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By -eeclipwze

178K 4K 694

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Authors note: updates
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Uษดแด‡xแด˜แด‡แด„แด›แด‡แด… Gแดœแด‡sแด›s

3.5K 90 14
By -eeclipwze

LEDGER'S hand wrapped around my own as we weaved our way through the crowded corridor of the Marin's household.

"Just so I don't lose you." He mumbled in my ear, looking up at him I sent him a small nod and gripped tighter onto his hand.

My eyes immediately scanned the crowds for any of my friends, I recognised Mona Vanderwaal's voice coming from the kitchen so I stepped ahead and dragged Ledger towards there.

"Quinn!" A voice behind us called, spinning round Spencer rushed over to us with her boyfriend Alex trailing close behind. He looked pissed, and not in the drunk way I mean the mad way.

"Hanna's over there," she pointed to the blonde just over by the kitchen counter beside Lucas Gottesman.

"Okay, are you okay?" I ask, Spence looked really stressed, I mean, as per usual but more so than usual.

"Yeah I'm fine...I'm Spencer." She grinned up at Ledger and held out her hand, Ledger introduced himself and Spencer dove straight into conversation with him about being a doctor and medicines and all smart stuff I couldn't relate to.

"Hey can you let Spence know that I'm just gonna go get some fresh air." Alex briefly tapped my shoulder, I nodded at him and sent him a comforting smile, I could tell this wasn't really his scene.

Letting the two smart ones carry on their conversation I slipped away and headed over to Hanna.

I gently leant forward and squeezed Han's shoulders lightly, she slowly spun herself round and beamed up at me, "You okay hun?" I asked her loudly over the echoing music.

"I'm good, surprised still." She sighed, "Miss Montgomery! What's a teacher doing here huh?" A very drunk Lucas called and gently punched my upper arm.

"Hi Lucas, and as a matter of fact I'm not a teacher, actually a tutor and my job is voluntarily so I'm technically not on the school staff rota." I smiled softly at the droopy-eyed boy whom was sat on the counter.

"Well then, have a drink, it tastes like shit but I'm not surprised because Mona made it." He grinned sloppily and held out a plastic blue cup.

"I'm good thanks." I huffed and turned back to Hanna, she simply shook her head at him and looked away.

I perched myself up on the island barstool beside Mona who was chatting away to Sean the other side of the counter. Noel stood at the head of the table eyeing each of us.

"And she's all like, so now Hanna's on top of the bunny hill but I had to like...hypnotise her to grab onto the tow-rope." Sean rambled on about a story from the past.

"Okay I was freezing!" Hanna defended herself with a light laugh afterwards, "No you were freaked!" Sean added, Mona let out a giggle.

"Sean my eyelashes were cracking off!" Hanna laughed, Sean wraps his arms around himself and fake shivers, "she says, 'S-Sean can you c-carry me down p-please?"

Noel, Mona, Sean and a few others gathered around listening begun to laugh loudly, Hanna shook her head with a grin on her face.

"I'm like 'Babe, I'm right next to you you'll be fine!'" Sean adds, reaching over to tap Hanna lightly on the tip of her nose.

"Oh her trusty saviour!" Lucas slurs from behind me, I glanced over my shoulder and throw him a warning look that says 'shut up before you get your ass kicked'

"I had to carry her down the whole way!" Sean laughed loudly, "And if you fall, I'll drag you back to the bus and get you drunk so I can lick your face." Lucas added, even louder this time.

I look away wide-eyed as Sean slowly turned round, he was sat on the island counter top. "What did you say?" He snaps at Lucas, I share a worried look with Hanna.

"I mean so what if they're lousy guard dogs, if they're big and they're strong and you can get past the buckets of drool." Lucas rambled on.

"I think Hermie the Hermaphodite needs a jumbo coffee." Mona smirked. She used the nickname Alison used to give Lucas years ago.

"I mean who does not want a big slobbering kiss from a guy who can catch a ball in the end zone!" Lucas laughs loudly.

Sean smacked the counter top and shuffled himself over, I backed away on my stool. "That's it!" He shouted.

"Sean no leave him alone!" Hanna called, trying to move herself forward but struggling.
"Fight fight fight!" Mona squeals, god she's annoying sometimes.

"Sean don't, he's got no chance!" Noel calls.

Sean grabbed Lucas by the scruff of his shirt and hit him hard, round the jaw. I jump off my stall and rush backwards but get caught in the crossfire of Noel trying to grab Sean off of him.

Taking a blow to the face my nose immediately throbs with pain. "Shit." I mutter and stumble backwards, feeling blood rush over my lips.

