Arranged Marriage ~Adam Saleh...

By IdkSomethingWeird

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Aysha Raheem is half Yemenis half British and is a famous YouTuber in America and the UK, when her dad, Khale... More

Part 1~ The Move
Part 2~ Fans
Part 3 - Saviour
Part 4 ~ The Unexpected Dinner
Part 5 ~ Decision
Part 6 ~ Embarrassing Moments
Part 7 ~ Facts and Friends
Part 8~ Feelings
Part 9~ 1 week, The Engagement
Part 10~ Cute Couple Pictures
Part 11 ~ Message to the World
Part 12 ~ New Friend and Vacuum??
Part 14~ Reema's Birthday
Part 15 ~ Turn on's and Turn Offs
Part 16~ Time Skipping
Part 17~ The Surprise
Part 18- Sumbusa and Phone
Part 19- Date Night

Part 13 ~ Scary Game

1.7K 36 5
By IdkSomethingWeird

Ok the next day I was supposed to be meeting up with 3MH, oh ya the boys decided to make there own channel with all for of them in it and we just yesterday we,well I, found out that I am going on tour with the boys to the UK on December, weird I know I leave the UK then a couple months later I go back, I asked my parents if I can go, because the other times they said I can but they have to come with, but this time they said its ok as long as Adam is with me, Im really happy cause knowing the boys there going to do stupid yet crazy things, anyways I was running late to get to Karim's place cause I have to pick up Jasmine, yeah the boys all like her, some more then others, cough cough Slim cough cough, so when I picked her up I had to meet the parents and they like me and told me they are happy that I stood up for there daughter and yeah, that's pretty much it so right now me and Jasmine are running to get to Karim's place and to make it worse we are both wearing heels, so we took them off

"how much further" Jasmine says breathing really hard

"were almost there we can walk from here" I say trying to get my breathing right again and put my heels back on

'Bang bang into the room'

Bang Bang by Jessie J and Arianna Grande suddenly plays, it's my phone, I pick it up without checking who it is

"Yello, the sun says" I say randomly, with a serious voice

"what the heck Aysha" Adam says laughing

"oh hey Adam sorry me and Jasmine are really tired we have been running to get to Karim's place which by the way can you get ready to open the door cause we're almost there" I say finally getting my breathe

"habibty, be careful ok, take it easy we aren't going anywhere, stop at a market get yourself something to drink and eat please" he says

"fine, it's just cause I miss you" I say while blushing

"aww" Jasmine says putting her hand on her heart

"I miss you to wallah" he says kissing the phone

"I'll see you when we get there ok" I say

"ok bye beautiful"

"bye and oh do you or any of the guys want anything" I say turning around while grabbing Jasmine's hand turning her around to

"just get me orange juice and Karim wants a Snikers bar" he says

"ok ill get'em" I say hanging up the phone "Adams making us stop at the store to get us something to eat and drink also to get him juice and Karim Snickers" I say to Jasmine as we walk into the side market

"OK I'll get us two apples you get the drinks, I want a Coke" she says before leaving, I go and grab And orange juice, Jasmine's Coke and my self Apple juice, when I go and meet up with Jasmine at the cash register, I grab a Snickers bar while we were over there,

"that'll be $9.78" the cashier says, I give him a $10 bill

"keep the change" I say walking away, I take a bite from my apple as we were walking, finally we got there and I still haven't finished my apple, I press the button to Karim's place and wait

"so I heard your going to the UK on December" she says as we wait,

"yeah, I am with the rest of the boys" I say smiling then the buzzer made noise indicating we can go in , we open the door and start to walk upstairs

"I'm going to miss you guys" she says smiling sadly at me

"you really thought I was going to leave you all by yourself, nope your coming with me we just need to ask your parents, cause I already talked to the tour manager and he said its ok" I say smirking at her, she screams while giving me a big ol'kiss on the cheek

"What?!? What happened?!? Are you ok?!? Who hurt you?!?" Adam says rushing out of the room and checking me for any injuries

"Adam I'm fine Jasmine just got to excited" I say giggling, it's so cute on how much he worries

"oh alhamdulillah I thought you got attacked" he says hugging me, I hug him back still giggling

"well I'm fine to guys" Jasmine says walking into the apartment, making me and Adam laugh

"well let's go inside" I say taking a bite from my unfinished apple 'oh and here's your juice" I say giving it to Adam

"thanks gorgeous" he says grabbing my hand and we go inside to see all the boys playing a video game

"Heyy to all the single ladies" I say not noticing Adam was vlogging

"heyyy, wait hey" they say together calmly at first then offendedly, if that's even a word, causing me, Jasmine and Adam laugh

"girl, I'm glad to be single" Sheikh says in a girls voice, making everyone laugh, I sit next to Adam who is sitting next to Karim,

"here's your Snickers" I say giving the whole grocery bag to him,

"thanks sistaa" he say with sass, then Adam took my apple taking a bite out of it, then put it back in my hand

"you could have just asked you know" I say laughing and taking sip from my drink

"yeah but that's not fun" he say

"so why were you screaming like a crazy cat women" Slim says to Jasmine

"well I heard exciting news" she says happily

"what? Did you find out that your coming on tour with us" Sheikh says

"yes! But inshallah my parents say I can go" she says jumping around in her seat, I see Slim smile at her, which almost made him die in the game,

"dude get your head in the game" Sheikh says, making him blush,

"this game looks so creepy" I say looking at the game as Slim plays, then Admit scares Slim by touching shoulder,

"dude stop" Slim says smiling making us laugh, by now I finished my apple and threw it in the garbage that's in the corner of the room

"look even Sheikh got scared" Jasmine comments making Adam turn the camera to him, after about 5 minutes, I put my finger up into the camera and quietly use my hair to tickle the back of Slims neck then I quickly sit back down next to Adam, acting like nothing happened

"what was that" Slim says touching his neck

"what are you talking about" Karim says

"something was on my neck" he says

"dude the game is getting to you" Adam says

"maybe your right" he says turning back into the game, then I stretch my leg to lightly touch his and slowly go up, when he shakes his leg before shaking his head, mumbling

"it's your imagination" then I grab on to his leg making him screams like girl making all of us laugh

"damn it Aysha, don't this game is scary enough" Slim says "Wallah you and Adam make a perfect couple" he says turning back into the game,

"but seriously who ever designed this game has a weird imagination or is a serial killer" Jasmine says, so into the game, I look at Adam and point at Jasmine as he points at Sheikh we both nod our heads, I scare Jasmine as he scares Sheikh making them both yell

"don't do that" Jasmine says hitting my my shoulder

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it" I say laughing before standing up to go back my Adam, but just then someone squeezed my shoulders and yelled in my ear making me scream and turn around without thinking and slapping the person hard, it was Karim and Adam got it all on camera, everyone 'oohed' except for Adam who was dying of laughter

"I'm sorry, actually no I'm not, but I didn't mean to it you, even tho you deserved it for scarring me, are you hurt, I'm sorry I went by instinct, now you know not to scare me you loser, here let me get you an ice pack, actually get yourself an ice pack, it's your fault anyways" I rush out, 1 min I feel bad the next I'm don't

"woah, Aysh calm down, I'm fine see" Karim says laughing

"this is one of the reasons why I love you Aysh" Adam says still laughing

"that was a good it though, I bet the whole apartment heard that slap" Slim says, then Adam started to play giving the camera to Karim

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