5 kisses for you (1 for me) ◇...

By anotter_otter

50 7 2

Five different moments in which Doyum kisses Byeonghee when he's sleeping, and one in which Byeonghee kisses... More

5 + 1

50 7 2
By anotter_otter


Looking at Song Byeonghee sleeping had, probably, the same effect an artist would have after finishing a painting. He was an artist himself, so he could relate pretty well.

Looking at Byeonghee was a magnificence that not everyone could witness, and Doyum was happy to know that he was a portion of that civilization with that privilege. Not everyday you can be born and suddenly be Song Byeonghee's roommate, after all.

He sighed, staring fondly at his friend (perhaps best friend, but definitely the man he fell for instantly, in every sense), arranging a strand of his hair that was falling too aggressively in his closed eyelid.

After some seconds of consideration, he got down on his knees and softly kissed Byeonghee's forehead, acknowledging the fleeting feeling of his soft skin and the fading perfume of his skin-care routine's products.

"Goodnight, Byeonghee," he simply murmured, caressing the other man's cheekbone with his thumb.

Byeonghee furrowed his nose —like a puppy— in his dream, making Doyum giggle like an idiot.
Doyum ended up climbing the ladder to his upper bed in their shared bunk bed, sleeping with a joyous smile in between his lips.


The members shared a little habit of watching a movie in their small apartment's living room once every two weeks, unless they were promoting or had a very tight practice schedule, like days before their debut, but they made it work. That day was one of their movie nights.

Doyum found himself the best spot in the whole couch, which was the side of it (because he had the armrest). Meanwhile, because Byeonghee was the last one to claim a spot —he was making popcorn when everyone claimed their spots—, he ended up by his side.

Doyum would never complain, but he liked to have him against his legs better. Byeonghee was a 'movie sleeper', and Doyum loved to have him in between his legs, using one of Doyum's thighs as a pillow.

It was a little thing between the two, because Byeonghee never asked, he just did it once and it became a regular thing in their movie nights. And once again, Doyum loved it too much to say something weird about it which would make his hyung stop.

But maybe a change wasn't something that bad, because that time around, Byeonghee fell asleep on his shoulders. More like in Doyum's head, because the man was obviously taller than him, so his head falling to the side just ended up resting against his own. But, once again and forever, Doyum loved it.

He couldn't move, though. If he made a rushed movement he would wake the beautiful man beside him which was a no-no. Still, he slowly moved his head, putting his lips in Byeonghee's temple. There, he kissed it, a mirage of a real kiss.
Even if he didn't wake up, Byeonghee moved closer to Doyum and found a better way to sleep against him.

They woke up with their backs hurting a lot, but in their defence, everyone fell asleep on the couch and neither of them tried to wake up. Not even their manager.


"You wouldn't be sleeping like this if you were really nervous," Doyum said to no one.

Well, maybe he said it to the man sleeping in the chair beside him, Song Byeonghee, who claimed that he was nervous.

They were promoting their new song, and it was the second day in a music show. For some reason, Byeonghee asked to hold Doyum's hand, insisting that he was nervous and couldn't calm down.

The reality was that some seconds before, that big idiot fell asleep. It had been almost instantly, but that didn't mean that Byeonghee let his hand go. On the contrary, his slim hand was caged against the big paw of that stupid bear that was crushing his fingers with an exaggerated grip.

Doyum loved it, but had to pretend to be pissed off because Chuji was looking at them with his annoying knowing eyes. Geonu already knew that Doyum was crushing hard on Byeonghee and he certainly didn't need Chuji to be on his tail asking for details.

Some seconds later, the staff called Chuji to put on his in-ear and microphone equipment and Doyum sighed, smiling at the sight of Byeonghee's soft sleeping face. How beautiful he was. For real. It always made his heart beat like a thrash metal drum.

Doyum lifted his hand covered by Byeonghee's own placing his lips in the back of his hyung's hand in a small kiss. It was soft. It was fast. Byeonghee didn't flinch, not even a bit.

There was bad news, though. Chuji was back before he anticipated and saw his show of affection.

He was questioned back in the dorms as if he was a suspect of murder.


