Be Ours~(Highschool)_(Classic...


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Sans ( Classic) doesn't have any family members. He just wants to have a normal life and a peaceful school e... More

Characters and Opening Summary
Chapter 1 : What a 'lucky' first day at school
Chapter 2 - Escape from those | idiot | skeletons
Chapter 3: Shut up and be my pillow
Chapter 5 : The first time we saw you, Little Angel~(Part 1)
(Part 2) Vowed to me
(Part 3) Choose between 'Stay' or 'Leave'...
[Last part] Part 4 :Switched role
All other flashbacks will be in here
Chapter 6: The sound of sickness
Chapter 7 :Your Love Is All I Need
Chapter 8: You're my perfect Earthly delights
Chapter 9: Nothing needs to be matter now...
Chapter 10: Forever be with you even if being 'Forever forgotten'
Chapter 11: You're ours and we're yours_for eternity.

Chapter 4: A Big Deep Jealousy

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-  In this Academy, student don't have to wear uniform

-  In each chapter, I will put 1 to 3 drawing inside. But usually 1 or 2 . All the art on top the chapter title not belong to me .And the art in mine story (under the title) all belong to me.

_________ At the end of chapter 3________

"Hey Killer do you still remember the last game we play with Classy" Dust grining

"Chase and tag of course" Killer made a creepy smile while playing with his knife.

"Shall we play that game again, I wanna play with Classy" Horror said in amused.

"Alright, let the end game of our friendship be the opening game of somethings that we all wanted to." Nightmare crossing his arms, it's been a long time since he been amused like this.



"How big is this school?!!!" Right now, Sans is running in the school hallway , trying to find the exit while thinking how much stupid he is.

He still can't remember the way, he just randomly teleports to get out of that situation.

He just keep running down the hallway until he burst into a door that opened into a yellow garden.

This garden is even brighter and more beautiful than the pink garden that he meets The *Bad student

The yellow flowers are swaying in the gentle wind, the golden tree shade the sun light and drop their shadows on the ground. Everything is just... so perfect.

Sans doesn't think much because he is tired from running all the school. He walked  to a big golden tree and sat down in it's shadow while he was breathing heavily.

And then his eyes slowly, heavily closed ... Sans fell asleep peacefully on the golden flower.

The sunlight shining through the tree leafs to a sleepy skeleton ,make his beauty even more special. 

Time seemed to stop, the symphony of nature kept resounding the whole garden.

As time passed, the little skeleton finally opened his eyes and woke up.

The first thing he saw was another skeleton. This skeleton wears a golden crown, his style mix perfect with the yellow garden.

But somehow, this one look so... emotionless and sad. He keep looking down at Sans with a blanked face, his tears keep fell to the ground every second.

Meanwhile Sans feels so awkward with this. Suddenly, the one that had golden crown spoke :

"C-Classy.... I-Is that y-you?..?" He mumble under his breathe while he crouched down next to Sans and put his hand on Sans cheek.

"Huh? Excuse me but what are you saying" Sans said in a nervous tone and slowly push the other hand out off his face.

"CLASSY!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH"  The other skeleton shouted cheerfully while quickly launch to Sans but ...


"Och! C-classy is there somethings wrong?" The skeleton that was pushed hardly to the ground bewildered sat up and stared at Sans with wide eyes.

"We just met yesterday so we're not that close. Please don't touch me" Sans said in a monotone voice while his face looking away from the other one.

"What are you saying, it's me, Dream" Dream said with a worried voice, his whole body was shaking steadily while pointing at himself.

"Sorry but this is the first time I hear this name, you seem to be misunderstood me with someone?" Sans said nervous tone as he gulped.

Immediately after Dream heard those words came from Sans mouth, he pinned Sans down on the flowers.

Because of the shock, Sans didn't have time to fight back before one of Dream hand grab his left hand put on Dream face. The other hand was hold by Dream hand on the ground.


"PLS DON'T MAD AT ME, I'M SORRY !!! FORGIVE ME ...FORGIVE ME , forgive me..." Dream shouted while shaking to the bone . The words "Forgive me" were repeated over and over in a frightened voice.

