Trollhunters: The Written Fut...

By TheWonderland04

228K 3.7K 7.4K

After the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded... More

Becoming: Part One
Becoming: Part 2
Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?
Gnome Your Enemy
Waka Chaka!
Win Lose Or Draal
To Catch A Changeling
Adventures in Trollsitting
Bittersweet Sixteen
Young Atlas
Recipe for Disaster
Claire and Present Danger
The Battle of Two Bridges
Return of the Trollhunter
Roaming Fees May Apply
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
Where is my Mind?
Party Monster
It's About Time
Angor Management
A Night to Remember
Something Rotten This Way Comes
Escape from the Darklands
Grand Theft Otto
Hiss Hiss Bang Bang
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Just Add Water
The Reckless Club
Mistral and Error
A Night's Patroll
Arcadia's Most Wanted
Bad Coffee
So I'm Dating a Sorceress
The Exorcism of Claire Nunez
Parental Guidance
The Oath
For the Glory of Merlin
In Good Hands
A House Divided
The Eternal Knight | Part One
The Eternal Knight | Part 2
His Choice

In the Hall of the Gumm-Gumm King

3K 43 111
By TheWonderland04

Author's Note:

As we hit the end of season 2, I would like to address new updates. So, our schedule to fit this story into our busy lives is homework!

So, we will be doing seven minutes of scriptwriting into an actual chapter each day. Reaction writing will be split into four sections for each writer. Just so you guys are aware, some writing styles might be different but we'll try to blend them.


You may have noticed the cover for this book has been updated to match the tone of the rest of the covers.



We would like to introduce the final cover of the series! This is the new cover for this book:

And this is the cover for the Rise of Titans:

Love to hear your guy's feedback!


Side Note:

Please enjoy the last chapter of season 2!


Trollmarket was no longer peaceful as Usurna stood in front of the remaining Tribunal Members, Otto and the nameless troll, and the Quagawump who had accompanied earlier. The traitor stood with her fist clenched and staff held high in the other. As she eyed what was before her, dramatic music played behind the scene.

"Great! She's back, I already had enough of her! No, you know what, enough was enough when she stuck her ugly nose in the Trollhunter's business to begin with!"

"Tell me about," Jim mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Citizens of Trollmarket, the Trollhunter is dead." Her crowd had been revealed, all sitting around her as she stood center in the Hero's Forge. Speaking of the Trollhunter who was now believed to have perished, near the edge of the Forge, two metal hands gripped the wall, the strength they carried helped push Jim up.

The crowd cheered at the sight of Jim freeing himself from the deep. They never doubted him, but they still feared for his life. It was also shocking that he was so strong that he was capable of facing his biggest fear and winning.

Claire smiled as she gripped his hand, Toby cheering beside Jim. "I am proud of you, to overcome something mental shows incredible strength, I am always right. The faith I lie in you still continues to grow. I may not be there to see you face such a strong feat, but while I have the chance, I want to say how proud I am." Vendel stated, facing Jim with a smile.

"Thank you, Vendel. That means a lot. I will avenge you."

"You already have, my child. You continue to save Trollmarket after everything, that's all I ever wish for, that they will be okay with my time ending."

"No, I'm not." He mumbled out, coming to a stand and ready to climb the last slope he had come to.

"JOKES ON YOU, USURNA! He is alive!"

"I can't wait for her to find out!"

"Where is Vendel?" A troll asked.

"Vendel is dead, too." She replied, not an ounce of remorse written on her features. The crowd gasped, Jim stopping in his tracks as he looked anywhere but where the noise of shock had come from.

"What?" He muttered, listening to what Usurna had to say about his death.

"Murdered by the Trollhunter," she finished, Jim growing breathless at the news. While more gasps of shock were heard, a blue troll slammed his fist onto the table.

"Um, excuse me!? What did she just say? That two faced son of a–"

"I wish I was there so I can kill her just like she did with Vendel! Actually no, put her in the sun and pull her back in before it finishes her off so she wished for the sweet relief of death."

"Vendel never liked him!" The Quagawump wiped a stray tear while the Troll who remained nameless, clenched her fist, speaking.

"Oh, no, no, no, no! No you don't!" While the crowd glared and cursed at the screen, Jim bit his lip. The trolls were easy to fool and the relationship that Vendel and Jim shared was nowhere near disliking each other.

Jim could tell by the look of his mentor's face, he was blown away by the accusation of Vendel distraught with Jim. Even glancing at Vendel's face, despite him not usually showing any emotions, was taken back, mostly because of the Trolls and how quick they were to follow.

"Why would he do that?" Speaking of the poor framed boy, his eyes peaked over the ledge, hand gripping the rock as his eyebrows were furrowed in heartbreak.

"Vendel was the heart of Trollmarket, it is with a heavy heart that I take up his mantle and promise to lead Trollmarket into a new era!" Usurna said, hand covering her heart while Jim grew upset and confused.

No words could describe what ran through the crowd of the theater, except for these two words. Absolute chaos! Already angered by what Usurna said and did, the kids stood with anger, nearly demolishing their own seats as their rage became too much.


"She thinks she can walk in here and take over Trollmarket, I have never met such a selfish, fat, lying, crap-eating, loser!"


"Whoa, the fleshbags have grown violent." Draal mumbled, moving closer to the trolls and away from the raging teams.

Jim dipped further down into the pit while Usurna continued her speech, "a human has led us astray, it is time that trolls lead Trollmarket once more, Trolls for Troll Kind!" She stood, arms open wide and earning a cheer from the crowd, gaining any ounce of trust they had, unbeknownst to them, she was the true monster.

With a successful smile close to the frame, Usurna was the last to be seen before the scene had cut off, going to opening credits which were once again skipped.

Blinky and Aaarrrgghh stood grim around the table, Vendel's deathly pile still crumbled against the table while Claire and Toby sat to the side, drowning in their losses.

"First Jim, now this," Toby said, voice quivering as he wiped his nose.

Blinky was saddened, holding the staff as he stared down at the pile, "why did you leave us? It was not your time," he placed the staff back beside Vendel while Aaarrrgghh let out a heartbroken hum.

Vendel smiled light, knowing keeping quiet in a situation like this was not an option. "Everything will be okay, I believe in you guys. I care about you all and seeing this eye-opener, I will treasure these moments I share with you, I will remember this bond, no matter what."

At that, Jim looked towards his lap where his hands rested. His choice was simple, he knew what he had picked and his mental battle was becoming harder to fight. Growing determined, he stood, ignoring any questions that came his way and stepped up to the host, luckily from ear shot.

"I want to save Vendel, he didn't deserve this. He never deserves to die like he did."

The host smiled sadly, "Jim. Faith is a funny thing, no matter how many times you try to change its course, to avoid what it has laid out for you, it will always reach you in the end, no matter how much you fight or run from it."

"I hate knowing that if I was careful, he would still be here."

"Vendel died for you, he died so no else will and during that time, he used his last moments to warn you. He knew about her, he knew it all along but did it anyway so you guys could find the truth. No matter what, or when, he will die either by the hands of Usurna or Gunmar. The best thing to do is let it play out, even if it feels wrong, you are doing the right thing."

