𝐁𝐮𝐠 • 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 �...

De caprisunslaps

25.8K 650 213

the reader is vi's love interest, kinda caitlyn's too futher on. this fanfic follows arcanes storyline so i d... Mais



2.4K 62 22
De caprisunslaps



Vi's pov:

"Shit you drunk Bug?"

"Yea nah".

"You sure? The empty bottle in your hand says otherwise?"

"Shh, don't tell him I told you, BUT it actually belongs to that guy over there". Y/n slurred pointing clumsily to a random man on the other side of the bar, attempting to cover up for herself. You sighed and approached her placing a hand on her waist to stop her from swaying. Two of your fingers accidentally getting stuck on the bottom hem of her shirt lifting it up slightly.

"Woah slow down I wanna wait till marriage". Y/n giggled loosing her balance. How'd it get to this? You'd left y/n alone in the bar for a total of 20 minutes, and she'd managed to down a whole bottle of whatever the fuck it was she had consumed. You were worried about her but y/n seemed to be on cloud nine, having won cash from kids slightly older who'd egged her on to chug the bottle.

"I can't leave you alone for a second can I?" You muttered trying to stabilise her wobbly frame, while she was still rambling on about marriage. "You know Vi I reckon I'd pull off a pink dress well, whites so boring". You didn't reply, and plucked the bottle out of her hand placing it on the counter. "And the cake would be pink of course". 

You returned to y/n placing your hand around her waist again guiding her towards the stairs leading to the rooms beneath the bar. "Massive brain wave Vi... We should get married, cos I mean your like the only person who I wanna, y'know, 'do it' with". She said excitedly doing small jazz hands. You halted, blushing strongly, trying to collect yourself. Y/n must've noticed because she snorted.

"Imagine you in a dress! No a suit!"  She exclaimed. You shook your head recovering and chuckled. "You wouldn't catch me wearing a suit, not in a million years", "But you'd look so hot". She said almost dreamily, leaning against you. Y/n suddenly stopped just before you reached the stair well twisting sharply forcing you to face her. She suddenly became serious, staring at you through her lashes.

"I was wrong your hot already, suit or no suit". She paused and nodded as if approving her comment. You just stood there mouth agape, your jaw practically on the floor. Y/n began humming to the music that was playing on the jukebox that leant against the wall as if she'd said nothing. 

She edged away from you, and the stairs, heading back towards the middle of the bar which had few people left, leaving the space basically empty. Y/n swung her hips to the music twirling around her eyes closed, a goofy smile decorating her lips. You couldn't help but smile as you watched her, she was so beautiful and care free. And then it struck you.

Am I in love?

Y/n must've noticed you ogling at her and she sashayed over, her hips still moving with the beat of the music. Her hands wrapped around your wrists, and before you could protest, you found yourself in the middle of the room. Y/n pulled the two of you around in circles, throwing her head back and laughing while you tried to keep your balance.

"Cmon Vi dance". She encouraged bopping your hip with her own. You grinned at her, taking one of her hands, and holding it above her head turning her in circles. Y/n stopped spinning and grabbed both your hands. She pulled you both around, guiding your two left feet, until you eventually understood how to move. You both danced around the room forgetting everything around you. All you could see was y/n, joy radiating off her. 

She was intoxicating and you couldn't help but be swept up in it all, the smile never leaving your face. The song was almost finished, and you decided to end it dramatically. Using one hand you held her lower back, and placed the other under her thigh. Y/n responded how you hoped she would. She arched her spine as you tilted her backwards, her hair brushing the floor. You leaned closer intending to kiss her.



Vander was watching the both of you frowning. You almost dropped y/n and looked up at him sheepishly. "What are you doing with my daughter?" Vander asked raising an eyebrow. "Which one?", "both". He replied. "Uh just taking her to bed". You responded. Y/n was still held upside down and let out a hiccup, followed by uncontrollable giggles.

"Why're you upside down Vander?" She asked grinning. He simply chuckled down at her. You smiled at her, then looked back to Vander. Oops. He was glaring down at you. "How much has she had to drink?" You pulled y/n up, holding her against your chest. Then grimaced, before nodding your head towards the empty bottle, still sitting on the bar. 

Vanders eyes widened. Y/n must've realised what was going on, and reached into one of her pockets, brandishing three coins, showing them to Vander. "Worth it". She sang proudly. Vander sighed shaking his head. "Just put her to bed for me". He muttered running a hand down his tired face. You nodded dragging y/n along with you.

"Night old man". She cooed. He waved a hand in reply watching you lead her down the stairs. You ushered y/n into the bedroom, cringing when she almost tripped over a random pillow. You shushed her trying not to wake up the others. You'd expected y/n to head for her bed, but instead she headed for your bunk, making clumsy attempts to pull herself up.

"Jesus Christ". You sighed holding her hips and hoisting her onto your mattress, then yanking yourself up to join her. "What are you doing?" Y/n was face down in your pillow. "You smell good". She replied into the pillow. "You weirdo". You responded. You grabbed y/n's hips and pulled her towards you, so her back was against your chest. 