"Och! Ok Ok, Let go of me and talk normally " Finally, after hear Sans yelled in pain cause Dream tight grip , Dream immediately stop and stared at Sans with his wide eyes.

"Get up you idiot..."  " No" Sans was telling Dream to get out of his body but Dream interrupted him with a blunt statement.

"Talk" Dream said in a menacing tone , his words kinda make Sans shiver slightly.

"Ugh! He looks like he's about to eat me! Oh God pls save me" Sans though while sighing heavily.

"Look! I really don't know you and never meet you before so just let's me go. Also, my name is Sans not Classy" Sans groaned but that is enough for Dream to hear. And those word make Dream mood worse.

"So you truly don't know me" The black aura around Dream make Sans gulped nervously.

Sans keep silent until he finally calmed down and said : "No! Not at all"


"At least... Can we be friends?" The awkward silent finally broke by Dream words.

"Only if you get up off my body" Sans blinked while spoke in a monotone, waiting for Dream to get off him.

Dream was a little hesitant when he sat up but this is the best thing to do if he wants to be friends with Sans

"So we friend now?" Dream said while poke his index fingers together.

Even though Sans said Dream sit up to let the two of them stay not close like before but... right now dream sit next to Sans while his Dream fingers are holding Sans cheeks make their faces just few inches apart.

"Umm..y-yes" Sans stuttered while Dream face bright up as he has a smooth smile on his face while his soft eyes keep watching every move of Sans.

"Your name is Sans right?" Dream finally let go his fingers off Sans face before fixing his pose.

"Yes, by the way, what is your name?" Sans said in a nervous tone while sighing.

"Dreamy, just call me dreamy" Dream said in a sweet tone while patting Sans head makes Sans confused.

"I won't call he like that, that name sounds so weird" Sans thought in his mind and try to remember what the teacher call *Dream in his first day first class.

"Ok Dream , it's pretty late now. I should go back home" Sans said while stand up and not seeing Dream frowning when he call him "Dream" not "Dreamy".

"Wait" Dream said while grab Sans hand make Sans frozen on his place

"Huh" His reflex cause Sans look back at Dream.

 Sans is really confused but suddenly Dream pulls Sans hand hard to the ground while Dream go on top of Sans.

" W-wha.." Sans is interrupted by Dream put his hand on Sans cheeks and squeeze it

"Shh~ Didn't you say that we not know so i can't touch you right? But we friend now so I have permission to touch you" Dream said in a cheerful tone

"W-Wait what!?" Sans sweat dropping

Suddenly Dream kiss Sans causes Sans shock . 

Sans tries to push Dream away but no avail so he try to teleport but something block his magic .  He looked around until his attention was on the arrow that was plug tight in his left hand.

"Mmmphhhh" Sans is running out of air as he hit Dream back but Dream still not pulled apart.

Dream griping Sans waist tighter because of all the resistance come from Sans.

Dream finally pulled apart from Sans mouth make a little blue saliva in his mouth and yellow saliva in Sans mouth .

He gently stood up, helped Sans sit up and patted Sans head. Then he slowly walked out of the garden.

"H-Ha...a-ah haa" After that, Sans now is panting , feeling dizzy while sweating bullets and trembling hardly. 

He feels like he could die in just a few more seconds if Dream keep continues that.

" See you later, Sans and thanks for the sweet kiss~" Before leaving the garden, Dream said in a cheerful tone.

But no words was hear by Sans because he's trying to breathe and he too trembling right now.

See that, Dream very happy cause that is the things he want to do in his whole young time .

Even though ,Sans said he don't know him and not Classy but Dream don't really believe that because the comfy, peaceful feeling around Sans definitely like Classy 100% . And his cute ,soft face ; his sweet voice sound like Classy too.

Mean while, Two skeletons were also present without anyone noticing. Those two are nobody else other than Nightmare and Killer.

They been watching this whole kissing scene from the start. They really want to kill Dream at these but their anger make them can't not move .

Hmmm...Anger?..Nah, it kinda more like jealousy~

This is what those four skeleton look like :

[ Like I said , all the art under the title (chapter * ) belong to me .