"How am I supposed to live on without blaming myself?"

"Grief works in funny ways, even down the line, you will continue to blame yourself but you have learned and after learning the mistakes you made, you will want to make sure they never happen again."

He smiled lightly, knowing the role he had, learning from these faults would train him and open his eyes. Saying nothing more, he headed back to his seat, mind a little more clear than where he had been.

However, something glowing had caught Blinky's eye, the six-eyed troll letting out a gasp, "you crafty old goat." Without an explanation, Blinky ran, grabbing a nearby device and confusing the teens.

Vendel nodded with a hum. He knew his time was there.

"What, what is it?" Claire asked, her usual perky voice had been replaced with a deeper, depressing tone.

"He was holding an Anamnesis stone," Blinky started, putting the said stone within the device. The familiar glowing ball that had surrounded Jim during a training day with Vendel had appeared, nearly filling the room with its field.

The ball of magic had spawned the moment before Vendel had passed, the said memory having Vendel step into the frame towards the table.

"What did you want to show us?" Blinky asked before the haunting angered face of Usurna appeared, Vendel digging through the rocks.

"--there are only two agents of Gunmar within Trollmarket's walls," she reached in her peacock like scruff, pulling out a knife, Vendel's eyes widening. " The Changeling, and the Changeling's master." Blinky's eyes furrowed in agony as he stepped closer to the memory.

"HA! She's dumb, he got her! He got her!"

"Yeah, show us that traitor's actions! Now, kill her!"

"What," he turned to face her, "how did you know this?"

She stood an inch away from him, anger on her face, "because, I'm the master." As she finished her sentence, not a moment of hesitation and the knife she had held was now embedded in Vendel's stomach, the troll groaning out in pain.

Blinky and Aaarrrgghh jumped in shock, the knife clear as day. Blinky reached for the wheezing troll, calling out his name despite it only being a memory, his eyes widened, heart breaking as he ran around the table, trying to look the dying troll in the face.

Vendel smiled while the crowd around him had fallen quiet, sadly watching on. The Elder couldn't contain his happiness, Blinky truly cared about him despite how Vendel treated him numerous times. The worry on the troll's face made Vendel feel safe.

He was truly going to be missed, he usually never cared about what others thought about him, but things seemed to change.

He dropped a staff falling towards a table and leaning against it for support as spots on his body started growing dark, rapidly. He coughed and wheezed, Usurna watching from the sideline, not an ounce of remorse.

His arm was quickly covered in the deathly wave, he tried to hold it, desperately lifting it up but it grew too heavy.

"I'm sorry, Vendel," she lied. "I was hoping you would live long enough for Gunmar's glorious return. The dying troll struggled to stay still, withering in pain until his body collapsed on the floor, the table dropping to the side and spilling whatever was on it across the floor.

Blinky couldn't speak, only letting out sharp breaths while Claire and Toby watched, their hearts shattering.

"He used his last moments to warn us." Blinky said, bending to the Troll's level. Through the memory, Jim trudged, the magic fading as he wiped his eyes.

"She took control of Trollmarket," Jim started, his friends gasping at the sight of him.

"Master Jim," Blinky said, hand to his mouth as he processed his friend being alive and well. However, Toby stepped closer, Jim not even bothering to greet them, only sharing the news that broke him.


"Let's watch both Jim and Vendel die but Jim coming back to them at the perfect timing! Yes, happy moments!"

"Queen Usurna said I'm responsible." Jim finished as Toby circled him.

"Whoa." Toby gasped out, Jim looking confused as his friend came to a stop, nudging Jim with his finger. "Ha! Jimbo, you're alive!" The boy pulled his lanky friend into a bone crushing hug, "you're not a ghost!"

Jim gave his friend a light smile. "We saw you fall to your doom," Blinky mentioned, finally showing a smile at the sight of his Trollhunter. Claire took her moment, running to the boy and pulling him into a hug, the tenderness poured through them as they wrapped each other in their arms.

"How did you survive the deep?" She asked.

"Claire," he mumbled to her, smiling happily. The two tearing up at the sight of one another.

"No troll's ever come back."

"But I'm not a troll." Jim turned to his somber trolls, resting a hand on Aaarrrgghh's shoulder while Blinky had done the same to Jim. The boy stepped through, inspecting the sight that he wished hadn't been true.

"BOOM! There it is! I've been waiting for it, come on, pay up!" A random student hands the kid the money, frustrated.

He clenched his fist, squeezing his eyes tightly as he let the news sink in. Breathing out, a closer view of Vendel's frozen face which had been stilled with fear was now a haunting sight, Jim finally coming to realize that this was real.

"No, no, no. I'm sorry, this is my fault." Jim could no longer hold in the tears, using his palm to wipe any that dared to fall.

The crowd grew somber, the feeling of dread falling over them. Steve, especially. He had tried to hold in the tears that escaped, which was hard, seeing someone else cry wasn't helping.

Mary laughed, trying to ignore the tear that had also cascaded down her cheek, eyes stinging as she held back the tears.

"Please, do not blame yourself."

"No, Master Jim." Blinky started, the boy turning to face him. "Vendel believed in you, he knew you would return, to make things right."

"Usurna, liar!" Aaarrrgghh cried out in anger, his marks glowing green, showing his anger. "Traitor, crush Queen, now!"

"No, we can't take her on now," Blinky said. "She is too heavily protected."

"Blink's right, there are too many of them," Jim added.

"If she's working with Gunmar, what's to stop him from taking Trollmarket?" Claire asked.

"Us," Jim answered quickly. "Gunmar thinks I'm dead. We at least got the element of surprise."

"Taking on Gunmar, himself! Oh, what a day! Where would we find him?" Blinky asked, Toby thinking as he eyed the floor.

"The Janus Order! They were all getting ready for his return."

"Okay, then we better move before we lose Trollmarket for good." Jim said before turning to them. "This time, I'm not stupid enough to go alone, we're stronger together, come on!" He waved his friends to follow, the team once again back together and ready for what was to come.

"Oh, he's learned! I'm proud of you!" Mary said, breathing out. "Boys never learn."

From them running out, the scene changed to them riding the elevator down to the Janus Order base, even though the moment had been serious, it was quite enjoyable as calm elevator music had played while they were lowered into the den.

No one spoke, all awkwardly twiddling with their own things. Yet, their attention was drawn to Aaarrrgghh who suddenly began to whistle, Toby sniffing the air while Claire let out a groan.

"Well, you know you can always rely on Aaarrrgghh and his gas to lift the spirits just a little bit." Darci smiled, shrugging while the other students laughed.

"Is anyone else curious on how it smells, no? Just me?" The crowd turns to the student who spoke, giving them a strange look.

"And these are the kids we go to school with, I'm so proud!"

"Aaarrrggh!" Claire cried out as the team looked at him in disgust. The brute simply let out a nervous laugh, answering with a simple:

"Breakfast burrito." At that, the doors split open, the team charging out with a battle cry, weapons drawn and armor attached. Only to find the Janus order a mess, lights detaching themselves from the ceiling while piles of rubble and bones surrounded them.

