Zeref Male Reader X Anime Har...

By LonelyGodLux

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Suddenly waking up In a Dimensional Anime death game was not something Y/N L/N had on his agenda for today. N... More

Chapter - 1: Second Chance At Life...?
Chapter -2 Summoning A General
Chapter - 4: Soldier Summoning

Chapter -3: Torturing(Cough!) I Meaning Training...Yeah Training

354 11 1
By LonelyGodLux

" This is Torture!" Running away from a running and swinging Saber Alter, I yelled out.

" Dodge!"


Dodging by a hair, I shouted at the smirking Saber Alter," Torture!"

" It's training, Master." Dodging another swing of her sword, I exclaimed," I call BS!"

" You may...But you know It's not." And like that, I dodged and dodged her killing strikes.

" See?"

" Tsk, I blame Dark Souls," I confessed, barely swerving away from a harder and faster swing.


After a few hours of dodging, I noticed something...odd and off about me.

' Eh? I don't feel tired.' I honestly don't.

" Oh? So you finally noticed."

" You already knew?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

" Mhm, I did. But I wanted you to find out by yourself." She explained simply.

" Thanks...?"

" You are welcome, Master." Throwing me a wooden sword, she smiled," Now try to hit me."

" Fuck."


What followed was a depressing and anguishing game of tag with a sword.

" Remember, every strike you deliver must be fast. Swift but clean. Strong but controlled. Do not lose your balance. It's a death sentence on the battlefield. Aim with accuracy. Do not miss and display any opening no matter what. Use the ground to support you." She would tell me, after smacking me on the butt with her wooden sword.

' Where does she keep getting these wooden swords?!' I remember questioning myself, after getting smacked on my back.

" Set your foot properly, your back straight and firm. Used your hips to generate power. Struck with purpose. Your strike must be clean. Your strike must be swift. Your strike must be fast. Your strike must be accurate." She would later tell me, after making me fall on the floor.

" Focus! Do not let your mind wander! Focus on your target! Clear your mind! Your sword is a part of you! It is the extension of your limbs! Control it! Just like you control your legs and hands! It moves as you will!" She followed said, after seeing and hearing me think about some chess burger and French fries, which made her mouth twitch at.

I changed my stance, after falling on the ground a few times. After delivering a downward swing I performed an uppercut slash and a vertical swing again. I kept my body straight as best as I could despite being uncomfortable as I wasn't used to it. Though after six or seven repeats I began to perform each move more easily, making it harder for Saber Alter to dodge.

It was as if my body knew how to act, as if it already had the memory of the movements. It just had forgotten and needed to remember them.

It was a very strange sensation but, I didn't truly mind.

" If your attacks are not strong enough then use your whole body, control your weight, as long you keep your balance secured, all of your attacks have the potential to be lethal. If your defense is not strong enough then use the ground, the earth is immovable, as long your stance is firm your defense will be like a fortress." She told me after causing me to fall once again.

Getting up, I calmed down my breathing,' You don't feel tired. Her attacks don't hurt. We are powerful. We don't feel fear. We are a King. And King's don't feel fear.'


Getting In Saber Alter's stance, I seemingly flashed over to her. And with a swing of my sword, It met metal.


" You hit me." She said, looking proud of herself.

" Yep." I nodded, falling to the ground by her, drenched in sweat and purple bruises.

' My whole body hurts...'

" We're not done yet, Master." Pulling me back up, she gave me back my training sword.

" Huh?" Why? Have you not bullied me enough?!

" Hit me ten more times." She stated, smirking.

"..." Sighing deeply, I picked up my training sword and flashed a smile.


Only when the sun raised above us, was my...training(read as: Torture) done.

" I Did It!" I yelled to the sky, tired. Too tired to move...

" Yes, you did Master." Pulling me up, Saber Alter smiled with some respect In it.

" Now let's go take a nap... I earned that much."

Using Saber Alter as shudder as a makeshift crunch, we walked back to the village.


When we got there, my only resident glanced at us In wonder.

" Training..." With this one word, they nodded, seemingly understanding what I mean.

Passing a few buildings, we made It to the [Village Hall].

Placing me on the throne, Saber Alter grinned at my tired look.

" I'll watch over you." Patting the right side of my face, her hands flashed a golden-red color," So rest, My Master."

Like this, I slowly but surely fell asleep hearing her beautiful voice...




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