Little Stars

By Mayarrismail

33.6K 1.3K 535

Adopting two more children? That wasn't how Aizawa expected his patrol to end. But he couldn't leave them alo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
The Fight part 1
The Fight Part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 15

827 34 19
By Mayarrismail

Watching someone you love suffer in pain when there is nothing you could do to stop it is the worst thing in the world. Shoto felt helpless as he stared at Touya, burning and withering in pain. Do you know what was worse? It is knowing that this someone had gone through all of this in the past, alone, with no one there to help them.

Shoto vaguely remembers his brother talking excitedly to Endeavor on the day of his death, telling him that he had mastered their father's move. Shoto back then wanted to run to his brother, so he could take him away from Endeavor, maybe they could hide in the closet like they used to do. But Touya had run before hearing what Endeavor would tell him; their father had only glared at the place where Touya was standing in then he continued yelling at Shoto to get up and to not be such a weakling (which was fucking depressing for a five years old kid.)

Then Endeavor came back, looking more angrier, and little Shoto wanted to ask him where was Touya, why Touya didn't come with him because he wanted his brother to come to his room at night to hold him and sing to him or tell him a story until he fell asleep, but their father said that Touya had died. Touya had left them like their mother. Shoto had cried that night, alone in the closet (his and Touya's safe place) because Fuyumi and Natsuo didn't dare to enter his room while Endeavor was at home - Only Touya could do this.

And now seeing his brother screaming in pain and calling their names (he also called Shoto; who was only five years old when the fire accident happened ,) Shoto didn't want to see Touya burning by his own fire, but he knew that day would come. He had woken up at Touya's screams and pleads for the fire to stop while Keigo was crying silently, clutching his hands which had burns on them - the winged boy had woken up with his own bruises and injuries, Aizawa had grabbed him, but Touya's fire had already burned Keigo's hands when he tried to reach for Touya.

Shoto stood frozen in front of his brother. His throat constricted and unshed tears stung his eyes and he could feel them wanting to stream down his face not doing anything as he watched his brother's fire burn him.

Did Touya suffer all of this alone? - Shoto thought. Of course, he suffered alone with no one there for him.

"Shoto!" The said boy could hear Aizawa calling him, trying to grab his attention, but all he could focus on was his brother's screams.

Why no one was there for him? Why I wasn't there for him - Shoto thought desperately, how could they? How could they -

You were only five, Shoto- Aizawa's voice rang through his head, saying the same words the hero said this past week.

And in an instant, the fire vanished; the fire that was always a beautiful sight for Shoto.

"It's beautiful, Nii-san," five-year-old Shoto said to his brother, gazing at the fire flower in his brother's palm - it looked like the one his mother always made for him with her ice. Touya's fire was so beautiful like his mother's ice, Shoto wasn't afraid of it, it wasn't like his father's fire which was always angry and hurting him.

Touya had smiled at him and his eyes brightened even though the fire hurt him, but at least Shoto was smiling. "What else do you want me to do?"

"A dragon!" Shoto said after a moment of thinking. "So it could take us away from here."

He was always fascinated by how it looked when Touya made different shapes from it. But now, these blue fire would hunt him in his nightmares - it was one of the reasons for his pain and suffering, it was what took his brother away from him, it was what was hurting Touya and Shoto began to hate it.

"The fire had reached over 2000 °C. It burned everything in its path."

Shoto didn't view the fire as fascinating anymore as he used to do.

"We only found a piece of his jaw-"

But his brother was alive in front of him. If only he could move and take his brother, so he could shelter him from any harm, but Shoto was still frozen in his place.

Aizawa had used his quirk to erase Touya's quirk, he was holding Keigo as the kid cried and sobbed, trying to reach for his friend. But when Aizawa tried to touch Touya, the latter flinched violently and begged to not be touched because it hurt. So, he couldn't hold both Touya and Keigo.

Thankfully, Shoto had snapped out of his shock after there was no fire and he rushed to Touya to hold him and let him be treated immediately, but as soon as Shoto touched Touya, his brother recoiled from his touch and his screams had gone louder.

"Please, Papa." Touya whimpered, blood was pouring on the bed from his open wounds and the smell of burnt flesh was so prominent, that it was the only thing that could be smelled in the room.

Shoto wanted to close his eyes and pretend that all of this was just a dream, a cruel dream. He wanted to pretend that his brother didn't go through this two times because he knew that being burned is a fiery, excruciatingly painful experience.

