A Cruise To Die For

By kokooldude

29 1 0

Join a group of kids as they realize high school isn't all it's cracked up to be. See who survives in this fi... More

(Prologue) All aboard!

29 1 0
By kokooldude

?: "Come on! Hurry Up! We don't have time for this!"

?: "I'm going as fast as I can boss jeez.."

?: "I don't have the patience OR time for, 'as fast as I can'. Hurry up or you won't have my help!"

?: "Ugh!"

?: "Hey boss, everything is set to go."

?: "Rooms and all?"

?: "Yep."

?: "Security system, locks, gas?"

?: "Yep, mhm, and yes."

?: "Perfect."

?: "So are we ready to set sail?"

?: "It seems so. Let's head out."

???: 'First, what should I say EMPTY. If I were to explain the EMPTY who is monologuing right now... My name is EMPTY. Though I suppose there won't be many people who are wondering about it. EMPTY. As you can see, I'm not EMPTY or have a EMPTY EMPTY as well as EMPTY. I'm just one EMPTY of the ordinaEMPTY studeEMPTY that EMPTY ... EMPTY at any morning EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY... EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY














It was dark. But bright. No. It was mostly dark. But just a pinch of light. Snap out of it! It's just a room with a lamp ever so poorly lighting up the room to prevent it from being pitch black. You know the lighting.
Memory...hazy... A note..on a desk...a desk? What is this? A classroom? Why is it so dark...? Note... words? Still pretty out of it.
'Meet for instructions out big door' it read.
Wow. Their handwriting is atrocious... and that grammar...

Alas, no use sitting..standing...no wait........ Yeah, sitting here. Jesus, what's going on?
Upon stepping out of the room there's a hallway. A bunch of halls. Walking down what seemed like a labyrinth of doors and halls, after only making a couple of turns, a red door is seen.

Not that big, but opening a pair of doors to an important place big. Like a restaurant or church. Okay, maybe those comparisons weren't the best.

After opening the door, what greeted on the other side was a bright blinding light. It was like waking up and your eyes have to get used to you waking up. Or taking off sunglasses and realizing how bright it actually is outside.

After adjusting to the light and looking around...
'A BEACH?! Where...am I?! Where am I...I can't believe I haven't asked myself that yet. Is this even...real?'
As I start to question reality, the feeling of warm sun rays touch my skin. It feels nice. Too nice. Why am I on this beach? Where did I come from? I turn around to see where I just came from...
I've never been on one but I know what a cruise ship looks like and that right there...is a cruise ship. I pinch myself...I flinch. I'm awake...This beach...this ship...the sun...it's all real. It's too overwhelming. I- I don't-

I pass out.

???: "Hey. Are you alright?"


???: "You seem...dazed. Not surprising I guess...I have no idea what's going on.


[A Cruise To Die For]

I rose to my feet. I must've passed out.

???: "Ah, you're awake! I'm glad!'

"Where am I?" I replied.

???: "I'm just as confused as you are. It seems like we're on some kind of beach."

What is this?
Where am I...?
I can't remember anything...

???: "Hey... get a grip. Your face doesn't look so good..."

"Why am I in a place like this?"

???: "I don't know either. I woke up in a room, saw a note, followed it, and wound up here. It's strange... I can't believe all this is happening on our first day of school. Still, I'm relieved. I was scared I was the only one here. So, you're a Hope's Peak student too? Nice to meet you."

Hope's Peak...
"What is that?" I ask.

???: "Huh? You're not a new student? And you don't know what Hope's Peak Academy is?"

"...This is my first time hearing about it. It sounds like something you'd hear from a video game or anime."

???: "Are you from another country? Even so, I feel like there aren't many people who don't know Hope's Peak..."

???: "Hope's Peak Academy is a world-famous school that has produced many famous and talented people in its long history. A school that only the best, most talented students get to attend. I mean, it isn't even an exaggeration to call it the 'School of Hope'. There are two conditions to enter the school:

1) 'You must be a high school student.'
2) 'You must be the best at your given talent.'

Only students who have been scouted to come to the school can attend."

???: "And today was the first day of school for those new students."

"Ah! You're right! It is! Ah... if I'm being honest though, I remembered that already. But you were in the zone explaining the whole famous school thing that I didn't want to interrupt."

???: "Oh...Okay!"



"So...Are you one of those students or...?"

???: "Oh! Yeah! Sorry... my name is Jelly. I'm the Ultimate Dog Whisperer."

"Jelly...got it." I'll try to remember her name.

Jelly: "So, are you one of the new students as well?"

"Yeah! I am!"

Jelly: "Cool! I hate to sound formal but what's your name and talent?"

"Name... my name..."

"Huh? My name..."

"Why... What am I.."

Jelly: "H-hey, are you alright? You don't look so good..."


"Argh!" My head hurts...

Jelly: "A-are you alright? Hey!"


"Quiara... That's the only thing I can think of... Sorry, but the whole Hope's Peak thing, my name, and other memories seem to be foggy."

Jelly: "Me too, now that you mention it. I only remember my name and talent right now.."

Quiara: "Oh that's right! My talent! Sorry for the late and choppy response but here's my introduction... I'm Quiara the Ultimate Pianist!"

Jelly: "Nice to meet you! Actually, now that I think of it. Maybe some kind of trauma made you lose your memories... It might be related to the situation at hand..."

She says fiddling with a little dog keychain on her belt.

"If it's alright with you, do you mind if I tag along? We should probably be sticking together in a situation like this."

Quiara: "Sure! I'm okay with that."

Jelly: "Okie! Let's get a move on then! There are others around too."

Quiara: "There are others?"

Jelly: "Yep! In fact, there are others in the cruise ship behind us."

Quiara: "Really?! I didn't see anyone."

Jelly: "Actually, when everyone came out we found you passed out in the sand.. you've been here for a while. I told everyone to go explore and I'd stay behind to make sure you're okay."

Quiara: "Awe... Thank you."

Jelly: "Of course! Now come on!"

Jelly and Quiara walked back inside the cruise ship. However, once they got inside...It was bright and well-lit. Lights hanging on the soft textured red-ish walls, carpeted patterned floor, warm air flowing through the ship. This was nice. The exact opposite of what Quiara experienced walking out.
After walking down the hall there was a crossroad. They decided to go left first. The moment they turned, they found a blue door. They opened it to find a big white-tiled dining room. It looked similar to a cafeteria. Around 4 large light blue tables and in the back what looked like a kitchen. That means food!

Quiara: "It looks pretty clean, so that's good. Though I guess that's not really important right now, considering that we don't know why or where we are and all."

Jelly: "I mean yeah but look! A kitchen! There could be food!"

As Quiara and Jelly banter over the food, they keep hearing what sounds like mumbling coming from one of the tables. Upon looking over they see a tall girl standing with her eyes closed talking. Not to anyone in particular, just....talking. They look at one another in confusion before walking over and confronting the girl.

???: "Carissimi spirituum sanctus...Hodie congregentur ad nos solennes spiritus congreganda est."

Jelly: "What is that girl doing?"

