Black Tiger (EraserMic X Male...

By NikkiMcCoy036

31.9K 1K 364

A New House. A New Job. A New Life. That's all Kai wanted when he accepted his new dream job. Moving and tryi... More

Forgetting Isn't Easy
Party Animals
Drinking Habits
Names and Such
Entrance Exams
Let's do this
On the couch?
Raw History
Public Safety Commission
Team Up. Again.
Hospitals and First Meetings
Back Home
In the Hospital. Again.
Feeling a little frisky
First Date
Satisfied (R18)
Is this Love?
First Day of Term (+18)
Something is Suspicious
Didn't think a toothbrush would lead to this
One Nightmare to the Next
Should have trusted my instincts
First Class
Beginning to heal
Tides of Changing
Wouldn't be the Sports Festival without some drama
Can't take me anywhere
Getting to the good part

Keep Trying

481 25 2
By NikkiMcCoy036

 A/N: It's been a while since I've updated. My life has been wild and I've completely missed writing on this story. Kai and Atsumi hold a special place in my heart.
  Recently this story has got a whole lot more attention and it make me so happy. So between the chaos that is my life I've slowly but surely finished this next chapter. I've also started on the next and will work hard to get it to you all.
  A huge shout out to those who have voted! It means so much to see that you all are enjoying this story. I'd like to thank ppastel, taskukello, and simply_ackling for being the first ones to leave comments. It makes my little heart shine.

As always enjoy!!!

Pure bliss is all I felt when I woke up the next morning. Finally getting a full night's sleep with no nightmares had me energized and my body was still completely relaxed from the previous night's activities. After our shower, we continued in the bedroom for several more rounds until we finished with giving Shouta some release of his own.

  To say I was still floating as I made us breakfast was an understatement. I decided to let them sleep in a little more as I moved to get everything ready for us for the day. Our hero costumes just finished drying. Hizashi's new hair products that Atsumi so graciously had made for him, were put in our bathroom for him to try out. Shouta's new bandages were in the bedroom so his old one's could be changed when he woke up.

  As for me I continued to ignore the bottle that lay on the counter opting to finish any and every miniscule task I could find to avoid taking them. I knew I needed to. That it'll help me have more nights like last night, but the side effects are always horrible at the beginning. The dizziness and increased appetite were little to nothing. Even my quirk being suppressed for a small amount of time would be fine. It would give me a chance to feel my emotions and no one else's. It would be a welcome change at the moment. The other's are still on edge since Adam showed up. Atsumi's men have yet to find the bastard and it was beginning to agitate him immensely. Which in turn had me beginning to feel agitated.

  The two side effects I mainly worry about are the increased sex drive and falling asleep suddenly. I could fall asleep while cooking, walking, teaching, or even in the middle of sex itself. I know last night pushed Hizashi to his limits and with the medicine, it'll be worse. I'll go longer and harder until I'm completely satisfied. When I took the medicine the first time I tried my best to take care of it myself. My hand and toys were my best friends, and while they helped some, it wasn't enough. But I still didn't want to go out and sleep with just anyone. Especially with my quirk being dulled. This resulted in me almost going insane from needing the release. Finally I gave in and went out which resulted in me bringing a couple of guys home.

  Each time I went out I dragged Atsumi with me. It was dangerous to bring just anyone home with me and not be able to use my quirk if something went wrong. He said he was more than willing to help, but it killed me every time knowing that if I wasn't so messed up in the head he would be able to have his own personal life and not have to make sure I live to see the next day. Hopefully now, with Hawks, he can have one of his own. He knows I'm safe where I am and in turn it gives him a chance to live his own life.

  If he decides to and not make up some bullshit excuse as to why he can't. Though based on recent events it looks as if it's going well.

  "Did you sleep?" I turned my head as Shouta shuffled into the room and leaned his head into my back.

  "I did." I smiled plating up the last of the food. "Best sleep I've had since that night. Honestly think my body just gave out to being exhausted from my extra workouts."

  "Last night really was something." He pulled back and went to sit down. "Hizashi is still asleep. I think you wore him out."

  I frowned at that and turned to pour him a cup of coffee. "That's what I'm afraid of."

  "You mean the medicine?"

  "Yea." I nod. "If it gets as bad as before, last night would have been considered a warm up."

  "He can handle it." Shouta said taking a sip of coffee.

  "He shouldn't have to," I grumble leaving the kitchen to go to the bedroom.