"Touya-nii," Shoto said desperately when he touched Touya again and his brother flinched again - the screams were getting louder and louder, the blood that was pouring from his brother's body was a lot. Under Touya's eyes, the skin is burnt too, and he's crying blood-it leaks from his eyes, slips down his cheek, joining the other red spots of blood on the bed.

Shoto hated the colour blue.

Finally, after what felt like long agonizing hours, Shoto was able to pull Touya into his embrace and he held him even if his brother tried to recoil from his touch, and he was still screaming and begging to not be touched, begging for something to take the pain away even it resulted in killing him - anything to take the pain away.

And Shoto stared at him, he wanted to take him to Recovery Girl, but he froze again with Touya in his arms and wondered about all the things, the hundreds of things that happened in Touya's life -Did his brother suffer like that again throughout the years? The thought of his brother suffering caused something to ache inside of him painfully and his tears were still falling rapidly down his face.

Take him to Recovery Girl, let her treat him! - but even though the voice inside his head was yelling, he was still frozen in his place, holding Touya and getting soaked by his blood.

By his older brother's blood.

"Shoto," he heard Aizawa's voice saying his name softly as if Shoto was made of glass and would shatter if someone spoke in a loud voice. "Let me take him." Aizawa was still talking softly, looking at Touya with worry. Thankfully, Shinsou had come into the room and sprung into action when he saw the scene in front of him -Shoto was staring blankly at Touya while Aizawa was holding a crying Keigo who was trying desperately to escape from the teacher's hold to reach Touya, the winged boy had the same blank face as Shoto, tears coursed down his face.

Shinsou had tried to take Keigo from Aizawa, but as soon as Aizawa loosened his hold on Keigo, he flew to the bed and sat on it - silently watching Touya and Shoto and the blood that had tainted the sheets with wide golden eyes. Shinsou thought that he would try to hug Touya, but Keigo was frozen in his place like Shoto.

"No," Shoto protested and unconsciously tightened his hold on Touya when Aizawa tried to take him. I wouldn't let anyone take him from me, he is my brother! - Shoto thought angrily.

"Shoto, we have to take him to Recovery Girl," Aizawa said urgently, but he was still speaking softly.

"No, I.. I..." I want to hold and never let him go- Shoto wanted to say, but the words were stuck and refused to be let out. "Tou - I am here, I am here." His voice shook, heavy with emotions. It broke Aizawa's heart to see the usually stoic and cold facade crumble to reveal this broken child inside - Everything that happened these past weeks had crumbled Shoto's stoic facade.

Touya had stopped screaming, only whimpers and begging were coming out of his mouth. "P..p..please," he kept saying, and the sobs wracked his small body, making it shake violently. He tried to curl into himself, to ease the pain, but Shoto's hands prevented him from doing this.

"I am here, Tou-" Shoto was cut off by Aizawa as the man grabbed Touya (gently) "Sensei! You can't..." Shoto tightened his hold onto Touya.

Sensei couldn't take his brother from him! - Shoto thought desperately.

He can't-

"Shoto, you are hurting him more."

He is my brother, you can't take him from me, Shoto wanted to say, but nothing came out of him.

Aizawa took hold of Touya again and tried to pry Shoto's grip on him. "Sensei... Sensei." The words didn't want to come out of Shoto's mouth. "Touya-" But Touya had fallen unconscious after so much screaming and pain.

Why is his brother not responding to him? - Shoto thought desperately. He tried to call him again, but Touya didn't respond. His brother was lying limply in his arms and not moving.

Panic surges through Shoto, leaving him unable to think or do anything. Tears were still falling from his eyes. Air rushes out of his lungs, and he feels like he's suffocating. Why wasn't Touya moving? Was he-?

"Shoto, We have to take him to recovery girl." Shoto heard Aizawa saying.

Would he lose his brother again?... Shoto felt Aizawa taking Touya from him and he wanted to tighten his hold on his brother, but it was as if he wasn't there, he was lost in his panic thinking about if he was going to lose Touya again.

Why does his brother like to leave him? He didn't want to lose his brother again - Shoto thought, as he looked at his bloodied hand. Touya wasn't there, he wasn't holding Touya.

Why wasn't he holding Touya?

"Shoto ... Shoto," he could hear Midoriya's voice calling him.

Did Midoriya know that he wasn't able to save his brother? -Shoto wanted to ask.

