Love Me At My Worst ✓

By PurpleTaeGguks

612K 29K 7.8K

Taehyung is pushed into an arrange marriage with a guy named jungkook who is older than him by 8 years when h... More

character intro + warnings
author's note
bonus chapter
bonus chapter 2


10.3K 498 31
By PurpleTaeGguks

3rd person POV:


(TW: mentions of suicide.)

After that the cold body of the child was taken away from the mother ,as much as he didn't want to let go ,didn't want to believe ,didn't want to accept ,he had to do it ,he had to let his child taken away so they can bury the little body.

He didn't sob ,he didn't cry ,didn't weep ,didn't grief at all. The few tears that left were without his permission, without his knowledge. He was just staring blankly as the baby got taken away from his arms.

He was already exhausted because he had just delivered the baby a few minutes ago. So he didn't know when he fell unconcious. He didn't wake up for whole 2 days after that ,didn't make a single movement.

While he was unconcious ,he couldn't see the baby last time before he was buried. Soohyun was the one who had to do it alone because they couldn't keep the body for much longer if jungkook hadn't woken up. And jungkook also didn't have anyone other than soohyun who could do it.

After 2 days it was around evening when jungkook woke up , it was like the whole delivery thing and what happened after that skipped away from his mind. Like he forgot everything.

As soon as he woke up ,he noticed his flat belly ,not a big one. Soohyun was there sitting beside him "ap-appa ,where is my b-baby?" He asked in a whisper from soohyun while caressing his flat and empty stomach.

Soohyun's face was swollen and eyes red because of crying as well for whole 2 days. Why his son had to suffer so much. He can't bear his son in pain when he has already gone through so much.

Soohyun didn't answer his question more like couldn't answer his question. "Appa? Where is Hyun?" Jungkook repeated again.

Soohyun had to take deep breaths to handle himself and not crumble down ,when his son needed him the most. "H-he isn't there anymore kookie. It has been 2 days." He told him hesitantly.

Jungkook stared at him with confused eyes before nodding and looking down at his hand that was still caressing his stomach. "Hmm, yeah i forgot about that. Now i remember." He spoke to himself in an inaudible voice.

"But still... Where is he?" He asked in a low voice looking at soohyun.

Then soohyun told how him about how he had to do the burial alone and couldn't wait for jungkook to wake up as he was unconcious ,and that he apologises that he wasn't able to make jungkook have a last look at his first born.

"I am sorry for doing that but i didnt have any choice."

Jungkook nodded lifelessly ,his eyes didn't had the usual shine ,those stars. They looked dead , like he didn't have any life in him anymore. He was just staring in a void ,in no direction in particular , just sitting there blankly.

After that ,he was discharged and was taken home as his body seemed healthy enough but the same couldn't be said for his mental health.

Taehyung was gone for a trip with his hyungs for a month in Europe. So soohyun stayed with jungkook taking care of him while Jackson took care of the company.

He took him home and jungkook locked himself in his room. He never cried no matter how much he was hurting inside. 

Daily soohyun would cook for him in the morning ,lunch and dinner. Jungkook ate a little just enough to survive.

Soohyun tried to make conversations with him ,wondering why the younger isn't griefing when he should be. Jungkook never replied ,if he did it was just him nodding his head ,or shaking his head. He didn't even speak a word at all.

Soohyun didn't know how the younger was crumbling inside , how he was destroying himself inside. It was around a month later when soohyun was waiting for the same blank looking jungkook to come from his room to have his breakfast even if just a few bites. But he didn't come.

He waited for him for about an hour but he still didn't come out ,that's when he went to his room to check up on him and ask why he didn't come out.

When he stepped inside the room ,the lights were off and it was empty, he went to check if jungkook is in the bathroom ,and he was.

But what he saw was something he had never expected and would never would have even imagined neither would he want to.

There was jungkook with cuts on his body old and new both , while sitting on the floor filled with blood and water all around him ,barely concious. his eyes barely were open ,and he was about to fully slit his wrist again and if he had done it before soohyun took away the blade ,he would have died.

Jungkook's face was filled with tears covering his cheeks. When he saw the horrified face of soohyun he just sobbed more and more ,tears didn't seem to stop ,he just kept crying.

Soohyun picked him up and took him to his room ,calling the doctor instantly. Jungkook soon became unconscious because of the loss of blood. Then doctor arrived and treated his wounds and him. 

Jungkook wake up around evening with a jolt. He looked around with furrowed brows  ,then noticedhis bandage covered arms and slowly remembered what had happened ,that be tried to kimm himself and his appa stopped him before he could do so.

