Xiao X Reader One-Shots ♡

By xiaos_waifu

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A random assortment of x-reader one-shots with Xiao from Genshin Impact! Xiao will obviously probably be out... More

Love Sick
Bliss 🍈
Apocalyptic (AU)
Apocalyptic (AU Part 2)
Sacrifice Pt. 2
Apocalyptic (AU Part 3) 🍋
Protective 🍈
Change of Heart (Modern Vision Bearer AU) 🍋
Eternal Blue
Sweetly Broken 🍋

Eternal Blue (Part 2) 🍋

723 17 7
By xiaos_waifu

Stupid, stupid stupid.

How dare he?

(Y/N) was naked, laying back and trying to relax in a bath of warm and soapy water, hoping it would distract her from her thoughts, but she only found herself getting more mad.

Her eyes wandering to where his hoodie lay folded neatly on the counter nearby, the meer sight making her mad all over again.

She was definitely going through the stages of grief, that was for sure.

Why did you get so heartbroken when he took that knife, though?

She hated how her own mind questioned her, making her doubt her true feelings.

Because it was all you had left of him and he took it. You were still holding on.

And sure, now you could say she had his hoodie, but that wasn't the point. That knife was special to her. It was technically the first gift he'd ever given her, and it was one of his own, not one he went out and bought for her. The trinket had history, it had sentimental value, it was special to Xiao, which made it even more special to her.

And he took it.

Just like he took everything else.

"You know what?" (Y/N) huffed angrily, holding onto the edges of the tub to help herself up.

I'm going. And I'll yell back this time- tell him all about himself. Give him a taste of his own medicine, see how he would like that.

In a hurry, the girl cast a quick glance at the clock before drying off with a clean towel and throwing on a black pair of yoga pants and just Xiao's hoodie before. Adrenaline pumped through her veins again, willing her own as she grabbed her keys again, locked her door and set off on a brisk walk to Xiao's nearby apartment.

She was exhausted, and heartbroken, and overwhelmed, but she didn't care. This needed to be done.

And before she knew it, she was at his door, knuckles knocking roughly against the wood as she practically brooded, waiting with a glare on her face until the door finally opened.

Xiao's eyes actually widened ever so slightly before quickly returning to normal, hoping she hadn't noticed.

He honestly hadn't expected her to come, and definitely not with such an angry look on her face.

"So you showed after all." Xiao mused flatly, eyeing the girl's very different demeanor, even seeing the tells of her body language with her hands shoved in the pockets of his hoodie.

(Y/N) just simply side-eyed him, her gaze sharp enough to chip through obsidian.

Stepping to the side, Xiao nodded his head toward the direction behind him, gesturing for her to come in and out of the light rain that had just started.

With an irritated huff, the girl breezed past him into the familiar abode, the smell alone almost crumbling her bravado on the spot. She loved how Xiao smelled, faintly of the forest with a hint of almonds, and his apartment always smelled like it to. It had become somewhat of a comfort to her, but she pushed those thoughts aside, coming to stand in the middle of his living room as she waited for him to shut the door and join her.

What was she even supposed to say? Now that she was here, the words weren't coming to her like before, and she found herself not even wanting to speak them. It's like her anger had crumbled all over again.

Refusing to look at him, her eyes finally dared gaze at whatever he'd had extended out to her in his hand once he'd finally come in to join her.

Her eyes watered again at the sight before she quickly blinked the tears away, praying he didn't notice as she gently took the knife back, slipping it into the pocket of his hoodie again as she ran her fingers across the smooth hilt.

It was odd how a pocket knife comforted her.

"Why did you ask me to come here, Xiao?" The question was cold, devoid of life and it's happiness, almost as if it was spoken by a complete stranger.

That was incredibly odd coming from her, who was almost the definition of sunlight and rainbows in Xiao's book.

"I made you a deal, didn't I?"

Always have to answer a question with a question, huh? Vague as ever.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at that, intense eyes now finally meeting his own with a similar sharpness that his own gaze usually held.

"Why did you take it from me in the first place?"

Internally, the man smiled. He loved how she was practically as sharp as that blade. Although he was a man of little words and you often had no idea what was going on in his head, she always had a hint. She was always onto him.

"I didn't think you needed it anymore."

"Cut the bullshit, Xiao." If he wasn't a stoic as a statue, (Y/N) might have actually seen him flinch. Her voice held a definite edge, practically laced with venom, her expression pissy and glaring. His name had never been spoken in such a way by her before, and it caused a feeling to stir in the pit of his stomach.

"Someone was following you."

Glare dissipated, now replaced with wide and confused eyes, yet they still held a deep softness, clearly trying to make sense of what little information he always gave her- but this- this was almost an actual answer for once.