Doyum had a long neck by default. Everyone knew it and since Under Nineteen it was his charming point. Byeonghee liked his neck a lot, since he always pointed out how pretty it was, so obviously Doyum ended up loving it too.

His problem was that Byeonghee also had a long neck. A beautiful manly long neck he loved to stare at.

Doyum loved Byeonghee's voice —obviously— but he enjoyed a lot watching his veins and Adam's apple work when he was letting angelical sounds from his vocal chords because, again, Byeonghee had a beautiful long neck. Everyone should recognize that characteristic detail with the same passion as Doyum.

He kind of understood that Byeonghee was huge and his own long neck didn't stand out as much as Doyum's, but it deserved the same attention.

Honestly, Doyum wasn't even conscious of when he did it, or why exactly. Byeonghee was there, laying on the couch, taking a nap, and then Doyum was kissing his exposed neck for a longer second than he would have intended if he was awake and not in his 'I'm in love with this man' state.

Jesus, Byeonghee giggled in his dream, and Doyum literally cried. Well, he left out a weird noise that made Byeonghee open his eyes, looking confused but adorable at the same time.

"Oh, Doyumie. What time is it?"

He started rubbing his eyes and Doyum took those little given seconds to think about a great excuse to be beside his best friend, watching him sleep and not a 'I'm a creep and I'm very in love, yes'.

"It's not that late but I was wondering if you wanted to order something to eat or something. I'm craving ice cream," he mumbled, feeling his cheeks quite hot. "Did I wake you?"

"Yeap, but it's fine, I also want ice cream."

Half an hour later, more than less, Byeonghee was sitting in the couch watching a dumb TV show bad edited and Doyum was by his side, pretending that he wasn't staring at Byeonghee the whole time. He looked cute munching ice cream.

"You know what?" he said, looking at Doyum with a beautiful joyful expression. "I dreamed that I had a kitty and she licked my neck."

Doyum blushed hard, thinking that, well, it wasn't so wrong. Fans said he looked like a cat, right?

"She?" he asked, ignoring the other half.

"Obviously, my kitty would be a 'she'. For a 'him'... I already have you."

Byeonghee laughed, super aware of Doyum's utter embarrassment. It didn't help his case either. He was feeling too happy to be normal.


He was surprised when he saw Byeonghee sleeping almost sitting on his bed, hugging his iPad close to his chest. He was the last one to: 1) go to sleep that early and 2) sleep without consideration of his back the day after. (He insisted he wasn't young anymore. Doyum called him out for his bullshit, every single time.)

That's why, as any decent human being, he invaded his personal space to wake him up or at least take the iPad out of his embrace.

He moved him a little, whispering 'Hyung, wake up', but when the other didn't move an inch, Doyum gave up for the moment. He took Byeonghee's iPad and was about to try to wake him up again when he saw what was on the screen.

Doyum had a thing on Weverse which he called 'Draw with Seodam'. It was a funny way to interact with their fans and see their art. And it was also a part of Doyum's soul in a way. He loved art and his own art, that's why he shared it with his fans and thought of their replies as an extension of his drawings.

The moment he saw that Byeonghee was, again, drawing one of his 'Draw with Seodam', he felt like crying.

Oh, he held the other two entries of Byeonghee dearly close to his heart, and even if he didn't show it to the public, he printed them and saved them in his drawer.

He smiled, looking at the room he drew filled with Byeonghee's characteristic blue with fondness and so much love it was impossible to keep it in his heart.

Doyum closed the distance with Byeonghee's face and, before he could take a closer look at his plump lips, Doyum kissed his cheek with a lot of sweetness.

Not even a second before he could take some distance, Byeonghee opened his eyes, looking at him curiously. Doyum wasn't sure what his small eyes were saying, but Doyum was sweating bullets, feeling himself trapped and hated by the other man. He was so scared he almost ran away.

"Why did you wake me?" Byeonghee asked, not leaving anything out to Doyum to analyze in his tone.

Doyum took a tentative and figurative step back (because he was on his knees) and cleared his throat, feeling very ashamed of himself.

"You were sleeping weird, hyung."