You snaked your arms around her, locking them in place, so she couldn't escape. "Vi, I demand you let me go". She giggled. "Never". You shot back confidently snuggling into the nape of her neck, kissing it softly. Y/n let out a happy sigh relaxing into you. She went quiet after a few minutes, her soft breaths finding an even rhythm making you smile. You held her closer, bathing in her faint scent of coconut that never seemed to fade. It soothed you, it felt like home. She felt like home.



The two girls woke up with no clue, of what had happened last night. But the hickeys, and pounding headaches were enough of an indicator of what had happened. Y/n had no memory of her experience with Vi. It wasn't anything new for her, any time she or Kandi had spare cash, they'd head to the bar. Getting themselves piss drunk, only to wake up with no recollection of the night. 

So y/n continued to work, still in fear of Siveka possibly visiting the Brothel again. After her last encounter with the older women, she wasn't eager to begin work again. However this never became an issue, because only a few days later, Piltover's university had fallen under attack. Very little people had information on what exactly had gone on, other then the fact that the outcome hit everybody hard

Almost any company or organisation in the UnderCity went out of business, this including the Brothel. Shimmer however, continued to flow. Neither Topside or members of the UnderCity were making any money. Rumours about possible war between topside and Zaun had spiralled. 

Silco was killed too. Word spread fast about who had done it. Jinx. Y/n had no clue who that was. But Silco's death wasn't good news for her or anyone else. Sevika, being Silco's second immediately would take claim of the shimmer operation, giving her more power then she needed. Thankfully the brothel was shut down, so if she came hunting for y/n there, she wouldn't find what she wanted.

Many had lived at the brothel, this included y/n and Kandi. Some had connections they could rely on, while others were less fortunate one of them being y/n. Kandi however, knew someone that worked at the Last Drop who was able to make room for her. Kandi tried to convince y/n to stay with her but there wasn't any point. Siveka had taken over the bar, and with her hanging around, y/n couldn't stand to see her on a daily basis.

So she became homeless. lol


Your pov:

TW: This mentions attempted rape please skip through if you feel uncomfortable

You sat in a quiet ally way, feeling sorry for yourself. You sat thinking over your life, your shitty life, that was surely going to get a whole lot shittier. If Vander was here this wouldn't have happened. You'd have a family. You would've watched Ekko and Powder grow together, getting up to mischief along the way. You'd be yelling at Claggor, and Mylo for doing something stupid. Most importantly you'd be with Vi, at her side, on her lips, in her arms.

After feeling like you'd wallowed in enough self pity, you turned your attention to your growling stomach. You left the alleyway in search of food, hunger eating at your stomach. It reminded you of years ago, when you and Mylo used to steal fruits from the market stands. Someone would snag a mango or papaya and subtly throw it to the other. Majority of the time you didn't need it, you and him just loved the rush and the taste of tropical fruit. Probably the only thing you had in common. You smiled remembering the annoying boy, never realising how much you could miss someone who pissed you off as much as he did.  

The prices in food had gone up tremendously. It didn't matter though, you wouldn't be paying. Wandering around various stands, you eyed up the loaves of bread. The owner appeared to have dozed off which was stupid. He was basically asking people to steal. Cautiously shuffling over you reached out, snagging the loaf. Then you ran.

"Shit". You cursed under your breath hearing the yells and footsteps of angry men following behind. You flew around corners, dodging people filling the streets. You made a sharp turn into a walk way you didn't recognise. It opened out into two halves. You paused before turning left. The yells continued to follow. You skidded round a blind bend, banging into a stranger sending you both to the ground.

"Shit sorry-" You were cut off by a man with a fat nose who yanked you up by the hair. You yelped out in pain, before being shoved against a wall, knocking the air out of your lungs. You'd  dropped the loaf, which was now lying all squished on the street. You sunk to the ground as two more men wandered up behind you. One kicked your stomach, while the other bent down grabbing your chin.

"Waste of bread huh?" He said crouching on one knee in front of you, still firmly grasping your face. You jerked your head back, making him drop his hand from your chin. "Oi you're the whore that works at the brothel". One of the men jeered, eyeing you. Another smirked licking his lips making you shudder.

"There are other ways you can pay". A different man sneered looking you up and down. You shook your head frantically, backing further into the wall. One launched forward, grabbing your collar yanking you from the ground. You scrunched your nose as his grotty breath heated your face. The man holding you turned to the other two nodding at them. One held your wrist while the other bent down, aiming for the waist line of your pants.

You began to scream and kick. The man's first attempt to grab your pants didn't go well, because your knee made contact with his jaw, sending him backwards. "Piece of shit". Snarled the man holding your collar. He slapped you across the face. You were filled with shock, which quickly turned to anger.

"Fuck you". You hissed spitting in his eye. The man momentarily let go of your shirt. Using the strength you had left you shoved him onto his ass. With one quick yank the man holding your wrist had you on the floor. Pushing himself off his ass and wiping spit out of his eye the other man straddled you pinning you to the ground. The other two men had also recovered, and held your legs and arms down.

Well this is shit.