Almost dumbfounded, she simply watched him for a few moments, her muscles visibly relaxing a bit.

"What?" She softly questioned, and between that look in her eyes and the tone of her voice, he had to look away. Admitting even that much left the man feeling... vulnerable. Weak.

His silence proved he didn't plan on explaining, so here she was again to try and draw the lines herself as she so often did with him.

"You mean someone from the bar? Someone who wasn't you?" His eyes flicked up to meet her own again, and while they held no hint of emotion as always, he didn't disagree, which she had previously found out that was his version of yes.

"And you.... You followed me too. Why?" Golden eyes shied away at that, his expression sharpening, his signal for irritation or whenever he didn't want to answer, but she was somehow still right.

She knew the answer deep down, but she wanted him to say it. She didn't want to give herself false hope. She didn't want to draw her own conclusions- she needed the words to fall from his lips.

"You followed me to check and see if I still had the knife, right? Did you want it back?" Oh, the way he shied away from her now, turning off to the side, almost away from her completely.

"Here, Xiao. Take it back. Keep it." Her voice swayed as she came over to him again, yanking his hand up and open so she could place the closed blade back in his palm, only to have him push her away with a surprising gentleness.

She knew the actual answer, but she was trying to force him to say it. It probably wouldn't work, but it was worth a shot.

"You're free from me now, Xiao. Take it. No strings left tying me to you anymore. You don't have to follow me around, acting like you fucking care-" Her voice broke now, the closed blade now falling to the floor with a thud, the man before her remaining unflinching.

"You don't- that's obvious. So whatever stupid obligation you feel to me- get over it. If some guy wants to murder me in an alley- let him. I fucking wish he would have, so I could be free of this- of feeling like this..." (Y/N) broke with a hiccup, tears streaming down her face as she slowly collapsed to the floor, sitting on her legs with her hands on the side of her head as she sobbed.

Her cries continued, the sounds pained and depressing, pathetic even, as she sat on her ex-boyfriend's living room floor and cried while he stood by like he was made of stone.

Her heart felt like it had been put through a wood chipper. Her stomach was tied in knots, now just an empty pit full of the urge to throw her guts up.

This wasn't love.

This was heartbreak.

This was loving something so much more than you could ever love yourself, but losing it no matter how hard you try. Watching as it slips right through your fingers while you desperately try to hold on.

"I just wanted you to care..." The sentence was so pathetic, so sad and gut-wrenchingly real and open, yet Xiao didn't even move a muscle.

"I did."

Ah, passed tense. Right. What did she honestly expect by coming here? Again, her heart had lead her on another fool's errand, making her think that for a second, she stood a chance at reclaiming Xiao's love.

"I still do."

The words were quiet, so low she almost missed them or assumed she'd imagined them. What a love-sick little puppy she was for him.

Flinching, the stone statue beside her finally moved, actually scaring her when he got down on his knees to look her in the eyes, one hand even dipping down to place a finger under her chin to pull her head up.

The sight before her knocked the breath out of her lungs.

"Why do you think I followed you in the first place?" Xiao's voice wavered, looking down at her with shiny eyes, his expression still flat and stoic, but there were emotions in his eyes.

Silently, she simply gazed at him with red and puffy eyes, her sobs slowly turning into sniffles as she watched him, almost hypnotized by the emotion his face now held, even if it was faint- it was there.

"I overheard him talking about wanting to get you alone, he was drunk, but I didn't care." Xiao was speaking slowly, almost as if he was having trouble explaining himself.

"Even if you hate me, even if you wanted me dead... I would never take that chance. I saw him leave after you, so I followed you both, just to be sure. When he got too close, that's when I jumped you before he could." He wasn't shying away from her gaze. He wasn't hiding, he wasn't running- he was talking to her and explaining- explaining his feelings.

The guy that I saw walking past us... he was following me.

Xiao protected me from him.

"Why?" She quietly asked, almost too afraid to speak, fearful she may cause him to run away or stop showing even a hint of the emotion he was finally letting her see.

His hand slowly moved from below her chin to caress the side of her face, watching as her sad eyes widened even more, except now in such a cute and doe-eyed expression.

"Because..." His eyes searched her own, and she saw his internal struggle.

How badly he knew deep down that letting someone close means being vulnerable, being weak to them- and her seeing that side of him put him at risk, but he had the desire to answer, for once.

"I'm still in love with you."

Her breath hitched in her throat, her heart hammering against her rib cage.

He'd never spoken those words before. He'd never even said that he loved her. Xiao had never been a hugely affectionate lover, he'd always been so closed, disliking talking about his feelings or even physical contact- yet here he was, doing all those things for her.