"Oh no. What is this?" Claire asked, watching as Jim scooped up a Troll skull with the tip of his sword.

"Okay, is anyone else finding it weird that there are tons of skeletons that are laying around? One, keeping bodies in the Janus Order while it's up and running doesn't seem like a good idea, especially if that smell could get them caught. Also, bodies don't disintegrate that quickly, especially trolls as they turn to stone and shatter." Eli mentioned, turning to Strickler who raised an eyebrow at the look.

"What question do you have?"

"I'm taking that your skeleton must shift in transformation to support both the human build and troll build."

Before Strickler could answer, Mary gasped, leaping from her spot. "Don't tell me that Gunmar stripped each Changeling of their flesh! Remember, he was angry at the feast they prepared and we never saw him on screen till now!"

The students gagged, hoping that wasn't true.

"Okay, if we don't see any Changelings that are from the Janus Order, you know they were killed!"

"Maybe it's a Changeling Halloween party?" Toby said, hoping that it was the right answer. "I really hope it's a Halloween party." Jim's armored legs stepped through the damage, the broken statue of Strickler laid nearby.

Blinky and Aaarrrgghh inspected the objects that were tossed among the floor, the same video of Strickler had begun to play within the background, making the situation much more frightening.

"Strickler?" Jim asked, turning to the group.

"Let's split up and cover more ground." Blinky commanded, the team doing so, each turning separate corners and finding open corridors. While Toby inspected one room, Jim had heard Strickler's voice once again, moving to the door that had been left open, the voice growing louder.

Once Jim had stepped in, sword pointed and eyes scanning the room, the door slid close, startling him.

"Remember, this isn't just about Gunmar, this is about–" the video spoke, Jim stepping closer to it, watching it with confusion, wondering why it had still been playing. "This is about something bigger, and oh, we have the Skullcrusher standing–" the voice was drawn out as the shadow of familiar horns surrounded Jim, instantly catching his attention.

Jim turned, gasping at the sight of an enraged Gunmar who used his fist, sending any chair in his way, flying across the room and stepping closer to the boy.

"Oh, just fantastic! I can't wait to watch more bad news! Not that I think you guys are going to die... but him being there is just bad news!"

"Uh, guys!" Jim cried, backing up as the Gumm-Gumm King had roared trying to land a hit on the boy but Jim tried to give his best to avoid any of the blows. However, Jim was pushed nearly off his feet, giving Gunmar the chance to grab him by the throat, lifting him to his height.

"You're trembling," the Darklord spoke, voice forever hoarse. Jim's shoulder's truly shook, showing that despite his protective shell he wore, his time in the Darklands had done some damage.

Barbara sighed, her son must be suffering some sort of trauma from his experience in the Darklands. He had faced Gunmar despite being held captive, keeping a strong mask to overlay any fear, most likely to not satisfy the bad troll, however, this time, he couldn't hold it in.

He was afraid of facing Gunmar alone again and she knew that her young boy had been through things that mentally affected him and it made her want to scream, cry, and even stomp up to Gunmar herself and teach him a lesson.

However, the feeling of a stone cold hand, covering her own. She ignored the dangerous thoughts and looked over to Blinky who gave her a sad smile, knowing exactly how she was feeling. After silently calming the mother, Blinky eyed the teens below, even noticing the bully's posture slacken at the sight.

They all felt bad, even Claire's parents seemed to grow quiet, finding the floor much more interesting than the screen. It was true, the feelings of somber grew due to the fact a young boy, someone who was meant to live a normal life, was witnessing something that others couldn't begin to understand.

The boy felt alone and the team knew that, but they would still be there, and watching Claire and Toby gently speak to Jim, the Trollhunter trying to say he was fine, made Blinky smile ever so slightly.

"Master Jim!" Blinky's voice cried out, an activated Dwärkstone sliding over to the two, Jim yelping as his shield covered his face instantly, the bomb exploding as the Skullcrusher tossed the boy aside and leaping from the blast.

Chairs flew from the vicinity, leaving an open space as Gunmar stood tall, growling angrily. The smoke cleared, the Trollhunters readying themselves as Jim came to a stand.

"Oh my gosh, this is happening!" Toby yelled, shoes squeaking as he moved nervously up and down.

"Yeah!" Claire yelled out, "so fight!"

"I will add your bones to my pile," Gunmar threatened.

"Pile this!" Blinky yelled, shaking two more stones and throwing them at the vast troll. "Now die!" Gunmar caught them instantly, tossing them back at the team. They dove from the blast, Claire using her portal to get both Jim and Blinky to safety while Toby and Aaarrrgghh had gone another route.

A portal instantly opened, the trio landing easily back on their feet. Gunmar had made the first move, leaping into the air, only to meet with Aaarrrgghh who had done the same. Fists collided until Aaarrrgghh was thrown back by the strong horns of the Underlord.

Before Gunmar could attack again, he was pelted with chairs, Toby using his hammer to swat at the metal chairs. He had certainly gained Gunmar's attention, the troll using his arm to block another oncoming chair before charging at the stout boy.

Toby yelled, trying to find a place to run and it had been Jim's turn. He spawned his thigh blades, using it to knock the projector, the harsh light blinding the troll. Jim used this to his advantage, climbing the blinded troll and leaping into the air before his blade sliced through the troll, leaving a large opening for the light to shine through.

The crowd cheered at the victory, breathing out as if the war they feared was finally over. However, Eli had begun to stroke his chin, mind working quickly.

"For someone who seemed impossible to touch when you faced him in the Darklands, this seemed rather...easy."

"Shut up, Eli. You're such a nag!" Mary yelled, glaring at him. "They won! We won't die! Stop ruining everything!"

"Well, come on, he's a tough villain! This was pathetic on his end!"

Gunmar screamed, falling to his knees, however, instead of turning to stone, Gunmar's body faded, leaving Otto in its place, eyes shining with blue, just like Draal's had been.

"What the–" Jim started, Blinky joining beside him.

All eyes landed on Eli, mouths agape as the boy leaned back in his chair, a knowing smirk crossing his features.

"It can never be easy for once!"

"You did this!" Another student cried, pointing an accusing finger at Eli.

"Oh, come on. I get bullied every day! I think I know how this works. He didn't even use his reliable source of battle which is his sword and didn't even taunt his prey. It's like Steve, he finds a source to easily take down who he is after and taunt them till they cry! After all, look how Gunmar was in the Darklands, so very taunting."

"Don't compare me to Gunmar!" Steve yelled out.

"Stop talking, please." Toby said, holding his forehead as he watched their future become much harder.

"Sorry, I can't help it! Bullies soaked in that time, he even taunted Aaarrrgghh when battling him in the Darklands! I remember everything."

"Hate remembering," Aaarrrgghh grumbled out.

"This isn't Gunmar! It's–" Blinky was cut off as Gunmar's laugh escaped through Otto's mouth.

"Otto!" Claire answered.