"Touya," Shoto looked around the room, but his brother wasn't there. Where is his brother? He thought, looking at the familiar faces of his peers then his eyes fell on Keigo; the winged boy was looking at his hands as if he had seen a ghost, his golden eyes were with fear. There was blood on him too like Shoto and the latter wanted to take and hide him like what he wanted to do with Touya, 'but Touya wasn't here - Shoto's mind supplied.'

"Yes, we are going to see Touya-"

"You know where Touya is?" Shoto asked hopefully.

Why was Midoriya crying? Shoto frowned as he looked at his best friend. Wasn't Touya okay and he knew where he was?

"Aizawa-Sensei had taken him to recovery girl," Midoriya said in a shaky voice, he was horrified by what happened to Touya - the burns, the screams and everything. "Momo, Uraraka and Iida had gone after them. So, we have to go." Midoriya didn't want to leave Keigo, but he wanted to stay with Shoto (his state was even worse than the day he saw Touya in front of him and knowing that he was still alive.) Besides, Midoriya knew that Shinsou and Tokoyami wouldn't leave Keigo.

"Touya is-?"

"Yes, he is going to be okay. They are treating him now." Midoriya cut him off calmly, but on the inside, he felt his heart ache at the thought of Touya going through all of this alone on the streets. How could all of this happen to the son of Endeavor? Didn't anyone find him while he was burning alive?

Midoriya helped Shoto to stand up because Shoto looked like he was lost in whatever he was thinking about. "We are going to Touya?" Shoto said desperately and he chanced a look at Keigo - the winged boy still wasn't looking at them and he wasn't responding to anything Shinsou was saying to him.

"Go," Shinsou said to Midoriya when the latter looked at Keigo worriedly. It would be better if he went with Shoto who looked like on the verge of collapsing.

Midoriya nodded at him and Shisnou watched as both of them left the room. He hoped that Shoto wouldn't get overwhelmed by the number of their peers waiting outside the room, trying to see what was happening and if they could do anything to help.

"Keigo," Shinsou heard Tokoyami speaking softly to Keigo, but the kid didn't respond. His state was worse than Shoto's and Shinsou was sure that Touya's sight wouldn't leave his mind even after he grew up.

Shinsou was sure that Keigo wanted to see Touya, but the kid wasn't responding to anything they were saying. It was so weird looking at him and find that he was staring blankly at his hands with glazed, wide eyes. Silent tears coursing down his cheeks, he wasn't moving or even making any sound and whenever anyone touched him, he didn't even react to the touch. Shinsou was trying to stay calm on the outside, but he was panicking on the inside because he didn't know what to do, how to get Keigo out of his frozen state. And Tokoyami wasn't faring any better, the usually stoic teenager was now speaking with Keigo in a panicked voice, he was also crying and shaking from everything that happened.

As for Keigo, he felt like he was suffocating. There was no air to fill his lungs; there wasn't anything. Tossed and turned by dark waves, and he was completely lost. He felt like drowning. He was helpless to do anything but to watch the burns and the blood on his hands (Touya's blood) , desperately wishing to snap out from his daze. It felt like what Mr. Asahi made him feel whenever they punished him. Keigo hated himself while he was like that, he felt weak and helpless - not able to do anything. He could feel hands touching him, he wanted to lash at them, every part of him was screaming to not be touched.

Mr. Asahi always leaves him in this state for hours, sitting in the darkroom alone with no one there for him and he couldn't feel anything around him even if he knew he was in the dark room that he should be afraid of. He hated it, hated everything Mr. Asahi had done to him.

And now, Keigo couldn't think about anything or feel anything, but there was a distant voice whispering to him that he should go to Touya - Touya who was burning beside him and he couldn't do anything to help him.

Wasn't Mr. Asahi always saying that he wasn't strong? That he was really weak and this is why he needed more training.

But Aizawa always told him whatever Mr. Asahi told him or anything he had done to him was wrong. Aizawa always says that he shouldn't be treated like that.

So, Keigo now had to help Touya, but all he could know now was that he felt empty, alone - endless, nothingness.

"Keigo-" Shinsou was calling him, but Keigo still wasn't responding or moving and he was still staring at his hands with glassy eyes. Keigo could hear Shinsou's voice distantly and he wanted to say anything, but he couldn't.

"Oi, you two are sitting here not doing anything - didn't you think that it is better to take him to recovery girl?" Bakugou glared at both Shinsou and Tokoyami. He had had enough of standing like a fucking idiot, looking at these two morons who were staring helplessly at Keigo. "Get out of the way, eye bags," Bakugou growled.

"No, Bakugou, you are going to scare him." Shinsou glared back at him and stood in front of Bakugou.

