Wanting What I Shouldn't

By Book_obsessed_weirdo

1.3M 19.7K 13.5K

Amara Brady, the schools nerd, her name unknown to any normal persons ears. Straight A's and perfect homework... More

The Main Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Wedding Theme
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 57 (Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 44

14K 183 60
By Book_obsessed_weirdo

   The feeling of movement stirs me to wake up from my sleep. I open my eyes, seeing Amara trying to wiggle her way out of my arms.

   Instinctively I wrap my arms tighter around her, pulling her back into my chest "No," my voice comes out raspy and thick. Amara sighs, falling back into my chest trying to hide her tired smile.

   I bury my face into the crook of her neck, breathing in the smell of her vanilla scented body wash I purposely always buy for her.

   My hand rubs soft circles over her bare stomach, enjoying the soft skin on my own as she melts into me, our bodies molding together.

   "You know your family is coming over right?" She whispers, her voice scratchy and cracking. I love her voice in the morning.

   My response is tightening my arm around her bare waist "Mhmmm," she flips around in my hold, placing a quick peck to my lips "I have to start getting ready," she murmurs, trying to pull my hands off her body.

   It doesn't work.

   She groans, her hands falling limp at her sides with a puff of air. Her hair is messy, tangled in small knots along her hairline, a hazy glaze covering her emerald eyes, a morning look on her beautiful face.

   "Yeah?" She nods and I pull her bare front into mine, running my hands up her spine softly. She shivers against me, tucking her face away into my chest with a sigh "Well you can stay here, just for a little while longer," I rasp and she nods her head, her eyes falling closed with a small morning smile pulling at her pink lips.

   Every touch against her skin gives me a reaction in return, whether it's a little shiver or a smile. And my hands can't seem to stop touching her, my heart beating off the tiny reactions.

   Waking up to Amara every morning is my favorite sight. She's either naked in our bed, or wearing close to nothing. Unless she's cold, then she's in my sweatpants and sweatshirt, with a pair of my socks pulled up her feet. Even then she takes things off because I'm always holding her, trying to keep her warm and happy in my arms.

It can't ever get better than her in the morning. Nothing can be better than her. She's my soon-to-be wife. What's better than that?

Absolutely nothing. Nothing in the entire world will ever tell me otherwise. I don't care how many opinions you all have. Amara is my fucking reason to breathe.

I would die without her. In all honesty I don't think my heart beat without her. I was just staying alive. I wasn't living until I met her. Held her. Kissed her. Loved her.

She's my everything.

A yawn stretches across her beautiful face, snuggling herself farther into me, warmth tingling through me. "What time is it?" She asks softly, running her hands up my chest.

Glancing at the clock I hum softly at her touch, so soft and addicting. She tosses her leg over my hip, pressing her whole body into me. If it wasn't such a sweet moment I would be fucking her right now.

She giggles softly, hiding her face away in my chest "Why are you always hard?" She asks quietly, her face burning bright red, hiding her eyes from me.

My arms trail back up her back, twirling some of her messy hair on my finger "There is a gorgeous woman who loves me, is going to marry me, have my kids, and I get to wake up to her ever morning and you expect me to not get hard?" The red on her skin brightens even more, tucking her face into my chest to hide. I chuckle softly, a scratchy sound.

"What time is it?" She asks again, not bothering to look up from my chest. Her breath fans across my skin, right over her handprint tattooed on my chest, my heart thumping faster in response, "It's 9:57."

She gasps, her eyes widening as she pulls back from my chest "They're going to be here at 10!" She wiggles against me, trying to pull out of my hold.

I groan at the friction of her bare skin against my already hard dick and she freezes. Her hazy eyes widen, her cheeks darkening "Kingston, not the time to be turned on!" She scolds, slapping my chest playfully before prying at my hands.

My mouth opens to say something but the doorbell rings through the house, the dogs barking reaching our room.

"È colpa tua!" She scolds me in Italian, "M***a!" The words roll of her tongue perfectly as I let my arms go from around her. She leaps up from the bed, rubbing her temples.
(This is your fault!) (Shit!)