"Gunmar's possessing him!" Jim responded. "Where are you!? Why won't you fight me!?"

"I already have what I want," Gunmar replied, chuckling evilly before the body was surrounded by gold, Otto returning only to scream in indescribable pain, gold light bursting through every part of his body as if a ghost were escaping its vessel.

"See that, there's the good ol' taunting." Eli said, gesturing to the screen.

Silence. A few minutes of nothing before it was broken by Mary's angered scream, leaping over the chairs and grabbing a hold of Eli who struggled to free himself from her grip. She shook him relentlessly, his glasses slipping from his face as the others watched in shock.

Quickly, the Trollhunting team and Steve leaped from their chairs, each taking a side to pull the two apart. Everyone yelled as they tried to pull Eli free and sliding Mary back into her spot a few moments later.

The team ran for cover as Jim used his shield to block the oncoming fire that poured from Otto, instantly ending the Changeling.

"Trollmarket, we never should have left!" Jim said in a state of panic. Speaking of Trollmarket, Usurna continued her dramatic speech, true colors about to show to the Trolls who had believed her. She spoke about joining Gunmar instead of coming together peacefully.

"From this day forward, we will unite under one troll leader." They cheered once more, "that leader is far greater than I. Greater than us all, I give you, Gunmar the Black! The Skullcrusher!" She turned to gesture to the rising stage, Gunmar standing victoriously beside a controlled Draal and Dictatious.

"Yeah, she is definitely doing other services for him."


From happy cheers, the crowd gone to gasps and worry chatter, Gunmar raised above the crowd as Usurna continued.


"We get it, the many named freaks are in Trollmarket, all you had to say was Gunmar! Gosh, does she ever shut that big mouth of her's!?"

"I want to see her die!"

"--The Underlord of Trollmarket," beside them, Gatto gasped out, growing worried.

"Uh oh, Gatto's got to go!" He crumpled to the floor, leaving nothing but useless rocks.

Toby snorted, "okay, that's pretty funny!"

"You brought death!" Bagdwella cried out, other trolls following.

"We will not bow to Gunmar!"

"Trollmarket will never allow Gunmar to rule it!" The nameless troll hissed at Usurna.

"Then you do not bow," Gunmar said, stepping down from his platform.

"Never!" She said with venom in her tone. He instantly drew his sword, cries echoing around him. The troll stepped back, Gunmar keeping the pace and close distance. She tripped as she backed away, crying in despair and losing her courage.

Blue emitted from the sword, sucking her into it, the crowd covered their eyes, not being able to witness her changing into nothing but a brainwashed soldier.

"Kneel," Gunmar simply commanded, the Gumm-Gumm guard doing so willingly. The guard turned to the crowd after standing, the Trolls of Trollmarket beginning to connect the pieces that fell into place.

"Usurna killed the Trollhunter!" Bagdwella yelled out!

"YES! REALIZE SHE'S BAD!" Blinky listened to the crowd, looking at Vendel who wore a smile.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked, the elder turning to face the six-eyed-troll.

"It is amusing how fast the humans take a certain side and how they fight for that side. Besides, the trolls figured it out rather quickly, quite shocking if you ask me."

"Who else dares to challenge my authority! Either you march beside me when we take back the surface lands, or I will tread over your remains!" Gunmar yelled, sucking in a sharp breath before letting out a ferocious yell, his remaining eye smoking in his fury.

The crowd turned in fear, running as they cried. However, as the Dark Underlord continued his battle cry, his sword drawn toward the air, some trolls had managed to make it out before the large stone doors slid sut, sealing them into their unfortunate doom.

They desperately banged upon the smooth rock, crying as they turned to face the slow stomping, dust falling from the cracks but nothing in sight.

The trolls who had gotten free, had dealt with their own battle through Trollmarket, two trolls desperately hanging on as a Gumm-Gumm had held one, the other taken by the Krubera. The battle to stay together had ended terribly, the two friends being pulled away from one another.

The students sighed sadly, comparing it to as if a small town was being raided, stripped from their happiness and families. It hurt to see it, especially after getting used to the trolls. They dared not to look at Vendel while sharing somber glaces with others.

Jim twiddled his fingers, watching what he was meant to protect, fall and crumble. Those trolls were under his care and the fact that Gunmar had managed to seize Trollmarket and forcefully control the trolls, it made him feel like this had been all his fault.

What would Vendel think?

Up above, the Trollhunting team had finally made it into Trollmarket, the team members sneaking through gracefully as chaos endured around them. They took cover behind a nearby shop, waiting for the right moment to avoid any alerted guards.

Speaking of guards, they had been carrying a tub, a Quagawhump inside, raising her fist at the Gumm-Gumms.

"Hey, put me down, you scum!" Trolls who had been unfortunate, losing their free will, slid on helmets, now taking the position as Gunmar's minions. Draal and Dicatious watching from the side.

"I love that they decided to pick up the tub, not pull her out of it. Also, the best part is, she just sits there and yells at them when she can leap out and run. Literally, there is no way of being held back."

"My brother may still be here, bring him to me!" He commanded, Draal roaring before stepping off, leaving the blinded troll to himself. His arms stuck out wide as he tried to guide himself towards a Guard who was there to support.

Dicatious listened around as he stepped through the market, Trolls screaming as they ran from the intruders. Unfortunately, due to his lack of eyesight and poor judgment, a pair of arms reached around him, silencing his cries and pulling him away from the guide.

From his capture, he was seen, locked in the restraint of chains and hoisted up towards the ceiling, leveling him at a perfect height for Blinky who laughed at his brother's grunts.

"How do you like it!" He teased the blind troll.

"I don't!"

"Not so pleasant playing the part of a pinata!" Blinky let out another evil laugh, flicking his brother in the nose.

"That's more like it," Jim said, stepping into view, still dressed in his armor.

Dictious let out a gasp, "the Trollhunter! You're alive?"

"Yep," Jim answered simply, Aaarrrgghh joining the team.

"But he won't be for long, if you don't start talking!" Blinky yelled, his brother simply rolling his eyes.

"Uh, Blinky. How is that supposed to threaten him? They want Jim dead."

"Oh, Blinkous. Gunmar has the Heartstone, once he regains his strength nothing will rival his power. This is futile, brother."

"The only troll I would call my brother," Blinky started, grabbing the troll's ear and hissing into it. "Died today, and his name was Vendel!" In pure anger, Blinky spun his brother rapidly in the chain.

"Yeah!" Toby said, pointing at the screen. "Is anyone else worried, or just me."

"Eh, I mean, this is the future... so if you die, we can't use the excuse that you are still here."

"Shut up, Eli."

"Make it stop!" Dictatious cried as Blinky raised his fist, only to be stopped by Jim. The Trollhunter stepped to the troll, gripping his ear once more.

"Whatever you're planning, let the trolls go. This is between Gunmar and me."

"Okay," Darci started. "Jim is challenging a Troll that who wasn't all full strength in the Darklands, was still hard to touch, and now is a lot stronger due to the Heartstone, Jim is not scared."