"Y-you..." She couldn't speak. She was tongue tied.

"I love you." Both hands now caressed her cheeks in his hands, and she watched as a single tear slid down his cheek, almost feeling as if she was surely in a dream.

"I love you." He spoke again, more confidently than the first time, and it even sounded a little less scared.

He was letting her in. He was being vulnerable with her, trusting her with seeing this side of him despite his troubled past and major trust issues.

"Xiao-" Another choked sob cut off her sentence as she leaned forward, nuzzling into his chest as his arms immediately wrapped around her, holding her close.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness- I was horrible to you, I was heartless. I was afraid of you waking up one day and deciding you didn't love me anymore. I was afraid of losing you, to someone else, to everything... I'm so sorry." Xiao's voice quivered, (Y/N) able to feel as his body shook when he tried to hold back a cry.

"You were right... all I did was push you away. It's all my fault." His hold on her tightened, a hiccup ending his sentence as he hid his face in her shoulder, still trying to hold back his tears.

He'd realized that by being so closed off and afraid, all he'd done is push her away. He got so irritated and defensive that he said such hurtful things to her, and he could never take back those words.

"Do you assume that I've never been afraid of the same?" Her voice was smooth, yet low, her fingers now laced in his hair as she pet him affectionately, enjoying how hard he was clung to her now.

"My number one fear has always been losing you... I can't explain how many nightmares I've had of it. How many times I've felt like I'm not good enough for you or that you deserve better than me... it's okay to be afraid, but you have to let me help ease that fear instead of taking it all on by yourself. You aren't alone, and you never will be as long as I'm around." Her explanation ended in a gentle whisper, just wanting to comfort the man.

He'd finally opened up to her. He'd finally let her in, and there weren't words to explain how happy it made her. All she'd ever wanted was to help ease his pain, and be his comfort.

"No, you're far beyond enough for me. You're perfect- Hell, I went to the bar today with my friends just because I wanted to see you again- even if it was only for a second or even if you threw a drink in my face. I would have deserved it." Xiao sniffled, finally raising his head to sheepishly gaze into his favorite color eyes.

"Hmm.... I should have. That's a good idea." A smile tugged at (Y/N)'s lips, obviously displaying that she was simply teasing, trying to get him to laugh or ease up.

"So, you only complimented me because you wanted me to get mad enough to throw your drink in your face? Ouch." She played off, faking that she was actually hurt.

"Of course not. I wanted to see you smile again." Xiao admitted, his eyes drifting away as a light blush dusted his cheeks, even the tips of his ears reddening a little.

He couldn't believe he was actually saying all this, but he knew this is what she needed- this is what she'd wanted all along. She'd always given so much for him, only for him to give nothing back, but not anymore. Now he would be open and honest- though only with her. No one else deserved that level of intimacy.

His admittance did exactly that, his eyes widening a tad as a smile spread across her lips, her eyes even squinting a little like they always did whenever she smiled genuinely. It had always been the cutest little thing to him, and his heart raced at the sight.

"God..." The man breathed out, his hands again reaching up to caress the sides of her face and bring her closer.

"I know this is beyond selfish of me, but.... Please stay." Golden eyes searched her own, knowing he was asking for far much than he deserved, but unable to help himself.

"Please stay.... Here, in your apartment with you? Or stay....?" The little glint in her eyes sparkled up at him, half teasing, half trying to encourage him to continue being more expressive and less vague.

"Stay with me. Be my other half. Give me another chance... please." How sweet it was to hear him say that word. It was another one that he'd never spoken, and he'd never admitted to his own mistakes or admitted he was wrong.

Today had been a surprise indeed, and she just couldn't say no, not that she wanted to. All she'd ever wanted was for him to love and trust her as much as she did him.

"How could I say no when you're begging me so cutely?" (Y/N)'s voice took a sultry turn, her eyes half-lidded as she leaned in a little closer to him, toying with him as she usually did.

Xiao's eyebrows raised at this, eyeing the girl with a smirk.

The two had dated for months before the breakup, but had never really done anything past kissing, mostly due to Xiao's usual irritated attitude or it never being the right time, but they'd flirted and hinted at wanting more before.

This time, Xiao was much more intrigued by her flirts than usual, maybe because he'd finally accepted his true and raw feelings for her, and that he really did have the desire to let her in.

"I think you have our roles reversed, gorgeous..." Xiao cooed, looking on at her with half lidded eyes as his hand raised to gently caress the side of her face.

"You're going to be the one begging me..." His eyes lowered to rest on her lips, watching as she parted them ever so slightly once his thumb moved to run across her bottom lip lightly.

