Is it love..? ✓

By iambellissima_nishaz

56.7K 761 42

"Get on your knees." he huskily said. But I was not easy to bend on rules. I hate to submit and that's why I... More

Hello my lovely readers!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The End..?

Chapter 38

480 10 0
By iambellissima_nishaz

I was in the middle of something when my gynac called.

"Good evening doc."

"Good evening Isabella. Are you free?" She asked me.

I frowned but said yes.

"There is some problem. Can you meet me in hospital?"


What problem.

"What problem Doc? Is it my baby okay?" I asked concerned laced in my voice as I placed my hand on my belly.

"We will talk once you will come here." She said without answering my question.

"I will be there in few."

And I quickly rushed towards the hospital. While going there, my phone was buzzing continuously but I ignored it because my mind was somewhere else.

I directly went towards her.

"Come. Have a seat Isabella." She looked once I entered the room without even knocking.

I did as she say. I sat on chair in front of her desk. She was reading something when I came, she placed it on table and removed her glasses.

I tried to read her eyes but it was fucking impossible to read as she was expert in it.

"Breathe dear." She said so sweetly.

And I breathed as I didn't know I was holding my breath.

"Can you tell me what is the problem?" I said pleading.

She sighed. And I felt like it was not good what she wanted to tell me.

But I have to know what it is because it was regarding my baby.

"You have some complications during pregnancy. This baby might be more dangerous to your health. So we suggest you to abort..."

"Wait a minute."

"My baby and it is dangerous for me? And you are suggesting to lose my baby just because it maybe lose my life. " She nodded at me. ""

"But you will lose your life Isabella."

"And I will lose my baby's life if I do what you suggest." I sighed while smiling at the memory of happiness this baby brought to everyone. "My baby brought so much happiness in our life and I can't lose it. I can't lose their happiness. Even before he or she born, he or she is becoming our happiness. I can't lose it ever if it will cost my life. So be it. I don't care. I will put my baby over anything."

"I can't force you to change your decision because it is entirely up to you. But according to me, you have to consider my saying." She said in worry.

"Do not say anything we talked to them. I don't want them to know any of this." And I sure as hell make it sure.

She nodded and gave me my file. I left after words. I just have to place this file away from them anyhow.

When I reached home, I was engulfed into a warm hug as their hands on my belly.

"Thank god you are okay." Ales said softly.

"Where the hell are you? And why the fuck you aren't picking any of our phones?" Nick fired questions after questions.

I already planned what to say to them.

"I was shopping for tomorrow and I left my phone in car."

And I did shopping while coming here. Our parents are coming tomorrow. I don't know what will happen.

"You did?" Ales asked.

I nodded as I showed in car. I already hide file in car, under the seat. I will take it later then hide it somewhere when this two are not here.

"You don't have to. We would have gone together instead of you alone." Nick said caressing my hair.

"It's okay. I'd love to do it for them." I said nearly closing my eyes as Nick's hand were doing magic on my scalp.

"Let's get you to bed but not before eating something." Ales said strictly.

We ate it and I quickly slept once laid on bed.

And let me tell you, we shifted our bedroom downstairs because it is risky for me and I am clumsy too, as they said.

Next morning at afternoon, everyone started to arrived. First my parents along with Nick's.

I rushed towards them to meet.

"Woah. Slow down lady and look at your heels." Nick said coming behind me.

I looked to see my heels and there was a strap I forgot to clasp. I was about to kneel but before I did, Ales kneel in front of me and did it for me.

"Hmm. I love it when you are in this position. Kneeling in front of me." I winked at him as he shook his head and chuckled.

"You and your hormones are going to be a death of us babygirl. Here our parents are outside and you are inusiating sexual innudo. You are being bad girl." Nick whispered in my ear.

"I am being forward Mister." I said cockily.

"Sweetheart." Mom's voice came through door and she ran towards me.

I smiled and we engulfed in a tight hug.

"Look at you, my baby is carrying now a baby. The baby makes you glow than before. You look beautiful sweetheart."

"Thanks mom. And you look more beautiful than me." I winked at dad as dad smiled.

Everyone came and hug me, even Mrs. Stevens too.

"Thank you for making me grandmother soon and I am sorry about my behavior." I just looked at her open mouthed.

Did she just apologized?


"Baby close your mouth otherwise our baby might eat some fly that fly in your mouth and that would be gross."
Nick chuckled.

I closed my mouth and hit his arm.

"Thanks mom."

Mrs. Stevens smiled at us and left to join everybody. I looked where Ales was and he was talking with my family, mostly dad and my idiot brothers.