"The boldness reminds me to never get on Jim's bad side. Steve, we will miss you dearly."

"He's shocking us in more ways than one! I can't take this anymore!"

"Don't you see, boy? Gunmar's army was lost to the Darklands. It is time for our race to emerge from the shadows and retake the surfa–" his words went unfinished as Toby was quick to move, shoving a large book within the Troll's mouth, leaving him renderless to muffles. He then shoved socks into the ears of Dictatious, victoriously wiping his hands.

"That's enough of that," the stout boy stated.

"He's turning Trollmarket into his army?" Claire asked, gripping her shadow staff tightly against her.

"Yes, indeed." Blinky started, staring at the ground. "His forces grow with every troll he converts. We need to save our friends."

"What's going to happen to Trollmarket?" Toby asked. "What's going to happen to our town!?"

"We save as many as we can, we evacuate Trollmarket," Jim said.

"Yeah, but how do we just get them out of here?"

"With this!" Claire inputted, holding out her staff.

"Claire, that is a weapon of dark magic, to manifest a portal that large, for that duration, I- it will–" Blinky started, Aaarrrgghh finishing his thought.

"Kill you."

"Or worse, corrupt your soul," Blinky added, Jim looking frightened at the thought.

"I-I don't care, I have to try."

Clarie's parents listened, their daughter nearly seemed to change before their eyes, instead of the hatred that they had for Jim, they grew proud of what the kids were trying to accomplish, they were risking their lives for creatures and asked for nothing in return.

Granted, the thought of their daughter risking her life, especially when she had a choice to or not, they were more proud. She had the choice to run and chose to stay, helping them get to safety.

Mary and Darci looked at her friend in shock but smiled, "that's our girl!"

"I like that death is better than a corrupted soul to Blinky,"

Jim quickly put a hand on her staff, pulling her attention from it to him. "No, you're not risking your life!"

"Jim, you risked everything to save my brother because it was right. Now, it's my turn." Toby let out a gasp, turning to Blinky.

"Wait! We could use the Gyre!"

"Tobias is right!" Blinky cried happily. "Claire, Tobias man the Gyre station, I'll operate it and get everyone to safety. Aaarrrgghh, Master Jim, you have some Trolls to liberate!" As the team smiled at the success of their plan, Gunmar continued to stalk through the Market, heading into the resting place where Vendel had laid.

"At last, I thought this day would never come!" He said, staring down the Heartstone while Usurna watched from behind.

"Take the Heartstone, my Underlord. Become strong once more!" Usurna praised, smiling victoriously. He growled out, stepping up to the stone and pressing his hand against the golden stone, his carvings changing from a depressing blue hue to the golden rays of a sun.

"Shut the hell up!" A student cried, gripping their hair and nearly pulling it free. "Stop talking all the time, always a production with her! Stop being dramatic and die already! Scum of the earth!"

The students gasped, turning to face the students before the silence was broken by the thunderous laugh of Vendel.

"You fleshlings amuse me! The hate you pour for Usurna is mind blowing. I appreciate the support and it is mildly amusing." Blinky looked at him in shock, rarely hearing him laugh.

The Heartstone began to fade, black swallowing the color as it sucked into Gunmar who roared at the sensation as it ran through him. From outside, the beauty of the stone that lit up the Market began to flood with black, scaring the Trolls who watched their support fade.

Trolls continued to cry, reaching out for their friends as the Gumm-Gumms raided the area. A few trolls with NotEnrique beside them had been cornered, NotEnrique trying to talk his way out of the sword that had been drawn from the Gumm-Gumm guard.

"Hail King Gunmar and all that." The Guard tensed instantly, the sound of a metal sword slicing through it like butter. The dead troll dropped, revealing Jim, the sight instantly making the rescued Trolls happy. "You're alive?! Long live the Trollhunter!" NotEnrique asked in shock.

"Get all the Trolls to the Gyre!"

"Ah, an epic hero comeback, I feel refreshed! Now kick butt Jim!" A student cried, Barbara clapping with them.

"Go get them! That's my son!"

"I'll do my part!" The small Changeling stated, hopping off and leading his comrades to safety. Slowly but surely, Jim began ducking behind guards, gesturing for the small groups of Trolls he recused to the exit, following behind.

He opened the exit, guiding the Trolls to the spinning Gyre where the rest of the team waited. "This way to the Gyre.

"Move!" Toby yelled, he and Claire waving them on.

"Let's go, get on board!"

"Take them to the forest," Jim started, more Trolls appearing. "It's secluded and safe, and take this!" Jim commanded, throwing a phone to Blinky who caught it with ease as the ride began to fill.

"Keep them coming, there's only one Gyre, it will take many a trip." Without another word, Jim continued on his search while Blinky looked at the Trolls who had settled in. "Buckle up." He slammed his fist on the button, the Gyre racing off and swerving through the tunnels.

Claire snorted, "buckle up."

"Yeah, as far as I know, there is no buckles on that thing!" Toby cried out, remembering the trip to Gatto's Keep.

As they made it to the forest, they stood at the edge of the tunnel walls, Blinky gasping at the light that streamed through the forest.

"Great grumbling Gruesome!" Blinky pulled out his phone as Bagdwella decided to touch the stream of light that leaked into their exit. She yelped, pulling back as the Trolls groaned. "Oh, dear."

"Go, go!" Jim whispered to the fearful trolls who wasted no time to sneak from their hiding, running to the Gyre as Jim answered his phone.

"We have developed a small problem," Blinky said, Jim cutting him off as a roar echoed nearby.

"I'll call you back. Hide!" He said, turning to the Trolls, the group ducking behind curtains and stone. Draal, who had been patrolling the area, roared, searching before stepping away, finding nothing in his sights. The trolls whimpered as they ran to the nearby door which opened instantly.

"Master Jim," Blinky cired, still on the phone. "There's thirty yards of sunlight, we cannot traverse." The trainor spoke, the said field still covered within the light of the setting sun was shown, the trolls lost on how to flee. "We have to wait until nightfall!"

"Damn you, sun! Have to ruin everything! Set faster! It's the matter of life or death here!"

"You know if the sun didn't do what it would do, everyone would die."


"If we wait, they'll find us, I'll send help. You just keep that Gyre moving." Jim paced, dialing a number on his phone and pressing it to his ear before the scene changed to Steve who was dressed in gym clothes, spinning a basketball on his finger while Eli was behind him, Coach Lawerence watching him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Mary cried, "I get they might have discovered you and you discovered them, but really!? You're going to rely on them two!?"

Eli squealed in his seat, excited that Jim was finally going to need their help, especially with the creepers and trolls. He turned to the Trollhunting team, smiling proudly.

"We won't let you down!"

"Don't get too excited," Toby stated, "who knows how much you guys can do, now that Gunmar is out."

"How are you climbing that rope so fast, Pepperjack?"

"This is like Jim when he was playing dodgeball, I think I should do Trollhunter training."

"I've been training, coach!" Steve was interrupted, dropping the ball as his own voice, yelling out the word 'buttsnack' was heard.