And I sorry for who is Nightmare ; Killer fan . Scary thing doesn't really suit my artstyle .I also a newbie too, hope you guys forgive me TvT ]

------- flashback when Sans teleport out of the class at chapter 3------

"Alright, let the end game of our friendship be the opening game of somethings that we all wanted to." Nightmare crossing his arms, it's been a long time since he been amused like this.



"I wonder where did Classy go" Horror said in a soft tone while holding his axe and making a fake sad face.

"He's not far away yet, this school is quite large" Dust said in a quiet tone while crossing his arms.

Cross : "How about we split up to find Classy"

Error : "It's a good idea but we should split into two person a group to avoid Classy escaping again"

"Ok, let's do like that . I will go with boss, Error and Cross ; Horror and Dust . Anyone disagree?" Killer said while smiling playfully and grap Nightmare jacket ,pull he out of the class.

The rest of them look at each other then nodded .Each group went their own ways with different feelings when they go to find Classy (Sans).

_____With Horror and Dust

Dust just stays silent while using the gaster blaster to clean the way in front of them .

The students who were on their way, when those student saw this were all scared and immediately ran away .

While the students are in they class just look at Dust and Horror through the window with wide eyes but they immediately turned their head away after meeting Dust cold, murder glance.

"How weakly they are" Dust thought while watching the other student shaking in fear.

Meanwhile with Horror at the back it was trying to find and feel Sans peaceful breath by slashing with the axe at every place that make he feel annoy.

_____With Cross and Error

Actually they don't have to do much because their guard is SUPER high . Even a small heartbeat can be heard by them.

Error just used his strings to extend a straight line ahead in the middle of the hallway .That one strings splits into two and then pushes all the students standing in the hallway towards the left – right wall.

Those students let out a silent scream of pain , they can't do anything else because of Cross knife on they clothes.

After Error do that, 1 second later Cross immediately throw four red knives at each student, pinning them to the wall.

They did this to silence the noises, the noises that block them from hearing Sans breath.

(Me : *Drinking coffee while thought 'Damm !... obsessed skeleton')

____And last is Nightmare and Killer

"Hey Boss! You're pretty quiet there, is there something I don't know?" Killer said in a boring tone while playing with the knife in his hand , not even look at Nightmare

"..." Nightmare keep quiet silent making Killer frowning

"BOSS!! HEY! Earth call BOSS" Killer shouted while stamped his foot on the floor.

"Tch! A mouse eat his brain or what?!!" Killer thought while clicked his tougue in annoyance.

Seeing that his words were quite useless and his Boss was about to hit a wall, Killer quickly ran in front of Nightmare, spreading his two arms to stop Nightmare from continuing walk.

" Get out Killer" Seeing Killer in front of him, Nightmare stopped and said in a cold tone

"Finnaly a f*ck*ng response" Killer thought then immediately said " Boss..."

"I can feel Classy tired, this way" Killer was interrupt by Nightmare , he make sigh for killer to follow.

"Lucky for him this was a good response or I would have punched him" Killer thought in his mind before simply follow his Boss.


When they reached the place that have Sans most tired feel, they meet him right at the scene of Dream pressing down to kiss Sans

_______End of flashback , back to reality_____

Right now, Sans is panting and completely ignoring two big shadows in front of him.

He still can't breathe properly after that kiss , his body keeps shaking making it difficult to move.

He really not notice Nightmare tentacles is lifting him up while Killer silent walk behind Sans and hold him waist after Nightmare make his tentacles let go off Sans .

( Me : Ooh~ So this is what people call a second before disaster )

Even though , Killer hold Sans waist really tight and Nightmare is grabing his cheeks no mercy but...


While behind Sans is Killer with a knife at his(Sans) throat (spine neck) only a inches away , Nightmare was staring at Sans with his terrified mad eyes .

Nightmare lifted Sans chin in front of his face and said :

"My Classy, why did you let Dream kiss you like this. You know, it hurts me so bad" Nightmare said in a menacing tone while his face showed fake kindness for Sans.

"It would be a shame if he broke up this soon" Nightmare thought while use his tentacles squeeze Sans trembling, fragile body.

