Once upon a time (Edit in pro...

By CharmOwl27114

573 57 12

Sheena's life was great, she has friends that anybody would die for! She was popular, or the said "queen bee"... More

Once upon a time.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (part 1)

Chapter 2

71 7 0
By CharmOwl27114

this is the second chapter, i started as soon as i finished the first chapter. just please dont judge me if i get any grammatical errors or anything.. im not really good at writing you know? i mean.. 13 years old here!! :P 



I went home, but this time my friends didn't ask for a ride, they rode home in jonathan's car. whats wrong? did i do something wrong? did I say something? i cant believe this is actually happening, they never acted this way. and what more is treating them to premium wall climbing passes without a thank you? or when they were all going home no goodbye? leaving me standing there like an idiot. here i am, once again, laying down on my bed crying, how many tears have i shed so far? in just a night and a day i've already cried buckets of tears.! where are my friends when i need them?

i cried in my pillow until sleep invaded me...

(~o_o)~ ''''''''' ~(o_o~)

the rest of the week continued that way.. they kept acting strangely.. we've been going ALL OUT this week.. and i have been paying for everything. so far we've gone clubbing, swimming, and i rented the whole pool the whole night for that. and heck! we even dined in the finest restaurant in town! they ordered the most expensive dinners.. but, still no word of thanks from them, they dont even say good morning to me anymore! or even measely goodbye's when we part. i've been doubting our friendship for days now. and here i am, at the airport, we planned to meet up here for one last final goodbye, but where are they?! they didn't show up! me and my parents are already boarding the plane! no texts or replies. no calls. nothing. i sat down at my seat located beside the window, as i looked out to see thefamilies and friends of the other passengers waving goodbye.

thats where i saw them, savannah and harry standing behind the small crowd of people wide and evil smirks on their faces, and jonathan, far away from them as possible, with the look of regret and pity on his face. he also had a black eye and a swollen lip. I understand now. they have been playing me all along. I was so stupid! it took me this long to realize the truth! all along! they kept this charade for one and a year! no mistakes! they have been hinting on me the whole week doing what they want making me look like a stupid puppy all along! and that faithful tuesday at the wall climbing place when they gave jonathan death glares, he's the one who regretted it all! that's why he's the only one in our group that's not so close to me.

i leaned my head back in my seat and let the warm tears roll freely down my face, and i felt my mother grab my hand and whisper soothing words

"its fine honey, dont worry!! you will find new friends like them, listen, ill pay for you're ticket to go back here this summer. wont that be fun?"

thats it. i cried even more, glad that between my sobs that i managed to tell her that my friends have been using me all along. that they were fakes.

"baby, we can arrest them you know?"

"no, i dont want to have any more connection to them, i dont want to see their faces, let alone talk to the police about them. i don't care what happens to them now. they will get what they deserve, someday."

"that's right baby." 

i continued to sob while my mother was embracing me until i fell asleep again, and had another dream.

sheena's dream (~o_o)~ ''''''''' ~(o_o~)

"you complete, ****** ! you almost gave us away jonathan!"

"what was i supposed to do?!"

"you should have gone with the plan! you almost blew it!"

"dont you have any souls? if she finds out what will happen to her? we've been the only close friends she's got!"

"a while ago, when you were texting, you were planning on telling her didn't you?"

jonathan didn't reply..


"so what if i did harry?! I'm tired of you and savannah acting like you own the world and using sheena for what you want to do! making her pay for things that you clearly didn't thank her for!"

"what. DID. YOU. SAY? you were in this to nate! you were! all of us had a part in this! and you failed miserably!" 

savannah stepped up in her high blue heels that i knew i bought for her. she slapped jonathan with all her might causing a hand mark to appear on the right side of jonathan's face.

"acting like we own the world? if we were then you'd have no part in this! if we were acting like we owned the world we'd carry on the plan ourselves without you!"

"you know perfectly well that you owe me thats why you forced me to join you're silly group. you tried to use me like you did with sheena, the only difference is that i found out a lot faster! i still stuck with you lot though. spending every penny i get. you owe ME."

