Love Me At My Worst ✓

By PurpleTaeGguks

612K 29K 7.8K

Taehyung is pushed into an arrange marriage with a guy named jungkook who is older than him by 8 years when h... More

character intro + warnings
author's note
bonus chapter
bonus chapter 2


10.1K 497 54
By PurpleTaeGguks

3rd person POV:

Both the husbands went out locking the door behind them. Jungkook got into the car waiting for younger to get in aswell so he can drop him off at his college.

Taehyung got In in the passenger seat beside the older. Both were quiet the whole time as jungkook drived to the college.

They didn't had anything to say anyway ,taehyung was worried about his husband's safety and jungkook was anxious about.... Just everything happening around him.

Soon they reached there and jungkook stopped the car waiting for the younger to get off. Taehyung stared at the older for a few seconds not knowing how to break the awkward silence ,before jungkook spoke ,"take care taehyung. Don't forget to eat your lunch and don't skip classes. I love you, bye."he said leaning forward and pecking the younger's cheek.

"Be safe hyung. Call me time to time and i love you too."taehyung said smiling and kissing his husband's forehead.

With that taehyung got off the car. Just as he got off ,so hee was there talking with rotten blueberry ,as soon as she saw taehyung from The corner of her eye. She immediately got away from the blue haired asshole and shooed him away.

She walked to the younger intentionally swaying her hips ,and hugged taehyung more like suffocating him. Taehyung awkwardly hugged her back and then immediately pulled away from her.

"Hii taetae! Where were you ? I haven't seen you from so many days. I missed you." She said in a cringy high pitched voice.

Taehyung smiled feeling a little uncomfortable because of the sudden affection of the female. "Hello so hee. I have told you many don't call me taetae."

So hee fake pouted deeply looking down acting like she's sad ,"but we are friends taehyung. I am sure your husband can't stop your friends from calling you nicknames." She said in a whiney voice.

Taehyung felt guilty just a little seeing her sad. He put his hand on her shoulder patting it to console her ," i am sorry so hee ,but i just don't feel comfortable with that anymore too. So please don't ,okayy." He said in a soft voice.

"Okayy ,i won't call you taetae anymore. I am sorry. " She said kissing his cheek quickly then ran off.

Taehyung just stood there with a what the fuck face putting his hand on his cheek.

She shouldn't have kissed my cheek knowing i am married. I will ask her later.

With that he walked in the building going to his class to get through the day.


Jungkook was driving to the company , looking behind his car time to time as his heart was beating loudly in his chest that he can even feel it in his throat.

He couldnt see any car following him right now.

But as he was going ahead ,soon he saw a black car just behind his following him till he reached the company.

The car immediately went away just as he parked his own in the parking lot. But it did stop there for a minute while he was parking the car. It was definitely juyoon ,he was hoping it wasn't and it was just some another employee in the company.

He got out of his car and walked inside the company. He was looking a little stiff than his usual happy demeanor from the past few weeks.

The junior colleagues bowed to him as he was walking inside like daily. Usually jungkook greets them back cheerfully , today he just nodded in their direction.

He was clenching and unclenching his sweaty hands constantly for some reason.

He immediately went to his cabin and sat down in the chair putting his somewhat trembling hands under his thighs trying to take deep breaths.

You got this jungkook ,you got this. Nothing will happen to you , you can get through it. It's okay ,i am okay ,you are okay.

He looked around his whole office , eyes travelling from left to right. No one looked out of place and everyone was his known colleagues only.

But he was feeling that creepy feeling again. He didn't know what to do. Plus the other feelings bubbling inside his chest weren't helping either.

He just wishes soohyun returns soon ,so he can take some leaves. So he doesn't have to deal with anything else.

He wasn't feeling good because of other reasons as well.

Nothing like that will happen jungkook , stop overthinking for once. It can't happen , it won't happen.

He tried to reassure himself. He tried to calm himself for a few minutes ,when he felt like he was calm enough. He started doing the work he needs to do for the whole day.

A few hours later , he was sitting in a meeting and others were showing the presentation. When it was done , Jackson asked him something.

The whole time ,jungkook was staring at nowhere in particular ,licking his lip once in a while. He was totally zoned out. He didn't look focused at all ,but instead lost in his own thoughts about something.