My eyes trail along her bare body, her perky ass staring back at me with my handprint tattooed into the thick flesh with my name along the bottom. Her slim waist and wide hips, her thick thighs I love to be between. The muscles in her back flex with certain movements, her messy hair swaying as she makes her way into the bathroom.

"Vestiti e vai ad aprire la porta! Digli che sarò giù." She yells through the closed bathroom door. The doorbell rings again and I throw the blanket off me, standing up and stretching my arms high above my head with a yawn.
(Get dressed and go open the door! Tell them I'll be down.)

The doorbell rings again and Amara curses in another language again from the bathroom. A chuckle leaves me as I make my way to the closet and pull on a pair of boxers and sweatpants, raking a hand through my hair then heading to the door of our bedroom.

The dogs bark again, this time louder as I open the door to our bedroom and step out, the metal ring on my left ring finger clinks against the doorknob. Pushing my hands into my sweatpants pockets I head down the hallway.

Slowly I make my way down the stairs, the wood quietly creaking under my feet, I glance out the window, seeing my brothers cars parked out front.

Why did Amara invite them so early? We could've cuddled longer.

"Quieto." I tell the dogs and they instantly quiet their barking, meeting me at the stairs. Rogue keeps his head high at my side. Roxy gives me a glance and slowly makes her way up the stairs to Amara.

She's a good dog.

The doorbell rings again and I groan with an eye roll, getting to the door and pulling it open. Mason freezes with his finger pressed against the doorbell, Dawson shaking his head at him and James and Julius laughing at Mason.

Mason's eyes widen like he's been caught doing something illegal and James and Julius burst out laughing, Dawson chuckles softly, giving me an apologetic smile.

Rogue barks happily, his tail wagging back and forth. James and Julius grin. "Rogue!" James states, bursting through the door and tackling the big dog.

Rogue growls playfully, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as James pats his head.

Julius walks forward and gives me a hug "Hey big bro," he greets, giving me a high-five and walking past me "Hey Jul,"

I give him a smile and then glare at Mason. Mason chuckles, rubbing his neck "Sorry man, but you didn't answer the door." I groan, rubbing my hand down my face "We were still in bed."

Mason smirks, wiggling his brows at me. A scowl covers my face. "Aw c'mon!" Mason snorts annoyed, pushing past me and into the house, calling out Amara's name.

Dawson sighs "I told him not to, he didn't listen. Dipshit." I chuckle and Dawson pats me on the back "Good to see ya little bro, been a while." He walks past me into the house allowing me to close the door and follow my brothers inside.

James and Julius are playing with Rogue on the floor. They're in their usual black jeans and purple sweatshirts with some converses on and a pocket chain, their hair both done up the way they've always had it.

"Princess!" Mason calls into the house but gets no response from my fiancée. He groans, looking over at me "Where's Amara?" Dawson nods, leaning against the back of our couch.

Masons in black jeans and a dark blue sweatshirt, his hair messy and out of place, a silver chain dangling around his neck. Dawson's wearing his usual red sweatpants and black t-shirt, his hair combed through nicely.

"My fiancée will be down in a few minutes." I state and everything stops. James and Julius stop laughing, Mason stops his movements and Dawson's eyes widen. Nothing moves.

Ah shit. I didn't mean to say that.

Dawson pushes up off the couch, looking at me with an eyebrow raised "You finally asked her?" He asks, walking over to me with a hopeful face.

Hesitantly I nod my head. Amara's gonna kill me for telling them. That ruins her plan of telling them out at lunch.

James and Julius leap up from the floor "Seriously? She's gonna be our sister-in-law!?" They ask, their eyes wide with excitement. I nod my head, a smile breaking across my face and they start jumping up and down, cheering happily.

They may be 10 now, but they're still happy little kids.

Dawson grins at me, "Finally!" I shoot him a glare and he chuckles. Mason goes to say something but a step on the stairs creak and my eyes shoot up to see Amara coming down the stairs in a pair of her tight black Nikey shorts, a large white t-shirt of mine and her brushed hair thrown up in a messy bun, her transparent white glasses sitting gracefully on her nose with Roxy at her side. She sees my brothers and smiles "Hey guys—" James and Julius grin, sprinting over to her and wrapping her in a hug.