She whispers to Quiara.

"It almost looks like she's...sleep talking?"

Quiara: "I don't think she's asleep. Also, those words seem...fluent."

Jelly: "You understand what she's saying?"

Quiara: "Not a clue. It just sounds like she knows what she's saying."

Jelly: "Maybe she just doesn't want to talk to us."

???: "Huh?! Who goes there!?"

The girl shouts, opening her eyes.

???: "Here I am trying to find a nice quiet place to help us all out and find out information and you two come stumbling in here."

Quiara: "Ah! We're sorry. Come on Jelly, let's go."

Jelly sticks her arm out to prevent Quiara from walking away.

Jelly: "Excuse me miss, you said 'help out'. How do you intend to do that? It seems like you know what's going on here."

Jelly interrogates.

???: "I have no idea what's going on. Which is why I'm aura reading the people in different areas to try and figure out anything. But I can't if people keep talking during the reading!"

Jelly and Quiara look at one another in confusion.

Quiara: "Aura reading?"

Aura Reader?: "Yes. Aura reading."

Jelly: "What's-"

Jelly started before being interrupted by another boy who walked over.

???: "An Aura is described as an electromagnetic field that surrounds a person's body and is associated with their energy and while it can actually be seen by certain people it can be felt by everyone."

Jelly: "..."
Quiara: "..."

The boy sighs

???: "Basically the original version of a..'vibe check'."

Jelly & Quiara: "Ohhhhh!"

???: "Sorry for the sudden barge by the way. My name is Lad, the Ultimate Researcher."

Quiara: "So that's why you're smart."

Lad: "Eh. I'm just good at collecting and retaining info. This Aura reader by the way is Ja'el The Ultimate Aura Reader."

Ja'el: "Hi. By the way, that summed-up version of Aura reading is totally inaccurate, and thanks to these two. The only Aura I could read here was Lad's."

Jelly: "Oh yeah sorry. My name is-"

Lad: "You're Jelly, the Ultimate Dog Whisperer and that's Quiara the Ultimate Pianist."

Quiara: "How did you-"

Lad: "I'm the Ultimate Researcher. I know everyone here."

Jelly: "Wow!"

Quiara: "So. You know what's happening here then!"

Lad: "Oh. Absolutely not."

Jelly: "But I thought-"

Ja'el: "I hate to break this up, but for an Ultimate Researcher you sure got the Aura Reading definition wrong."

Lad: "I highly doubt it."

Ja'el: "But you did. An Aura is more than an electromagnetic field it's actually-"

Quiara pulled Jelly away from the two and into the kitchen before they continued.

Jelly: "Thank you. I don't think I could've taken another explanation of that."

Quiara: "Yeah no problem. That Lad guy seemed really smart."

Jelly: "Yeah he di-"

A walk-in freezer closes and a guy walks out.

???: "Ah! You scared me."

Quiara: "Ah, sorry."

She apologized

"Nice to meet you. I'm Quiara the Ultimate Pianist."

Jelly: "...and I'm Jelly the Ultimate Dog Whisperer."

???: "Nice to meet you both!"

The boy was taking out food from the walk-in freezer and other spices from the cabinets

Jelly: "What are you making if I may ask."

???: "I have no idea but I figured we might get hungry when we meet back up here."

Quiara: "Meet back up here?"

???: "Yeah. We agreed that once we finished exploring we'd meet back here and I'd cook for everyone."

Jelly: "Yeah I kinda forgot to mention it sorry..."

Quiara: "It's fine"

Jelly: "So. You must be the Ultimate cook huh?"

???: "Actually I'm the Ultimate Voice Actor, Star."

Quiara: "Oh! I heard of you! You got one major line in a show and now you get auditions all the time!"

Star: "Yes.. that's me.."

Jelly: "You don't seem too psyched about it."

Star: "Well after that line I wasn't able to do much about anything. My parents let the fame go to their heads and forced me to keep going. I mean I guess the publicity is fine but I haven't gotten a chance to perfect my passion; cooking!"

Jelly: "Well I can't wait to taste what you make later. I'm starving."

Star: "Looking forward to hearing what you think."

Jelly and Quiara leave the kitchen to find Ja'el giving Lad a lecture about aura reading still. They look at each other and exit out the blue door. They continue down the left side of the hall to find a long corridor of rooms with names on them.

Jelly: "These must be our rooms. This is where I woke up and found the note."

Quiara: "That was my room?! It was dark and terrible. It looked more like a classroom to me."

Jelly looked at Quiara with a confused expression.

Jelly: "Classroom? What makes you say that?"

Quiara: "The desk that was in there? I literally woke up in a chair at a desk."

Jelly: "You mean the chair at the dining table? I admit it was pretty wide but I don't think it would be a classroom desk. It had a cloth in the middle of it."

Quiara: "Huh?"

Quiara found the door to her room at the end of the hallway and opened it. It was a nicely lit room. Many lights in fact.

Quiara: "So this is...my room. I swear it did not look like this before."

Jelly: "Mine looks the same as well. I don't know why but I figured it would be catered to each person."

Lad: "Hm. I wonder if all the rooms look like that. Even the male rooms."

Jelly and Quiara jump

Both: "AH!"

Quiara: "Dang it Lad! Where did you come from?!"

Lad: "From the cafeteria. You saw me there."

Jelly: "She means why are you here?!"

Lad: "I'm the Ultimate Researcher I need this info."

Quiara: "Check your own room!"

Lad: "My room is all the way on the other side of the other hallway."

Quiara: "Hm. So on the right side of the crossroad are more rooms."

Lad: "8 of them to be precise."

Jelly: "Wait. You went all the way to your room and counted the doors but didn't go in?"

Lad: "I figured I'd be in my room at some point anyway. I'm wasting time and daylight when I could be gathering info. Speaking of which, I still don't know if the male rooms look the same."

Jelly: "Go. To. Your. Own. Room."

Suddenly a door opened right next to Quiara's and out came a guy with a hoodie and a blue rectangular device in his hand.

???: "Excuse me. Can you quiet down? I'm trying to concentrate."

Lad began to walk over toward the male's room before Quiara grabbed him and pulled him back.

Quiara: "Nice to meet you my name is Quiara the Ultimate Pianist."

Jelly: "I'm Jelly the Ultimate Dog Whisperer."

Lad: "That's P-"

Quiara smacked Lad upside the head

Quiara: "You're supposed to introduce yourself not other people."

Lad: "I'm Lad the Ultimate Researcher. So it's only natural that I know who you are already."

Quiara: "You'll have to excuse him.."

???: "It's okay. Nice to meet you three I'm Phobic the Ultimate Gamer."

Quiara: "Oh! I see! That's a 3ds you have with you there! I couldn't tell at first."

Phobic's face lit up with excitement that someone recognized the device.

Phobic: "It is! Do you play?"

Quiara: "Nope. Not anymore at least.."

Phobic: "That's alright! I'm glad you at least experienced the fun before!"

Lad: "This is nice! Now your room."

Quiara: "Oh yeah. Phobic, can you see if my room looks the same as yours?"