Jim frowned at the ringtone but before he could put his thought into it, Steve and Eli were clapping, clearly proud that he had called them for help.

"See, you need us!"

"I can't believe it, finally a real mission with the Trollhunters!" Eli squealed, Toby frowning as it had been right near his precious ears.

"Seriously, I mean, I understand, but seriously."

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Lake. Are you calling to tell me what a loser you are?" He asked, turning to Eli who celebrated at reaching the top.

"If you know what I think you know, then I need your help." Jim said, seriousness written on his features as the scene continued to switch back and forth to the boys.

"With what, Buttsnack?"

"You know what." That was all Jim had to respond with before Steve was left agape, shocked at what he was hearing. In front of him, Eli had done a backflip off the rope, landing it and cheering while the coach nearly had a heart attack.

The crowd sucked in their breath, they were really witnessing Jim call out Steve and Eli, especially that they knew his secret, and that Jim was willing to risk the secret of trolls to save them.

"This is all too much, I'm so glad this moment is happening because if something bad happened again, I think I might have a heart attack."

"Uh, Eli can climb the rope now, that's enough to give me a heart attack."


"Huh, maybe I don't know what you're talking about."

"I know you saw me, Steve. You were in the school, I was in my armor," the core memory replayed, Jim tumbling down the hallway, grunting as he rolled. The Trollhunter stopped, blinking as his head moved to see a figure standing in the mole mask, watching him. Jim rolled to the side, now knowing that someone saw.

"I'm listening," Steve said simply, any hint of hatred, gone.

"Whoa, whoa, did Steve just lose any hatred for Jim and become serious!? The world is done, this is confirmation." The crowd took in the moment, watching Jim connect the pieces and then ask his bully for help.

"Okay, I love when movies have the bully realize how cool their victim is and become a big supporter, sucker! That's why you don't bully." All eyes pointed to the readers, "it's rude and your victim could end up being a Trollhunter who could easily kick your butt."

"They need your help."

"What do they need?"

"Shade, I don't know, blankets, sheets, banners, whatever you can find. They'll die if they're in the sun."

"Die?" Steve asked before gasping. "Oh! Kind of like vampire rules! Of course!" His eyes landed on a poster, a young girl in a raincoat, surrounded by umbrellas. "Don't worry, I got you covered, ha, get it? Covered, like shade, like shade."

"Smart idea with the umbrellas but I might as well smack you for doing that."

"It was good, don't be jealous because you can't make nicely timed puns!"

Jim let out an unamused laugh, "I'll text you a location." Jim hung up the phone before Steve was shown again, pulling Eli against him.

"It's creep saving time!"

"I'm ready!" Eli said, giving a two thumbs up. While Steve and Eli came to their rescue, Blinky was still on the phone, pushing through the vast crowd of trolls.

"We have to slow down, the trolls are piling up on the other side." Claire was on the receiving end.

"They're piling up here too!" Their heroes were nearby, racing on the blue vespa as they were cladded in their Creepslayer outfits, Eli pressing the numerous umbrellas between him and Steve, stopping at the tunnel where the Trolls hid within the shadows.

The two eyed the situation, Steve pulling off his helmet and grabbing an umbrella. "There's too many of them," Eli whimpered. Steve said nothing, face full of determination as he ran to the shocked trolls.

Jim watched the two boys work, hopin this wouldn't be a regret. They might have gotten a bad first impression but he was also happy that they didn't back away, that they were still willing to do what was right.

Without thinking, he turned to them. "Thank you guys."

"No problem, Lame Jr." Steve said, more teasingly and Jim smiled, things changed and for the better.

Steve opened the umbrella, serious but gentle as he seemed to eyed them as a foreign tribe. "We, uh, come in peace." He held up a peace sign, lifting the umbrella and causing the Trolls to yelp, stepping back.

"They're not aliens, dummy." Mary scolded.

"How would you act when you first meet a troll?"

The first to step forward once again, was Bagdwella, stepping under the protective shade of the Umbrella, which happened to rhyme with her name, and smiling in fascination as she grabbed the handle from the blonde boy.

"Thank you, Fleshling." She stepped out as Eli joined beside Steve.

"You're welcome, ma'am...sir? Creeper?" She stepped out into the daylight, never burning and causing the other trolls to grow excited, each taking their turns to grab an umbrella which Steve had gladly opened them up.

The Whatever troll ducked from getting hit by the fabric, smiling. "Whatever," he said lightly before following outside, a wave of yellow stepping through the woods, almost peaceful. From the happy escape, the scene changed, Dictatious still struggling to escape from his binds, Draal stepping in with a low growl.

A simple yank of the chain had Dicatious crashing to the ground as a blue staff slammed into the stone ground beside him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Usurna asked.

"The Trollhunter escaped!"

"He's alive?! No troll has ever survived the deep!"

"HA! Hate to break it to you, but you're a loser! Your plan failed! I'd hate to be you when Gunmar finds out!"

"I will gladly watch before Gunmar kills me, the best thing to see before you die. It's a risk I am willing to take now."

"He is no troll," Dicatious said, coming to a stand and facing her. "He's trying to evacuate Trollmarket as we speak."

The queen let out a gasp, "we must warn Gunmar!"

"And interrupt him? What do you think he'll do when he finds out you failed to kill the boy and allowed all this to happen?" Dicatious spat, clearly striking fear into the Traitor queen.

"MMHMM! Don't want to upset your precious leader!"

"Looks like every time she tried to harm him, she failed. Now, Jim. Listen, we all are going to kill her, just give us a call."

Quickly, her concerned face diminished, leaving her to command Draal. "Seal every exit, no one escapes, and no one, no one disturbs Gunmar until the Trollhunter is captured, or dead." She hissed, Draal readying himself.

While they planned to fix their mistake, Trolls continued to evacuate, Toby directing them towards the Gyre.

"Get in line, don't worry, plenty of room on the Freedom Express!" Toby ran to the door, giving a thumbs up to Jim before his attention moved behind the boy, finding Draal perched above them and watching. "Oh, no! Jimbo, it's Draal!"

"Okay, he moved fast." Jim hated that they had to fear Draal's arrival, that was his friend, a protector and now he was something they had to look out for as he was dangerous. He wished Draal never went to look for Gunmar that day, he wasn't ready to lose his friend.

However, that burned a fire in him, he would do anything to free him, even if it meant risking his own life in the process.

Jim cried out as the blue brute leaped from his perch, spinning rapidly like a boulder and closing the distance between them. Fortunately, Jim had made it to Toby who pulled him into the safety net as the entrance sealed up, blocking Draal from coming any further.

"Whoo hoo! That's what I'm talking about Toby!"

Yet, Draal never gave up, using his body to ram on the entrance, the cracks appearing with every hit. The trolls gasped in fear, causing Blinky to act quickly.

"Aaarrrgghh! Seal the door!" Without hesitation, the vast troll leaped over, Trolls and the two boys moving away from the brute. Aaarrrgghh swiftly covered the door in a large 'x' making it much harder to knock down.

"Sealed," he said, turning to the crowd.

