Babysitter's Club Oneshots

By jesiahcannonfaber

1.8K 11 9

Hi guys! I'm back... again...again... again. Yes, I've re-returned at least three times now, but this time I'... More

Meet The Characters and OC's!
Chapter 1: Role Model |Mallory x Claudia|
Chapter 3: The Triangle of Love pt. 1 |Kristy x Stacey x Jessi|
Chapter 4: The Triangle of Love pt. 2 |Kristy x Stacey x Jessi|

Chapter 2: "You Make Me Feel This Way" |Dawn(Kyndra) x Mary-Anne|

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By jesiahcannonfaber

Dawn's POV

Hello Friends! For those who don't know me, my name is Dawn Schafer, and I am a member and the Alternate Officer of The Babysitter's Club. I currently live with my best friend and almost sister, Mary-Anne. I say almost because our parents just got engaged a few months ago, so nothing is official just yet. But speaking of Mary-Anne, when I first met Mary-Anne, I didn't think I would become friends with her because she was shy and way more Anti-social than I thought she was, but then, we got really close, and that's when I knew that I had fallen in love with her. The problem is Mary-Anne has a boyfriend, Logan Bruno. She was so happy to tell me that their relationship was official, that I didn't have a choice but to be happy for her, even though that's not how I felt. Ever since then, I've been... Jealous of Logan because he took away the one person I truly care about. The funny thing about this entire situation is I don't wanna date Mary-Anne because we're going to be sisters soon, but I would like her to know how I feel, that's why I'm going to plan a Sister's Day for both of us, so I can finally tell her.

Dawn: Hey, Mary-Anne! Your Almost Sister has a Surprise for you!

Mary-Anne: (Slightly Unimpressed) What are you planning today, Dawn?

Mary-Anne doesn't sound as impressed as she used to when I told her that I had a surprise for her. To be fair, I planned something for us every weekend since she and Logan started dating and it always ends up with her inviting Logan, both of them being super Lovey Dovey, and me being the third wheel, or them leaving me to be even more lovey-dovey. Each time Sucked because the result was always me going home to get away from them. *Sad Sighs* If only you knew, Mary-Anne.

Dawn: I'm planning a Sister's Day today! It's gonna be so much fun! First, We'll go to the park, then we can go Shopping, and finally end it off with a movie. How does that sound?

Mary-Anne: Enjoyable.

Dawn: So... Do you wanna do it? It'll be fun, Mary-Anne.

I gave Mary-Anne the Puppiest Puppy Eyes I could possibly give. It's the one thing that I can do that I know she can't resist. She slowly gives in and I smiled.

Mary-Anne: (Laughing) Okay, okay. You win. We'll have a Sister Day.

Dawn: (Excitedly) Yay! This is gonna great! I'm gonna go get ready.

This is happening! My mantra is to never be nervous, but I'm about to tell Mary-Anne, my almost sister, how I've felt about her for 425 days. Yes, I kept count. I'm gonna find a nice outfit to wear. Something that says "first date as friends". I'm glad I took notes from Stacey and Claudia, otherwise, I'd be stuck trying to find my outfit for hours. Besides, I already had an outfit ready for today. Here is my outfit:

Doesn't it look great for a "Sister Day"? I'm assuming yes and moving on because I'm on a very tight schedule for today.

Mary-Anne: Dawn, are you ready?

Mary-Anne's POV

So... Here's the thing about today. I wanna spend time with Dawn. I really do, but I already made plans with Logan, and I don't have the heart to tell Dawn about it. I know. I know. I'm a bad person, but I'm doing it for the right reason. I'll just have to tell Logan that when he meets me in the park, to act like he planned everything and I didn't agree to anything yet? I know that that's a big white lie to tell, but what am I supposed to do? Just cancel my plans with Logan? I planned for us to go to the planetarium and to the movies to see Intergalactic Lovers weeks ago.

Dawn: MA, you okay?

Mary-Anne: (Nervously) Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?

Don't make it obvious, Mary-Anne. She'll see right through you. Please don't see through me, Dawn.

Dawn: (Suspiciously) O-kay...?

I gave a nervous smile and we walked out of the house, heading to the park. I started texting Logan the plan. I hope he follows through. We made it to the park. And it looks like she had this planned because we're standing in front of a picnic spot with food already set out for us.

Dawn: (Enthusiastically) TADA! Welcome to Schafer's Surprise Picnic! I made all of your favorites. White Chocolate Strawberries, Pink Lavender Herbal Tea with lemon and orange, Homemade Pizza with Homemade Italian Imported Pizza Sauce from my Tío Bruno, and so much more. So, do you like it?

She made all of this for us? I may have to stay with Dawn this time. She put in all this effort to make these things, just for me to leave her for Logan in a few minutes? I'm such a terrible sister.

Mary-Anne: (Quietly) I love it.

Dawn: Shall we get started?