"a-ah... och-h" Sans stuttered but even that still not really make he pain much cause his body was already unable to feel anything after Dream kiss.

"oh my! He look so vulnerable right Boss" Killer said in amused because he is sure that his boss (Nightmare) also likes this little cute form of Sans.

And he guessed right, all these negative emotions come from Sans make Nightmare feel so pleasurable . It's like his own paradise.

Sans negative emotions are not like the others.

To put it bluntly, Sans  negative emotions have the color of peace. Sans take in those bad emotions and turns them into the emotions that can smooth down anyone , even a monster like him (Nightmare)

And yes, from the first day he meet Sans when they was young , Nightmare has obsessed it since the first time he feel it.

And that feeling has not changed until now , all those negative emotions come from Sans just fuelled Nightmare entertainment and make him even stronger.

"You're right but ..." Nightmare whispered but it's enough for Killer to hear. He showed a gentle smile while releasing Sans as he walk out of the yellow garden.

Killer froze for a moment to the time that he understood, he just smiling playfully and sighed before gentle put Sans under the tree then followed Nightmare.

"We should leave it like this for now, if it's too fast ,it's not fun. We still play chase and tag game right so let's count 1 point for we and he (Dream) " Nightmare back to his cold normal form while Killer nodding behind.

Nightmare glanced at Sans fragile, trembling figure before completely leaving the garden.


Finally after Sans had completely calmed down, he is walking in the hallway to go to his class to take his bag.

"ugh! Can someone give me a break, what day it is?!?" Sans thought while tired walking step by step to the front of the class.

Sans slowly twisted the door knob and the first things he saw is not his bag. It was a hooded skeleton leaning against the wall.

"Oh shut ! I was exactly cursed by the death god" Sans thought while gulped heavily as he look around to find his bag and that bag is right on the chair next to the silent skeleton.

Sans is pretty sure that he has no choice ,he has to get close that skeleton to grab his bag. That one seems to already sleep.

Sans sighed before quietly walking over. Right at that moment, just after Sans got his bag, he was pulled behind by someone hand.

Sans opened his eyes wide before closing his eyes thinking he was about to fall to the ground.

But actually he didn't fall to the ground , he still haft standing as he fall to the other chest, his back against that skeleton chest .

Just in a second later, he was locked in the arms of the person behind .

Before Sans could understand this situation, he was shocked by a warm breath on his neck.

"Hey!" The hooded skeleton suddenly spoke in a quite tone . It's sound like a whisper more.

"Huh? Oh, is there something wrong?" Sans said while sweat dropping as he haft stand haft sit still with a hooded skeleton hugging him tight on the back.

"You really don't remember who I am?" The other keep whisper in Sans ear closer.

"Sorry but I truly don't know you" Sans said in a nervous as he shiver slightly at the awkward aura.

"Dust" That skeleton said in a cold tone, he try to speak as loud as possible for Sans to hear his name.

"Umm.. what?" Sans said while raising his head to see the taller skeleton face.

"Dust! Dust is my name. Please ,remember my name" Dust said cold tone mix with a little shy tone while he look away.

6 minutes have passed and in those 6 minutes no one said a word. The sun shines down on the two figures, one big and one small in the classroom. 

Time seems to slow down, everything is so quiet.

"Sh*t, I'll slowly die if I stay here any longer" Sans thought while blinking his eyes and sighing.

"Can you let me go...Dust" Sans said in a soft voice , he not notice Dust creepy smile behind .

Dust nuzzled his face in Sans neck before chuckling while remove his hands from Sans chest and waist.

Dust felt very satisfied after Sans repeated his name. It been too long since the last time Sans say his name but he still remember Sans sweet, kind voice at the first time Sans say it.

After Dust do that, Sans slowly stand up properly as he look at Dust once again before decided to say:

"Do you want to come home with me?" Sans said in a little nervous tone as he reach his hand for Dust to hold.

Dust giggled while nodding as he quickly grab Sans hand and dragged Sans out of the class make Sans frozen a bit before chucking.

"I guess he's not too bad" Sans thought while having a soft, gentle smile on his face.


Sans happy mood immediately changing into the shock one when he see Dust face hit the wall.