(Y/N) giggled at that, the sultry sound being music to Xiao's ears.

"Oh please, we both know you're a softy deep down." That was definitely a lie, considering Xiao was often in fights and he was usually the victor. He had a bit of a reputation around town of not being afraid of anything, and he was definitely feared.

She just wanted to toy with him a bit to see how he reacted.

"Surely that's a joke." Xiao chuckled warmly at her bold assumption, cocking an eyebrow at her as he watched her get to her feet.

(Y/N) simply hummed, the sound practically oozing skepticism. The girl turned her back to him now, raising her arms above her head to stretch, her muscles still stiff and sore from the stress of the day.

She'd never expected such an anxiety-ridden day to have a happy ending like this. What a dream come true.

Even now, Xiao's words still hung in her mind, probably completely unaware of the true effect he had on her. Underneath his touch like that, with him gazing down at her with that threat... she felt as if she was seconds from throwing up.

Although is was a good anxiety, one that sent a delicious thrill up her spine, she felt as if she was about to start stuttering and accidentally make a fool of herself.

A sudden crack of thunder had her flinching, a small scared squeak escaping her lips as her hands flung up to her mouth.

Xiao's laughing reached her ears, her expression quickly falling into a frown, annoyed he was making fun of how often she was startled by sudden loud noises.

"I guess you'll have to stay here tonight..." Xiao clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, tossing his hands up in the air fakely as if to say 'oh well.'

(Y/N)'s eyes widened at this, subtly picking up on what that sly expression of his was hinting at as his eyes subtly slid down her body.

She could feel her face flush with heat, quickly deciding to storm off into the kitchen in order to make sure he didn't catch a glimpse of her growing blush.

She'd never hear the end of his teasing if he saw.

"I can leave if I want, it's just rain. I won't melt." She called out over her shoulder, happy for the cover the wall around the kitchen provided from Xiao's line of sight.

The sound of a window squeaking open reached her ears, the sound of the rain now much more noticeable.

"You might drown out there. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you go home in unsafe conditions?" Xiao rounded the corner, his arms across his chest, an amused smirk still lining his lips.

Heart hammering, the girl turned to the side, her eyes scanning the walls for anything that may keep her attention off of her extremely hot boyfriend.

So, I guess he took back all he said a week ago, huh?

He'd never really been one to say such cute or affectionate things before, and it had her hands shaking and her heart racing.

This was a side of him she never thought she'd see, and it was downright addictive despite how nervous and shy it all made her.

"Your clothes are wet... Do you want some of mine?"

Feeling bold, the girl rested her hands on her hips, shifting her weight to one leg as she eyed him skeptically.

"You just want to get me naked." She spoke with a sly look on her face, knowing she hit the nail on the head.

Xiao's grin deepened, the tips of his ears even turning a very subtle shade of pink, clearly not used to her being so forward.

"I meeeeeean- I wouldn't complain." Xiao drug out theatrically, turning on his heel to head toward his room, giving her a quick wave with his hand for her to follow.

"Actually, wait-" The man spoke up, spinning back around to face her, an odd look adorning his features as he eyed her.

"Haven't you always wanted to make out in the rain..?" Came his question, watching as her facial expression dropped, her eyebrows arching in surprise as she put together what he was hinting at.

The rain was hitting the roof loudly, signaling a pretty severe storm.

"Come here, (Y/NNNNNN)~" Xiao sang out, having walked over toward his front door while he waited for her mind to make sense of what he'd insinuated.

Even if she'd wanted to go home, she probably couldn't. The rain was coming down in sheets, thunder rumbling loudly.

Not that she really wanted to regardless. Xiao was being far too sweet and flirty for her to want to go home, and the rain just added yet another reason to stay.

(Y/N) followed behind Xiao quietly, her stomach practically doing flips with delicious anxiety and butterflies as she sheepishly came over to stand beside him.

The two hadn't kissed often despite being together for so long, usually due to Xiao's typical attitude or (Y/N) being too shy to ever make the first move, so they'd only technically ever kissed once. Now the man wanted a full on romantic make out session in the rain? Not that she was going to complain.

Xiao gave one last look at her blushing face before turning the knob to open the door, being sure to grasp her wrist firmly and pull her out into the pouring rain behind him.

"It's so cold!" (Y/N) immediately whined, feeling as if she was surely in a dream. There was no way Xiao actually decided to open up to her and relax, to show her a more playful side of him.

"Let me keep your warm." Xiao's voice came out low as he pulled her close to him, his breath now ghosting the shell of her ear, a smile spread across his lips.