"At least fucking take him to recovery girl. He is not gonna respond." Bakugou was still glaring, but deep inside he was worried about Keigo and Touya (who they still didn't know if he was gonna be fine or not. Is he going to die this time because they had interfered?) He couldn't believe that he sympathised with Dabi of all people, but no, Dabi is now Touya - Bakugou kept reminding himself, in fact, he knew that when he faced Dabi again, he was going to remember everything that happened to him.

As for Keigo, Bakugou knew what was wrong with him, he had been reading about eating disorders and their treatment (but he would never tell anyone that he had been researching to help Touya. He didn't become soft or something like that.) Anyway, while he was searching, he stumbled upon other disorders and he got lost in reading until he read about Catatonia -( it is a group of symptoms that usually involve a lack of movement and communication, and also can include agitation, confusion, and restlessness.) And the symptoms are the same - ( Not responding to other people or their environment, Not speaking, Holding their body in an unusual position) Bakugou hoped that Keigo wasn't catatonic - he hoped that he was wrong.

"Let me fucking take him to recovery girl," Bakugou said angrily - what the fuck eye bags still doing here?

Bakugou was afraid because Keigo was still looking at his hands, not aware of his surroundings. And he didn't know how much time he was going to be in this state.

Finally, Shinsou lifted Keigo, but the kid didn't move or even twitch and Bakugou could see his glassy eyes staring at the distance, not seeing anything.

Yup, fucking Catatonia or was he wrong?- Bakugou thought as followed Shinsou and Tokoyami with Keigo's unseeing eyes staring at him. He didn't care about his other classmates looking at them, he needed to make sure that both Touya and Keigo were going to be okay.

Pain pricking at the corners of Bakugou's eyes as the tears he holds in burn his vision, no, he wouldn't cry, he wouldn't. Crying is for Deku, not him - Bakugou thought angrily.

"Bakugou," Kirishima said as soon as Shinsou closed the infirmary door behind him.

"Don't say anything, kirishima." He cut him off, rubbing his eyes to prevent those fucking tears to fall.

It happened in the past, it happened in the past - Bakugou kept reminding himself.

And now the only thing they could do was to wait...


Recovery girl had treated Touya's scars as best as she could, her quirk wouldn't be enough to treat these amount of scars because they were severe (third or maybe fourth-degree burns) so, she sutured his burned skin to healthy flesh - she said this is better than stapling the healthy skin with the burned one like Touya used to do. But unfortunately, the burns would leave scars that will accompany Touya throughout his whole life.

Touya currently had scars from burns over at least 70% of his body. Face, arms, legs, neck, back, shoulders, chest, and hip/stomach all have extensive scars.

The list of physical harm that had been done to Touya because of his scars was too much for Aizawa. How the hell did the kid survive all of these years? - Aizawa thought.

Facial scars, especially around the eyes, can cause visual impairments. Scars around his mouth and throat have a large variety of complications, including trouble breathing, eating, drinking, speaking, and using facial expressions. - scarring all over his body would prevent him from moving, grasping or lifting anything heavy. Also, there was the problem of eating, gaining weight, and keeping weight as the scars around the stomach area will stretch and tear when eating or gaining fat in that area.

And of course, the scars will affect his immune system, senses and his body organs.

Shoto was horrified when he heard what Recovery Girl was saying.

"I believe he had gone through shock before, more than once." Recovery Girl had said and Shoto wanted to shake her to say that all of what she had said was wrong.

Shoto's heart was breaking at every word she was saying.

"Thank goodness, he didn't suffer a cardiac arrest because of these scars." Recovery Girl had said.

And of course, the mental problems that were the result of Touya's burn scars. - Irreversible brain damage, resulting in memory loss, changes in mood and behaviours, changes in sleeping and eating habits, hallucinations, delusions, trouble focusing, trouble retaining new information, and loss of time (blackouts or dissociation.)

The only question that was looming in the air was how the hell Touya had survived all of these years.

The air in the room was tense, Aizawa and Shoto were the only ones in the room with Touya and Keigo (who still didn't return back to them. Catatonia, Recovery Girl had said. And he was the only one who could get himself out of this state.) While the rest of the students were in the dorms, waiting for any news on the two kids that they had become attached to in a short time.