Phobic: "Sure."

Phobic walked up to Quiara's room and took a look around while standing at the door; to not invade any privacy.

Phobic: "Yep. Same as mine."

Lad: "Interesting."

Lad got out of Quiara's grasp and walked off.

Quiara: "I take it back. That guy is really weird."

Jelly: "No kidding."

Phobic: "If you don't mind. I'm going back to my room now."

Phobic began walking back inside before Quiara stopped him.

Quiara: "Hey, have you been inside the whole time?"

Phobic: "Yeah, why?"

Quiara: "Why don't you explore this place? You never know, you might find something you like."

Phobic took a deep breath in and a long breath out.

Phobic: "Okay."
He says before walking away.

As he took off, he adjusted his hood to fit his head entirely and continued playing the 3ds. Jelly and Quiara watched him turn the corner and Quiara took off to her room. Inside the room was a lot of space. A square dining table with four wooden chairs and a red cloth in the middle towards the left of the room. In the corner to the left as soon as you walk in, is a fresh bonsai plant. In the upper right corner of the room was the red sheeted queen-sized bed with an end table closest to the wall. This was coupled with a lamp with a white shade on the opposite side of the bed and a light fixture above it.
Towards the center up against the wall of the room was a dresser with three cabinets and a pair of drawers towards the bottom of it. Above the dresser hanging up on the wall was a TV.

'Does this ship have cable?' Quiara thought to herself

Towards the top left of the room was another bonsai plant in the corner and a refrigerator next to it. There was also a door on the wall. Upon entering it was the green-tiled bathroom.

'Ugh. Green?' Quiara thought.
'Who would think green is a good tile color? Especially for a bathroom.'

When you first walk into the bathroom to the right is a sink with a big mirror on top. Right next to the sink is the toilet with a red stool right in front of it up against the wall. If you continue a bit and turn the right corner there is a shower and next to it against the wall is a towel rack where two sets of towels and washcloths are neatly folded and placed.

Quiara: "Wow. Fancy."

Quiara walked out of her room and closed the door

Jelly: "How do you like it?"

Quiara: "It's cozy, spacious, and fancy. I like it."

Jelly: "That's good! Ready to continue on the other side of the crossroad? I looked around as you were looking in your room and the other place to go is the other side."

Quiara: "Sure!"

Jelly and Quiara began making their way to the other side of the ship. Though Quiara would be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying herself, she can't help but shake this eerie feeling about all of this.
They made it to the other side and lo and behold, Lad was right. Another set of doors to rooms. They took his word and believed there were eight of them. However, instead of the hall stopping after the rooms like the other side, there was a set of stairs leading to the ship's second floor. Except it was blocked off by a metal gate.

Jelly: "Hm. I wonder why you can't go up there.."

Quiara: "Yeah. Maybe we're just not meant to."

Jelly shrugged and they continued back around as that was the end of that side. Or so they thought. Right next to the cafeteria was a purple door which was locked.

Quiara: "Another locked door.."

Jelly: "Now I'm curious."

Quiara: "Alright well looks like that's it for the cruise ship for now."

Jelly: "Yep. Should we continue to other parts of this island?"

Quiara's eyes shot open

Quiara: "There are other parts?"

Jelly: "Yeah! Come on let's go!"

Jelly grabbed Quiara and exited the cruise ship. They walked on the sandy beach and found an open gate. After walking through, there was no more sand. There was actually a street and a line of buildings. They went down and entered the first building. A library.

The library was huge! Books on every corner and shelf. Upon walking in on the left was a huge velvet red rug with sofas on each edge. There was even a chandelier hanging above it. On the right were two tables and chairs surrounding it. It looked like someone preparing for a book club. A fireplace was in the top right corner of the room. Everywhere else, as you could have guessed, books. Books of every genre and type. Signs on each shelf tell you the genre of the book and are in alphabetical order. Sci-Fi, Horror, Mystery, Graphic Novels, Biographies, Language learning.

Quiara: "Wow. They have it all."

Jelly: "You're telling me."

Standing over by one of the bookshelves was a girl with small gold earrings, a fur coat, and makeup on.

???: "Hello you two. Oh! It looks like this one is finally out of the sand."

Quiara laughed a bit

Quiara: "Haha yeah.Hi!"

Jelly: "Hello...huh?!"

Jelly's face lit up with a shocked expression.

Quiara: "What is it, Jelly?"

Jelly: "A-are you the famous actress Saki?"

Saki: "Oh, you recognized me? I'm honored."

Jelly: "Of course I do! You were one of the main characters in the 'The Boys' series, and I love your characters in other movies too!"

Saki: "Ah, you're too kind."

Jelly: "Wait! You're a Hope's Peak Academy student too?!"

Saki: "Yeah. I decided to take a break and focus on my studies for a while. For now, I'm not 'famous actress Saki', but just your classmate, 'Ultimate Actress, Saki'."

Quiara: "Hello. I'm Quiara the Ultimate Pianist."

Saki: "Oh, hello."

Jelly: "I can't believe a famous celebrity is my classmate..."

Jelly snapped out of it

Jelly: "Sorry for the late introduction, Ms. Saki. I'm the Ultimate Dog Whisperer, Jelly! I'm a huge fan!"

Saki: "A pleasure to meet you. But you don't have to speak so formally. We're practically the same age."

Jelly: "But I can't imagine speaking so casually with a Hollywood star..."

Saki: "I'd prefer it if you did. As I said, I'm here to focus on school. I don't want my classmates to treat me like a celebrity. Quiara, was it? You can address me however you want, as well."

Quiara: "I'm more comfortable speaking this way, so it's alright."

Jelly: "Yes Ms- I mean Saki. Sorry still getting over it.."

Saki: "I'm flattered."

Quiara: "...I apologize. Since you seem to be quite famous, I might have recognized you if it weren't for my amnesia."

Saki: "Huh? Amnesia?"

Quiara: "Yeah. I can't remember anything from before I woke up on this island."

Jelly: "Oh, right! Ms- er, Saki... Do you happen to know why we're here of all places? Today was supposed to be our entrance ceremony."

Saki: "Not really...I woke up here as well. I'm thinking it might be a surprise party arranged by the school."

Jelly: "Um, maybe..."

Saki: "Jelly and Quiara... You shouldn't worry so much. Look at how beautiful and blue the sky is. It might be because I'm used to being inside on sets a lot but I'm enjoying this sun and breeze. You should too. Let's put our differences aside and what we've lost behind us and something good will happen!"


Quiara: "You're being cheesy."

Jelly: "Quiara...!"

Saki: "Ahaha, sorry. That must have sounded strange. It must be the actor in me."

Jelly: "Maybe I can understand what you're saying, Ms. Saki!"

Saki: "Jelly, what did I tell you?"

Jelly: "Oh, r-right. Sorry."

Saki: "I'm going to head out now. It doesn't seem like there's anything more that can be accomplished by standing here. There are a lot more freshmen. Let's all talk later on!"

Jelly: "Sounds good. Catch you later!"