The rain had soaked them both almost immediately, (Y/N) now shivering and practically clinging to Xiao for warmth as he chuckled happily in her ear.

A hand snaked up to grasp under her chin, gently pulling her up toward him as their eyes met.

Almost as if she was hypnotized, the girl simply gazed up at him with a doe-eyed expression, a crimson blush dusting her cheeks while she slowly watched him lean down toward her, his eyes flicking down to rest on her parted lips.

Nerves going haywire, she closed her eyes, her heart hammering against her rib cage as she felt his soft lips tenderly meet her own, clearly starting off timid and testing the waters.

Her skin would be on fire if it wasn't for the chilly rain.

Both of his hands slid up to rest on the sides of her face, caressing her in a gentle yet loving hold as he leaned his head to deepen the kiss, still keeping it slow and sensual.

(Y/N) kissed back, although her heart was still pounding at a million miles an hour, still in disbelief that this was actually happening, and just this morning, she'd assumed they were over for good, yet here they were now, romantically making out in the pouring cold rain.

She was surprised he even remembered that she'd said that a while back, having thought he didn't pay much attention to her and most of her ramblings. It seems like he just acted closed off and distant, but he still paid attention to her and remembered even the smallest details.

Surprising her, the girl lightly squeaked into his mouth when she felt his tongue glide across her bottom lip, eyes flying open now as she watched him pull back just enough to chuckle at her reaction.

"Open." Xiao ordered with a smirk on his face, gazing down expectantly at her with his eyes half-lidded. Immediately leaning back in to kiss her again, she could feel him smile beneath her lips at how she so easily obeyed his command.

Oh no, not him being dominant and giving her orders. That's one of the reasons she'd first fallen for him before, if she had to be honest. His cold and distant exterior, his laid back personality, but also how dominant and strong he was. Sure, he often got in trouble on the streets and he had gotten into his fair share of fights, and had yet to lose.

He mentally noted the whimper she made at his command, how obediently and quickly she submitted to him, noticing that adorable yet almost innocent expression on her face before he closed his eyes again.

His tongue explored her mouth, dominating it with a sloppy kiss that was steadily turning rougher, prompting him to pull her full into his embrace, his arms now snaking around her waist.

"Let's finish this inside before you get sick." Xiao pulled back, admiring her flustered expression as he wasted no time putting his hands behind her thighs, easily pulling her up to wrap her legs around his waist as he held her.

A gasp escaped the girl's lips, almost scared he would drop her, only to realize he was much stronger than he looked and he didn't strain in the slightest.

"I've got you, don't worry..." Xiao chuckled, taking satisfaction in the fact that she also wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him close.

Xiao easily reentered his apartment, kicking the door shut with his foot and immediately turning to head into his bedroom, taking her with him.

"Tsk, now your clothes are even more wet. Those need to go." Xiao playfully spoke with a shrug of his shoulders, helping lower her feet to the floor to set her down.

Oh fuck, he really wants to-

Xiao turned away to go search his clothes drawer, pulling a plain black t-shirt and a pair of grey sweat pants.

"These might be a little long on you, shorty." Xiao teased, tossing the items of clothing on the edge of the bed next to where she was stood, anxiously fiddling with her thumbs.

"Um, I'm not wearing anything underneath your hoodie..." (Y/N) trailed off, her gaze shying away from his own as realization spread across his face.

"Hm... Then I'll go make us something warm to drink while you change." Xiao couldn't quite read if she was just shy, or if maybe she was uncomfortable and he was unintentionally pushing a boundary of her's, so he decided to play it safe and give her privacy even though he would love to see that show.

Before she could let him know that she wanted him to stay, he'd already swiveled around and headed out the door. She just wanted to try and encourage him to help her change, and instead he'd taken her flushed cheeks and finger fidgeting as being uncomfortable.

Exhaling at her missed opportunity, the girl turned to where her back was to the door, now taking on the daunting task of trying to peel off wet clothing. Thankfully at least her underwear was still dry, it having been protected by how much longer Xiao's hoodie was on her smaller frame.

First came the pants, which were definitely an annoyance. She assumed the hoodie would be easier, and while she was taking her sweet time removing it, hoping he'd come back in while she was, her mind wandered, trying to think of something sly or sexy to say to let him know that she wanted what he'd been hinting at without making anything awkward.

How do you just casually tell your super hot boyfriend that you want nothing more than to be thoroughly dominated and bred by him?

She heard the faint sounds of ceramic cups being moved around and various other noises in the kitchen, and decided that it was far too cold to keep standing in just her underwear while waiting for him to come back, so eventually she finally slipped his shirt on.