"Finally!" They yell happily, clinging to her waist. Her brows furrow as her eyes look up to meet mine.

'Sorry' I mouth and she instantly sends me a small scowl. Roxy trots her way down the stairs and over towards me, a floppy smile on her droopy face.

She smiles and crouches down, hugging the boys in her arms "Finally is right." She states, looking over at me with a little glare but it's not long lasting before they let her go and Mason walks over "Finally can call ya sis," he states, pulling her into a family hug.

She laughs, hugging him back and giving Dawson a wave "Old man," she greets with a smirk. Dawson rolls his eyes at her with a friendly grin on his face "Smartass."

The diamond ring glitters on her finger when it catches the living room lights as she pulls back from Mason. She gives him a smile and sways her way over to me.

I wrap my arms around her waist, placing my lips on hers for a few seconds before pulling back and kissing her forehead "Hey baby," I greet. She smiles at me, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"You guys want coffee?" I ask, slipping my hand underneath the fabric of her t-shirt, circling my thumb softly.

Mason nods "Please. I need some. College has been stressful." I chuckle softly and Dawson nods "Yeah I could have some." Amara smiles at them "I'll go start it up," she pulls out of my hold, my hand falling out from under her shirt.

With the wave of her hand we all follow after her, James and Julius reaching the stools for the breakfast bar first and jumping up onto the cushions. Amara smiles at them, pulling a plate of their favorite treat out and setting it in front of them. They grin and thank her before snatching the chocolate chip cookie brownie bars off the plate. They quickly stuff their faces with the sugar as Amara twirls around the kitchen, fixing up a pot of coffee.

   She hates coffee but doesn't mind making it, I offer all the time but she just gives me a look and makes me sit down and wait for it.

   I slip in the kitchen as Dawson and Mason sit on stools as well, "So, how'd it happen? When did it happen?" Mason asks, smiling at Amara.

   Amara turns back to them, smiling as my arm slips back in its place at her waist, tugging her body into mine and kissing her head.

   "Yesterday actually. He took me out for dinner and showed me the ocean for the first time then took me on a walk on the beach. After the sun went down he stopped me and asked me to close my eyes and then he proposed," her emerald eyes glanced up at me with a smile on her lips. I lean my head down and place a kiss to her lips "I love you," I murmur softly and her smile brightens.

   "I love you," she tells me and rises up into her tippy toes and places a quick peck to my lips before looking over at Mason who wiggles his brows at her.

   Dawson reaches over and smacks Mason. Mason yelps and instantly stops, rubbing his arm where Dawson had hit him. Amara nods at Dawson "Thanks, you'll get your coffee first." Dawson smirks at Mason in a 'Ha I'm better than you' look.

   Mason rolls his eyes, reaching over and swiping a cookie and brownie bar, shoving it in his mouth before James and Julius caught him.

I slip my hand up my t-shirt covering Amara's beautiful body, smiling contently.

"So," Mason starts, swallowing the last of his cookie brownie bar, "What's it like living with my most annoying brother?" I shoot him a glare but he shrugs his shoulders at me, watching Amara snuggle closer to me.

"He's awful," she smiles "He always rolls onto my side of the bed and always intrudes my showers. He's also really likes to snuggle on the couch while watching TV. It's awful. He's such a bug," she grins, leaning her head on my shoulder, revealing my name tattooed behind her ear.

Mason snorts "Yeah right. He doesn't snatch your favorite snacks? And bother you while napping? Or on the phone?" He presses, leaning his forearms on the countertop.

Amara shakes her head with a smile "Nope. He buys me my snacks, takes naps with me, and I'm never on my phone unless I'm talking to the girls," she shrugs like she has no care in the world as long as she's living with me.

Mason looks over at me in disbelief "What happened to you? Did you get brainwashed or something?" I chuckle softly, kissing Amara's head as James and Julius take another bite of the cookie brownie bars "Yup. I got brainwashed by love," I whisper and Amara blushes, wrapping her arm around my waist.

