Speed x Black

By UmbreonXespeonUwU

995 16 23

So this is a fanfic of a comic made by PKM-150.(In which I highly recommend.) So I didn't originally make the... More

Chapter 1 redo

875 16 23
By UmbreonXespeonUwU

Disclaimer: uhhh... so I got quite a few things wrong in the first chapter, so I'm gonna redo it. :) the first part with Lazuli will be the same though.

Also they are NOT humanoid this time.

Speeds POV

Ow, ow, ow. I was once again, limping home. I didn't even do anything wrong but whatever I guess.


I was walking to to Sunny town with Lazuli and things were actually going alright for once. "Thanks, for coming with me I guess." Lazuli says looking away.

"It's nothing really. I had nothing better to do anyways." Wow it was really rare for Lazuli to thank me like that.

I see Sunny town up ahead and say, "Hey, there it is!" I start running to get there faster.

Lazuli also starts running and says, "Hey Speed wait u- waaah!"

I turn around to see what had happened. Lazuli tripped and was about to fall on me. I catch her and ask, "You alright Lazuli?"

"Yeah, I'm fi-. Wait, what are you doing?!" Once she figured out what had happened and who was holding her she freaked out, turned red, and started beating me up.

"You just fell over so I caught you so you wouldn't get hurt!" I don't fight back since I don't like fighting girls. She was quite strong for a female but all I do is try to block.

"Yeah right. I can go to the town by myself thank you very much." Lazuli goes to the town just leaving me there again for me to walk home by myself.

~End of flashback~

I really didn't get Lazuli. She's nice one second but the smallest thing turns her really mean the next. On my way home I see Silvia running up to me.

"Speedy! We should go shopping together!" Silvia says excitedly.

"I don't know Silvia... I'm really tired and ain't feeling it. I just want to go home." I feel like I'm about to collapse.

"Come on Speedy! It'll be fun! Even just 30 minutes is fine." Silvia wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Alright, fine. Only 30 minutes though ok?" I should be alive for 30 more minutes.

"Yay! Thanks, Speedy!" Silvia then drags me to town.

~At the first store~

Silvia had dragged me into a plushie store. "Will you be able to go pick out your own stuff while I rest at the front of the store?"

"Alright, fine. If you really want to. But I'm getting a lot of plushies then." Silvia then runs off.

I don't care as long as I get to rest up. I go over to sit on a bench. How many plushies could she need anyway? After a few minutes of sitting there, my brother, Solarflare and leafy came up to greet me.

"Hey big bro. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, hey Flare. I was dragged here by Silvia again." I look down at the floor. It's been like this few weeks now. The same process. Getting beaten to a pulp by Lazuli, which isn't too bad considering my healing factor, but it doesn't mean I don't feel pain. Then getting dragged here when I don't want to blowing a weeks salary on things for Silvia. It was getting tiring.

"Big bro, you need to have some back bone. You can't let them always take advantage of you like this." Flare is trying to help me which I respect but I don't want him to worry about me.

"It's alright. I really don't mind all that much. Anyway what are you guys doing here?" It bothered me I can't get much time to do my own stuff but it ain't the end of the world.

"Oh, Flare and I came to town to get some plants when we saw you and Silvia come in here." Leafy spoke up this time.

"Oh, well you guys didn't have to take your time to stop by." I could tell Flare liked Leafy and I didn't want to get in the way of there one on one time.

"Oh no, we wanted to stop by. But now Flare and I have to go get the plants now. So see ya." Leafy goes to the front door and heads out.

Flare follows saying, "By big bro."

"See ya." I guess that made time fly by because I saw Silvia come back to the front and she had what looked to be 20 plushies.

"Geeze Silvia, how many do you need? How much is it?" Looked a bit expensive.

"300$." Silvia says cheerfully.

"What?! Do you really need that much?" I mean I could pay for it, but would she even use all of these?

"Of course! You know how much I love plushies!" Silvia sounded really excited and happy. So I guess I'll get it.

"Alright, fine. If it makes you happy." I give the cashier, which was an Absol the money and we finally get to go back home.

I'm still hurt from the getting beaten up by Lazuli earlier. As we walk out of the store Silvia clings to my arm making me wince a little. She says, "Thanks for buying me the plushies Speedy!"

"No problem." Although I'd have rather just went home instead of going shopping for her, but at least she was happy now.

