FES?

Michiru: Yeah!

CarlosYT: Hold on, let me place the letters here...

CarlosYT places the exchanged letters in a triangle way.

CarlosYT: Woah, this is a huge stage! And kinda reminds me of my high school years before I met y'all guys.

AprilYT, Volk, Renri, and Heidi: Oh yeah, the football game!

Mistrare: (Two Yoshinos and Two Ayames?!)

Girlfriend: Hey wait! Where's Michiru's and Heidi.

Heidi and Michiru: We're over here! Watching you all!

Yoshino: Transfer Students, y'all made it to the FES in time.

Ayame: We've got a crowd to show off.

Tayori: Let's do it!

CarlosYT: (That was my line!)

The fourth song for this chapter is Spring Letter(s) (Princess Letter(s)! From Idol! Song below)

CarlosYT: Wait, why is Akaira, Alicia, Maki, Kaiwo, Subject 93, Ikaya, and Iiko doing here?

CarlosYT: Huh?! Hajime? Why's he over there?

AprilYT: And who are those two next and below Akaira and Ikaya?

CarlosYT: (Don't tell me that's her!)

Ayame: Looks like the crowd still wants more after all.

Tayori: Time to show them what we can do.

Yoshino: Ayame, Tayori, lets do it.

Yoshino, Ayame, Tayori: With the power of Poems!

CarlosYT: Huh?!

A shining aura starts to surround the stadium.

CarlosYT: Y'all suddenly transformed- Oh, yeah... Simulation stuff.

Renri: Whatever target it is, we must not

Yoshino: Come on transfer students, this one's a big one.

Ayame: Whatever you do...

Tayori: Don't mess it up!

Everyone: Let's do this!

The last song for this chapter is Floating Flower(s) (Princess Letter(s)! From Idol! Song below) (BURST Gauge fills up quickly)

The crowd starts cheering

Girlfriend: That was all, wasn't it?

Michiru: Yeah, what else would it be?

???: Why is it so dark in the Doctor's Office basement?

CarlosYT: What was that?

Yoshino: Thanks for helping us in the big stage.

Len: The three seem to follow a script!

Renri: A scripted simulation.

Michiru: SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave!!

Progress Saved.

Michiru: Phew.

???: Let me turn off the computer.

Location: ???

CarlosYT: Huh?!

AprilYT: It's super dark- [Angry] Hey, who's touching me?

Mistrare: Who's grabbing my wings?!

Kaito: The Girlfriend, I'm right beside you.

Mashiro: [Frightened] T-T-Turn o-o-on the l-l-lights!

Boyfriend: I found the lights!

The Boyfriend turns on the lights.

They all see each other with a familiar face.

Everyone: ...

Everyone starts to scream at each other.

Technical Difficulties. Please Stand By

CarlosYT: Hung?! Why are you here?

Hung: H-Hey! I was trying to look for some documents I left here!

CarlosYT: Find them I guess, we'll find something to cool us do-

Len: We found a special target...

Len: Maki and Kaiwo's mom?!

Heidi: You know, it's hard to find her and her house. Pretty sure Maki, Kaiwo, and their mom live in the same house.

CarlosYT: Yeah, let's go ask them.

AprilYT: Alright.


Hope you liked this chapter because I will be doing one in the next three days, or if I have time, or if I get positive feedback from this chapter.

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