"Can we have some milk please Amara?" Julius asks, looking up from Roxy that's sitting between the stools.

Amara nods, "Of course boys," she answers and pulls away from me, walking to the fridge and pulling out the gallon of milk, setting it on the counter and opening a cupboard, grabbing two small glasses out.

The door bells rings again and Roxy's ears perk, Rogue looks over at me from his position on the wood flooring.

Amara turns to me, her emerald eyes shining against her glasses "Can you get the door baby?" She asks, unscrewing the top on the milk and pouring the boys some milk.

I nod, instantly turning and walking towards the door.

"Don't tell them. I'm waiting till lunch time to tell them, okay?" I hear Amara whisper to them before I pull the door open.

My cousins stand there, Ashley also standing their with smiles on their faces.

The girls push right past me and bolt into the kitchen "Amara!" They yell happily. The dogs bark along with the girls.

Liam and Mark step up onto the doorstep, giving me smiles "Hey man," Liam greets, slapping our hands together.

Mark does the same and then I welcome them into our house.

   They walk in, smiling and joining everyone in the kitchen area.

   I watch Amara try to hide her ring as best as she can, laughing with the girls as they sit on the counter by the bar. Liam stands by Summer, slipping his arm up her shirt.

   The second I enter the kitchen Amara walks over to me and places her lips on mine, carrying two mugs of steaming coffee in her hands.

   A smile spreads across my face as she slips through the crowds and hands Dawson and Mason a cup of coffee.

   James and Julius give her hugs as she goes by, smiling at her and kissing her cheek before she makes her way back over to me.

   "Are we gonna go swimming in the pool?" Moren asks, kicking her feet back and forth on the counter as Mason looks around, a frown on his face.

   "Hey, where's Keyara?" He whispers to Moren. She shrugs "She said she couldn't make it, something about studying for a test," she murmurs back. Mason's frown deepens but he says no more.

   Amara grabs my hand, wrapping it around her waist and snuggling into my side "Yeah, after lunch we can. You guys brings your swim suits?" They all nod and she smiles.

   The door bell rings again and Amara smiles, pulling me towards the door. Roxy follows behind happily, everyone chattering happily in the kitchen.

   Amara opens the door and pulls out of my hold, wrapping her arms around my mothers torso. "Hello dear!" She greets with a smile. Amara smiles, pulling back and wrapping her arms around my dad "Mr. Grey," he smiles softly, wrapping his arms around her.

   Amara steps back "Please come in," she walks back over to me and wraps her arms around me, snuggling her face into my bare torso, smiling softly against my skin.

My parents walk in, smiling sweetly as they kick their shoes off. My dad takes moms coat and hangs it up on our coat hanger, taking her purse as well before taking his own coat off. Dad's wearing his usual jeans and t-shirt, and mom's in her normal green shirt with black leggings. The door closes with a gentle click.

"It's been a while since we've been in this house. What's new?" Mom asks, walking over to Amara's free side. Amara only smiles, snuggling further into me "Not much Mrs. Grey, just a few new pictures,"

Mom nods and dad wraps his arm around mom's waist "Would you like some coffee Mr. Grey? I made some not long ago, it's still hot." Amara offers. My dad smiles but shakes his head "That's alright dear, I had some on the way here, but thank you," my fiancée nods, turning and taking me with her as she walks back towards the kitchen.

   She keeps me close, snuggling closer to me with smiles as she talks with everyone, her eyes sparkling.

   I love seeing her happy. I love her smile. I love her eyes. I love her.

   And that, will never, ever change.


   I pull the fabric of my sweatshirt over my shirt, pulling it all the way down to my waist, sticking my hands in the sweatshirt as Amara slips on some leggings.

   That ass is mine.

   Walking up behind her I land a slap to her ass, the crack echoing through the closet. It jiggles and I feel like laughing happily at the sight, playing with it sounds fun too.

   "Kingston!" She spins around, a scowl covering her face.

   She's so cute.

   A grin spreads across my face and she rolls her eyes, a small smile pulling at her lips. I know she likes it. She just won't admit it.