Just like his hoodie, the torso was longer than her own, so the oversized t-shirt was so much bigger on her that it went down past her butt. This worked to her favor though, because she felt like that was a pretty solid hint to remain pant less, right?

The sound of the rain helped steel her nerves as she waited, also realizing he had his bedroom window open as well, allowing the beautiful and tranquil sounds of the falling rain to be heard and enjoyed crystal clear.

Gently, her hand raised to her own mouth, her fingers trailing across her lips at the memory of his sweet, sweet kiss, wishing he'd come back already so they could have a second round.

"Mmmmmm," The satisfied hum reached her ears, prompting her to spin around, amber eyes now skimming across her entire body, admiring the view before him.

His girlfriend in nothing but his shirt and her underwear? What a dream come true.

He held a cup in each hand, smoothly coming over to hold one out to her as he eyed her slyly.

"Thank you." (Y/N) politely replied, taking the warm cup and bringing it straight to her lips after raising her brows at him.

The smell was very familiar, one of her favorite warm drinks, and it definitely helped defrost her chilly body as she took a greedy sip, also warmed by the fact that he'd remembered her favorite hot drink as well.

It truly was the little things sometimes.

Xiao also sipped on his own drink, eyes wandering down to the still folded sweatpants he'd left on the bed for her.

"I thought you liked my grey sweatpants." Obviously, he was fishing and teasing her all in one sentence, trying to make her openly admit the reason she wasn't wearing them now, but also reminding her of a previous time that she'd complimented how good they'd looked on him.

His eyes remained on her own with an intense look in his eyes, refusing to back down or shy away, knowing what his eye contact did to her.

He knew what his presence alone did to her and the power he held, and he planned to use it against her.

Wordlessly, she simply gazed at him for a few moments, finishing her drink with a smug look on her face as she held the empty cup back out to him for him to take.

"I didn't think the pants were necessary." Oh how (Y/N) was so proud of herself for keeping a straight face and saying that without stumbling across her words.

"Was I wrong? I think you said, 'Let's go inside and finish what we started.' Right? What did you mean by that, Xiao?" (Y/N) had flipped the switch, showing him that two could play at that game and she could just as easily toy with him back.

Too bad he knew exactly how to make that bravado of her's crumble.

Xiao scoffed, the sound itself low and dark, a peculiar glint flashing in his eyes before he turned to place the cups on a nearby nightstand so he could give her his full attention.

"You know what I meant, (Y/N)." The sultry hum of his voice sent a shiver down her spine, watching as his eyes skimmed up and down her exposed legs again, taking a few steps toward her now.

His speed was never something to be laughed at, and she remembered this as she felt his body collide with her's, practically tackling her down to his bed. Her back was now pressed into the mattress, Xiao hovering above her, holding himself up with both hands near the sides of her head.

"Fucking you in nothing but my t-shirt? That's a dream come true..." Xiao's lips ghosted the outer shell of her ear, sending goosebumps forming across her skin at his lewd words.

How her heart raced at his words, his actions, the realization finally setting in that they'd be sharing a bed tonight.

"Are you okay with that, baby?" Amber eyes flicked up to meet her own, taking note of the dusty blush accenting her cheeks as she gave him a sheepish nod.

"You're just so cute..." Xiao assumed his role, knowing she liked his strength and dominance, and she was often shy and more soft-spoken, so she fit the submissive role well.

Slender fingers firmly curled under her chin, slightly easing her to meet his lips in a gentle kiss. A soft whine escaped her throat, enticing the man to wrap his other hand around it, applying a little pressure against her windpipe as his kiss began to get sloppier.

Dropping his hand from her neck, it traveled down, firmly grasping her bare thigh as she squeaked into his mouth in surprise. Taking advantage of her moan, he slid his tongue into her mouth, struggling to keep from smirking against her lips.

"Your thighs are so soft..." Xiao had pulled back now, admiring the shy girl beneath him as he let out a little amused chuckle.

His hands ran across her thighs now, trailing across the smooth flesh as he explored her body, taking his time and enjoying every moment, her every reaction.

The back of (Y/N)'s hand was covering her mouth, trying to hide her blush when she noticed Xiao pull back, golden eyes flicking up to lock on her own.

A mischievous smirk spread across his face, his eyes darkening as an idea popped into his head, lowering himself down toward her thighs slowly.

Oh how that look in his eyes sent a delicious shiver up her spine.

All while maintaining eye contact, the man slowly leaned in, pressing his lips against the delicate skin, intently watching as she shied away.

Taking his time, he slowly made his way between her thighs, stopping just before he got to her underwear, golden eyes again flicking up to gauge her reaction.

