Tokyo Revengers (FANFICTION)

By neverknewseven

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it was when Y/N Hashibara got into an accident and suddenly went to a whole new world little did she know it... More



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By neverknewseven

I woke up early today, and I got the feel to do work out, that's why I change to my sweat suit.

I was going to leave the house when I saw Sano Jiji called for me. His having a tea alone outside the balcony.

"Got me something to do Jiji?" I asked him

"Come, take a sit" he mumbled and give me a glass and pour it with the tea that he made

"I'm grateful Jiji" I thank him and gulp the hot tea. Very Hot. Almost burn my throat.

"Are you and my grandson?" He asked me, almost spit out the tea I'm drinking

"N—n-not yet, why did you even asked that? Haha" I scrambled words in mind and think of that

"You don't have to hide it from an old man like me,  why haven't you answered him yet?" He said

"I just don't know how to say it" I said honestly

"Alright I won't push you any longer, here I'll pour you tea" he pour tea and keep smiling at me

"Thank you Jiji"

I drink the tea, Jiji really make a great tea. This is my favorite.

Jiji glances at me and drink his cup of tea, "Oh that's right, where are you going early in the morning?"

"I'm planning to go running" I said showing my sweat suit

"I won't waste your time any longer, you can go now"

I drunk the rest of the tea in my cup before standing, "Thanks for the wonderful tea Jiji"

He put down the cup of his tea, "Wait for me here, I'm going to give you something, let me get it.." he said

I help him stand up when I saw him struggle, I was going to accompany him to where he was going to go but then he asked me to just wait for him and so I did.

He didn't take long. He arrives with a box in hand.

He give it to me, "its yours now"

I accepted the box and when I opened the box I saw a Jade bracelet inside, "It's beautiful, and look so expensive" I mumbled

"That's our family heirloom, I've been thinking about giving this to you for a very very long time" he said

"But why did you give it to me Jiji?" I fumed in silence

"Only Manjiro found a girl he truly loves unlike Shinichiro he haven't even met a girl yet" his answer

"Are you sure? You are willing to pass this meaningful heirloom to me Jiji?" I said very surprised

He then patted my shoulder as a sign that he was sure about his decision

"Life has turned meaningful again when you came" He got back to his sit and continue to drink his tea in a peaceful place

"I'm very happy to have this meaningful gift, I'm willing to give it a shot if this is really meant for me, thank you Jiji" I left him smiling

I put the box inside my pocket, got my phone, connect my wireless earphones and started running on the road. It's still early so there are only few people outside the road. 

Nostalgia. The wind grasp my skin as I run in moderate mode. My hair are flying freely. Every foot step I step on the ground. Every tune I hear. Every smile I see. The smell of food I passed by. The grass that fly where the wind go. Every sweat that drops. I clearly feel the morning vibe concurring me.

I barely do work out, but now it feels so great to do things I wasn't able to do before.

I stop by the ramen shop. Planned to eat breakfast. I ordered the shop's special ramen. It got me full. Leaving nothing in this big bowl of ramen. The broth, the noodles, the toppings, it really taste so good.

I took a rest at the river bank where the place I usually go too.

Suddenly my past memories in my own world pops inside my mind. The time I run into the train and thought that it's my last time on earth. What if I didn't fall? I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be running for my life. I wouldn't learn how to fight. I wouldn't met them.

I sigh in disbelief, "What would the world look like now?"

I kinda miss my Mom, my Dad, and my silly friends, Shinichi and Matsunari

"What are you doing here? Facing out like this?"

I never doubted him coming here.

"Draken, fancy meeting you here" I give him a smile and he just give me an unsure look in the face

"It's too early, you did workout?" He noticed that I'm wearing sweat suit, and judging by the situation that I'm carrying a water bottle and a blanket in my neck probably he'll think I'm working out

"Yeah, kinda" I opened the lid of my water bottle and drink it in one gulp

"Regarding about the situation of Kanta and Kansai lately, how are you?"

"Better than nothing, but I got the feeling that someone has been following me lately"

His emotion shifted, "Did Mikey and Baji know about this?"

"Of course not, I don't want them to know" I clenched my fist cause for the water bottle to break

"It must be someone plotting something, I should tell the—" I cut Draken

"No, I only told you this, because I want you to know, Don't let them worry, Please Draken?" I begged

Obviously he don't know what to respond, a yes or a no

"I heard you learned how to defend yourself from Senju Kawaragi, but that isn't enough, I'll tail this person" he muttered seriously

I stand up, throw the water bottle in the nearest trash bin. I wipe my sweat away and stretch my arms and legs.

"I better get going now or else I'll be late for school" I stated

"Tell to Emma I said Hi" he mumbled

"Alright, I'll send your greetings" I smiled before I start walking

I didn't run because when I arrived I'll be exhausted and I got to rest before taking a a bath. Pretty smart aren't I.

I'm inside my room, I'm changing to my uniform, just done taking a bath. I then notice the box of the jade bracelet he give me earlier. I must prove my worth for having this. I hid it on the safest place inside this room.

I collected all of my books and notes and put it all inside my bag.

Mikey and Emma are already waiting for me outside the house. Baji already drove to his school. Izana is staying with Jiji while Shinichiro is out for business.

"I met Draken earlier he wanted me to say 'Hi' to you Emma" I give her the words

"Is he doing workout too?" Emma asked me

I shaked my head, "No, he was just passing by"

"Enough with the talk, we'll be late for school"

"You don't even do school works" Emma teases him

Mikey just glared at her.

I was changing my clothes to our P.E clothes for our P.E class. We are going to play dodgeball today, the teacher said so.

After changing to my P.E clothes, I waited for Mikey to come out of their boys changing room.

But then he left running, I followed him. He seems to be in a hurry.

"What's wrong???"

"Gramps fainted and got hospitalized" he mumbled and I feel the worry tone in his words

We went to the hospital where Jiji is admitted. Earlier he was just fine. But now he got hospitalized.

Izana and Shinichiro is inside Jiji's room they told us that the doctor said he was too old and he got a problem in his back.

Emma was crying when she arrived with Draken. She must be really worried about Jiji.

I sat down next to Izana. I was really worried for Jiji too.

Moments later, it's time for lunch and I planned to buy them something to eat.

I got out of the hospital and take a walk outside to look for some place to buy some food. 5 buildings away I found something. I bought us bento box for lunch.

I bought a lot, and I'm 10 steps away from Jiji's room when I saw Mikey.

I saw him getting out but it's pretty unusual for his mood to be this dark. He was holding his phone, did he just recieve a surprising call. I can't help but to worry.

"What's the matter?" I asked him right away

I'm not dumb to not notice that his not alright, it must be because of Jiji or something else surprising.

"Gramps died..." he said without force

I almost drop the bento I bought hearing what he just said. I went inside put the bento on the table and Jiji's heartbeat is no longer beating. I saw Emma crying while hugging Draken tightly. Shinichiro and Izana wasn't able to say any words or letters.

I approached Jiji.

'I'll— I'll promise to live on your expectations for me and Mikey Jiji'

'I'll always be there in times that he was alone and needed someone, I'll be responsible for his safety, I'll promise to you that I'll prove my worth for the heirloom you give to me'

I shed tears and didn't take it anymore so I planned to get out of the room, and then I saw Mikey sitting behind the wall. He was crying desperately.

I didn't asked for his permission and hug him tapping his back and let him cry.

Losing someone you treasured just hurt the most.

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