The black leggings hug her ass tightly, showing off every curve that I've memorized. I could find her in the dark and be able to find her hips, her waist, her lips, her nose.

She pulls a zip up sweatshirt on over my white t-shirt, turning around and smiling at me. I smile back, unable to help myself from doing so.

Her smile's contagious.

She walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my torso and sighing as she buries her face in my sweatshirt.

My arms wrap around her, holding her against me as she smiles softly, her eyes closed. "Are you alright mi amor?" I ask, worry hinting in my voice. She nods her head, the fabric of my black sweatshirt ruffling with the movement "Yeah, everything's great," she murmurs happily, stepping even closer to me.

   I give her a squeeze, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead. Her smile brightens at my little token of affection.

   Slowly she pulls away, her hands drifting up my chest and wrapping around my neck. She smiles, gently pulling me down and placing her lips on mine softly. Kissing her is the best part of my day. And no one can change that.

   Our lips part and she sighs contently, leaning her forehead against me. I smile softly, pecking her nose before looking into her deep emerald eyes.

   "This is real," she murmurs, a smile coating her face. My brows knit together in confusion and she giggles quietly at my confusion before kissing my lips again.

   Of course I kiss her back, that's a given.

   When our lips part she smiles "This is what I've been dreaming of since I was little. It wasn't possible until you. And you made my dream come true. You're my knight in shining armor that would come rescue me from the evil parents," she laughs slightly at her own reference but then places her lips on mine again.

   "I'll always be your knight in shining armor, my love. I'll always be here to keep you safe and give you love," pink dusts her cheek bones and I can't help but smile. "And you do, I feel safe in your arms. Thank you, for everything you've ever done and plan to do. And I finally can flash a ring at someone and call you mine," a bright smile spreads across her face as her hands drift up and into my hair softly.

   A soft hum vibrates through my throat, my eyes falling closed with content. Amara gently pecked my lips again before pulling back. My eyes fall open and I grab her hand, pulling her into my side.

   She smiles again, her eyes sparkling in the light of the closet.

   Together we walk out of our room, being greeted by the soft sound of our socked feet against the wood flooring.

Amara leans her head on my shoulder, wrapping her left arm around me and slipping it into my pocket, fidgeting with the diamond ring I designed and made.

The sound of laughter drifts up the stairs as we get closer, everyone's standing around by the door with sweatshirts on and keys in their hands.

The stair creaks softly under our feet and James and Julius sprint over to Amara, grabbing her right arm and trying to pull her away from me.

She laughs, letting me go and following after the smiling boys.

"We call Amara!" They shout to everyone. Everyone laughs, bright smiles on their faces as James and Julius drag her through the crowd.

Liam walks up to Summer and brushes his hand against hers, trying to be subtle but I know him. He's had his eye on my cousin since they met, and I don't mind Summer being with him, I trust him. I'd trust him with Amara.

And that's saying something.

"Toss me my keys," I tell Mason. He reaches over and grabs my keys, tossing them above everyone's heads. I snatch them out of the air and walk through the door, everyone following after me.

Roxy and Rogue are staying home this time, for a good few reasons. Though they gave me and Amara those puppy dog eyes because we told them they couldn't. They love going out with me and Amara.

The door closes behind the last person and everyone files away into cars and I make my way over to my black Bugatti. I can't get rid of this car, it brings back so many memories of me and Amara. By the time I reach my car, Amara's waiting for me with a smile at the drivers side.

I walk over to her and pull her into a kiss, which she instantly returns with her lips curved up into a smile.

Once I pull back she places her hands on my chest, looking up at me with a bright smile "The boys are all buckled in and ready to go," she states, her eyes glimmering in the sunlight.

I nod my head, giving her another smile "Thanks baby," her eyes light up proudly, rising up on her toes and kissing my cheek before I take her hand and lead her to the passengers side door.

   She really likes it when I smile. She always gets happy and smiles back. I love her smile.

I hold the comment of having kids in. Now knowing she wants kids has my heart racing happily. I wish our wedding wasn't so far away. And everyone knew already. Then we could plan it in a few months and get married before a year. I just want her to be my wife.