  Hizashi was curled up in the bed. His arms wrapped around a pillow as if he was holding on for life. I sat beside him and ran my hands through his blonde hair gently. His beautiful skin was dotted in a few places from last night when I bit down. The worse of them being the one on his shoulder. I grazed it softly wanting to heal it so it didn't get agitated by his speaker later on. He was very adamant about not letting me do it. He said he loved being marked by me and would wear it with pride. I shook my head as I began to stroke his face. When my fingers grazed his jawline, his mouth twitched up into a smile as his eyes fluttered open.

  "Good Morning Songbird." I smile back. "How are you feeling? Need anything?"

  "I'm good," His sleep filled voice answered. He cleared his throat a few times before looking over at the bedside table. "Maybe a few pieces of candy."

  "I can take care of it babe, if you want." I offered grazing my fingers over his throat.

  "And leave you with a sore throat instead? No way." He laughed moving to sit up. "I'll be fine with some candy and some hot tea."

  "What kind of tea do you like?" I force a smile before reaching for the opened bag of sour candy behind me.

  "Anything but green." He grimaced. "Is Shouta up?"

  "He's in the kitchen. I made some breakfast. You can come eat and have some tea before getting ready." I stood and pulled him up. "Atsumi dropped off some new hair stuff for you today before he went into work."

  "That was nice of him." Hizashi coughed. I frowned deeper and stepped away. "Hawks already go back?" He began pulling on his pants.

  "Yea." I nod before giving him a kiss on his forehead. "Let's get some food in you."

  When we got to the kitchen Shouta was having a stare down with Leo. "He hungry?" Hizashi croaked sitting beside him, running his hand over Leo's head. Shouta's gaze turned to the blonde and eyed his throat before looking away.

  "I think so."

  "Come here little one." I picked Leo up and began scratching behind his ears earning some small meows. "You're worried? Why?" He meowed a few more times before jumping down and walking to his water bowl.

  "What's the verdict cat whisperer." Hizashi attempted to laugh before having to clear his throat more.

  "He's worried about Shouta. Says he can smell his pain." I say as I started to make the tea.

  "You could understand that?" Shouta asked looking at his orange fluff ball.

  "Yep." I said shortly. "Here Hizashi." I handed his tea to him and sat down not looking at either of them.

  "The food looks amazing love." Hizashi offered as he brought a fork up to Shouta's mouth. I nod in response and began eating.

  "Kai." I brought my gaze up to the dark ones across from me. "Are you going to start taking them today?"

I shrug before taking another bite. "Kitten." Hizashi's voice had me wincing at the firmness. "Stop worrying about us and take care of yourself. I'm fine. My throat hurting is a badge of honor. Something I look forward to earning repeatedly."

  "You do realize that last night will be nothing compared to how bad it could get." I laid down my chopsticks and looked at him. "I had full control last night. Not guided by some urge to be satisfied."

  "I can handle it Kai." His use of my name had my eyes widening and recoiling back. My ears were laying flat onto my head as I tore my gaze down to my lap. "Do you not trust me? Do you think that I'm only saying this just because I think it's what you want to hear?"

"No," I shook my head

  "Then what is it? You push me back when I tried to help with Adam, you push me away when I so much as touch you the last week, and now you're pushing me away again as I try to help you with this." His rough voice began to crack at the end. "Do you not want me anymore?"

"Of course I do Hizashi. I think last night goes to show that." I brought my eyes up to his misty green ones. "I just don't want to hurt you. But it seems like I still am. I'm sorry. I..." I clench my hand tightly and shake my head. "Thank you for helping me Songbird. I know that it's not enough for me to just apologize but I'll try to do better. Just promise me something?"

  "What is it?" He asked standing up to sit beside me.

  "You have to tell me if it's too much. I trust you to tell me that. In turn I won't doubt you again." He reached over and pulled off my glove before grasping my hand tightly.

  "I promise." He agreed leaning over to kiss me lightly on the cheek. "I'm sorry I used your name. I know that makes you panic."

  "It really does," I chuckle. "I prefer my other name from you."

"Me too Kitten," he laughed. "Let's eat so we can get ready."


  "So why am I wearing this?" Hizashi asked as I put a green dog pin on his jacket.

  "It's for my class," I smile. "It also looks great with your eyes."

  "Do I get one?" Shouta asked watching us.

  "Yes." I laugh. I turned to him and placed an orange cat pin right below his scarf. "Perfect. Try not to draw attention to them and act like they're not even there. Midnight is wearing one as well."