As Jelly and Quiara watched Saki leave the library another woman was standing over by the 'manga' section of the library reading. They walked over to introduce themselves.

Jelly: "Hey! I'm Jelly, the Ultimate Dog Whisperer!"

Quiara: "I'm Quiara. The Ultimate Pianist."

???: "Ahuh...Jelara and Yuki Dogs and Piano got it.."

Jelly: "Uh..."

Quiara: "Can you put down the manga for a second please?"

???: "You know manga?!"

Quiara: "Ah- yeah a little I'm more of an anime fan though...!"

???: "Oh..psh- you're missing a lot."


Jelly: "Hey um..care to tell us your name?"

???: "Tanya."


Quiara: "Your...talent maybe?"

Tanya: "Do you really need to know all of that?"

Quiara: "I mean... it could be helpful."

Tanya: "Helpful for what? Can't you see I'm busy?"

Jelly: "Hey, Tanya was it? Put the nerdy stuff down for a moment and talk to us. Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Jelly snatched the manga away from Tanya and found a device in her hand.

Tanya: "Hey! Can't you see I'm recording that?"

Quiara: "Recording?.... I don't see a phone.."

Tanya sighed

Tanya: "This is called a PR-P#2 I programmed this to record the things I see with my eyes into this device to look at in high resolution whenever I want. This is my second model and it works perfectly."

Jelly: "Perfect from only your second one? Wow. What's your talent?"

Tanya: "I'm Tanya, the Ultimate Programmer."

Quiara: "Nice to meet you. What makes your talent Ultimate though? I've never heard of you."

Tanya: "No one does. But I program most of the electronics you use. Like the latest phone? I was on the team. The panaffle. I programmed it. My name is on the manual and other stuff but I haven't been able to really put my name out there.."

Jelly: "Oh...I love your work though!"

Tanya smiled

Tanya : "Thank you! Also, to answer your question, I don't know what's going on. Now I hate to be rude but I need to record this new series for educational purposes. This library has everything!"

Tanya took the manga back and proceeded to continue her...'work' and Jelly and Quiara left the library.

Quiara: "Wow. Well, that was pleasant."

Jelly: "If that's what you call it."

Quiara and Jelly went to the building next door titled 'Studio'. They walked in and were instantly captivated by the amount of artwork surrounding them.

Quiara: "Wow... That's a lot of paintings!"

There were easels and paintings everywhere on one side and a curtain covering the other side. On the side they were on, along with the paintings were shelves with paint, brushes, notepads, pencils, and every art supply you can think of. It's like art god threw up in here.

Jelly: "There's a lot of stuff I haven't even heard of in here."

Quiara: "You're telling me."

Just then, the two heard yelling coming from the other side of the curtain. Quiara looked at Jelly with a worried expression on her face before hesitantly pulling open the curtain separating half the room. A guy and a girl were yelling at each other, arguing.

??? (Girl): "You have no taste! You just think money can buy you everything and no effort has to be put in! Do you have any idea how much time and talent I've wasted on doing what you do?!"

??? (Boy): "If you can't adapt to other styles just say that! You just don't have the technique to even attempt to come close to what I've produced. If you're 'wasting talent' as you say, maybe you're just not cut out for your Ultimate!"

Jelly butt in before it got any worse

Jelly: "Woah! Let's calm down. What's going on you two?"

??? (Boy): "She thinks that traditional art is better than digital art; and instead of trying it out like a normal person, she bashes it because she doesn't have the talent to get any better at it."

??? (Girl): "...and HE tends to forget that I'm Lela the Ultimate Artist and have tried ALL kinds of art forms even the ones lazy artists use. Digital."

Quiara: "Woah. Just because you don't like digital art doesn't mean that you should bash his passion."

??? (Boy): "It's not just my passion. It's quite literally my Ultimate. They don't call me Ricardo the Ultimate Digital Painter for nothing you know."

Lela: "I have you know that I'm not bashing it because I don't like it, I'm bashing it because this buffoon came over and decided to ruin my artwork!"

Ricardo: "I didn't ruin your artwork! Just paint over it! I said it was an accident anyway!"

Lela: "It's not that easy! You also never apologized. You just said 'pAiNt OvEr It' and mocked the art

Ricardo: "Woah hey! I didn't mock your art I made fun of the fact that you don't have an undo button."

Lela: "Like having an undo button is soooo useful."

Ricardo: "So even if you screw up your painting like the one over there you can just quickly go back."

Lela: "I.DIDNT.MESS.UP.MY.ART. You did!"

Ricardo: "I think you're just scared to admit that I'm better at digital art than you."

Lela: "Ricardo. I think you fail to understand that I've made countless artworks. My work is in museums! I'm the Ultimate artist not just with one kind."

Ricardo: "...and *I* think you fail to understand that with the influx of people going digital you know, EVERYWHERE. People are way more likely to see my art plastered all over the internet not just in a couple of museums where people could be clumsy enough to rip your canvas."

Lela: "Like you did over there to my artwork?"

Ricardo: "I didn't-!....You know what? I challenge you. I challenge you to create an artwork better than mine digitally and I'll try your disgusting traditional art."

Lela: "Deal!"

Quiara and Jelly couldn't help but stay silent during the whole thing. Ricardo left to go back to the other side to try traditional art and Lela sat down on the opposite side filled with tables full of drawing tablets of every kind to try digital art. They left the art studio to let them deal with their challenge and walked over to the next building.

Quiara: "Jeez...That was..."

Jelly: "Yeah."

They walked into the next building. It was an arcade. As soon as you walk in the door you are greeted with a semi-dark room with a brick wall pattern and a black and orange checkered floor. In it was an air hockey table surrounded by a bunch of arcade machines and even an automated prize counter where you could exchange your tickets for a prize. The prizes ranged from a teddy bear to a blow-up alien, mugs, cups, keychains, and even small trinkets like a slinky, or magnets. Standing over one of the arcade machines was a guy with a hoodie. He looked familiar. Jelly and Quiara walked over to the guy and tapped him. The guy turned around to face the two.

Phobic: "Oh! Hey!"

Quiara: "Phobic! Hi!"

Phobic: "Oh you remember my name."

Jelly: "Of course! We just saw you a while back. It seems pretty likely for you to come to the arcade."

Quiara: "We told you you might find something interesting if you explore."

Phobic: "Well you're right! I love games so I'll be in this place a lot."

Quiara: "Can't say I'm surprised.."

Quiara smiled before letting Phobic be and continued down a hall to find a white door. Upon opening the door was a white floor with beanbags and chairs against a wall and rows of video game consoles. They had every console imagined: Xbox, Nintendo, Play Station, and even old ones like Atari.

Jelly: "Wow...I haven't played some of these consoles in years!"

???: "You're telling me"

A girl sat in a beanbag chair playing the Wii. He paused the game and looked over at Quiara and Jelly. Her makeup looked amazing, it was godlike.

Quiara: "Wow. Who did your makeup? You must've gone to a makeup artist huh?"

???: "Actually I did it myself."