So badly.

We could get married on a beach with her in a sundress and me in some sweats and a shirt and I would be the happiest man ever.

I want her flashing her ring to everyone, I want to hear her being called Mrs. Grey. I want her to call me her husband. I want her to be my wife. So fucking badly.

Obviously I opened her door for her before closing it and rounding the car to my side, opening the door with a click and sliding in.

James and Julius are buckled up in the back, a smile on their faces. I put the keys in the ignition, turning the roaring engine on.

   Amara buckles herself and turns around in the car, looking back at the boys "What do you guys want to listen to?" She asks softly, her hair flowing over her shoulder softly, her emerald eyes gentle and kind.

   She'll be a great mother.

   "Thunder!" James states and Amara's face lifts into a laugh. She nods her head and turns back around, typing the song into the consul and turning the music up for the boys.

   My right hand trails it's way from the steering wheel to her thigh, giving it a squeeze, my eyes focused on the road ahead.

When she soft skin of her hand touches mine atop her thigh, another smile pulls at my lips. She's everything I need. Nothing more and nothing less. Her.

   Just her.


   Cars are parked all over the parking lot of the restaurant, but our cars stand out the most. Amara smiles, opening the car door and getting out of the car on her own.

   That's unacceptable.

   Reaching my free arm out, I fist the back of her soft sweatshirt and yank her back into the car. "Hey!" She yelps falling back into the car seat with a huff.

   I quickly unbuckle and reach across, slamming the door closed. She turns to me and narrows her eyes "That—"

   "No. I'm supposed to open your door." She snaps her mouth shut and kisses me softly. All the anger I felt a second ago faded, my lips pressed against hers.

   I could be bleeding out and a kiss from her would take away all my pain.

Seriously. She's got the magic kiss.

   A sigh falls across my lips as she pulls back, my eyes opening to see her blushing slightly "Fine." She mutters, falling back in the seat with her arms crossed.

   Seat buckles clink in the back and James and Julius throw their doors open, jumping out and walking over to Mason's car with grins.

   The door clicks as I push mine open, pulling the keys out and standing up. The wind tugs at my sweatpants and sweatshirt, ruffling my hair.

   My hand lands on the black car door, shoving it closed and walking around the car to open Amara's door.

  It's my job to open her door.

   Pulling the door open, the wind rushes in and whips Amara's beautiful brown hair around, the fabric covering her body ruffling in the wind.

   I hold my hand out for her, her emerald eyes sparkling as she looks at me lovingly. My heart skips in my chest, the way she looks at me just enough for me to melt into a puddle.

   The soft skin of her hand brushes against mine and sparks fly through my arm, right to heart which proceeds to pick up its speed. Thumping wildly against my ribs.

   Her sneakers land on the concrete, cars surrounding us in the large parking lot. The building is a sandy tan color, white trim and large glass double doors. An awning hangs above the front door, shading the entrance from the sun.

   The car door slams shut with the bump of Amara's hip and I draw her into my chest, kissing her lips like I'm dying and she's the only air I need.

   Her teeth nip at my bottom lip, tingles spreading through my body and straight down to my dick. She pushes closer, her hands planting themselves on my shoulders. The soft, ticklish skin of her fingertips dusts over the bare skin of my neck, my heart shuddering.

   The wind whips at our clothes again, my family's voices drifting closer and closer to our car. Our lips fall away from each other's, and Amara gasps for air, panting and licking her lips.

   Her eyes swirl with the wind, her beautiful pink lips pulled up in the smile that's stained in my memory, her emerald eyes bright with love and happiness.

   I always want to see her happy.

Everyone gathers at our car, smiling and chatting about different things.

"What are you covering in college?"

"How's business going?"

"Anyone else get fired lately?"

"Yeah we went shopping and then did—"

There's a thousand different conversations at once, trying to pick them out is impossible. The girls are talking about clothes and love life. Liam, Dawson, and Mason are talking business and college. Mom and Dad are talking about a date night.

