Curiosity Killed the Cat

By deadpoetdreamer

343 107 714

Laney Montgomery, a nineteen year old college student has one fear and one fear only: Not getting accepted in... More

Chapter 2. Not a People Person
Chapter 3. A Couple of Lurking Bruce Waynes
Chapter 4. New Concerns
Chapter 5. Partners in Crime Till the Very End
Chapter 6. Shock Blankets for Everyone
Chapter 7. What if...
Chapter 8 Demonic Cats and a Manilla Folder
Chapter 9. Trust Goes Both Ways
Chapter 10. Some Broken Promises are Worth a Single Truth
Chapter 11. The Invasion of Big Bear's Den
Chapter 12. Team Work Makes the Dream work
Chapter 13. Ms. Big Bear
Chapter 14. What Next?

Chapter 1. You Big Flirt

94 20 97
By deadpoetdreamer

As a kid, I'd spend almost all of my allowance money on going to the movies. Some of the times I'd go see a double feature at once and emerge from the dark theater into the blinding sunlight, and it seemed like it was the "real" world that was made up and fake.

So then I'd bike home and create stories about the people in my town. For instance Mrs. Patel, a retired businesswoman who owned a pottery store with her husband, would host talent shows once every month. She claimed that the sole reason she held them at our local theater so much was to raise money for the homeless shelter. In my opinion Mrs. Patel's real sole reason for doing this show was because of her mere desire to direct them. Of course I'd almost always participate in these talent shows so when I'd come to practice my skit, she'd always talk to me about being a director but it could not be. I reckon her desires and dreams were what struck my interest in films.

All I wanted to do was create them. Create art.The university in Ohio that I currently attend has an outstanding program that I've dreamed of getting in ever since the idea of filmmaking popped into my brain.

And it's not like I've ever thought about different career choices or schools but this university felt like fate to me. It's a little clique of me to say but it's true. When you know you know. And besides, out of state tuition is crazy expensive so I'm content where I'm at.

"Laney, it's your turn." My mind snaps out of its current daydream. My three biology lab partners wait for me to do my math part of the experiment. There's so many numbers for the measurements. Why the hell is there even math in biology?

After we finish our experiment which evidently ended up failing, we await our professor's next orders.

God, I'm starving! Why does this class last for over two hours? "I've graded your tests and let me say I'm very displeased to announce that the average grade is seventy one percent." Many of the class' mouths gape open in disappointment, including mine.That test was especially hard this time.

As Professor Carla Jones hands back our disappointing grades, me and my bio lab group try to quickly manifest a seventy or higher on our test. Once we all have our tests we quickly turn our tests over.

"Yes, seventy three!" My best friend slash roommate cheered from beside me. As we go around sharing our test grades I grow more and more embarrassed. They all made grades sixty eight or higher.

"What'd you make," Meredith questions nervously. "Grades are not important," I mutter under my breath, beginning to fold my test sandwich style.

"Whatever," I'm sure Mr. Perfect over there made the highest grade in the class again." Nadine Park, my best friend, draws her attention over to Wesley. He had to be the smartest in our class. The professor always liked to shine a lot of praise over to him for his high grades. Surprise, surprise Wesley never seemed to kiss up to her for attention. In Fact he appears to be the opposite. I've noticed that he mostly keeps to himself.

Me and my bio group sort of weirdly keep tabs on him and his grades. But mostly because he's hot. Wesley's hair is dark, shaggy and could use a cut. He appears to work out occasionally with a few veins popping out, yet he somehow looks as thin as string cheese. His friend who confidently sits beside him, Kelvin Deavenport, is probably even cuter with his golden curls. He's extremely buff and is on the school's swim team.

Kelvin is actually pretty well known and loved by everyone on campus. Thanks to his father who is the university chancellor. The students refer to him as the "Golden Boy." The two-way name most certainly suits him.

After class ends Nadine and I stay and talk for a bit. She has this tactic where if she wants the man she's interested in she'll just stare at them for a few seconds then look down and repeat.

This month her target is the Golden Boy. Recently broke up with his girlfriend last week, Kelvin seems to already be over her since his feet do a little jump over to our table.

"Oh my God, he's coming over. Act naturally." Nadine quickly pats down her already smooth bangs.

"Hey, it's Nadine isn't it?" He smiles kindly, ignoring my presence. I knowingly feel this smile of the Golden Boy to be falsely plastered on his lips. No surprise Kelvin is an excellent flirt. I'll give him that. Wesley stands impatiently behind his friend obviously wanting to leave. We make slight eye contact but all he does is nod at me in acknowledgment. I return the gesture back.

"Hey Kelvin, I got homework to catch up on. I'll catch you later." He quickly waves us goodbye before departing the lab.

"Sorry, ladies he's not much of a people person but thankfully for you, I am." Whilst Nadine giggles in her flirty laugh, I have to force back an embarrassing laugh which would make me seem like I'm making fun at his pick up line.

The two exchange numbers before Nadine and I head over to the dining hall for lunch. "Do you think he was flirting with me, it was obvious right?" My friend and I grab some kind of cold fish sandwich before sitting down.

"For someone who has had more boyfriends than me, I'd assume you'd see through his flirty little poems. You gotta look between the lines, Nadine." I joke while taking a bite of my god awful fish sandwich.

"Should I be taking advice from someone who's never had a boyfriend before?" Nadine's lips pinch upwards in a tight grin. "You're like an open book, I take pointers and make sure not to follow through." Nadine nods with agreement.

"Hey girlies, guess what I got!" Georgia slams her chick-fil-a down on the table. "No, you went without me?" I whine, yearning for their spicy chicken sandwich. "Actually we went without you." Jasmine sits down with her own chick-fi-a bag allowing the delicious fumes to flow out of the bag and into me and Nadine's noses.
"Can I have a fry," begs Nadine.

Making my bottom lip quiver, I wait until I receive my fry.

"Catch y'all later girlies, my three o'clock shift at Billie's Cafe is calling me," I exaggerate waving goodbye to my friends.
Chapter posted: 4/03/2022
Hi so guys this is my new story and I'm so excited for you guys to see all of the new stories and characters. Please comment your honest opinions or advice. I always enjoy reading your comments!

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