Jelly: "Woah! That has to be your talent. No way a normal person can have that sort of skill!"

???: "Guilty. My name is MK the Ultimate Makeup Artist or MUA for short."

Quiara: "Now that I think of it. You've done makeup for a lot of famous artists and actors too right?"

MK: "Yep. Even the famous actress Saki"

Jelly: "You've done makeup for Saki?!"

Quiara: "Jelly..."

MK: "Yes I did! You speak like you know her."

Quiara: "She's our classmate. She's here with us."

Jelly: "Yes she is!"

Jelly says excitedly

MK: "Wow! We grew a little closer after I did her makeup. I should probably go find her then."

Quiara: "We last saw her in the library."

MK: "Well I guess I'm heading to the library. Before I go though, what are your names?"

Quiara: "I'm Quiara the Ultimate Pianist."

Jelly: "...and I'm Jelly the Ultimate Dog Whisperer."

MK: "Nice to meet you both. I'll be sure to do your makeup sometime if you're up for it."

Quiara: "Sure!"

Jelly: "Of course!"

MK exited the white room and out of the arcade. Jelly and Quiara followed shortly and watched as MK went the opposite way towards the library and they went up to the next building it had no name.

Jelly: "How come this one has no name, unlike the other ones?"

Quiara: "Your guess is as good as mine."

They both entered to find a red carpeted hallway and two people standing out the door titled 'Garden'. One of them yelling at the other.

???: "Maybe you should try helping. You see I can't open it."

???: "Then *maybe* it's not meant to be open dimwit."

Quiara: "What's going on here?"

'Not another fight' thought Quiara

???: "I'm trying to open the garden but it has a hand sensor and it won't open. All I'm asking is someone try out the sensor but they don't want to."

???: "I sure don't. Now what are you going to do?"

Quiara: "Here, let me try."

Quiara walked over to the gardens' hand sensor and it turned red. The door was still locked.

Jelly: "Why don't I try it?"

Jelly walked up to the door and scanned her hand as well. It turned red and the door was still locked.

Jelly: "Huh. I don't know what's going on."

???: "It's alright. I just wanted some help."

The girl looked over at the other one

???: "Aww. That sucks."

The other one rolled their eyes before looking at Jelly and Quiara.

???: "What are your names by the way? I'm Sydney the Ultimate Ballerina."

Jelly: "Nice to meet you! I'm Jelly the Ultimate Dog Whisperer."

Quiara: "I'm Quiara the Ultimate Pianist!"

Sydney: "Nice to meet you both. I don't know this one's name though."

???: "That f-king sucks for you guys then huh?"

Lad: "Hey Jelly and Quiara."

Jelly: "Oh no.."

Quiara: "Lad why are you here?"

Lad: "I'm exploring. Getting information."

Lad walked past Jelly and Quiara and looked at the garden door.

Lad: "Hm.."

Lad put his hand on the scanner and it turned green. A click sound was heard and the door slid open.

Jelly: "What?! You got it open?"

Lad: "Of course I did. Did you guys even try it?"

Sydney: "Yes. We all did. Except for this one."

???: "I sure didn't and at least you got it open."

Just when they said that the door closed.

???: "The hell?"

Jelly: "It closed on its own...?"

Quiara: "Hm.. Lad, try scanning your hand again."

Lad scanned his hand again and it turned green with a clicking sound and the door slid open. Lad walked in and before any of us could react, the door closed behind him.

Sydney: "I wonder why he can go in and we can't"

???: "That's because only boys can enter dumbass. Are you that clueless? I bet you didn't know the door behind us was only for girls either huh?"

They looked behind them to find another door that read ice rink with another hand scanner.

Quiara: "No. We didn't."

???: "Aw.. Well, that sucks huh?"

Jelly: "What's an ice rink doing at a place like this anyway?"

Sydney: "For ice skating?"

The individual glared at Sydney.

???: "Who's ice skating at a f-ing beach Sydney?"

Quiara: "Hey! You don't need to curse."

???: "Whatever. Name's Prince by the way. I'm tired of you looking at me and not calling me by name."

Prince began to leave the building.

Jelly: "Wait, Prince! What's your talent?!"

Jelly called out.

Prince: "Dating your mom."

Prince replied without even turning around.

They left the building and Sydney sighed.

Sydney: "Thank you for helping me. It sucks that only guys can enter the garden though."

Quiara: "Yeah, but at least we have the ice rink to explore."

Sydney: "I already explored the ice rink. That's why I thought we could just enter the garden as well. Anyway, I'm going to start heading to the cafeteria now. This is the only building left on this street. Will I see you two there?"

Jelly: "Of course!"

Quiara: "Mhm."

Sydney: "Alright guys. Cya!"

Sydney left the building and Jelly scanned her hand to allow both of them in the ice rink. Upon walking in it was instantly a lot colder. It was just.. Ice. Nothing else is noticeable besides a couple of ice skating shoes lying around. It's understandable though, it *is* an ice rink.

???: "Oh look! More people!"

Quiara: "Hello! I'm Quiara the Ultimate Pianist."

Jelly: "I'm Jelly, the Ultimate Dog Whisperer."

???: "Nice to meet you both! I'm Asia, the Ultimate Modern Dancer! This is Aaron."

Asia signaled over to a guy who was skating around the rink. Or...trying to. They tried skating over and ending up falling right on their face.

Aaron: "Yo! I'm Aaron, the Ultimate Singer! Or you guys can call me Skillet."

Skillet had a speaker strapped to his back like a book bag and what looked like... Is that a retractable mic stand?

Skillet: "Nice to.. meet you all~!"


Quiara: "Did he just..break out in song?"

Asia: "He does that a lot it seems. I was trying to teach him a dance and he was trying to make a song at the same time..."

Jelly: "That's the Ultimate Singer for you..."

Quiara: "Did you guys find anything in here besides shoes and ice?"

Skillet: "Nope. Not really."

Jelly: "So you can talk normally?"

Skillet: "Just because I can sing everything doesn't mean I do."

Quiara: "I guess that's true."

Asia: "Well it seems like our work here is done. Let's all head back to the cruise ship."

Skillet: "O~kay!"

All four of them began making their way back to the island where they found a guy sitting in the sand. Quiara and Jelly stopped and looked at him.

Quiara: "Uh. Asia and Skillet! We'll catch up!"

Asia: "Okay!"

Skillet: "Sounds good!"

Asia and Skillet walked into the cruise ship and Jelly bent down to get the attention of the guy sitting.

Jelly: "Hello!"

???: "...Hello."

Quiara: "Are you okay? You seem kind of sad."

???: "No, but... it rarely is..."

Jelly: "I'm... sorry to hear that. A situation like this where you have no idea where you are can be tough on you."

???: "Right. As tough as the gravel on the ground."

Quiara: "Wow... you have such a way with words."

???: "I should hope so..."

Quiara: "H-huh?"

???: "I should hope my words were poetic... after all, what kind of-

Oh... I forgot... you probably don't know who I am... and I was acting like you did..."

Jelly: "Don't worry about it. Let's just introduce ourselves and move on."