"I don't want to know what made her change it but I must say it is good to see her smile towards me and talked to me in soft way." I turned around to look at his eyes.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." And I enveloped myself in his arms. He didn't waste time to wrap his arms around me.

"I love you so much babygirl and I am so happy to have you. I can't lose you ever."

And tears formed in my eyes but I blinked to disappear it.

I don't want to spoil their happiness ever. It's good they don't know anything about it otherwise I don't know what will happen.

I don't wanna think.

The doorbell rang as I left his embrace  I didn't want to leave it but it must be Ales's parents.

Ales looked at me and nodded me assuringly. He walked towards the door and opened the door.

First I saw, a petite lady, black hair which was done neatly, eyes same as Ales, brown, dressed elegantly in beautiful modern white dress which was below her knees with black heels and in all way, she looked powerful lady.

Beside her was a strong build man, black eyes dressed in black expensive suit and shoes and he too looked powerful just by looking at him.

And last one was Lorenzo, dressed in expensive suit too.

Once he saw me, he smiled and hugged me while swirling me made me giggled like a school girl.

"Lorenzo put her down this instant." Ales yelled.

"And for the gods sake she is pregnant dammit. Stop it before I swirl you in my way." Nick too yelled at him.

Lorenzo put me down and smiled sheepishly at me. I chuckled at him. "Don't look at me like that."

He shrugged. He is same like B and god I missed him so much. I didn't tell him about news. I will tell him later.

Mrs. Russo came towards me as she too hugged me. "Congratulations sweetheart. I made you chocolate cookies because Alessandrio said you are craving it."

Oh I was so grateful for that.

I thanked her.

"Congratulations darlin'. Hope my boy treats you better." And he looked at Ales.

I chuckled but nodded. "He is Mr. Russo. Come meet my family."

I introduced them to my family and Nick's family. It was good to see all of them smiling, talking with each other like they have known each other so long not just a mere minute ago.

I went towards the kitchen to help Mrs. Glen but she denied me and said to sit there on dinner table and wait for her to bring the food.

After everyone ate dinner, they all left to rest and went to hotel they had booked despite my protest. They said they didn't want to disturb us and fully comfortable staying in hotel. This hotel was one of Ales's so Ales made sure to have them all best room and best room service. I was grateful for that.

And Ales's parents went towards their home.

Tonight went more than good than I expected actually and I was happy, more than happy.

And most important I didn't even think about the file reminding me that I have to put it in safe place before they see it.

And god forbid if that happens.

So I quickly walked outside where file was which was in car and car was parked in garage.

I looked around and my back for thousand times to see if anyone is following me let alone my men.

I opened the car door and bent down to search for my file. But my heart skips a beat.

The file was not there.

I put torch on my mobile and searched everywhere even in all seat thinking maybe I did put it in other seat and to my horror, I can't find this damn fucking file.

I spent nearly fifteen minutes searching again and again in the same place but no available.

Fear crept inside me thinking worst. Sweats formed on my forehead as I wiped it with my back hand.

"Searching for this Bella?"

I quickly turned around and widen my eyes when I saw what I was looking before in Ales's hand. And not only that besides him was Nick.

I gulped seeing their angry look.

"We need a fucking talk. NOW." I flinched at Nick's words and followed them inside the house.

I was thinking what I have to give them explanations but found none.

When we made inside the house, Ales said, "Have a sit Isabella."

I flinched again when he said my name.

When he is angry, he say name and I don't like it. Even a bit.

I sat on the couch alone as Ales sat on the other couch while Nick was pacing room making me more nervous than before.

"I can explain..."

"DON'T FUCKING SAY ANYTHING. JUST DON'T." Nick yelled at me making me jumped in my seat but he paid no heed.

I was playing my fingers and looking anywhere but them as their eyes were drilling hole on me with so much intense as I couldn't handle it.

"How could you?" I snapped my head at Ales. "If I haven't seen it, were you ever trying telling us?"

I didn't answer him because I was not planning to tell them ever. I wanted to see them happy and not sad for me.

"JUST FUCKING GREAT." Nick shouted loudly.

"We are not keeping this thing and we are going right away to the hospital." Nick said further while pinching his nose and ran his hands through his hair.

"The fuck? That thing is my baby and I am gonna keep it." I snapped at him.

How can he say my baby a thing?

I am not gonna killing it.

"Bella you are way more important to us than baby. We are not going to lose you. You have to try to see in our vision." Ales said calmly.

I shook my head and stood up. "NO. If you don't want this baby, I will raise it myself." I said finally.