  "She put it on herself?" Hizashi looked over my shoulder at the busty woman. I laugh at the small amount of jealousy I felt from him. Since our little talk this morning his emotions have been a little more dark. Not his usual sunshine self. It made me sad knowing I was the reason, but I was going to do everything I could to make sure it went back to normal.

  "She did." I nod kissing his cheek. "Hers is a red pheonix. You said you have a class during that time?"
  "Third years," He nodded. "What's your plan for today?"

  "I gave them an assignment last night. I'm curious to how they do with it. After I get that from them I'm taking them to the training grounds to get a feel of how they fair with hand to hand without their quirks."

  "You alright to do that?" Shouta asked. "How long does it take for those side effect to kick in."

  "Honestly, it depends. I got a good amount of sleep last night, among other things, so it should be good to teach today without incident. The more minor ones tend to happen faster."

  "Do we have enough food at the house?" Hizashi laughed.

  "Not at all. Atsumi said he will stop and get a bunch for the house on his way home from work."

  "Why does it feel like I have a third boyfriend?" Shouta smirked

  "Don't let him hear you say that," I chuckled. "He will be flustered to no end. He already admitted that you both were attractive. He cares for you two and knows how much you mean to me."

  "Hawks is a luck guy." Hizashi smiled as he gathered his papers.

  "He is and the fool better realize it too." I growl.

  "Down kitty," Shouta kissed the top of my head. "I'm heading to homeroom. I'll see you for lunch?"

  I nod as he walked out. "Hizashi." He turned to look at me. "I love you."

  "I love you too Kitten." He smiled widely "I'll see you at lunch."


  The kids trickled in slowly from lunch. Shouta and I had taken our spot at the back of the classroom to watch as they came in. I could hear their conversation from the end of the hallway quiet down the closer they got. When they stepped in they began to look around frantically to try and take in their surroundings before taking their seats. When they noticed us most of them visibly relaxed. While a few others still remained tense.

  "Mr. Tyga!" Kaminari called when he stepped in the room. "You're looking better today!"

  "That's rude man," Kirishima groaned out looking a little panicked.

  "But it's true. He had dark circles under his eyes that would match Mr. Aizawas and you saw how he fell asleep out of no where." Kaminari defended himself.

  "Did they really look that bad?" I asked rubbing under my eyes.

  "They did." Shouta answered quietly. I shot him an appalled look and shook my head.

  "Thank you for worrying Kaminari. I got some much needed sleep last night." I smiled softly at the boy. He nodded and sat down before talking amongst the others.

  When the rest of the class had came in and settled down I gave them a few minutes to look over everything before beginning. The smell of excitement and anticipation filled the room as they all shifted in their seats.

  "I trust you all finished your assignment?" I called out earning their heads to turn to me. "Place them face down on your desk and I will walk around to collect them. While I do, I want you all to think about your day today. Your other teachers. Was anything different about them? Did they act differently? Dress differently? When I'm done collecting your work I want to hear your answers."

  I began with the back right row and made my way forward until I had them all. When finished I stood at the front of the class and held them to my chest. "I know this assignment wasn't an easy one, so thank you for completing it. I'll look over these tonight and reach out to each of you soon. Now to get back to my question. Raise of hands who honestly noticed something different today."

  Several hands raised while a few clenched their fists on their desk in frustration. A few of the hands that were raised trembled. "Shoji you go first. Name one instance something was different."

The masked boy nodded before replying. "Mr. Aizawa has an orange cat pin right below his scarf."

  "Great!" I exclaimed. "Very good Shoji! Not only was you able to notice that something was different but you focused on it enough to know all the details. Now Mineta, what did you notice?"

  "Midnight had a red pin right on her..." He began to say perversely but stopped when I began to growl at him.

"Respect. Mineta. Is something that you could learn a lesson in." I stared him down "But you are correct. Ms. Midnight had a red pin on her costume. Do you know what the pin was?" He shook his head quickly refusing to look at me. "Any one else notice what Midnights pin was? Tokoyami?"

"A red Pheonix if I recall." He answered.

  "It was. I originally had a purple koi fish for her but she snatched the red one out of my hand before I had the chance to offer it." I laugh a little. "There's one more. Sero?"

"Present Mic had a green dog pin. The dog had some sort of object in its mouth. I couldn't see it that clearly though."