When he heard Jackson say something to him ,he immediately snapped out of it turning to Jackson ,"h-huh?" He blurted not knowing what was asked from him at all.

Jackson chuckled and repeated the question ,"umm... Yeahh okayy that's good. " He replied trying to focus but couldn't. He was nowhere near focused. His mind was somewhere else and he was cursing himself that why he has to be like that.

Why are you making a big deal of something. It's probably nothing. Don't think about it and fucking focus of the work.

When the meeting was done ,everyone went out but jungkook was still sitting there with his head down and elbows on the table infront of him. He had his head in hands slowly massaging his temples.

His head was hurting , his heart was aching ,he was scared , full of anxiety and dissappointed in himself because of thinking such a thing.

Fucking dissapoinment you are. How could you even think like that about your own husband who loves you so much.

I thought yejun loved me as well and you know what happened.

But taehyung isn't yejun. You can't even compare him to that asshole.

I know i shouldn't think like that but i can't help myself ,i have trust issues okayy.

Jungkook was arguing with himself ,he didn't know what to think anymore.

The thing was that when taehyung had get off the car ,jungkook hadn't drove off instantly. He was waiting for the younger to enter the building first before he drives away.

He had seen the interaction between so hee and taehyung ,he was far so he couldn't hear what they were saying but he could see everything clearly.

He saw them hug ,a hug isn't a big thing. Friends usually hug each other and it's totally normal, but it was taehyung's ex doesn't matter how she is ,still they had something in the past. Taehyung hugged her back as well ,younger had told him that they were still friends but he just felt his heart sinking.

Then he saw how she was being touchy towards him ,and then kissed his cheek as well. This broke his heart when taehyung didn't even stop her from doing so , and how he was caressing his cheek where she kissed. He saw taehyung patting her shoulder too.

He didn't like these all , they were too close for his liking. He could feel his eyes filling with tears but he didn't want to cry because of such a thing.

He is trying to make himself believe that taehyung loves him and would never cheat on him but he just can't.

All he can think of is how he had thought the same thing last time as well.

He is dissapointed in himself that he can't trust his husband fully ,when trust is one of the key factors of a healthy married life.

He isn't even thinking much about the stalker right now either. All he can think of is the interaction of so hee and taehyung again and again.

He really really wants to trust taehyung fully but his situation isn't helping at all. Things keep piling up and up in his mind ,like it has no end.

On top of that ,soohyun isn't here ,he has to take care of the whole company along with Jackson but how can he when he can't even focus on one thing at a moment.

He's messing everything up. If he wasn't related to juyoon in the past ,he wouldn't have been messing with his family. If he didn't had trust issues ,it wouldn't be messing with his married life. His mind as well his entire being is messed up.

He stood up going back to his cabin tumbling once in a while because of no concentration.

He got inside and sat on his chair , opining the side drawers to take out something holding it in his hands.

No! Don't do it.

Just one wouldn't hurt please. It's been so long. I need it right now.

No don't do it. Remember your promise.

Promises are meant to be broken anyways. Just one only. I am doing it.

He was again arguing with himself. And his bad side won again like usual. It always happens and he doesn't know how to stop it.

He took out one cigeratte from the box and putting it between his lips ,lighting it with a lighter. He inhaled and blowing it out afterwards holding the stick between his two fingers leaning back on the chair facing upwards. His eyes were droopy. He just wished his thoughts could stop for just a few minutes and he can have some peace for once. But no ,he could feel tears in his eyes but he didn't let them out.

Crying is the only thing you can do anyways. Fucking weak.

No i am not weak. Stop it.

Yes ,you are and you know it very well.

When he was done with it. He extinguished the ciggerate butt on the ashtray. Thinking about what he just did.

I sweared it that wouldn't do it again but i still did it. Why can't I stop myself.

But he didn't need one all this time either. There was no need of it. He wasn't stressed enough to need it. But right now his thoughts were all jumbled up ,he was feeling overwhelmed.

I won't do it again. This is surely the last time.

He somehow did the work he had to do ,the files and everything. Soon ,as he was doing something on the computer ,his phone ringed distracting him from it.

It was taehyung.