Amara whistles and everyone quiets, looking over at her. She smiles, hugging her arm tighter around me. "Okay, everyone here?" Everyone nods, James and Julius wiggling their way through the crowd to nod at Amara.

She winks at the boys and they stand up straighter, a proud look on their faces.

What's that about?

"Okay, let's head inside then," everyone nods and we all make our way towards the entrance where James and Julius are waiting with the doors open for us with polite smiles on.


   Once everyone is sat down, and everyone has ordered I glance over at Amara, who's smiling like nothings happening.

   In a few minutes we're going to play the tape. That shows me proposing.

   Why I'm nervous? I have no damn clue.

   Maybe they'll make fun of me for how I did it. Or the fact that when I told her to keep her eyes closed I was shaking like crazy, almost dropping the ring box in the sand.

   I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my entire life. Proposing to Amara, though I had dreamed about it, was still nerve wracking. What if she didn't like the ring? Or it was still to early for her?

   So many things made me nervous in that moment.

   "This summer, when we have college break I was thinking of going to—" Mason is cut off by a gasp.


   Amara looks over at me, a small smile pulling at her lips as she looks back over at Mason "Going where?" She urges him on.

   More gasps come from around the table. Some chairs creaking as they turn in their seats. Looking at the TV right by our table.

   A squeal coming from my left makes Amara jump slightly. My head quickly turning to see Moren grinning widely.

   She stumbles out of her chair, rushing towards Amara.

   "Finally!" She yells, shoving between James that's sat next to Amara, snatching her left hand and lifting it up, the diamond glinting in the dim lighting of the restaurant.

   I laugh at my cousins excitement and glance at my parents. Moms crying. Dad's looking at me with a smile as he holds mom.

   Summer leaps up "Show us the ring!" Liam looks over at me "Why didn't you tell me!?", Mark's grinning as Ashlyn sprints from her seat, grabbing Amara and hauling her up from her seat.

   "Congratulations son," my dad states proudly and my mom sobs some more "I'm going to get a daughter-in-law," she sobs into dads hold "And grand babies!"

   Amara laughs, my head turning to see the girls staring at her ring and squealing again, jumping up and down excitedly.

   "Do you guys want to be my bridesmaids?" She asks and they all throw their arms around Amara, shaking her back and forth.

   My fiancée looks rattled, her eyes unfocused but her smile bright. "Yes!" Moren yells, jumping up and down.

   "I'll call Keyara and ask her too, don't worry," Amara tells them and my mom jumps up from her seat and runs to Amara.

"Oh! I knew you were the one for him the second he took you home! And the way he would talk about you all the time!" She cries happily, tears trailing down her face as my cousins step back from Amara and my mom wraps her in a bear hug.

My eyes widen slightly, heat burning it's way up my neck. Amara looks over at me with a cute little smile and I feel the heat spread up my face.

Liam leans over the table and slaps my arm "I'm your best friend! How come I didn't know about this!?" He glares at me, flipping me the finger before smiling "But I'm glad you finally asked. Amara told me if you would've waited any longer she might have done it herself."

"Hey! I told you to keep that to yourself! B******o!" She hisses at him and I turn to her, an eyebrow raised in question.

She glances at me nervously, "You would've proposed to me?" I ask and she sighs "Yes! I would've. I just wanted to be your wife." She mumbles, crossing her arms and looking away from me.

I stand up from my chair and walk over to her, pecking her lips softly "Just so you know, your ring took me 2 years to make. Trust me amor, you weren't the only one who wanted you to be my wife." She blushes and smiles, kissing me again.

Moren grabs Amara's arm again "When are we going dress shopping!?" She gasps really loudly "What's the theme!?"

Oh boy. This is going to be a long lunch.

Anyone else really excited about the wedding? 🙋🏼‍♀️

Anywaysss. I have the dresses picked, and an idea for the colors.

What do you guys think? A beach wedding or church? Castle?

I'm curious.

And I may or may not have already started on the Honeymoon scenes 😏💋

Hope y'all are having a good day!

And by the way I love reading all y'all's comments so if you leave one I'll definitely look at it! I love hearing your guys's opinions! Makes my morning to wake up to so much love🥰


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