???: "Yeah, let's do that. I am Demon, and I am the Ultimate Storyteller."

Jelly: "Nice to meet you! I'm Jelly, the Ultimate Dog Whisperer."

Quiara: "...and I'm Quiara, the Ultimate Pianist."

Demon: "Nice to meet you both."

Quiara: "If I may ask. Why are you sitting here like that instead of walking around?"

Demon: "I don't know. I'm not that good at just coming up to random people and talking. You guys passed me on the way out a while ago."

Jelly: "I see. Well, why don't you head inside with us? Everyone should be here now.

Demon: "Alright."

Demon sits up from the sand and begins to walk on the ship.

Jelly: "Hmm... I think we've explored pretty much everywhere. There were a lot of different people... I think there were about sixteen in total, including you and I."

Quiara: "Yeah. But in the end, we still couldn't find any clues about what's going on."

Jelly: "You're right, and everyone was weirdly calm about it. Maybe the situation isn't that serious..."

Quiara: "You think so? I still have a bad feeling about this..."

Jelly: "Quiara, why don't we meet the others in the cafeteria for now so we can discuss some stuff? It's probably better to deal with what's going on as a group rather than on our own."

Quiara: "You're right."

Jelly and Quiara walk off the sandy beach, out of the weirdly warm sun, and into the well-vented cruise ship. They found their way back to the cafeteria where everyone was waiting for them.

Lad: "There they are."

Ja'el: "So there were this many people..."

Asia: "So, you're all new students too? Nice to meet ya!"

Prince: "Why'd we all have to come here again?"

Ricardo: "Yeah, I wanted to explore the island some more."

Phobic: "I was fine here in my room honestly. But the arcade was cool.""

MK: "Yeah it was."

Tanya: "There was an arcade?"

Prince: "Did you even leave the library nerd?"

Tanya: "Hey!"

Jelly: "Alright... Thank you all for agreeing to meet back here. There are a couple of reasons why we're gathered like this. The first is so we could all get to know each other better... and the second is-"

Lad: "Regarding our current situation, I presume. That's right. We need to discuss that."

Saki: "Yeah, we need to talk about that. Glad to see we have at least SOME regular people here."

Star: "Wait so that means some of us aren't normal?"

SKillet: "What situation? What are you guys talking about? Isn't this just the entrance ceremony?"

Saki: "As you can see..."

Jelly: "After speaking with some of you...It feels like there's something...off about this. Especially since it seems like nobody remembers how we got here.

LeLa: "You know, that IS weird... How did we get here?"

Saki: "I'm honestly more amazed that there are people like you who are perfectly calm about waking up on a random cruise ship."

Quiara: "Believe me, I was anything but calm."

Sydney: What's the point in getting all worked up? It's probably just a school event."

Skillet: "Uh... I have heard that Hope's Peak has done some crazy stuff from time to time since it's so huge."

Asia: "Well... They do say that this school randomly has stuff like puppies growing ten stories tall, or buildings suddenly exploding."

Demon: "What is the deal with this school...?"

MK: "But if those stories are true, then this may also be some kind of event."

Saki: "A beautiful, tropical island... a once-in-a-lifetime opening ceremony caressed by a warm breeze... An image forever engraved in your memories...

MK: "Not where I was going but sure."

Quiara: "Are you sure? Still, that seems like another issue."

Demon: "Honestly, I'm like 80% sure that this is a kidnapping."

Sydney: "A kidnapping?!"

Demon: "Yeah, my kidnapping sense is tingling."

Prince: "The hell is a 'kidnapping sense'?"

Ja'el: "Hmm... If this IS a kidnapping, the culprit must be quite daring if they chose to target all of Hope's Peak's freshmen."

Tanya: "Wait a sec. If we HAVE been kidnapped, shouldn't we be tied up or have somebody guarding us or something?"

LeLa: "That's true. Why have us just roam freely?"

Ricardo: "Right."

LeLa: "Don't talk after me."

Skilet: "Yeah we could swim away if we wanted to."

Prince: "..and how do you expect us to do that smart guy?"

Phobic: "We *are* in a boat too. We might have a way to leave."

Demon: "Well, I guess that is very different from your average kidnapping."

Star: "I don't think it's that serious. It's not easy kidnapping all of the new students of a government-run high school."

Demon: "That would be a great story to tell though! 'Nefarious Crime, or Scholastic Event?'. Yeah, that would definitely be a great story title for one of my stories."

Lad: "If you survive long enough to tell this story."

Quiara: "Okay. No one's dying."

Jelly: "It has been several hours since I've woken up here. Shouldn't something have happened by now?"

MK: "It does feel a bit disorganized, I admit. Like they have no idea what they're doing..."

LeLa: "So...no what? What should we be doing?"

Asia: "We don't know enough about what's going on right now, so why don't we stick together instead of splitting up?"

Tanya: "I guess you're right. Sitting around bickering won't solve anything."

Ricardo: "Roger. So we stay here until something else happens."

Star: "How about we all introduce ourselves then? This seems like a good time to get to know each other. I haven't met everyone yet."

Lad: "I already know all of you."

Quiara: "Here we go."
She says rolling her eyes

Prince: "So that's it?"

Phobic: "What do you mean?"

Prince: "We gather here to talk about why we are here and we get nowhere? Precious minutes of my life, down the drain."

Sydney: "Hey you've been a jerk all day Prince. It's true we haven't solved anything yet, but we're at least trying to figure things out."

Prince: "Whatever."

Saki: "Well, like Star said. It doesn't hurt to get to know everyone."

Star: "Also, while we all talk more.."

Star walked into a door at the back of the cafeteria and came out with a plate of sandwiches, and other finger foods. Chips and dip, sliders, and fruits and cheeses.

Demon: "Ooh!"

Saki: "Wow!"

Star: It's not much but like Jelly said, it's been a few hours. I'm sure Hope's Peak won't mind that I borrowed some of the cooking supplies and whipped up something simple."

Phobic: "This is simple?"

MK: "Who cares! Dig in!"

Just like that the students began to fill their mouths with food while introducing one another, relaxing, and just overall enjoying each other company. For a moment it felt like all anxiety and uneasiness of the situation disappeared.


???: "...wake up!"

???: "...Jelly, wake up!"

It looked dark with little sparks. It feels cool; like a breeze is blowing through the ship. Upon feeling the ground it feels....grainy..?

Jelly: "??"

Jelly jumped up

Jelly: "We're outside?!"

They were outside the ship and passed out in the sand. Again! It took a while to process what had happened. The clear sky had already turned into night, and the other students were also waking up off the sandy beach.

 Phobic: "What happened?"
Phobic says dusting sand off of himself.

Demon: "I don't know.."

Saki: "I was eating a sandwich talking to you all and I just..."

Quiara: "Blacked out."

Ja'el: "I think we all did."

Sydney: "Augh...What is this...?"

Lad: "It's already nighttime?"

MK: "Is everyone alright?"

Tanya: "It seems so."

Asia: "Were we knocked out with sleeping gas?"