I nodded my head and we both sat down. Before we could start eating, Logan called out my name from the short distance that he was walking from.

Logan: Hey, Mary-Anne. Hey, Dawn. Wasn't expecting to find you two here.

Mary-Anne: Yeah, we're just having a picnic. What brings you here?

Logan: Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the planetarium and the movies with me? I know how much you wanted to see that new Romantic Comedy about the aliens in space who travel the galaxy to find each other and I know how much you wanted to look at the new Pluto exhibit. So, what do you say?

I looked at Dawn with a look that says, "I want to go be with my boyfriend but I don't want you to hate me for it." What was she going to say?

Dawn: (Understandingly) Go ahead, Mary-Anne. I wouldn't want to be the third wheel and be a disturbance to your relationship, as one might be when they are third-wheeling.

Mary-Anne: Are you sure you'll be okay?

Dawn: I'll be fine. I have all of this food to keep me company.

Mary-Anne: Okay... How about this? We can rain check for another day and I promise we'll get to do everything that you want to do today, okay?

She gave a simple nod and a comforting smile. I grabbed Logan's hand and we were on our way.

Mary-Anne: See you at home, Dawn.

Dawn's POV

Well, it's official. Mary-Anne would rather be him with than with me. Watching them walk together, arm and arm just makes me feel...

Kristy: Hey, Stranger!

Kristy showed up out of thin air, startling me a little bit.

Dawn: (Sadly) Oh hi, Kristy.

Kristy: What's wrong? I've never seen you sad, like, ever.

Kristy sat down next to me and she looked like she was actually prepared to listen to what I had to say, which isn't very often.

Dawn: As much as I genuinely hate envy, I envy their relationship because I wish it was me...

Kristy: Who? Mary-Anne and Logan?

I nodded. Kristy started to process my words.

Kristy: Dawn, are you jealous of... Mary-Anne?

I shook my head in fear of what might she be going to say. It took her a moment to fully register my words.

Kristy: (Gasps) You're not jealous of Mary-Anne, You're jealous of Logan. And, you're jealous of him because... You like Mary-Anne...

I nodded my head with tears in my eyes. Kristy gave me the warmest hug anyone could ever give me. The tears started to roll down my face.

Dawn: You're the only person who knows this about me. My mom doesn't even know that I have these kinds of feelings for her.

Kristy: I won't tell anyone. That's something for you to share when you're comfortable to.

Dawn: You wanna know the funny thing about this? I never wanted to date Mary-Anne, especially with us soon becoming sisters. I just wanted her to know how I felt about her because I've felt this way since we first met, but I never had that one chance to tell her. I also wanted her to be my first kiss because I've never had my first kiss, let alone with a girl.

Kristy: Well, I'm no romantic expert, but I think you still have the right to tell her. After all, you'd still want her to know, wouldn't you?

Dawn: Yeah...

Kristy smiled softly and wiped away my tears. This is probably the nicest Kristy has ever been to me, but I like how she can show her sensitive side to help me, so I won't complain.

Kristy: So, Go tell Mary-Anne how you feel and get that first kiss.

Dawn: (Softly) Thank you, Kristy...

I gave Kristy a hug to show my appreciation for her help. Then I remembered the picnic food. I figured since we didn't eat any, I could give it to Kristy.

Dawn: Oh, and if you want any of this, you can have it.

Kristy: I'll take it. Whatever I don't eat, I'll just give it to my brothers. Now, go. She's waiting for you.

I walked to the planetarium. This is going to happen. I'm going to tell Mary-Anne how I feel and I'm going to get that first kiss. I finally made it and I found Logan and Mary-Anne still standing in line to get tickets. Who would have thought that there would be so many people in the planetarium?

Dawn: Mary-Anne, can I talk to you for a sec... Alone?

Mary-Anne: Uh... Sure.

I pulled her aside and before she could ask any questions I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Though it was only for a few short seconds, her lips on mine felt absolutely amazing. I felt the magic that was there.

Mary-Anne: (Confused Chuckle) Um, What was that for?

Dawn: Mary-Anne, I love you. I have ever since we met. I'm only telling you this now because you started dating Logan, so I never had the chance because you were always with him. I know we technically can't date because we're almost sisters, but I figured I'd still tell you so that you understood how felt about you. I also understand if you wanted to disown me as your sister because of this.

Mary-Anne: (Laughing) Are you kidding? I would never disown you as my sister because you have feelings for me or anyone in the world. That was very brave of you to come out to me like that. I'll always love you the same no matter who you fall in love with. Even if that person is me.

We both laughed. I admired Mary-Anne's beauty and gave her a warm Sisterly hug.

Dawn: (Softly) Thank you for understanding.

I know it's early, but I knew now that my life was complete. Telling Mary-Anne how I feel and her still accepting me as her sister was the one achievement that I felt would be impossible, but now that is complete, and I feel like clouds in the sky as I am now at ease with my life...

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