"Correct! I honestly tried to find him a bird one and just couldn't. So he got the puppy." I shrug. "Knowing these things means you are paying attention to the point where something as small as a colorful pin stood out. You were aware of your surroundings allowing you to take in the information. You also deemed the pins to not be a threat and didn't react. Midoriya? If you deemed one of these pins to be a threat what would your first step be?"

  He froze for a second before thinking about it. "If I called it out suddenly then a panic could ensue. If I said nothing the person the pin was on could end up hurt or even those around them. I could also pull them to the side and quietly point it out."

  "You contain the threat dumbass." Bakugo yelled out getting tired of the boys muttering. "You find the threat. Contain it. Then solve it. You protect those around you and the target by doing this. It's common sense."

  "You and Atsumi are really going to get along fantastically." I sigh earning a small chuckle from Shouta "Though I don't agree with how Bakugo answered, he is correct. Containing a threat before it escalates is the best way to avoid collateral damage. Whether it be a villain, a natural disaster, or a combination of both. Tsu? The same villain that we spoke of yesterday has began a fire in a mall. You and Todoroki are the two heroes on the scene. Tell me how you would go about dealing with the problem.

  "First, it would be best if we split up. Todoroki would use his ice quirk to stop the spread of the fire. I'm not the greatest when fire is my opponent, so I would be best suited for evacuation and rescue. After, I would rejoin Todoroki to confront the villain if he hadn't already dealt with them."

"Todoroki? Do you agree with that course of action?" I ask looking at the dual haired boy.

  "Yes." He nodded.

  "Very good. You assessed the situation. Took in the strength and weaknesses for both parties, then came up with an action plan. Good Job Tsu." I smiled at the girl.

  "Thank you sir." She nodded a little shyly.

  "Mhm. Now to the really fun stuff." The class perked up at this. "I want you all to grab your hero costumes and meet me at Gym Gamma. We're going to see what you all are made of." 

  They all hurried forward before grabbing their suits and walking out. I began to put their assignments away when my head began to spin a little. Stopping and shaking my head, I began to rub my eyes.

  "Kai?" Shouta asked at my side. "Dizzy?"

  "Slightly," I nod waiting for the vertigo to pass. When it did, a few seconds later, I straightened up and rolled my shoulders. "I'm good now. I can make it through the class at least."

  "You sure? I'd feel more comfortable with another teacher there as well."

  I turned my head to the door when a familiar scent crossed my nose. I let out a small chuckle before replying. "I don't think that'll be necessary." The door opened showing a certain white eared male. "Our other boyfriend is here."

  "Ya what?!" The look on his face was comical. I couldn't hold back the laughter that escaped my lips. It seemed Shouta felt the same as a chuckle escaped him as well.

  "Come on Atsu. I'm going to need you to help me with class. I have a certain explosive boy that could benefit having you there today." I patted his shoulder as I passed. He was clearly still confused with his jaw still slight dropped.

"I'm gonna need ya to explain what ya were just talkin about." He turned and caught up to us and fell in stride.

  "Sho! Kitten!" The familiar voice called to us from down the hall.

  "Thought you had class Songbird." I smiled at the blonde as he approached.

  "I do. They're taking a small quiz right now. Thought I could slip out and see you real quick." He smiled then looked over to Atsu. "Why does he look so panicked right now?"

  "No idea," I shrugged as Shouta agreed with me.

  "Like hell ya don't stray. Ya called me ya other boyfriend." He growled out

  "I thought you already knew." I smiled at him innocently.

  "You shop for us. Help clean the house. Buy things for Leo. Put in special orders for my hair products. You get more first aid supplies for Sho. You make sure we have everything we need and are took care of. You check in with not only kitten here, but with me, to make sure we're alright." Hizashi counted off his fingers as he listed things. "To me those are pretty close to boyfriend tasks."

"You do everything besides kiss us goodnight big guy." I tease poking at his frozen body. "You might as well be our honorary boyfriend. Ohhh does that mean I need to call Hawks and tell him he has four boyfriends instead of one? I'd love to hear his thoughts about it."

  "He'd probably be okay with it," Shouta chimed in before yawning a little.

  "Enough." Atsu closed his eyes and put his head in his hands sounding defeated. The laughs that left us was enough to echo through out the halls.

  When we were able to catch our breaths Hizashi bid us farewell and the rest of us finished our way to the gym where the kids were waiting for us.

  "So what was ya needin me to do?" Atsu asked refusing to look at either of us.

  "I want you to help me with their training a little. Especially the more advanced students who have already had some hand to hand instruction. I had a small dizzy spell before you got to the room so I may not be able to keep up with a more high paced spar." I began to stretch a little before he began to do the same. " Luckily for me you wore more casual clothes today."