Wordlessly, she subtly spread her legs, encouraging him to continue although she couldn't force herself to meet his gaze.

"Hm... good girl." Xiao praised with a sickly sweet smile, knowing she could feel his breath ghosting over her most sensitive area, despite her underwear still being between them.

Without a warning, he pressed a kiss directly to her clothed clit, chuckling darkly as she flinched in surprise, a cute little yip escaping her lips before she pressed her hand to her mouth, her face lighting up in a furious blush.

A slender finger curled around the side of her underwear, now pulling it to the side as her heart began to thump wildly against her rib cage.

Desperately, she tried focusing on anything else, worried she might suffer a heart attack at this rate. Surely the sound of the rain and thunder would serve as a good distraction?

At least, it did until she felt his tongue lick a stripe up to her clit, humming in satisfaction as he did, watching as a moan slipped from her lips and her eyelashes fluttered closed.

"Fuck this..." Xiao exhaled as he sat up, reaching over to dig in the drawer of his nightstand.

With a shaky breath, (Y/N) watched him curiously, her eyes widening a tad as the item he pulled from the drawer came into view, the metal glinting as it reflected the light of a nearby lamp.

"Xiao!" (Y/N) gasped, her eyes widening as he lowered yet another pocket knife down near her thighs, flicking the blade open with an impressive ease as he eyed her back.

"These are in my way." Xiao gave a dark laugh, making sure to keep the blunt edge of the blade toward her skin as he smoothly hooked it under the side of her underwear by her hip.

With a swift motion, the knife cut through, and he repeated the same with the opposite side as the girl simply continued to silently gawk at him.

"T-those were one of my favorites!" (Y/N) protested with a shaky voice, now realizing her bottom half was completely exposed as he removed what was left of the flimsy fabric and tossed it across the room.

Flicking the pocket knife closed, he also tossed the object on a chair across the room before turning back to face her, his hands wandering across the tops of her thighs again, clearly pleased that the offending lower garment was now gone.

"Shut up, I'll buy you more." Xiao huffed out with a smile, not bothering to look up and meet her gaze. He was far too distracted with how soft and plump her thighs were, rough hands kneading the flesh as a subtle blush spread across her features.

Without another word, he dipped back down between her legs, giving another teasingly slow lick to her most sensitive parts as he watched her body twitch in anticipation, a soft moan escaping her lips.

His tongue explored her folds, flicking up every so often to give her clit some attention, soaking in her every moan and mewl, every lewd face she'd make in response to his actions.

"Mmmm," He hummed against her, the vibrations sending a wave of pleasure to her core, causing her hand to loosely tangle in his hair, encouraging him to continue.

"You taste so good..." Xiao mused, his breath fanning across her folds, only further teasing her before he decided to put his lips to her clit, unable to hold back a smile as her legs twitched around his head.

"Xiaooooo~" (Y/N) whined out his name, clearly enjoying his ministrations as her eyelids fluttered closed again, back arching off the bed slightly.

His tongue flicked repeatedly against her clit, taking notice of her reaction, obviously taking enjoyment in his movements as her moaning continued to get louder.

"Nuh uh," She breathed out, gingerly trying to push him away, not wanting to give into him so quickly.

Xiao's hands reached up to snatch up her own by her wrists, effectively stopping any chance she had of moving him, a low growl emanating from his chest at her attempt of defiance.

How dare she try to deny him of what he wanted.

Unable to fight it off any longer, the girl gave in shortly after, her back arching beautifully as her lips parted in a breathy moan, his name deliciously pouring out, pure music to his ears while he continued to flick his tongue against her clit, helping her kindly ride out her high.

"What a good girl, so obedient..." Xiao hummed with clear satisfaction, the weight of his gaze too much for her to handle as she shyly flinched away, these new experiences making her blush furiously.

Xiao sat up, his arms crossing over his chest as he easily removed his shirt, tossing the cloth somewhere off the side of the bed, a smirk forming on his lips once he realized her curiously adorable eyes were now glued to his bare chest, admiring every single muscle with interest.

Shaky hands gingerly reached up to trace the outlines of his muscles as he wasted no time removing his pants, a smirk still tugging at his lips.

"Hmmm, you just look so pretty beneath me..." Xiao mused, his eyelids heavy with a mixture of lust and love as he slotted himself between her legs, leaning down to plant a rough kiss to her lips.

A hand snaked up her shirt, causing her to moan into his mouth once he made contact with her nipple, teasingly rubbing his thumb across the hardening bud in circles as his tongue wasted no time slipping into her mouth at the opportunity.

(Y/N) could faintly taste herself on his tongue, not that it bothered her as he continued dominating her mouth, exploring what was his as his fingers continued playing with her breasts.