Shoto kept his eyes on Touya, his brother was laying on the bed, not moving - prominent scars covered his whole body, Shoto didn't want Touya to experience this pain for the second time. Shoto blinked his eyes open, feeling beads of water break apart on his eyelashes. If only he could take the pain away - he thought. His heartbeat skyrockets rabbiting along at a pace that carries the terror in his chest up past his lips and moulds it into a painful sob that racked through his entire body, and he trembled as other sobs followed it. Shoto squeezed his eyes shut as his tears continued to fall relentlessly down his face.

If only Endeavor saw him at this moment - Shoto thought.

Shoto's vision blurred and he pressed a palm against his lips to muffle the pathetic sobs, but more just sprung up to battle his attempt to keep quiet. He felt someone's arms circling around him and then he was pulled into a silent a hug. Shoto knew that Aizawa was the one who was holding him, but the student didn't dare to open his eyes because he was ashamed about breaking down so pathetically, but he couldn't help it.

Shoto let Aizawa held him until his sobs died down and tears dried up, and the only noise in the room was the sound of breaths. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he felt exhausted. He didn't sleep much last night, waiting for Touya and Keigo to wake up, but he couldn't sleep at this moment because he didn't want to leave his brother.

"Zawa," a small, fearful voice snapped Shoto out of his thoughts. Keigo blinked rapidly as his vision was still blurred and unfocused, thankfully, he could feel his surroundings and he could move, but moving only caused him pain. Despite his catatonia episode, he had sustained injuries and bruises from his training, the most worrisome injury was his ankle, it was swollen - it was one of his punishments because he kept asking about Touya who hadn't returned for two weeks and Keigo wanted to make sure that his friend was okay, but Mr. Asahi had said that Touya wouldn't train again with him because he was slacking on his training.

At the thought of Touya, Keigo remembered his best best friend screaming and burning. "Touya," he said his name in a panicked voice.

A sigh of relief had escaped from Aizawa, many hours had passed while Keigo was in the same state -unseeing eyes that were staring at nothing. Recovery Girl had said that sometimes it took the patient months or even years to snap out of their catatonic state. So, he was glad that it had taken only hours (even if the waiting was painful and worrisome.)

And Aizawa couldn't help as he cupped Keigo's face to make sure that the kid was fine. Wide, fearful golden eyes stared back at him. "Keigo," Aizawa breathed out another sigh of relief. "You are awake." God, he was so worried about Keigo not returning back to them and a thought sprung into his mind of adult Hawks going through an episode alone with no one to help him or he didn't suffer from them when he grew up?

"T-Touya... is he... is he dead?" Keigo asked fearfully.

"Consider him dead, Hawks. Get this through your thick skull. He is dead and heroes don't stop working for mourning on someone." Mr. Asahi had yelled at him.

"No, Keigo," Aizawa said softly. "Touya is fine, see." He motioned to where Touya laying. "He is just sleeping now and he is gonna be okay."

"He is going to be okay?" Keigo asked, wanting to make sure.

"Yes," Aizawa was still speaking softly and he pulled Keigo into a hug - God, he had become attached to these kids like they were his.

"Promise, Zawa?" Keigo asked in a small, hopeful voice.

"I promise he is going to be okay," Aizawa replied and he looked at Shoto to let his student know that he is going to make anything in his power to help Touya. - make it better for him.

"Zawa," Keigo said after a moment of silence. "Could I go to Touya's side?" He continued, breaking out of the hug and Aizawa wanted to make him stay a little bit longer to make sure that Keigo was alright and he wanted to do the same to Touya.

"Of course, Keigo."

Immediately, Keigo left his side and went to Touya's, making sure to not put much weight on his ankle -it hurt so much, but he wanted to make sure that Touya is okay.

Keigo felt Shoto's eyes on him as he started at Touya, he didn't touch him because he was afraid that he would hurt him. The injuries looked so bad - Keigo thought sadly.

"Touya, Please, wake up," he said softly, he wanted to cry, but no tears were falling. " Zawa said it's going to be okay. I will be waiting here for you."

Aizawa felt a sudden tightness in his stomach upon hearing Keigo's words and a sting in his eyes. He glanced away in hope to prevent his own tears from falling, but it was to no avail. The emotions welling up inside him are a little bit of everything - intense, sorrow and guiltiness - wholly overwhelming. He hoped that he was going to keep his promise and make it better for Keigo and Touya.


"I don't know... I can't, he is our father." Fuyumi's tears were running freely down her face, she and Natsu had arrived at U.A. after getting notified by the principal about what happened to Touya. They found themselves led by Present Mic to Nedzu's office where the latter, Aizawa and All-Might were waiting for them - they didn't even see Touya or Shoto.