As we approach the treehouse we see Flare and Leafy putting plants they'd gotten in the garden. Silvia runs up to them to show them her plushies, but I decide to just go straight inside.

As I walk in I'm greeted by Crystal. "Hey Speed, I'm hungry, can you please make me a sandwich?"

"Can't you make one yourself?" I've shown her how to make a sandwich many times.

"I forgot how to." Crystal wasn't lying.

"You forget things so easily. But I'll make it for you I guess. Watch closely and don't forget."

~one sandwich making later~

"And done. Here's your sandwich. Don't forget how to make it next time." I gave the fish sandwich to Crystal.

"Thanks Speed!" Crystal eats her sandwich and I start going to my room.

On my way to my room I look in Blacks room to see what he was doing. But when I look in there I see Black tied up with tape on his mouth and Pearl laying beside him. Black looks over and sees me.

"Mmmm!" Black wanted help.

"Pearl, let Black go. Do you think doing this will help you get any closer to him?" This is the third time this week.

"Well nothing I've done before has worked, and this is the best way to spend the most time with him." Pearl seemed like she was obsessed with Black. But I can't completely blame her after what happened with her and Black.

"Pearl, just let him go, this will only make him not like you more." Pearl was taking things too far.

Pearl thinks for a moment before saying, "Alright, fine."

Pearl unties Black and takes the tape from his mouth and leaves. I walk up to Black who says, "Thanks for the help."

"No problem." I was about to go back to my room before Black spoke up.

"Hey Speed, you look hurt, what happened?" Black asked concerned.

"Oh, I was beaten up again by Lazuli after catching her from falling." It happens all the time so I've gotten some what used to it.

"Again?! How many times are you going to let this happen?" Black seemed mad which was unusual considering how he was mostly emotionless.

"It's fine. After all I always heal no problem." I had a healing factor that made me practically invincible.

"Not the point. You've got to defend yourself more and not let her take advantage of you. Anyway, you were gone for quite a while. Did you do anything after that?" Black seems like he could already guess.

"Silvia had me go shopping with her and had me buy her some plushies."

"How much was it?" Black seemed even more concerned.

"300$. But you know I'm able to afford that." I try to make it so he doesn't worry.

"300$?! While I know you can afford it you are still letting her take advantage of you, and you are spoiling the both of them into making them think they can get you to do whatever they want." Black seemed pretty upset with me.

"Do you really think they'd do anything going too far though?" I don't think they would.

"Maybe not, but still not the point. You need to be able to say no to them or actually fight back a little."

Ir was an awkward silence for 10 seconds before Black spoke back up. "Are you happy with them always taking up your time?"

"I mean... it gives me something to do outside of the house." If I said yes I feel like he wouldn't have believed me. Which was fair considering I've lied to him in the past.

Black looks at me for another five seconds before saying, "Whatever. I'm going to bed. Good night."

"...Good night." I walk out of the room as Black gets in his bed.

I wonder what that was about. He usually doesn't care about other peoples problems like that. But I wasn't going to figure it out since it would take too long. I walk to my room, get in my bed, and go to sleep.

Blacks POV

Speed can be so damn stupid sometimes. No one would blame him for saying no, or for fighting back a little. At least he didn't completely lie to me this time. I knew he wasn't happy with what Silvia and Lazuli were doing. He needed a break.

Maybe I can sell berries tomorrow while doing mail stuff. That way he can get as much rest as he needs. I could also get Leafy and Flare to distract Silvia and Lazuli from bothering him. I walk to the kitchen to find Crystal.

"Hey Crystal I need you to do me a favor." I didn't actually talk to Crystal much so I wonder if she will do it.

"Black? I don't think we ever talked one on one much. But anyway what is it?" Crystal seemed surprised I was actually talking to her.

"Don't wake Speed up tomorrow. Let him sleep in as much as he wants."

"Alright, sure. But why do you want me to?" Crystal asked confused.

"He just needs rest after dealing with Silvia and Lazuli all the time."

"Oh, alright. Also, I heard Yours and Speeds conversation in your room. Is there another reason you want me to?" Crystal seemed oddly eager to know.

"N-no that's it. Just let him sleep in tomorrow." She was on to me.

"Alright. Will do!" Crystal says getting up and going to her room.

There. Now I just have to tell Leafy and Flare there part and Speed will get fully rested.

End of part 1

Shouldn't have token me so long to do a chapter remake, but hey! It's out now at least. Got hooked on an anime called Black Clover. Amazing show, and highly recommend.

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