Ricardo: "This situation might be worse than we thought."

Quiara: "That's what we were trying to say!"

Jelly: "Guys calm down.."

At that moment. Something felt...wrong. A TV  on the beach where were they all were standing turned on. Then a silhouette appeared.

???: "Ahem! Sorry for being late! I have an announcement from the board of the 'Hope's Peak Academy Field Trip'. The opening ceremony for Hope's Peak Academy will be beginning shortly!"

As the fear crept into our stomachs. This guy appeared. Throwing the atmosphere into complete chaos...

???: "A pleasure to meet you, my comrades. I'm the teacher in charge of the Hope's Peak Field Trip! Call me Comatose. Or Coma for short!"

Coma: "I hope we get along!"

Demon: "Stop messing around. You're just another student."

Asia: "Yeah. Where's the actual teacher."

Coma: "I assure you. I am not one of you. I am your teacher."

Saki: "You must be the Ultimate teacher!"

Prince: "Or the Ultimate liar."

Lad: "Yeah... He's not a student. I know about all the students here. He's not one of us."

Coma: "You're talking like I don't hear you."

Jelly: "Sorry. It's just been so weird today Mr. Coma."

Sydney: "Don't speak like you know him!"

Lad: "I'm going to go out on a whim and just assume this isn't an entrance ceremony. Is it?"

Coma: "Ah! A student who pays attention. I like it! But you see, Mr. Researcher, the entrance ceremony wasn't false! Think of it less like a school and more like a... facility. You're all going to be on a very special 'field trip', starting now!" 

Lela: "You keep saying field trip."

MK: "Yeah what's going on?"

Saki: "Wow, a field trip right after the entrance ceremony..."

Demon: "Saki."

Coma: "So, are you all calmed down now? I can't give an explanation if you're fussing over me."

Quiara: "Do we seem calm to you?! Not only did we wake up on this weird island..ship thingy. But we're in the middle of nowhere!"

Skillet: "Guys. He's TRYING to give an explanation. If you listen."

Quiara: "Excuse me?"

Jelly: "I understand how you feel Quiara... But unfortunately, he's right. We need to know what's going on."

Coma: "Now that things have settled down, I shall begin. As I said before, I'm the teacher in charge of you for the Hope's Peak Academy Field Trip! I'm also the one who controls this place, Comatose!"


Coma: "Hm. Tough crowd... Just to clarify, you are this year's freshman class of Hope's Peak Academy! Yipee!  You were all instructed to wear a uniform and go someplace specific, correct?"

Jelly: "Yeah, but we don't remember anything after that. We woke up here on this island..."

Coma: "Horrible. Well, my apologies for being SO cruel! I promise you're all going to have nothing but fun on this island from here on out. I figured I'd make it a lil' surprise :3, so I got rid of the middleman."

Ja'el: "So besides the fact that up until now, if I can even confidently say that..., things have been very weird. This is a normal school event, right?"

Coma: "Well, I wouldn't exactly say 'normal'. Firstly, this field trip doesn't have an end date!"

Phobic: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Coma: "There is no end date. This trip could go on for all eternity!"

Saki: "..."

Quiara: "...What...?"

Demon: "Oh! So you're trapping us here then?"

Skillet: "What?!"

Lela: "That's a problem! We need to go home! We haven't even seen the school yet!"

Sydney: "Yeah, stop messing around! Who gave you the right to do this?"

Coma: "Smhhh...Calm down! There is a way to end the field trip if you so choose."

Phobic: "And that is?"

Coma: "You gotta kill someone."


For a moment, nobody could react to what Comatose had just said. Suddenly a perverse chill ran through the air, freezing them where they stood. Finally, after what felt like an eternity...

Coma: "So now that we're all-"

Ja'el: "...What... What did you just say...?"

Coma: "I said you gotta kill someone. Like??"

Jelly: "Kill...? You mean, like... in some kind of video game, right?"

Coma: "S.M.H. No. I mean actual murder. You could stab them and tear out their intestines or separate the flesh from their bones. You could rip their body apart and hang it up somewhere. Shoot 'em, down 'em, slash their throats, fry them with electricity or with a deep fryer if you're weird like that, or just hit them really hard. Anything your lil' heart's desire. Whatever method you choose, if you manage to kill someone... Then you can end the field trip and leave the island! Yipee!"

The students' faces were shocked. They struggled to comprehend the unearthly feeling that just permeated the atmosphere... No one could manage a single word. It was impossible to do otherwise. No one could move, couldn't think, as the fear and uneasiness consumed their entire being.

Tanya: "...So you mean... The purpose of this... 'field trip'... is to have us kill each other... Correct?"

Coma: "Yes. A 'Field Trip of Mutual Killing'. if you will, if you may, perchance. What better way to start a new semester of school?"

Demon: "Okay this storytelling idea is getting a little too crazy.."

Quiara: "...Ughh!"

Saki: "Quiara?"

Quiara: "Stop screwing with us! Why do we have to kill someone?!"

Quiara's face looked very determined. She refused with every ounce of her body.

Jelly: "Well said! Do you really think we're gonna follow through with that?!"

Skillet: "We could swim out of here if we wanted to!"

Prince: "Be f-king for real Skillet."

Lela: "Yeah! We'd never do something like that! Don't you dare ruin a field trip!"

Tanya: "Alright, that's it. Anyone who has some meat on them bones, come with me. Let's beat up this guy."

Quiara: "Mind if I join you?"

Coma: "Hey! Hey! Nuh-uh! No violence against the teacher guys wtf... :("

Star: "Don't get any closer to him!"

Jelly: "Huh...?"

Star: "...That guy's dangerous. One wrong move and he'll execute you for breaking his rules."

Demon: "And how exactly do you know that?"

Tanya: "Yeah... Do you know what's going on? Whatever your name is again."

Star: "I'm Star. I lead the organization known as 'DEEP', and I am your ally."

Quiara: "Wh-What's going on now?!"

Ricardo: "I can't keep up. What the hell is happening?"

Coma: "What's going on here? Mr. Star, aren't you just the Ultimate Voice Actor?"

Star: "Everyone, get behind me! Getting close to that thing is dangerous!"

Saki: "I'm not sure... but it seems like Star is our ally?"

Coma: "Oh puh-lease! What could you possibly do here? This ship, this island.. it's MY domain!"

Star: "Just wait and see! I will protect everyone no matter the cost!"

The changed atmosphere due to the announcement of a "Field Trip of Mutual Killing"... Followed by a second change of atmosphere due to the words of Star... As if it wasn't hard enough to follow the situation up until now... The sudden, loud banging of a gunshot tore through the chaotic atmosphere.  The bullet grazes Star's cheek. Only for another curly-headed guy followed by another short, long-haired guy appeared from the distance.

???: "Don't move another step, you bastard."
The curly-headed guy directed.

???: "Ah good, We weren't too late."
The other one said

Coma: "Oh my god??"

Lela: "Woah! Star?!"

Sydney: "Hey, are you okay?! You just got shot at!"

Star: "..."

Asia: "Does anyone know first aid?!"