Dust was busy dragging Sans away so he didn't pay attention to the way and accidentally hit the wall.

And unfortunately, bad luck still did not let him go, Dust slip and fall painfully to the floor.

"Ugh!! STUPID WALL AND DAMM F*CK*NG FLOOR" Dust growling in pain while curse the wall and the floor even it's his fault for not looking at the road.

Seeing this make Sans didn't take it anymore, he already reached his limit as he burst out laughing while hugging his belly.

At that time, Dust put his hand on his forehead and smiled in embarrassment. He really didn't think these would be his first impressions when he met his Classy (Sans) again.

But Sans started to stop laughing when he saw Dust head bleeding, he immediately run in front of Dust sitting figures.

While Dust looked up at Sans, Sans reached out his hand to Dust and said:

"Here let's me help you " Sans said in a gentle worried tone make Dust frozen in his place some second.

"You may look like a person who respect privacy but just let's me help you with this pain then you can hate me all you want"  Sans continued his words while he knelt down and took out from his bag a handkerchief, a few other things.

Seeing that make Dust grinding his teeth and this make Sans thought :

"He really hate when people touch his own privacy huh" Sans continued fix the damages on Dust head.

"If I hurt you, tell me, I'll try my best to make it only like a passing wind on your bone"  Sans said in a warm tone as he patting Dust head because he already done bandage for Dust, he wanted to make sure that it enough.

"F*ck! That melody again" Dust thought while frowning make Sans confused.

"Dust?....Dust...D-Dust , DUST ! Hey Dust" Sans shouted Dust name again and again but it still no response.

Meanwhile, Dust is in his mind world.

"How the fr*ck that sweet melody can't go away , stupid f*ck*ng damm melody" Dust really pissed him off because of his Classy (Sans) words – melody.

He really don't want to hear those sweet lie melody any more. Especially it.


Don't worry ,I always be here to help you

___-ckdkce-___sedsi___( consider this a interrupted memory)

I will never leave you

____________dciwisi- ______kolaiwx-_

Best friend forever


"Forever huh... f*ck*ng forget is the things fit it" Dust curse in his mind

"I hate sweet things the most because it makes me sick but this sweetness always f*ck*ng drives me crazy" Dust hates Classy (Sans) sweet melody a lot but at the same time he is obsessed with it.

He wants to be the only one who can hear those melody, wants those melody only for him. But sadly it not only can hear by him, Classy words don't belong to him.

Since he was a child, he had to be very restrained to not kill the ears of those who heard Sans melody – words.

"His words now are still the same as back then, damn melody."  Dust grumbling in his mind while remember the first time seeing his light.

The ugly whispers of those disgusting humans and monster are nothing with the angels melody.

The angel come from the light and it's chance his life forever.

____________Dust memory___________

The sky is pouring rain, the atmosphere would be so quiet if it weren't any of disgusting laughter over there.

Under the big tree, a small skeleton about 6 years old was sitting on the ground with wounds and bruises on his body with a bunch of other children talk sh*it about him and bullying him.

Everyone who passed by just ignored him getting beaten up because they think he deserved it .

Everyone thought he was a demon because of his red like blood eyes and the other purple like poison eyes . Those eyes really make everyone hate and fear him but usually hate.

"Just die"- "Your life has no meaning" – "Devil" –"Why won't you just go back the hell where you born"   Those are the words that people around him often say when they see him and even the kids who are bullying him say the same things.

And with him, Dust didn't fight back because he were too tired and also because he knew that his words and the things he do were worthless.

Dust just sat there and waited silently to when the ugly children left.

He leaned back against the tree as he sighing. He's used to this.

Time keep go on like that, sadness like that, pain like that until a gentle and soft voice spoke .

A voice that he never hear before, a warm and peaceful voice that no one has ever told him.

" let's me help you"  That voice spoke so peaceful make Dust somehow feel very comfortable in the deep inside.

That person reached his hand out in front of Dust face as Dust raised his head and stared at the other hand for a moment before deciding to take that hand.

At that moment he knew, he touched his light, touched his angel.

And yes, his angle is nobody else than his Classy~

____________ To Be Continued__________

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