"You didn't fu- see the state he was in." Aizawa glared at her, he knew it wasn't professional, but he was angry that the woman was still defending Endeavor.

"He is trying to change-"

"He is a fucking abusive piece of shit." Natsuo cut her off. "Don't you remember all of the things we had been through?" He spat. "And I am pretty sure he is still treating Shoto the same."


"No, I am in. I will testify against him." Nats glared at his sister, but then his voice softened as Fuyumi continued to cry. "He is not gonna change, Yumi. He is not gonna change."

"Please, Ms Todoroki," All-Might spoke softly from his place.

"He must be face justice for what he had done to you." Fuyumi flinched at what Aizawa was saying. "And your siblings. I know it's late and Touya had become a villain and he too shall face justice for his crimes." I will make sure that he could enter a rehabilitation program or pay for his crimes by helping heroes, but not going to jail, just using anything else to pay for his crimes.

Natsuo glared at Aizawa and he was about to protest, but Aizawa continued. "But Endeavor must face consequences for what he had done." Aizawa took a deep breath. "And your mother too for negligence." Because their mother could have saved them at the beginning of their marriage - she could have even run away.

"Don't you dare drag our mother into this!" Natsu glared at him. "She was a victim too like us. She had suffered like us from his abuse." He was on the verge of punching Aizawa in the face.

"But she -"

"She had cracked at the end because of him. It wasn't her fault!" Natsu was still glaring at Aizawa.

"Eraserhead," Nedzu spoke before Aizawa say anything. "Let's focus on Enji Todoroki at the moment, I believe Ms Todoroki had suffered like them."

"She had fucking -" left them alone to face the monster dressed as their father.

"Aizawa Shouta, let's focus on Enji Todoroki." A warning tone laced his voice. "But we have to bring the commission down first because I believe they had known about this abuse from the beginning." He continued, already thinking about talking to Aizawa privately about sparing Endeavor's wife.

"Yea and they need to be punished for what they had done to Keigo," Hizashi interjected, his eyes darkening upon remembering what had happened to Keigo today.

"So, what do you say, Ms. Todoroki?" Nedzu asked Fuyumi with a polite smile was on his face.

"I don't know. I am not gonna testify against my father." She said quietly. "Believe me when I say he is changing, he is really trying to be a good father to us."

And Natsu groaned because all he knew was that Fuyumi was persistent about making them a family again -

Even if it was a broken one.


It took two days for Touya to wake up and the first he saw was the white ceiling above him, the room was dimly lit, but he knew that he was in an infirmary because of the room smell. He panicked at first, thinking that the authorities had found him and they would return him back to his father after he had run away and hide in a dirty alley.

'You left them alone.' - A voice whispered in his mind making him jerk in his place, but then he remembered another memory of sleeping next to Keigo and Shoto and Aizawa were in the room with them.

Touya blinked a few times in total quiet and he tried to sit, but moving brought only pain. His chest rose and fell jerkily as his breath seems to catch from the pain. He could feel the burns all over his body and under his eyes the skin is burnt too, it hurt him so much.

And why is everyone? Why he was alone?

Touya began to panic, but he was able to stutter out his brother's name. "Sh-Sho- Shoto." His voice was hoarse and shaky from disuse. "Kei," he whispered, but no one answered. Then he tried to call them in a louder voice. "Shoto." But the action made him cough violently.

Thankfully, Shoto heard him and he jerked from his sleep. It took him a second for his mind to process what he was hearing and then. "Touya!" He said, standing up immediately from his chair. "Nii-San, you are awake,"

A sigh of relief came out of Shoto's mouth, he was so worried that Touya wouldn't wake up.

"Y-yes," another cough came out of Touya, followed by others and Shoto quickly brought him a glass of water and helped him to drink it slowly.

"You are okay," Shoto said in a small voice -Finally, his brother had woken up. And he didn't wait any longer as he gathered Touya, careful of his injuries, in his arms. "You are okay," Shoto repeated again.

"I am sorry for leaving you with him."

Shoto closed his eyes and he wanted to tighten his hold on his brother, but he was afraid of his injuries. "It's okay, Nii-san, you are here now." He felt Touya's arms wrapping around him slowly. "And I am here for you."

A bloodied tear escaped from Touya and then he was crying blood - the tears leaked from his eyes, running down his cheeks, staining Shoto's shirt, but the latter didn't pull or recoil in disgust like how Touya had thought.

And Touya was sure that this time he wasn't alone, he had people by his side.

He would never be alone.

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