???: "Hey! Everyone! Step away from him!"
The short one says

???: "You're being tricked!"

MK: "What? You mean Star...?"

Ricardo: "I don't know what's going on anymore..."

Jelly: "What's going on?! Who are those people?!"

???: "Everybody, listen up. I know you're confused, but you have to listen to me!"
The curly-haired man began

"I don't know who you are or where you're from, but the one who brought you all here to make you kill one another... The mastermind behind all of this... is Star, the Ultimate Voice Actor. 

Skillet: "Wh-What?!"

Star: "..."

???: "We've been tracking this man for a long time and we finally caught him."

Jelly: "Alright! Hold up! You expect us to believe people who just show up out of nowhere and shoot someone in the head?!"

???: "To think you would oppose us...Listen. I can't explain everything right now. But believe me when I say that Star is a wanted criminal. I can't say for sure what his goal is, but forcing you to kill each other seems to be part of some larger plan. He's attempted this twisted 'game' numerous times, but we have failed to catch him in the past. But today we have finally cornered him. If he escapes now, there's no telling what he'll do next."

Star: "..."

Lela: "Who do you even think you are, popping up out of nowhere and saying this stuff?!"

The long-haired one spoke up.
"We're from the future foundation. We hunt down and capture the 'Remnants of Despair' and rescue their surviving victims."

Phobic: "Future Foundation...?"

Asia: "Remnants of Despair...?"

Demon: "I don't have a clue what these guys are talking about."

Tanya: "Star's the mastermind? Then what was he talking about just now? And what's with this Coma guy?!"

???: "Michael come on let's wrap this up quickly."

???: "You're right Jún.."

Star: "..."

Star stood as still as a corpse after being shot at, and Coma had been just as silent; no one knew enough about what was going on to make a move. Ignoring all of this, the two strangers approached Star, and the curly-haired man known as Jún began to speak.

Jún: "There is no escape for you this time, Star. Your machinations end here. You are hereby under arrest for murder, kidnapping, and thievery, among other charges. You will be placed in the custody of the Future Foundation until you are handed over to the court. After that, I don't care what happens to you."

Star: "..."

Jún: "Why are you being so quiet?"

Star: "Ah..Ahaha. Man, you just couldn't help but reveal it all, could you? Well, no matter. Your appearance was simply a gamble I took. Whatever, it was hard playing the hero anyway... Time for Plan B."

Saki: "What's going on?"

Jelly: "What happened to Star?"

Star: "I beg for your mercy. Please, this has already taken a turn for the chaotic. It would be overwhelming for our dear freshman if we were to continue like this."

Coma: "Dang what's the deal with airline food? It's like I've been demoted to a side character... Are you sure you're okay with this Star? This seems to be far from the og plan."

Star: "Yeah it's fine. I figured a far worse outcome. Honestly, this turn of events is actually pretty iconic. But I did want to at least TRY playing the hero. Dang.."

Quiara: "Is that really Star?"

Lad: "He's speaking with Coma like an equal."

Michael: "Are you alright?"

Jún: "I'm fine. I didn't think you'd be this prepared Star. So you truly think you can escape this situation? I hope you didn't think we came without any precautions."

Star: "All the more reason to take action before you do anything foolish."

Jún: "Huh?"

Star: "Honestly, this is a little too close for comfort. And more importantly...

e i g h t e e n i s t o o m a n y.

Star reached his hand out and fire came out from his sleeve. It's like a flamethrower was in there. It landed on Jún as his hair and entire body caught on fire. He screamed and tried to jump in the water before Coma waved his arm and chains that emerged from the sand held him down. The fire wouldn't stop spreading. After what felt like an eternity. Jún lied there now a pile of burnt flesh and bones.

Star: "...Farewell."

MK: "Eh-...?"

Jelly: "AHHHHHH!!!!"

Lela: "S-She's...D-DEAD?!"

Michael: "Y-you're kidding me. Jún?...JÚN?!!!!"

Coma: "Flesh to flesh, bone to bone. Why even bother..."

Star: "Now, have you all learned your roles? None of you have any hope of facing me. The moment you woke up here your fate was set. In light of your inspiring act of valor, I've prepared one final present exclusively for you Michael!"

Michael: "Wait!"

Star raised his hand in the air swiftly and Michael was swept off his feet and into the air

Star: "Bai!"


Star: "Yippee! A home run!"

Coma: "Uh...Star..."

Star: "Hm?"

Coma: "The kids.."

Everyone's face was in a state of shock. No one dared to move or speak.

Prince: "So what they said was true yeah?"

Star: "Hm?"

Prince: "About you being the mastermind and stuff."

Star: "Yes. I am the mastermind who kidnapped you all! Ew. Cringe. To say it out loud is a bit embarrassing."

Asia: "So you tried to hide your role as the mastermind... then manipulate us from behind the scenes."

Star: "Yeah... :(. However, as the plan has been completely derailed, we're now going off-book."

Lad: "You know..a couple of trigger-happy weirdoes did come charging in. If you wanted to keep your identity hidden longer you could've just kept your mouth shut and we'd be none the wiser."

Star: "Meh. My true identity has little bearing on your current predicament."

Ja'el: "So then.."

Star: "All that matters is your wonderful killing game. Everything else is akin to dust in the wind. My position as the mastermind is irrelevant by the way. Like you, I am also a student of Hope's Peak; and also a participant in the killing game."

Prince: "So everything Comatose said still stands."

Coma: "Just call me Comaaa....:( But I hope everyone has a better understanding of the situation now! A Star just demonstrated. The killing game is very much real. So in the end what I said still stands. You must participate in the  killing game!"

Skillet: "Do we really have to kill someone to get off this island?!"

Saki: "Th-That means I could die... at any time... No matter where I run..."

Ricardo: "Who would murder anyone here?! None of us would stoop that low!"

Sydney: "And, like Skillet said, we could swim away from here or try and send out an SOS."

Prince: "Jesus.."

Coma: "Look, I'm not going to force you to murder. If you aren't capable of it, that's fine. You'll just have to live here forever. :D"

Lela: "But that's insane! We can't just live here!"

Coma: "I mean you don't HAVE to, I'm just giving you the option."

Ricardo: "So al I have to do is kill someone right?"

Skillet: "I'm sorry?"

As everyone stood there scared, defenseless, and vulnerable, Ricardo walked over towards Jelly, pulled out a knife, and in an instant lunged towards Jelly.

Quiara: "Jelly, look out...!"

Jelly: "Huh?!"

Quiara jumped in front of Jelly in an attempt to save her. Getting herself stabbed in the abdomen instead.


Just then, a little tune rang out from Ricardo's ankle. It came from this band around his ankle. Just then Ricardo's eyes turned purple. He began to foam at the mouth and just as his eyes began to bleed...

Coma: "Oh yeah! I forgot to mention this, silly me! You have forbidden actions..."

[H A R M I N G A W O M A N] Flashed on Ricardo's band.

[A Cruise To Die For]

Students Remaining: 16/17


Word Count (Not including this): 9693 Words

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