He couldn't help but cry ,sob ,weep , dissapointed that he still stayed alive after everything. He didn't want to .he was so close to get back to his baby ,his hope. But no ,he's Back to the hellhole again.

He curled himself up and cried in his arms with knees to his chest. He was finally grieving for his child ,for himself ,for his dissapoinment ,for everything that has happened to him in his past ,for his loneliness ,for his betrayal. He didn't stop crying ,he cried till his heart's content and soohyun was there for him , he had hugged him and let him cry on his shoulder as much as he wanted ,he didn't stop him either because he needed it.

He started talking after that ,atleast just how much was necessary. He kinda stopped showing his emotions though ,he stopped smiling after that ,his eyes didn't shine anymore ,he never cried anymore after that breakdown.

Soohyun had to go back to his home as well because his younger son was there ,so he couldn't stay much longer. But he only left ,when he made sure jungkook was stable enough to live alone again. He had asked to come with him ,jungkook didn't agree.

Soon ,jungkook started coming back to work and only talked about work ,never about anything else with soohyun even when he tried to talk to him. Soohyun checked up on him time to time still.

When jungkook started working again ,he saved a lots of money because he lived alone and didn't have anything to do with it anyway. Just as he saved enough ,he bought himself an expensive bracelet with his first saving ,with a letter H engraved on it. It was so he could remember that his son is always with him ,and as he also didn't have anything that could be of Hyun ,this was the only thing now.

After jungkook was enough stable now ,he took a decision that he will file an FIR against yejun and his family. With the help of soohyun ,he was successful in putting the man behind bars but wasn't able to do the same for his family.

What the older didn't know was that after the suicide attempt , jungkook had started drinking daily ,lots of alcohol that he even had a mini bar at his home.

It was around 4 months later ,when it was a weekend and soohyun was as usual on his way to check up on him.

When he had entered the apartment, that's when he had met a jungkook fully oozing of alcohol ,barely awake and giggling once in a while ,talking gibberish to himself in a drunken voice. He looked like a mess.

He was sitting on the floor with a few bottles of alcohol around him ,all were empty and one was in his hand ,taking a long sip from it once every few seconds. He could see pieces of broken glass on the side and a saliva like puke on the other side. Jungkook's black tshirt he was wearing had alcohol spilled on it as well. He has never seen him so unkempt ,so untidy with such disgust surrounding him.

Soohyun felt his heart breaking for the younger at his condition , he had tried his best but it wasn't enough. He took care of his son that day ,changed him ,cleaned everything and threw away all the alcohol bottles and when jungkook was sober enough scolded him harshly for it , and took a promise that he would never drink alcohol again.

After that nothing like that ever happened. Even though in the present soohyun got to know about that jungkook never stopped it just didn't drink again like that day ,he even started smoking after that day.

That's all that happened in the past.

Back to present:-

"And after that day ,nothing really happened before appa asked me to marry you and now i am here." Jungkook completed finally his heart felt light that the younger finally knew everything about his past.

He had his face covered in tears ,he had to live through his whole tormenting past again even if it was just in memories. And so was taehyung's , his eyes were watery as well. He couldnt believe his love had to go through all those things .

He hugged the older ,he couldn't believe how the older still had it in him to smile brightly after all that.

"You are so strong hyung ! So strong. I am so proud of you for still surviving. I love you ,i love you so much. You deserve everything good in this world, you deserve all the happiness. " He said crying in the older's shoulder.

"I am not strong. I was never strong. And i did survive i don't know how but i did. But now ,i don't want to survive anymore. I want to live my life and not alone .... But with you. You are my life. I love you so much too." Jungkook spoke softly while hugging the younger back tightly. He badly needed this hug right now.

"I will protect you hyung ,i will protect you everything in me. I won't let you get anymore. I won't let that stalker do anything to you. You don't have to be scared from now on,you aren't alone. I am here for you." Taehyung reassured his husband. And he meant every word he said ,he will try his best to keep his husband happy at all costs.

"I trust you taehyung." Jungkook muttered in a low voice as taehyung made him sit on his lap waiting his husband as close as possible to him. He was feeling protective over him right now. His precious love.

They sat in that position with jungkook in taehyung's lap for some time before jungkook's stomach grumbled and he chuckled in embarassment.

"Hyung ,you should go change and take a shower. I will order something for us." Taehyung said in a muffled voice as his face was buried in jungkook's neck ,his lips touching the skin sending shivers down jungkook's body.