Again, she whined against his lips, clearly still wanting more as he continued to tease her and edge her along, wanting to make her beg for it.

"Be mean to me..." She pulled away just enough to whisper, his lips still ghosting her own as his eyes widened a tad before a devious smirk spread across his face instead, realizing what she really meant.

With a soft gasp, her eyelids fluttered again as he quickly snatched up both of her hands in one of his own, pinning her wrists above her head easily.

All she could manage was a gentle whine, the sound itself so submissive and cute, encouraging the man to plant rough kisses across her neck, his teeth now nipping at the skin.

"As you wish, my love..." The man cooed against her skin, being sure to suck hard enough to leave purple and blue hickies in his wake, wanting to mark his territory as he pressed his hips flush to her own, subtly rocking his hips into her's as another gasp left her pretty lips, melting into a delicious moan as the underside of his cock ran up and down her slit.

A feeling began to grow inside him, this one new yet just as exciting, the possessiveness beginning to brew as his grip on her hands tightened, his kisses turning into rough love bites, his hips grinding into her teasingly as her noises grew louder.

"You're mine," Xiao growled against her skin, fully accepting the new emotions as he had been doing all day, allowing himself to become completely and utterly addicted to the girl mewling so loudly beneath him.

"Only mine, understand?" He firmly questioned, not too keen on waiting around for a response.

How did he expect her to focus or speak with everything he was doing to tease her?

Growing impatient, his teeth met her shoulder in a harsh bite, evoking a breathy moan from the girl as her legs began to shake ever so slightly, clearly enjoying how dominant and aggressive he was being.

So he was right after all, she did like his strength and dominance, and she certainly fit the submissive role perfectly.

"All yours- only yours." (Y/N) gasped out, Xiao able to feel how much wetter she'd gotten in just a few moments of him teasing her like this.

"Another man even so much as looks at you- at what's mine- I'll kill him. Do you understand me, (Y/N)?" Xiao firmly questioned, his voice low and threatening, and she knew he meant it, but it only turned her on more.

Xiao had never been a stranger to violence and he'd never lost a fight, but deep down, that had always been something about him she'd liked and been attracted to.

His possessiveness only sent more heat to her core as he finally stopping grinding himself into her, now lining himself up with her entrance as he waited her response.

"Yes sir," She eagerly nodded, wanting nothing more than him to completely ruin her, unable to take another moment of teasing without him inside her.

"That's my girl..." Xiao hummed happily, his sharp golden eyes watching her every facial expression intently as he began to push inside of her, being sure not to enter too fast, but not too slow either, trying to give her the perfect amount of pressure so she could enjoy the delicious burn of him stretching out her walls.

Again, her eyelids fluttered closed, a euphoric yet lewd sound escaping her pretty lips, only further encouraging him to push into her harder, enjoying her every sound and change in expression as he filled her up.

The two both sighed in bliss in unison once he'd fully bottomed out, yet he refused to give her any time to adjust, not wasting even a second before beginning a rough pace of rolling his hips into her own, being sure to rub against her clit every single time.

Relentlessly, he pulled back until just the tip was inside, fully sheathing himself into her again with every roll of his hips.

It was obvious she was enjoying it, her moans and whines only getting louder and louder as he continued, taking notice of how badly her legs were beginning to shake, even knocking into the sides of his ribs with the force of every swing of his hips.

"Fuck," (Y/N) shakily breathed out, her back arching slightly in pleasure, only encouraging the man on top of her to speed up even more, reminding her own his inhuman nature.

"Such a good girl for me..." Xiao watched the girl's lewd facial expression through thick eyelashes, admiring every little detail as he continued to pleasure her.

"I love you..." He'd leaned down, his lips ghosting her own before whispering the sweet phrase, watching as she gasped harshly, her back arching up into him as she tightened around him, clearly reaching her climax once she'd heard him speak those beautiful words.

As she came down from her high, breathing ragged and stressed, Xiao planted soft kisses across her jaw, her cheeks, her lips, smothering her in attention and loving gestures before slowly beginning to roll his hips into her again.

"I love you, I love you.." She repeated back, practically gasping in pleasure and glee as she tossed her arms around his neck, pulling him down even closer to her than before.

It was definitely going to be a long night.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: hi, hello, it's been a long time!! I'm going to start up these one-shots again, also same for my Scara ones, and I'm also slowly writing a new story for Xiao too called Gehenna's Gate, please give it a read if you enjoy bad-boy Xiao (: thanks for all the reads, likes and comments as usual, I'm so glad you guys enjoy my writing 💜🥹

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