Byeonghee hummed and Doyum was sure as hell the worst part was about to come. He wasn't ready to have Byeonghee calling him out for kissing him without his permission. Still, he pretended to be brave just in case.

"Thank you, then. Now that you mention it my neck is kind of stiff already," Byeonghee sighed, moving his neck a little. "I hate being old."

"You're not old, you're just dramatic," he replied, rolling his eyes.

"You're not on my body, Doyumie, so shush."

"Don't shush me!"



Byeonghee laughed wholeheartedly, taking his iPad from Doyum's fingers and using his other hand to pinch one of Doyum's cheeks. The left one. The same side Doyum kissed on Byeonghee. Grabbing the exact same spot without shame.

A coincidence of some sort, right? Doyum was just overthinking it, right?

"You look so adorable when you're furrowing your eyebrows."

Doyum turned scarlet in a second and feared that he would put on fire Byeonghee's hand that was still touching his face.

Byeonghee smiled gently at him, making Doyum want to cry and take his heart out of his chest.
He was so in love. It was unfair. Byeonghee was so unfair.

"It's late, Doyumie. Go to sleep early, yeah?"

He nodded, feeling dumb and numb, and got up the moment Byeonghee let go of his cheek. He ran to the living room, almost bursting into tears.

Oh God save him. He was one hundred percent sure he was caught. And he had no idea what Byeonghee was thinking.

He tried to ignore everything with a little bit of playing on the computer. Even if his hands were shaking without control. Even if a little tear rolled out of his eyes from time to time.

Everything would be alright.



It's not like Doyum was avoiding Byeonghee, okay? He was just plainly ignoring all of his members in favor of ignoring Byeonghee and not making it a big deal.

In Geonu's words, since he approached him to call him a moron, Doyum was making a big-ass fuss by himself. Indeed, Limji was starting to get anxious because of Doyum's evading techniques. They were freaking good techniques, though. He was a talented man in the art of ignoring people and topics. Better called: a jerk.

Nevertheless, it didn't matter how hard Doyum was playing at being elusive, even when Byeonghee and Chuji changed rooms because of only God's bullshit —Doyum was happier before, duh. (And he didn't hate Chuji, by the way. He liked Byeonghee which was a different case.)—, Byeonghee still got to him.

As always, the best way to actually talk with someone or at least have a little more privacy was the manager's bedroom. Not that he intended to have a conversation there, but it happened anyway.

It was empty at the time. Doyum was sneakily trying to get some of his awesome manager's snacks that he may or not left there by mistake and anyone could eat them if they find the treasure —manager's words, not his— when Byeonghee entered the room and closed the door after him. No ceremony. No dramatism. He just stood there in his whole majestic form.

"Finally," he said with a tired expression on his face. "I was looking for you. Or better said, I've been looking for you since days ago. I want to talk with you, Doyum."

The mentioned man stood straight, not that he could be really straight in front of the man he liked —oh, he was such a jokester…—, forgetting anything about snacks. In reality, he forgot everything, even how pretty Byeonghee was on a daily basis. What a stupid thing to forget, honestly. It made Doyum nervous as the first time he got to know Byeonghee all over again.

"I mean, we live in the same apartment and it's pretty small. How the hell are you so sneaky?"

Doyum cleared his throat, shrugging.

"It's a talent, I guess."

"Well, I don't like this talent. I miss you."

Byeonghee said it so sincerely it made Doyum weak on the legs. He literally felt a hard thug on his chest with those simple words. And Byeonghee's eyes, so cute and preoccupied, so open and beautiful. Doyum was weak.

"For starters we don't share a room anymore which is… inconvenient."

"I don't like it either, but it is what it is," Doyum mumbled, blushing under Byeonghee's strong gaze.

"I also don't like that 'it is what it is' when it clearly could be more."

Doyum frowned his brows, confused by his wording.

"What are you talking about?"

Byeonghee took some big steps until he was standing right in front of him, looking impressive, a little bit intimidating because of his tall and big presence, but also quite adorable with his pouty lips and innocent deer-like eyes. He had a resolution written on his whole face, which made him look more handsome than ever.

"I'm talking about this."