In one stride Nick came and gripped my arms tightly making me wince in pain.

"Are you fucking kidding me? This." He pointed towards my belly. "Is gonna kill you and you expect us to accept your decision. NO FUCKING HELL AND WE ARE GOING TO HOSPITAL." As he started dragging me towards the car while I was thrashing in his arms to stop it.

"Stop it Nick." I yelled at him but it was like he is in his own world.

"Just stop it."

"I won't kill my baby."

"I will kill myself before I kill my baby."

But no available.

My vision was blurred due to my tears or my head spinning. Blackness came in front of my eyes making me stop walking.

"St...op." I said weakly.

"Stevens stop. She is breathing rapidly." Ales said coming behind me as he wrapped his arms around me to stop myself from falling.

Nick quickly stopped and looked at me concerned on his face.

"Hey hey hey. Look at me. We are not going hospital. We are not killing our baby, okay? You are okay. We are okay babygirl. Yes look at me. We are keeping the baby. Do you understand me?" He said worriedly.

I nodded at him and tried to blinked my eyes to get clear vision.

I didn't know when I was in our bed and the doc was checking me.

"This happens due to stress. Try not to stress her. It's not healthy for her and baby. You need to careful Isabella."

I nodded at her as she prescribed some medicines and gave them to Ales who was calm more than Nick.

Nick is always light tempered man while Ales is more calm but he is calm before storm type person.

After Doc left, Nick sat beside me as he kissed my knuckles. I was reading his face but his gaze was on my hand.

"I can't lose you baby. I just can't. I have get you now and I can't lose you." When he looked up his eyes teared and my heart melted.

I quickly sat up and hugged him as he cried in my arms.

Whatever the pain is but when your man cry, it is the worst pain ever.

It clenches your heart, making it bleed.

It makes you hate yourself to see the reason behind his pain is no other but you only.

I was running my hands on his back and head to soothe it.

"Shhh baby. I am right here in front of you." I tried to convince him.

Ales came and saw what was happening. He too was worried but was expert in hiding his pain.

He looked once again and left. I wanted to go to him but I couldn't just leave Nick here all alone.

"Do you imagine when our baby will come in this world, she or he will bring the world's happiness to us. She or he will become our first priority. And make us parents."

He pulled away and looked at my face lovingly.

"You are my whole world babygirl. And YOU ARE FIRST PRIORITY." He kissed my forehead.

I nodded at him.

We laid there on bed for some time as he drifted to sleep. Once confirmed he had slept, I slowly moved from and replaced with pillow which he hugged to his chest and slept.

I turn off the lights and walked out of the room to Ales who was in his office.

I opened the door and there he was standing near the window in his own little world.

I moved towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I love you." I murmured in his back.

"You know I love you more than anything, right baby?"

I nodded.

"Then why are you doing this to us? Doesn't our love enough for you to make such drastic decision?" He said frustratingly.

"It's not that your love is not enough. It is more than enough for me but I can't lose my baby. I just can't."

He chuckled but dryly.

"You know it's funny that you give your whole attention, your love, your everything to the baby which is not even come to this world."

"But the baby is a made from our love so how can I lose him huh?" He was silent for a while as still looking outside the window.

I had enough so I pulled away from him and stood in front of him as he gaze immediately fell on me.

"The baby will bring so much happiness in our life that we can't even imagine." I said further.

He was looking at me, mesmerising my face. I touched his cheeks which has a stubble as grabbed his hand in my other and put it on my belly.

"Don't hate him or her." I said softly.

He furrowed his brows. "No Bella. I don't hate him or her. How can I? I am scared of losing you. And I am fucking very very scared. The thought let alone makes me mad and I don't know what will happen when..."

I kissed him before he complete that sentence.  He wasted no time to kiss me back. His kiss was hard but passionate at the same time. He was poring everything in kiss.





All of it.

After we pulled, he kissed my head and took me in his embrace. I sighed in his warmth and listened his heart beat.

"One second. I have something for you." As he pulled away and grabbed something from his pocket.

I narrowed my eyes. It was a small black box. He gave me and gestured me to opened it.

I opened and a gasp left my lips.

There was very delicate golden chain with beautiful design and had small diamonds in it too.

I touched it with my fingers. "It's beautiful. I love it."

"May I?" I started at him and nodded happily.

I turned around as he pulled my hair to one side and put it around my neck.

I grasped it in my hand and looked down as the chain was hanging in between my breasts.

Ales put his head in the crook of my neck and he too looked down at the chain.

"Thank you."

He kissed my neck and hummed it.

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