We Are Broken Wolfs

By 2BlueButterfly2

176 63 10

I have written this story on a norther account, but I was logged out and now I am writing it here so DO NOT R... More

Authers Note
I thought it would last longer PT 1
I thought it would last longer Pt.2
It's all my fault
The truth hurts
Am I dreaming?
The welcome back for good
The night after
The so called 'mistake'
I think it's the end
Oh no
Getting ready for a fight
If only we were distend to be
The ups and downs of happiness
The after shock
What really happened
The aftermath
It's for the best
Just another broken wolve
Time for you to forget me
Not again
How can I live with myself now?
I can't stay here
We can only break so much Pt.1
Before we can't be put together Pt. 2
I will wait until she comes back
Happiness last but so long


4 2 0
By 2BlueButterfly2

Scarletts P.O.V.

I woke up to heavy arms around my waist, and last night came back to me. When he started to cry, I felt so bad for him I just hugged him to my chest. I sat there playing with his hair while he laid there.

The doctor came in with a little knock, I put my finger to my lips telling her kindly to be quiet. She nodded her head and checked my Iv and asked me a few questions and then left.

Five minutes pass and I am still playing with his hair. All of a sudden, the girls busted in being loud.

"SHH... He is sleeping." They looked at each other in shock.

"Sorry." Olive said, giving me a hug. "I should have never left you."

"It's ok I asked you to remember that." She just nodded.

They all sat there all of a sudden Nicklaus shot up out of bed screaming "I will save you Scarlett."

The girls and I looked at each other than burst out laughing." Easy their tiger I think Ruby here can take care of herself she has provided that to us more on one occasion." Caressa said.

"She's right but I thank you for the thought." I said laughing hard.

"Whatever you say princess." we all look over at him. Did he just call me princess?

"What did you just call me?" I was just amazed at what he said.

"I said 'whatever you say princess.' Duh." Crassa and Olive both took a step back at the same time.

"Why did you call me that, that is not my name." He saw how mad I was getting, and he took this opportunity to say.

"Well...... It is now." I... Wow he really is serious.

"You have five seconds to leave before I rip your head off." I was five when he spoke.

"Fine I won't call you that anymore beautiful." I give up at this point. I am too tired and not going to lie I kind of like it.

"Look I have had fun, but I have to leave for a couple of days." He spoke. Nick looked upset and that he was hiding something from me, but he was not my problem.

"As long as you come back in one piece I don't care where you go." I looked at him sadly because I was going to miss him a little. (Ok maybe a little more than a little.)

When he looked back at me, I blushed a little. Eww I am becoming a girly girl.

"Look I have to go now but see you in a couple of days." With that he was out the door.

It was just me and the girls in the room and we were a little still shocked about what just happened, Olive was the first to say something.

"OMG, you like, don't you Ruby."

"Eww do not" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ya whatever." Caressa said. We all started to laugh.

I stopped laughing remembering why I was in a hospital. The girls both stopped laughing and they knew what I was thinking.

"Alpha Ben told us that your father is going to be kicked out of the pack as soon as he is cleared by the doctor. He will no longer be able to come on pack land unless he wants a death wish." Olive said.

"I can only hope that was true." I said, I'm still not convinced.

"I can't promise that the alpha will do it, if I see him, I will kill him myself."

We will see I still don't think that he is going to stay away just like that, especially after what I did to him. But instead of having them worry I gave them a big hug. For the rest of the day, we played games just like old times.

~Auther Note~

I am bored.

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