"Quinn!" Hanna shouts worriedly, Emily rushes to my side, I didn't even realise she was here. "I'm fine I'm fine." I mumble.

"What the fuck is going on!" A pair of strong arms wrap around my waist from behind and I'm backed up against a warm muscular chest. "Quinn? What happened?" Ledgers soft voice is now laced with concern and anger.

"Who fucking did this?" He asks Emily who nods her head over at Noel, the brunette boy was completely unaware he even elbowed me. I know it was accidental but I didn't have a chance to tell Ledger before he's rushed over there and got Noel up against the counter.

"Ledger wait!" I call, still trying to hold my throbbing, bleeding nose, is it broken? God I hope not.

"Get off me dude! Who the hell are you?" Noel exclaims, red covering his face as Ledger pins him harder against the counter. "Dude get off!" Sean tries to shove him off but Ledger is twice the size of him and doesn't budge.

I rush over and grab Ledgers arm tugging him away, "He didn't mean it Ledger, I got in the way!" I call, loud enough in his ear so he releases his grip and harshly shoves Noel away.

Noel registers my face and his eyes widen slightly, yeah asshole, you fucked my face up. Thanks.

I lace my fingers through Ledgers and pull him away from the angry boys. We move over to Hanna and Em. "Guys, this is Ledger." I decide to jokingly introduce him although their faces are plastered with shock.

"I'm Sorry, my first impressions aren't normally like that." He sends them both a very apologetic look, they shake hands and tell him their names.

"Honestly, knowing you're willing to protect Quinn like that is a good enough first impression, good job." Hanna grins, he begins to explain that he actually had met them before but never enough to chat like this. He tells Hanna all about how he was her doctor and she immediately remembers.

"Where's Spence and Aria?" I ask, craning my head up to look around, "Aria left early and I think Spencer went to go find Alex." Emily said.

"Hey, go upstairs and clean yourself up, my Mum will murder me if blood gets on this rug." Hanna grimaces and gestures to my face, I quickly nod and move away from them to head upstairs.

I reached the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked badass.

It stung like a bitch when I washed all around my bloody nose, it was red-raw and would definitely be bruised by tomorrow.

The knocking at the bathroom door made me jump slightly, "Just a sec'!" I called loud enough so they could hear me over the echoey music still blaring from downstairs.

The person outside didn't listen and slowly pushed open the door, Ledger made his way into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

"Hey." He mumbled quietly, I turned round to face him, smudged blood still around my nose and mouth, I must've looked like such an idiot to him.

"Hi." I whispered under my breath, he made his way over to me until he was just inches away, reaching behind me he grabbed the damp cloth and slowly brought it up to my face.

My eyes fluttered shut as he carefully dabbed to the cloth around my nose and wiped the remainder of the blood away. His hand came up to hold the back of my head in place, I sighed at the feeling of his warm palm on my scalp.

"I'm sorry." I sighed shamefully. Eyes trailing up to meet Ledger's, his brows furrowed tight in confusion. "We should've just gone to yours for dinner."

A small smile makes its way onto his lips, "We still can...it's only 9pm." He shrugged lightly.

I nod slowly and smile. He carries on gently brushing away the blood before ringing out the cloth in the sink and then wetting it again, he dabs a few more times under my nose before placing the cloth into the sink and resting his hands on the rim of the sink; trapping me between his arms.

"I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions but, I really thought that guy hurt you..." Ledger whispered, his face inches away from mine, alcohol lingered on his breath as I know he had had a drink or two.

"It's fine, honestly thank you, Noel's an asshole anyway, whether he meant to elbow me or not." I laugh lightly, Ledger smirks and lifts a hand to tuck a chunk of hair behind my ear.

"Even beaten up, you're still beautiful." He mumbles, eyes flickering from mine to my lips.

My mouth runs dry as he leans forward slightly so the tips of our noses skim one another, his breath hot on my lips. I reach forward so my fingertips brush the hem of his jacket, placing my hands lightly on his waist.

"I really want to kiss you." He whispered against my lips, just one more movement and we would be melted against one another.

"Do it." I whisper back.

"I can't," his head drops and I lean back and sigh heavily, "I'm sorry, I so badly want to Quinn but, I think having our first kiss in your bestfriends bathroom, after I just cleaned you up from getting a blow in the face probably isn't the best place to do it." He chuckles and I immediately feel the same.

To loosen the tension I giggle and shove him off me before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. His arms snake round my waist holding me close to him.

"Thank you." I whisper against his neck, feeling confident and placing a gentle kiss on the skin there, I feel him tense slightly but soon relax afterwards.

"Come on," Ledger leans back and grabs my hand, "Let's go say bye and head out."

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