He didn't had the power to talk to him yet. It's not like it was taehyung's fault he's thinking like that. He has his own life afterall he can do whatever he wants. He is ninety nine percent sure taehyung won't cheat on him. But that one percent is overpowering the ninety nine right now because of his trust issues.

But he couldn't ignore him either. He had already broken one promise he can break another one that is he won't ever ignore taehyung.

He picked up the phone putting it on the table again as it was connected to his airpods.

"Hello hyung."

"Hii tae."

"What were you doing?"

"Just office work. what about you?"

"Just got done with classes. Had your lunch?"

"Yeah i did? Did you have yours that i packed?" He honestly hadn't have his lunch yet ,he wasn't in the mood to eat right now. He will probably order a sandwich later.

"Yeah hyung i did. It was delicious as always."

"That's good. When do i need to pick you up?"

"Yeah that's why i called you ,actually can you pick me half an hour later than usual from the cafe near the college?" Taehyung asked kinda unsure and nervous about it.

"Yeah i can pick you up from there but why half an hour later and at the cafe? " He asked with furrowed brows. Taehyung himself had said in the morning that they will return straight to home after their works because of juyoon constantly stalking jungkook from 3 weeks and it's unsafe.

But now taehyung Is saying he will be late and he's going to a cafe.

"I-i a really so hee had been asking me for going for a coffee with her ,and she looked really sad that i don't go with her ,i couldn't say no." He said with hesitancy.

Oh. So it's so hee again that taehyung is going to spend his time with. It's okay ,i shouldn't think much of it. It's just a friendly hangout.

"Y-yeah alright. I ll pick you up later. We will talk later ,i have to do some work okayy. I love you , bye."

"Bye hyung." Taehyung said in a hurry hanging up the phone ,because so hee was right beside him and keep pestering him to come with her.

Why he didn't he say it back. He doesn't love you that much like you think. He will go back to that so hee leaving you alone. Afterall you are such a hassle to him.

No ,that's not it. He must be in a hurry that's why he didn't say it ,he will probably say it later. I am sure of it.

Are you? Sure about it?

No no no ,it is not like this. I know taehyung and i trust him.

Trust him? Who are you kidding huh?

Jungkook tried not to scream clutching his long hair in his hands. He is getting tired of these thoughts. He hasn't heard them in so long and suddenly they are coming back. It is too sudden for him again.


It was around the time he had to go pick taehyung up. He stood up and went to the parking lot to his car. As he was on his way ,he saw a worker in the company but he was wearing a mask hiding his face. He was glaring intensely at him very occasionally.

He sighed shakily , he knew who it was. He wished he was strong enough to go face him right now. But he knew he couldn't ,he didn't have the power to do it alone as well as just face someone from his horrible past again ,he can't bear it.

So he just pretended to not notice it and went to his car driving straight away to the cafe as safely as he could with his shaky hands.

Just as he reached the cafe ,he waited outside for taehyung to come out. He immediately saw taehyung coming out of the cafe along with so hee , they breifly hugged....... Again and taehyung had a huge boxy smile on his face while doing so and so hee left with that.

Jungkook could feel a lump in his throat at the sight. He hated how taehyung was smiling because of someone else that is not him. And he hated himself for hating this.

You are so selfish, huh. So fucking insecure , ITS JUST A FUCKING HUG. Get your shit together.

Yeah it's just a hug. You should trust your husband. You have got a fucking car right behind yours ,following you the whole way and you are worried about this. When you have got other things at hand ,when your safety is not assured.

Taehyung immediately got inside the car sitting beside the older on the passenger seat .

He looked at his husband who was looking down at his lap while clutching his bracelet ,his face was also red and so were his eyes.

"Taehyung ,if you don't have any problem ,could you drive back?" Jungkook asked looking at taehyung's side but not actually making eye contact with him.

"Sure hyung ,why not? But are you okay?" Taehyung asked concerned while sniffing the air ,he could smell something wierd and not pleasant.

He leaned closer to jungkook , sniffing his clothes and mouth as well. Jungkook stared at him with wide eyes pushing taehyung back from him. He could completely understand what taehyung was thinking and confirming. He had actually completely forgot about this and didn't even think about taehyung knowing about him smoking again.