Even so you continued to scream your lungs out. Thrashing around underneath the men with helpless attempts to break free. Another try was made for your pants. The attacker would've been successful this time if it wasn't for the fist that had connected with his temple in a matter of seconds. The man straddling you was pulled away just as fast, tossed to the side. You scrambled away sobbing, bumping into a woman's legs and clinging to her. She had dark blue hair cut at her jaw and bright blue eyes. She dropped to her knees, wrapping her arms around you stoking your hair trying to calm you.

The saviour had a head of flamingo pink hair, and sported a bright red jacket. You hadn't taken in fully who it was that saved you. You were too busy having a breakdown on the other women's chest. The sound of occasional yells, and bone hitting bone died down, until the only thing that could be heard was your quiet sobs, and the saviours heavy breaths.

You pulled your head from the women's chest tears streaming down your face and turned to the head pink hair. Vi? You shot up unable to speak, staring at Violet in disbelief. "Vi?" You hesitantly asked. "Bug..." Vi replied her voice filling with emotion. She stepped towards to you. Fresh tears stained your cheeks and your body trembled. "Your alive...?" You managed to croak.

"Yea, I'm alive". She replied with a sad smile."I'm not dreaming?"You whispered, beyond shocked. Vi reached out and gently pinched your arm. "Your not dreaming, I'm here". You couldn't bare it. You threw herself onto Vi, your body racking with sobs. Violet held you tightly her own eyes brimming with tears.

She survived and just left you.

The sudden change of heart made you pull away from the embrace for a moment. You placed both hands on her chest, shoving her backwards. She stumbled slightly but remained upright her face unreadable. However the pain was clear, her glassy eyes scanning your face, trying to read you. You moved towards her again and began pushing and hitting her torso, unable to contain the anger.

She fucking left you. Why'd she leave?

You shoved her harder, not caring that she didn't react.

If she cared she wouldn't have left.

Vi just stood there taking your weak blows.

You were alone and she didn't give a fuck.

Vi watched as you continuously hit her, choking on your own sobs. She gently took ahold of your wrists. You tried to yank your hands away, but exhaustion had taken a toll on your body. You couldn't speak, but you stopped struggling against Violet's grip and fell against her. Your feet began to collapse beneath you. She slowly slid to the ground still holding you in a tight embrace. 

"Why'd you leave me?" You managed to whisper. "I didn't. I was arrested". She inhaled her voice wobbling. "I'd never leave you. Not for anything". You clutched at the back of her jacket, gripping the scarlet fabric sobbing against the crook of her neck. 



Vi held y/n in her arms, with Caitlyn quietly following beside, glancing at y/n every few minutes. The two trudged towards a sort of motel, it's sign glowing in neon purples. They shuffled through the door. The motels receptionist was out cold. 

Vi looked to Caitlyn who placed a coin on the desk, and reached over to grab a key with the number six printed on it. Turning to the hallway connected to the rest of the motel, the two wandered down in search of room 6, temporarily leaning on one another for support.

Turning the key in the lock, Caitlyn held the door open for Vi, as she carried y/n into the small bedroom. Shoving the duvet aside on the bed with her spare hand, she lent forwards placing y/n in the centre of the mattress. Caitlyn walked over to the other side of the bed, and lay down her back to the wall. 

Vi slipped in beside them cradling y/n. Caitlyn's blue eyes blinked at the pair, watching Vi hold the stranger so tenderly. 


Siveka had her mechanical hand wrapped around y/n's throat watching as the light left her eyes, her small body falling limp. Her fist tightly gripping y/n's throat, until her body gave up, the lack of oxygen ending her life.

Y/n sat up in bed, her chest heaving with panicked breaths she couldn't contain. Her body shook, the feeling of Siveka's hand still wrapped around her neck. Y/n clawed at her throat desperate to get rid of the horrible feeling. Caitlyn woke up to y/n's gasps. 

Sitting up Caitlyn's hands pulled y/n into an embrace, curled into her side. Cait gently shushed her, running her fingers through y/n's hair. She managed to calm her to the point where y/n's shaky breaths became even and her body stopped quivering.

"Bad dream?" She mumbled into y/n's hair. She received a small nod in response. Y/n turned to Caitlyn, her soaked cheeks reflecting the light passing through the window from lights in neighbouring buildings. Caitlyn gently wiped y/n's face with her sleeve. Through her blurred vision y/n took in Caitlyn's features, she hadn't noticed before but she was quite pretty.

 Her navy hair softening the sharp edges of her face. Y/n forgot she'd been staring at Caitlyn, until she noticed her cheeks turning a soft pink. "What?" Caitlyn asked defensively. "Nothing, you just look pretty". Y/n whispered blinking at the taller women. Cait's cheeks became a darker shade.

"You too". She mumbled. "Thanks". Y/n replied giving her a soft smile. She sniffed and snuggled into Caitlyn. She stiffened surprised at y/n's actions, but soon relaxed, sinking down into the bed, her arms wrapping around the smaller women's waist. Vi who'd woken up was quietly watching the two, smiling slightly at them. Caitlyn noticed her watching, and blushed again, hiding her face in y/n's hair. 


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