Silverblood || Blessed or Cur...

By LilianaSnowdrop

455 36 49

There Are Many Mysteries, But The Biggest Is Our History. All it took was one bite. One simple bite from a B... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 2

39 3 8
By LilianaSnowdrop

"Okay so now, I have sent you your assignments to your gmail accounts. The name of your partner will be mentioned in the assignment. Your job is to take a picture of as many creatures as you can. Remember whatever creature must be mentioned in the assignment. I will be expecting you all to be here by lunch time. If you get lost, follow the red flags and it will lead you back here. Now, find your partners and you can begin " Ms. Fauna -our biology teacher- replied ushering us into the forest.

I opened my assignment and there in bold black letters was the name;

Atalanta Silverblood.

I grinned and showed Lana the assignment.

Lana glanced at the assignment and a grin broke out in her face as we gave each other a high five.

Ms. Fauna would have never let me and Lana work on the same assignment together. Even when we did work in groups she would always put us in separate groups. It was like she was trying to keep us apart for some reason.

I once confronted her about it, and the only answer I got was that we should learn to work by ourselves, but I often doubted that.

Most of the time the teachers would attempt to not put us together in projects that we would blow things up - cough.Chemistry. Cough- But thank goodness our grades helped keeping us out of trouble.

So this time Lana and I being set as pairs for a nature hike was a total surprise, which was of course very much welcome.

We set off the path beginning our hike, snapping photos of various creatures.

"Look," Lana whispered slowly, pointing at a bird sitting on top of a tree.

"A blue Jay," I quietly whispered to myself, identifying the bird from our science textbook.

We crept up, Lana raising her phone to snap a picture.

Taking the next step I felt something lumpy under my foot.

It almost felt as if I was stepping on a garden hose.

As I took my next step I felt pain shoot up my left ankle .

A scream erupted in my throat, crouching down to the ground, gripping my leg.

It was like someone was piercing needles and pins onto my skin.

I heard Lana let out a horrified gasp as I slowly opened my eyes to see what it was. That was when I saw a snake in front of me.

I saw Lana quickly take a picture of the snake and step forward.

The snake hissed at her, clearly showing its fangs.

I didn't have time to see the whole situation as I squeezed my eyes shut in pain. I felt a pair of hands grasp my arms.

"Don't worry, it's gone. Okay so now I need you to lay down, let go of your leg and unbend your knee. Don't move too much." she instructed as I followed her orders.

"Lana" I said, my voice slightly shaky.


"What was it? What kind?" I asked, gasping for breath.

"Don't worry about it, everything will be alright." She replied, taking a sterile bandage roll out of her backpack and began wrapping it around my ankle, as she pressed her phone to her ear.

"Hello, Ms. Fauna. There's an emergency... a snake bite" I heard her reply as she walked away from me while talking to our teacher.

I strained my ears to listen to the conversation. I was no expert in snakes but I wanted to know what had bitten me.

Didn't I have a right to know?

"No Miss it's true... I know it's not supposed to be here... I don't know" I hear her say to the phone.

By now my blood felt as if it was being boiled in a volcano.

That was when I heard the name that I knew would never leave my memory. My face became pale as I heard it.

"A black mamba..." I heard Lana quietly reply as my mind went blank.

A black mamba...A black mamba!!! Wasn't that one of the most poisonous snakes in the world!!! oh no, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna DIE!!!!

 A swear escaped my mouth before I could do anything to suppress it.

I didn't have time to go into full panic attack mode as I felt my body getting weaker.

I felt Lana come and sit next to me. 

See ya in heaven Lana, I'll wait for you to join me.

"Don't worry, help is on the way," she replied.

"It was a black mamba wasn't it?" I asked, staring at her pointedly. Lana sighed and nodded.

"Don't worry, panicking won't do any good. Just calm down, you will be fine" she replied, but her eyes showed uncertainty that she refused to voice. 

Calm down? Calm down!?!?! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN IF I'M GONNA DIE!!!! I felt as if my mind was going haywire, if this was what death felt like, no thanks buddy.

I heard twigs cracking as I looked in the direction. Ms. Fauna walk over to us. "Are you okay?" She asked me as I nodded. 

She lightly opened the bandage and checked the wound. "Okay, can you stand up?" She asked. "I don't know" I said as I felt Ms. Fauna place her arms around my shoulders to help me up. I pushed myself to get up. My eyes widened feeling the pain leave my ankle. What in the world?!

I got up as I felt my breathing return to normal. I turned around to see Lana staring at me in shock. Ms. Fauna however seemed unfazed.

I bent down to check where I had been bitten only to see a light scar representing the marks. "Wh- What just happened?" Lana asked, a shocked expression taking over her face.

"I-I don't know," I stammered.

I looked at Ms. Fauna only to see a light frown and narrowed eyes as I squirmed under her gaze. I felt like an encoded message and she was trying to decipher.

"Anyways, let's get back to the bus, you kids have had enough time in the wilderness" she said sternly, stalking towards the direction of the bus, Lana and I following in silence.

Hope you enjoyed it!!

Please comment and vote if you like this chapter.

Chapter 3 will be posted next Saturday.  :)

Edited 22/07/2022

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