When taehyung went back to his seat ,he had his eyes wide staring at jungkook who had a guilty face. "Hyung , what is this?"

Jungkook didn't reply as taehyung was waiting for him to say something. "Let's just go , get in this seat. After that i have to complete some files ,then i will be home." Jungkook said trying to change the topic and get out of it.

Taehyung got into the driver's seat. He had a dissapointed look on his face that his husband smokes again when he promised he wouldn't even touch it again.

"Hyung ,why did you smoke?" He asked again hoping older woudnt try to change the topic again.

"I am sorry okay. I won't do it again." Jungkook said in a blank but low voice. While looking out of the window as taehyung drived.

"Hyung. I asked WHY did you smoke?" He repeated not getting the answer he wanted.

Jungkook turned his face towards him ,getting annoyed a little. "i told you i won't do it again ,isn't it enough? And if i did so ,it isn't like one cigeratte is gonna kill me." He said in an irritated voice.

Even if it did ,not like i care.

Taehyung was taken aback because jungkook never talks to him like that. He is never rude with him. But right now ,he looked really frustrated and stressed as well as anxious. Not a good mixture.

Taehyung just nodded and didn't say anything. He wasn't hurt ,just even more worried.

A few minutes later ,taehyung couldn't bear the silence ,"hyung ,was that juyoon there again?" He asked thinking his mood is like that probably because of him.

Jungkook turned his head towards him as it was resting on his hand. "Yeah he was ,pretending like a worker in the company as well." He answered nonchalant ly like he doesn't care about it.

"I really hope dad returns soon ,so we can get rid of him as soon as possible, it isn't safe with him stalking you all the time." Taehyung said looking forward , his tone laced with worry.

Jungkook just hummed in reply because it wasn't the only thing that was making him act like this. He is totally fed up of everything in only one day.

Soon they reached home , and jungkook stayed there as well instead of going back to company. He immediately got inside his room ,taking his pajamas from the closet and went to shower.

Taehyung just stared at his husband who looked in a hurry. Taehyung went to change as well ,then returned in the living area playing anything on the tv.

TV was just playing in the background , while he was lost in his own thoughts.

Him acting wierd is understandable, afterall he is getting stalked by someone from his past and someone who has done terrible things to him.

But i haven't done anything to him ,why is he acting like that with me. He is not being distant ,but acting distant.

Have i don't anything wrong. I don't remember doing anything like that.

He isn't even answering me correctly. And he smoked today as well ,something else must have happened that he had to blow those cancer sticks again.

And it have to be something really bad that he did it when he himself sweared to his baby that he won't do it again.

What actually happened? I hope he tells me himself soon ,i can't see him like that.


That's it for this chapter.

It was terrible ,totally disappointed with it and it took me 2 days to only complete this 3300+ words chapter.

I really couldn't think of anything ,so i just made a sequence type of list where i wrote what scenes i have to add in this ,and in what sequence what drama will happen.

Even though i wrote the topics ,i couldn't seem to write anything ,my mind got blank when i opened this to write further.

Plus i am not really in the best mental health these days ,i am not doing good. I am sorry for it but i will try my best in the future chapters and will update when i can.

This chapter didn't had much dialogues but a lot more thoughts. I could have wrote those thoughts by changing POV s but i am getting used to writing in 3rd person pov ,so if i did 1st person POV, it would have come out terribly.

I don't even know if this chapter makes sense or not. I couldn't really focus on anything at all. My mind was totally blank but i wrote whatever i can and will try to update i can.

This chapter might have more typos and grammatical mistakes, please ignore them. Not proofread.

I don't know if you will like this chapter or not ,but i hope you don't hate it atleast. I am pretty sure my mental health is definitely showing in this chapter lol ,sorry for that but i automatically write how my own mood is.

If i am feeling happy ,chapter is full of fluff and if i am feeling down ,chapter is like this one.

I am done with my ranting which probably no one is interested in lmao.

Happy taekook day to you all 💜💚.

And thank you for 3k reads ,i never expected this many reads on my fic , atleast not so soon. But i am grateful and really appreciate it.

Last but not the least ,fuck scammys. They don't deserve my boys. Fucking clout chasers. But everyone knows who's the actual winner.

Till next time...~~

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