"we don't OWE you anything jonathan."  savannah had that wide, evil smik plastered on her face. just then, harry spoke up.

"we perfectly know that you still hung out with us because you had no friends. being the geek that you used to be two years ago. remember? you used to have glasses you used to be a wimp but we shaped you up good didnt we? look at you now. muscular, girls chase you everyday. intelligent yet handsome. but we still owe YOU?"

jonathan got pissed off and grabbed harry by the shirt. 

"you only did that because you wanted me for my money, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING GOLD DIGGER.!" jonathan punched harry in the face, at the same time letting go of his shirt causing harry to stumble back and fall to the floor.

harry chuckled darkly while savannah helped him up. 

"you son of a.." harry punched him in the face, and in the jaw.

(~o_o)~ ''''''''' ~(o_o~)

i woke up, i felt groggy, what was that dream? was that real? if it was, that explains jonathans swollen lip and black eye. i can't believe he defended me. he got hurt because of me. we were never actually close. but still. tears were building up behind my eyelids again. im such a crybaby, i shouldn't let this ruin me. life has it's ups and downs, this is my downs, i guess i've been having a perfect life for too long. i'm tired of crying. i should save my tears for when i cry tears of joy. I'll get real rfiends someday. and i have that chance right in front of me. starting now, my new life has begun. i smiled and wiped away the tears that escaped. 

(~o_o)~ ''''''''' ~(o_o~)

we arrived at the hotel and checked in, i have my own room, just beside theirs, when I got inside my room I locked the door, opened my suitcase, looking for something suitable to wear. and headed straight to the bath.

when i got in i was greeted by a large spacious bathroom, huh, must be one of their special hotel rooms. In the far side of the bathroom was a large bathtub that looked like a jacuzzi, it was actually in the floor. and to the right side of the jacuzzi like bathtub was a large shower. and across from the shower was a long mirror with three sink's one, lower than the other two. probably for kids. 

i bathed in the tub until my skin got pruny, i got dressed in my blue top, and black jacket, with matching shorts, and i slipped in the fuzzy slippers that was placed on the side of the bed. when i layed on the large king sized bed, thats where i got the full view of the whole room, a large flat screen television attatched to the wall, with large speakers on either side. the remote was placed on the bedside table with two drawers, and an expensive looking lamp beside it. to the left of my frikin awesome bed was ..oh my GOSH! A WINDOW.!  instead of a wall there was a glass barrier with large curtains.

 how could i have missed it? 

you wanted to go in the bathroom as fast as you can that you didnt even realize this large or wall sized window facing you. stupid, you're naive remember?

the other side of my subconscious sneered at me rolling her eyes and taunting me.

just shut up.

okay miss i-am-obviously-stupid-and-unobservant!

im going crazy! talking to myself.! i sighed and went over to the glass wall, when i went over, thats where i realized that these were the kind of windows that were dark tinted if you looked from the outside but when you look from the inside it's perfectly clear. i gazed outside, the lights of the buildings, i can see the statue of liberty there, in the far, far side. it looks small from where i am. its night now. and the lights of times square look beautiful at night. I could just stand here and watch the never ending buzz of the city. if i could just stay here forever, that would be fine with me. my thoughts drifted to me learning here, graduating college, working here... 

my fantasies were broken by the knocking on the door and my parents calling my name. i looked in the peephole and when i was sure it was them i opened it. okay, so im new in the city, what do you expect..?

well what do YOU expect? a killer coming at your door, bother knocking, with a tape recording of your parents' voice?

mayyyyyyybe? Just shut up.

mother sat on the bed while my father pulled a lounge chair  and placed it in front of me and my mother.

"we know what will happen after new york now." 

"what will happen?"

my father sighed and started pacing.

"we're staying here for two weeks, the first week will be spent going around and seeing places, paid by the boss"

"you mean william corporation's president." 


"the next week what happens?"

"me and your mother will be arranging paperwork and other things that you dont need to worry about. you can spend the last week here whichever way you want, we will give you an allowance."