"Yeah i should." Jungkook said but making no move to get up. Neither did taehyung leave his waist that he was holding tightly.

"Take me there." Jungkook asked the younger more like commanded.

"Let's go." Taehyung said before getting up with the older still attached to him like a koala and walking to the washroom of older's room. As soon as he stepped in ,he made jungkook get off making him standing on his own feet.

"Now shower ,and i will wait outside , okayy." With that taehyung walked out leaving a pouting jungkook behind.


Next morning ,the husbands were done with the breakfast ready to leave for their college and office.

Jungkook was feeling anxious to have to go out knowing there was a stalker behind him who he knows very well ,but he tried to mask it with a smile.

"Let's go taehyung." He cheerfully called his husband ,usually he is cheerful too but today it seems more loud ,evident that he was definitely faking it and taehyung can feel it as well.

"Hyung ,let's not go out till we catch that juyoon and find enough evidences against him. We can tell dad and he will definitely do something with the help of police ,you know that dad have connections ,right? After all being rich has its perks especially when you are the CEO of Korea's biggest company." Taehyung tried to convince his husband.

"But taehyung ,even if police tried to catch juyoon and collect evidences ,it will still take time. I can't just sit at home during that time. I have already taken many leaves before as well. Just because appa is my boss ,doesn't mean i should take advantage of it. I am still am employee.

And you already are behind grades and attendance as well ,you need to go to college as well. Just because of one fucker ,we can't stop our lives.

If he was able to run away once ,he can do it again as well. If he has come back ,he is definitely planning something ,otherwise why would he risk it knowing his record already isn't clear with the police.

So even if i am scared or anything, we can't really do anything much about it till police catches him and that is after appa complaints about it. Appa isn't in seoul right now and will take 1 week to return from an overseas business trip."

Jungkook explained it to the younger ,he had thought about it as well. The whole night he was thinking about it only ,he was scared and those nightmares were coming back as well ,so he couldn't sleep much.

Taehyung was speechless ,he didn't know what to say or do because whatever jungkook had said was nothing but facts.

He could have complained himself as well ,but it wouldn't do much like soohyun doing it would. Police is of not much help to regular public ,it doesn't listen quickly unless you are a big personality.

His father is a big personality, the whole korea knows him. But taehyung , soohyun have never revealed him to the public so the younger can have his privacy and taehyung wants to make his own name as a singer ,not as some rich ceo's son. So he is just like everyday right now ,a nobody in police's eye.

He sighed ,"do you really have to be alone? It couldn't be like we both were at office together or at college together?" Taehyung said in an almost whiney voice. He was feeling frustrated.

"Taehyung i don't think we can do much. I have to take care of the company in appa's absence and you have to graduate in a few months." Jungkook said in an anxiety filled voice.

"I think we will be fine. Juyoon hasn't done anything since last 3 weeks other than following me around , maybe he won't do anything yet ,right? Let's just hope nothing happens before appa comes back ,hm. I will be cautious of everything , don't worry. " Jungkook tried to comfort his husband ,more like tried to comfort himself.

"Hyung ,you have to come home as soon as possible and not go out after that alone. I will be there with you after that ,okayy." Taehyung said as he wasn't feeling good about it .

"Okay ,now let's go. We are both getting late." The older said taking hold of younger's big hands.


That's it for this chapter.

Honestly very unsatisfied with this chapter. Had a terrible day ,that's why couldn't update and neither think anything . Forgive me yall.

I will try my best to update ,but my mental health ain't doing good at all ,so might take time like this chapter. Had kinda a writer's block.

So ,that's how jungkook's past is fully revealed.

So hee and juyoon are still here though. The bad and problematic  characters of this fic.

Right now ,so hee isn't here but juyoon is the only one. Let's see what happens in the future.

This chapter wasn't that long like usually now they go upto 3000+ but this one is gone like 2800+ now.

I had to write this one twice and the other one is still in drafts lol but the difference is i had actually thought of ending that chapter with a smut because i couldn't think what to write but then realised that for now ,we have problems on hand so it wouldn't make sense. Smut for future chapters ig.

I havent proofread this , will probably have mistakes both grammatical and spelling ,just ignore them unless they are a major one. Thanks.

Hope y'all like this chapter atleast a little bit , because i didn't.

There aren't really much readers who comment ,but like can y'all for once comment nice things for me? I m feeling extremely down and i am sure that's showing in the writing.

That's all I m done ranting which probably no one reads lmao.

Till next time....~

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