"What about the others?" Jim asked, coming to a stand. "There's still more to save!"

"Jim, who's going to save us?" Toby said before they turned to face Blinky who yelled down to the crowd.

"We must keep the Gyre moving!"

"Go, get on board!" Claire commanded, Trolls moving from their shocked state and filling the Gyre, however, it only took so much as the exit was still currently being attacked. Blink started the Gyre, letting it roll to the tunnels before a large stone door had sealed them in, leaving them cornered.

"They sealed the exits!" Blinky cried out while Draal had taken a running start, continuously rolling into the door while Usurna watched on, Dicatious and a few guards by her side.

"Okay, how did they manage to do that!? Gosh, it's like we can never win sometimes!"

"We need to have faith, they can do it." Draal stated, having not talked for majority of the time, still upset with himself for attacking his own friends. He should have fought harder and now was a risk to those he cared about.

It was hard to speak when you were nothing but a harm to others. Especially those you have promised to protect.

"When the wall breaks, show no mercy." She commanded, the guards behind her readying their spears. Inside, Jim and Toby flinched with every hit Draal made.

"It's only a matter of time before they break through, and enslave us all." Blinky muttered, Jim readying himself for anything to come.

"We can't fight off an army, Jim." Claire mentioned, pressing her staff against her in a protective manner.

"We're sitting ducks!"

"Dead ducks," Aaarrrgghh finished. The scene was occupied by epic music, Steve and Eli waiting with a pile of open umbrellas.

Despite how much the scene was affecting the crowd, they couldn't help but laugh at Aaarrrgghh's comment, the simple thing he said in certain moments seemed to lighten things up, even slightly.

"What's the hold up?" Steve asked.

"Something's wrong," Eli answered, Draal still continuously ramming the entrance, managing to crack it more.

"When the wall falls, hold nothing back and leave my brother to me!" Blinky cried out as they backed away from the shattering door. Claire eyed the empty steps as the trolls grew worried, only able to watch.

The young girl looked back at the door, before narrowing her eyes. Jim had noticed the movement of his girlfriend as she climbed the stairs, and as he called her name, everyone's attention turned to her.

"Oh, she got the idea! Dang it, Claire! Stop thinking!"

"Blame the parents for raising a straight A student!"

"Wait, Claire. What are you doing?"

"There's another way," she simply replied.

"You can't make a portal that big!" Blinky yelled.

"It will kill you!" Toby spoke.

"If we do nothing, we're all dead! You would do the same! You did do the same!" Claire pointed her staff to the sky, readying herself.

Jim faced the young girl, gently kissing her knuckles. "You're crazy," he mumbled against her fingers.

"I guess we're perfect for each other then," the boy chuckled at the comment as she smiled, hand treading through his hair.

"I wasn't thinking, there's got to be another way!" Jim yelled to her as Aaarrrgghh alerted them to the situation.

"You know, I don't know if this will work, but just open a portal, hold it open as much as you can, a normal sized one and let everyone run through. Have them float in that little abyss while you open the exit portal."

"You know, that's actually not that bad, just a single file line."

"Guys, wall breaking." Realizing she wasn't going to stop, Jim let his sword vanish and ran to her while NotEnrique tried to make her stop. However, she was already working, arms shaking as she put every ounce of her power into the staff.

"Don't do this, kid!"

"You saved my brother, let me save you!" She responded out of gritted teeth before breathing in, the staff coloring itself black as she closed her eyes. "Tell my parents I love them." The power of the invisible force had pushed anyone near, away as the black swirling magic appeared from beneath her.

"No, you will tell us in person, because you will come out alive," Ophelia stated, smiling at her child. "It's not a goodbye, you're strong and will arrive home."

"Claire!" Jim yelled, being shoved back by the wave of magic. Purple swirls of magic surrounded her, Jim watching in shock as he never had seen this before. However, he cried for her again, worried.

Claire listened to the boy's pleas, already hearing the pain in his voice and running towards her. She hated watching him run into the Darklands especially alone and she knew that this was dangerous, however, something reminded her why she was doing this.

The trolls, her, Toby, Jim. They would all die, Usurna wanted Jim at the hands of Gunmar and if anyone, especially him had gotten hurt because she wouldn't risk her life like he had done for her, then she failed, she broke the promise she made to herself.

She wouldn't be the teammate that she promised she would be, she wouldn't be doing her job and keeping him safe.

She needed to do this.

She never stopped, only opening her eyes to reveal that the chocolate orbs were replaced by black, purple swirls changing her pupils. Lifting the staff into the air, black shot from the opening, the music picking up dramatically.

Everyone leaned back in their chair, her friends watching with their eyes widened, no one daring to speak as they watched her pour every ounce of emotion and power she had to do this, and how much it affected her.

"Uh, this is cool! Look at her eyes!"

"She could die!" At that, Jim instantly pulled Claire closer to him, needing her body against him as a reminder that she was here and okay. Hopefully she will be okay in the end.

The staff had created a tornado like cloud, the wind blowing as the magic rapidly swirled around them, her team watching with worry. However, Jim still was on the ground, breathing heavily and watching everything around her as the wind nearly blinded him with his hair.

Her body lifted from the ground, black cracks appearing in her hands and near her eyes as she grimaced, clearly hurt by the effects. She gasped and squeezed her eyes shut as Jim realized what was happening.

No one could speak, no one could say a word as they watched her skin crack like glass, something you never saw normally. She was doing everything to open something so big and was at major risk of dying.

Despite how cool it looked and how amazingly scary she looked, they couldn't say anything. The fear they held as they watched was strong, nothing being able to voice their fear.

"It's killing her!" Draal repeatedly punched and rolled against the door, Usurna watching on with a glare. As Claire let out a strangled cough, Jim called for her, her eyes opening as the boy stood, climbing up the stairs and grabbing the staff.

"Claire, you're not doing this alone!" He closed his eyes, armor glowing as he put his strength into the Shadow Staff, yelling out. The smoke from his armor mixed into the spiral of purple and black, sucking his strength as well.

Chills ran down everyone's spines, raising goosebumps as they watched the scene dramatically play out. It was unexplainable and a one-of-a-time event that they were allowed to witness.

"Third wheel, coming in!" Toby said, placing his hand on the staff. Claire had kept her eyes open, which was still covered in nothing but black. The cracks still remained on her but never grew.

Jim frowned at that, "don't say that. You're my best friend." Toby smiled, nudging his friend in the shoulder.

"I know you would never do that, and you have the girl of your dreams, so do I. You're my brother, we stick together, always."

Jim smiled, the two sharing a handshake, "I'm sorry Tobes, I don't mean to make you feel like you are ever the third wheel."

"Right here," Aaarrrgghh said, putting his large hand on the staff while Blinky joined next.

"Master Jim is correct, we are stronger together!" He placed his hand on the staff, NotEnrique being the last one to join.

"Count me in, sis!" The team looked up at the expanding portal which had been a large ball of black, purple swirling around. "Holy shish-kebab!" Lighting poured from the ball of magic, wrapping around everyone in the room, the white light blinding the area before it cleared, not a single troll or human left.