Doyum stared in awe at Byeonghee who, without missing a beat, held Doyum's cheeks in between his big hands, which were freezing cold. But he couldn't care less about that complaint in the tip of his tongue when a precious pair of lips pressed against his own. In a chaste kiss. A kiss.

A kiss from Song Byeonghee.

It had been as short as the Nokia ringtone —the cute ringtone, you know? The famous one. The one based on the Spanish's composer and guitarist Fracisco Tárrega's Gran Vals; and it's also a fact nobody asked and nobody wanted or cared to know, but Doyum was shaking like a feather and was super nervous on his inside and outside to really care about his train of thought—. Beautiful, but too short for his liking. Not like his internal ranting.

Even if he wanted to grab him by his face and kiss him for an hour longer, he was stiff in his place, with big eyes making holes at Byeonghee's handsome and embarrassed face. That and the fact that Byeonghee looked a little bit taken aback by his own actions.

"It would have actually been better if you could just stop kissing me when I'm sleeping and just do it when I'm awake, you know? I would like you to realise how awkward it is to want to kiss someone back when you're less than half awake… And I'm kind of realising now that I totally kissed you without your consent."

Oh, silly big dumb bear. Doyum was delighted. He was still in shock, yeah, but he was in paradise either way. Byeonghee always had consent to kiss him everytime he wanted to. It was Doyum's pleasure to have those beautiful lips against his own. Only a win to his overly excited heart.

"I'm truly sorry, I just got carried away. Actually maybe I just totally misunderstood everything and you just were friendly all this time! Maybe you don't like me like I do? And I'm totally reading this wrong? Oh fuck, sorry, like, I'm really sorry-"

"Stop apologizing, dork."

Doyum, feeling awake and joyous, did as he wanted from the start. He grabbed Byeonghee by his handsome face and, putting himself on tiptoes, kissed the pink lips of the boy he liked so much for the first time. The dumb, dumb Byeonghee he was in love with and would like to initiate millions of kisses more with.

The other man stood frozen for less than a second before picking up on the action, holding him by the waist and making Doyum feel butterflies just by Byeonghee's big hands circling him so perfectly. He took the opportunity to rest his legs and put himself on his normal height, making Byeonghee work and make himself smaller for Doyum.

He giggled like an idiot before getting completely off of Byeonghee's lips. He put his arms around Byeonghee's neck, feeling so happy it showed on his big smile. Doyum never smiled that bright and big in his whole life, which seemed like a little shock to the other man. A good shock, but a shock nonetheless.

"You should check your verbal skills when you're nervous, hyung," Doyum said, always the one to break cute moments. "All of your words were adverbs ending with «-ly»."

"Not all words ending with «-ly» are adverbs, Doyumie," Byeonghee said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh woah, sorry linguistic genius, I didn't mean to offend you."

"I hate you so much, dumbass."

"Nope, you like me," Doyum pecked his lips, smiling softly after. "And I kinda like you too."

Byeonghee snorted, letting their embrace dissolve into thin air in favor of just grabbing one of his hands, interlacing their fingers. It had been a little uncomfortable because of their positions, but Doyum couldn't care less.

"I know, but we should head out or Manager-hyung will decapitate both of us if he finds out we were kissing in his room."

"That's its purpose."

"No, obviously it's not."

"It is the only place made for privacy," Doyum said, rolling his eyes.

"And it's also where our poor hyung sleeps everyday. Or tries to, considering we're always bothering him."

"Chuji is actually bothering him."

"I bother him too…"

"But you're pretty. You're absolved from any sin."
"Oh, shut it, Doyum."

It made Byeonghee blush, which was the best accomplishment in his life. Or maybe, having that perfect boy as a boyfriend would be the best accomplishment ever. He had to ask later… and also say sorry for all the kissing without consent.

Even if those kisses led to where he was, he still could and had to apologize for them. He had a whole new life to give a lot of reciprocated kisses to his dumb Song Byeonghee either way. And how much he looked forward to it.

oooow i hope you all liked it, and i also hope you have a great day♡

can't wait for the comeback! (and have more content to PERHAPS write a longer fanfic based on just b's actual lore shdjdj we'll see)

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