  After getting a full stretch in, Atsu and I walked to the front of the eager students while Shouta stood to the side of the gym leaning against the wall. "Raise of hands. Who here has had formal hand to hand training without quirks?"
  I watched as a few hands went up not surprised at who I saw. Todoroki, Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, Ojiro, and Iida. I nodded to each of them and looked at the others. I had my work cut out for me as I knew even though they were at the same starting line, there were going to be a few of them who had an advantage. "Those of you who have experience will be with Atsumi today. I will take the rest of you and we will begin getting you trained."

  "Hell yea. I get to blow you away wolf." Bakugo grinned.

  "Ya can try pup." Atsumi smirked "Don't see it happenin."

  "We'll see about that." Bakugo smirked back.

  With that they separated from the larger group while Atsumi kept taunting the explosive boy. I shook my head when I heard a breathy chuckle from the other side of the room. Shouta was clearly just as amused as I was about the situation.

  "Now for the rest of you. Don't think that you are behind the others because you are starting from the beginning. Your results will be determined by how much work you put in. I will be giving each of you individual techniques, stretches,  and exercises to do outside of class. They will improve your training. I won't enforce them. It's up to you at how far you want to go. Do you want to be a hero who does the bare minimum? A hero that is only capable of miniscule tasks? Or do you want to the hero the people depend on? That they run to when they're in trouble. The type of hero that makes people feel safe? The path you choose is up to you. Now let's get started."


  "I just can't seem to get it," Kaminari pouted as he laid on the floor for the thirteenth time. "I can't keep up. I'm more of a shock and let them drop type of guy."

  "And when your quirk is overused and you're left vulnerable to the enemy. If your high voltage attack fails, will you give up?" I sit on the floor next to him watching as the others continue their training. "You have massive potential Kaminari. Your quirk is amazing. But not only that, you also seem to be a good guy. You make your friends smile and laugh and I can tell that you look out for them in your own way. You lack confidence and proper training. Give it time. You won't always grasp everything right away. Somethings take proper time and diligence. I believe in you. In my first class you were the one who noticed all the details that were different and even Present Mic had faith in you when I asked him who he thought passed that day. You were his first choice. I'm going to do everything I can to help you and make you succeed. Just get back on your feet. Keep trying."

  Kaminari continued to stare up at the ceiling as a myriad of emotions seeped through him. I sat with him, occasionally pointing out certain things to the other students. After a few minutes his determination returned and he jumped back to his feet. I smiled at him before standing and patting him lightly on the shoulder.

  "Damn it. You damn dog. Stand still." The loud yelling caught our attention as we turned our heads and watched as Bakugo repeatedly missed hitting Atsumi.

"Thought ya were goin to blow me away pup." Atsumi laughed as he danced around Bakugo's attacks. "Big words. They only mean somethin if ya can back them up." As Bakugo went for a kick Astumi countered and the next moment Bakugo was pressed face down into the floor growling at the man who had him pinned. "Calm down." Atsumi's voice radiated power as he talked to the struggling boy. After a few minutes Bakugo went limp and was released to stand. Atsumi stood slowly not taking his eyes off of the boy just in case he decided to still fight.

  "Who the hell are you anyway? You're not a hero. How are you so damn strong?" Bakugo growled out turning to the taller man.

  "I've lived a life that ya nightmares are made of Bakugo. I had to be strong to survive. Tyga and I, every day of our lives we've been fightin. I don't want to fight anymore. I wanna be at peace. That don't mean I won't fight. I fight for those I care for. I'm strong for them now." Atsumi told the fuming boy. Then he glanced up at me and smiled before turning his attention back. "In fact, fightin for them has only made me stronger. Ya have somethin ya fightin for. A goal? A dream? Good. That'll make ya stronger. It'll drive ya forward. Just watch the steps ya take as ya go. A good hero isn't just physically strong."

  Bakugo glared at the man for a few seconds longer before he looked at his hands and clenched them before his face. "Again. I won't stop until I send you home with your tail between your legs dog."

  "Bring it pup" Atsumi smirked.

  I smiled at the display before looking over to Shouta who was watching the exchange as closely as I was. I walked over to him and sat down beside him. "I knew that Atsu would be a good match up for him. I just hope Bakugos pride doesn't hinder him too much."

  "We can only guide him love. The rest is up to him."

Happy Pride Month everyone!!

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