The students were left gaping, Mary and Darci still cheering Claire and the team on while everyone else was struck in awe by the scene.

"This is the awesomest thing I have ever seen!"

And, finally, with one last hit, Draal had broken through the barricade, huffing as the guards stepped through. As Dicatious held his arms in the air, listening to the silence of the room, he instantly realized.

"Let me guess, they're not here." Usurna scoffed, turning back and exiting the room. Outside in the woods, night had finally fallen, the trolls gasping as they stood before realizing they were alive and free.

"You guessed right, you failed! Suck it freaks!"

They cheered, celebrating. However, once Jim was helped to a stand by Blinky, his eyes looked around, "Claire!" His cry stilled the cheering of the crowd as he ran to Aaarrrgghh who had her tucked in his arms, Toby beside her. "Claire!"

He reached for her as she began to cough, waking and sitting up, her eyes normal once again. "Did we die?" The team let out a breath as they smiled.

"Almost," Aaarrrgghh answered, Toby laughing.

"The life of almost, is a life of never! We made it!" Jim helped Claire to a stand, smiling as he held her hands in his.

As everyone cheered, that moment had struck Ophelia, that boy worried for Claire over himself. He was there to support her in the weakest moments. Claire was okay, she was safe, even if it didn't seem like it, she had Jim to watch over her, and perhaps, maybe Ophelia could lighten up.

Who knew she was so close to losing her daughter every night and still pushed her aside while Jim had loved her. Things needed to change and she was thankful for this eye opener.

Above the tunnel, Steve and Eli stood, the smaller boy cheering in joy as Steve held him by the back of his shirt so Eli wouldn't fall.

"Thanks, guys. I owe you." Jim said, looking up at them.

"Yeah, you owe us! Big time." Steve said with a slight smile.

"Maybe you can start by answering a few thousand questions." Eli stated, smiling.

"We'll talk later." In return, the two Creepslayerz shared a fist bump.

"Yes!" Blinky looked at the crowd of trolls, sighing deeply.

"Our home is gone, Vendel is dead. Who will lead us, now?" Jim stepped up to his mentor, holding Vendel's staff and holding it out for Blinky to take. "His staff!"

"You're staff," Jim smiled.

"Master Jim," Blinky gasped out, backing up as the trolls crowded him, watching the moment. Each troll respectfully bowed to him, Aaarrrgghh making a comment.

"Don't make it weird." At that, Blinky turned back to face the staff, grabbing it gently as the teens joined Jim's side.

"What now, Blink?" Toby asked.

Jim smiled as Vendel gently patted Blinky on the shoulder, "I couldn't think of anyone better to take my place. With your knowledge and guidance, I have faith you will succeed."

"Quite shocking, I have never have been a leader in sorts but I will do my best."

"You led us, Blinky." Toby started, "you led us to grow stronger and brave, to defeat these trolls while everyone didn't believe it would work. You've been a leader all along and a good one at that."

The six-eyed troll smiled, "I mustn't cry, however, you make it hard. Thank you guys."

"We survived another day, but these forests are not secure, we will wait until Midnight and seek safe haven. Gunmar will not give up and he'll have an army."

Speaking of the army, they cheered as they filled the Hero's Forge, Gunmar standing above the crowd, surrounded by his minions, taking in the sight of spear ends tapping the ground with each chant.

Outside, Jim was dressed in his regular clothes, opening his front door. "Hey, mom. I'm home." He yelled out, placing his backpack near the staircase. Receiving a funny feeling, Jim turned his attention to the kitchen. "Hello?"

He stepped to the dining room, finding Strickler sitting nearby, "ah, Young Atlas."

"You know how refreshing it is to see him on screen and not get upset. Usurna took that mantle greatly."


"I hear you have quite the workload ahead of you," Nomura stepped into view, sipping from her own cup. "Perhaps Nomura and I can offer some guidance." At that, Jim gave a slight smile.

Jim smiled, due to his stubbornness and kindness, he was gaining more and more allies and it was very needed to defeat Gunmar. Maybe he won't have to face it so outnumbered as he thought.

At Claire's house, the young girl was tossing and turning in her bed, haunting breaths filled the air before her eyes opened, this time, gold colored the iris while the remaining part of her eye was filled with black.

"Just as I fear, such a vast and risky task and she goes unscathed, impossible." Blinky muttered, Jim and the rest of the team looking at him with worry. Claire, however, stared at the screen, what would happen to her?

She was willing to take that risk and she knew it, she would do it now if she had to, but what were the consequences she had to face after making such a decision despite having no regrets?

Claire opened a portal, stepping into the Storage of Trollmarket, digging through a pile of rocks, only to pull out Angor's head. Another portal had opened, this time in a familiar area where the water was colored purple and jagged rocks spat from the water.

"Pale Lady, here I bring, Angor Rot!" A puff of smoke appeared above a large skull, a ghostly golden figure appearing.

"Oh, are you kidding me!? First Usurna kills Vendel, brings Gunmar into Trollmarket to enslaved all the trolls, now Claire is possessed and claimed by Morgana who is about to resurrect Angor Rot!?"

"We might as well just die now, the world is dying, it's going to die. I'm numb to the idea now, no longer affected or surprised, just take me now!"

"Look at what this is doing to us! We are accepting the fate of the earth!"

"My champion," her voice was haunting, yet beautiful. The echo that surrounded her voice had made it much more frightening, however. She let out a small laugh, the head floating from Claire's hands and towards Morgana.

"Again, you shall rise and set me free! As for you, my child, we are linked now, now and for all of time, your essence and mind are mine!" She laughed, the golden iris of Claire had changed into orange as she was now free from the hold of Morgana.

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but I feared for this and I was correct." Blinky said nervously, every pair of eyes on him.

"What's going to happen to my daughter!? She's a slave to this Morgana!?" Opehila yelled, coming to a stand.

"Morgana, the most powerful wizard, mother of monsters."

"Look, Mrs. Nunez," Jim started. "I love your daughter and like everyone else, I will fight to free them. I will fight for her, to save her, to free her. Can you trust me? No matter the journey, I will fight for Claire, I promise."

The young girl smiled, holding Jim's hand in her's and the gesture catching the attention of her mother.

"I believe you, just please, save my daughter."

Claire woke from her bed, gasping, ending the episode.

Jim turned to his team, shocked, each sharing the same reaction before they slowly turned to Claire. She was staring at the screen, mouth dropped as she tried to process what she had just witnessed.

"By Deya's Grace, the portal has tainted her!" Blinky cried, there were much bigger problems now.

"Um, sorry?" Darci said before Mary stood.

"OKAY! WHAT THE F—" While the students freaked, the host turned from the desk, stepping out of the room and to a secret corridor. She smiled as she entered a pin, the door sliding open and with a quick glance, she stepped inside, letting it seal her from the outside world.

"Sir, it's working according to plan, I have a feeling when the time comes, he will be ready, those doubts and feelings of anger will be nothing more." The green glow that gently caressed her face was the only answer as she smiled.

He was pleased. 

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