"listen, mom, dad, -- i dont want money, i dont need it that much, can i ask that when we get to whichever place we're going that i dont tell anybody that we're rich and stuff.. that you're the vice president of one of the most succesful businesses?"

my mother nodded and said "of course baby, we understand."

"oh and mom, dont call me baby in front of my new friends, if i ever have any."

"okay, and you will have friends. true ones."

"i hope so." they stood up but before my parents were out the door completely, my father turned his head and said.

"in two weeks time we will be going to seattle, washington" he smiled at me and left with my mother, when i heard their door click i went over to my door and locked it, i opened my purple carry on bag and took out my laptop and reasearched about seattle, what to wear, how long the flight is, the schools, and other stuff i need to know.. when i was done i shut my laptop off, put it in the bedside table and slipped under my soft sheets, closed my bedside lamp and fell asleep.

sheena's dream (~o_o)~ ''''''''' ~(o_o~)

"sheeeeenaaaaa!!" a girl ran over to me and hugged me,

"hey!" was all i said, i looked at her and she was wearing a blue turtle neck sweater, jeans and blue converse rubber shoes, her black staight hair was in a ponytail, like always. she was wearing black big glasses that nerds wer, but she didnt look nerdy at all, she looked beautiful, unlike me, jeez, could i be more insecure?

"sheena, how was your weekend?" 

"fine, i guess." 

"hey want to hang out at the ice cream store?"

i smiled at her knowing that i love ice cream.

"yeah sure."

"my treat!"


"my treat."

 I smiled at her knowing that i finally found a true friend that's not after my money, or social status.

(~o_o)~ ''''''''' ~(o_o~)

the next morning i woke up, i dont remember my dream at all, just bits and peices, and this beautiful girl, in glasses. but i was glad that this time i had a good dream, i wish that dream was real though.

hey genius, you're not psychic! not all your dreams are true or will come true!

will you SHUT UP? im perfectly aware that i'm not psychic!

i wont shut up, since its you're fault that i'm even talking, technically you're talking to yourself and thinking that you have an evil little person talking to you in your brain.

you're right. wait, I'M right! 

took you long enough to notice genius!

i should stop talking to my prettend other side of subconscious this is a sign of loneliness..  i checked my phone and it was near afternoon. i put my phone down but suddenly it rang i checked the caller I.D. it was jonathan.. i quite remember that i didn't delete them from contacts  so i would know that they were the ones thet were calling. it keeps ringing.. i decided to answer it since it was jonathan.. the one who actually had mercy. 

when i answered it i was greeted by silence.. it was long.  but it didnt last, 



"yes, i quite remember that you called." my voice came out a bit harsh since he was still a part of them, he never made any move to stop them until it was too late. 

"look, i need to tell you the truth."

"the part where you and you're friends tricked me into spending money at expensive places? ones that they can never get into without my help?" 

"H-How di you know?"

"i saw you at the airport, i saw you three at the airport."


"you had a black eye and a swollen lip if i remember, i'm guessing you defended me and you got punched by harry?"

"how di you know that?"

"well, i didn't know excactly if it was true, i just had a dream about it."

"psychic or something?"

i laughed. 

"i wish. if i was, i could have avoided hanging out with them."

"them? am i not included? i was a part of this sick plan."

"but if i was correct you defended me."

"yes i did, but i didnt do anything, i didn't move to stop them."

"no you didn't but you had more mercy than any of them. you actually got hurt defending me."

"i'm really sorry sheena, thats the only reason that i called, to say sorry."


"goodluck in new york."

"i'm not staying here."


"i'm going to seattle after this."


"thats where i'm going to start a new life."

"okay, good luck."

"you too.. are you still hanging out with them?"


"okay, bye nate."

"bye sheena."


after that talk with nate i took a bath and got dressed into purple camisole, and then wearing a short jacket, a denim shorts that reached up to my knees and a light purple open toe ballet flats, I let my flat blonde hair fall on my shoulders and later on i knocked at my parents' hotel room door and left with them to go out for a day of adventure in the city of new york.


A/N: told you i would be updating fast.! i'm on a roll!!! :DD


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