You Are My Mockingjay- Watty'...

By MockingjayGirl100

43.9K 990 211

Capitol High was anything but normal. You had your jocks, your nerds, and the typical peer pressure in life... More

Family Ties
Mr. Kingston "King"
Senior Wishes
Night before Senior year
Capitol High
Sharlane "Glimmer" Hills
What's in a Heart?
"Powering Your Community"
Hanging at the Diner
Pairing Up
*Glimmer Eyes on Cato/Haymitch
Finding A Symbol
First Basketball Game
The "King" Returns
"He's Back"
Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland(cont. Paradise)
Winter Wonderland cont.(The bonding of the Bonfire)
Winter Wonderland cont.("He's Perfect")
Winter Wonderland cont.(Macie German)
Returning Home
A Meeting With Dad
New Years Eve
Truth Comes Out
*Lost Love/ Volleyball Tryouts
*Bruises/ A Mother's Advice
Prom Preparations
A Proms Nightmare
Cato Fights the King
"You Are My Mockingjay"
Special note from the Author

Secret within/ Fairground

9.7K 103 15
By MockingjayGirl100

Prom Night

Cato slams open the green double doors from the palm of his hands that would lead him to the parking lot. It was a crisp starry night with the stars looming out. A time that held possibilities for the seniors to be. But for Cato a sense of fear and anger of adrenaline came through him that he wasn't sure on how he would get by. Cato thinks to himself and tries to not to get too ahead of himself. "Cato wait up, will come with you." Said Peeta and Marvel who ran right behind him who seemed to be more confused then Cato. Peeta was dressed in a black tux with a trim of red with flames on the bottom of his pants and cufflinks. While Marvel wore a blazer blue jacket with a hint of white and yellow. Cato opened his car door as he turns to his friends.

"No I got this...just keep your phones near by in case I need you." Marvel looks at Cato.

"Dude what is going on?!" Marvel looks oddly.

Cato looked sideways and was about to tell them what the truth was but decided not to. "I'd rather not say just keep near your phones, we'll be back. Cato jumps in his car and turns on the engine and drifts off. Soonhe arrives in at a rustic house that looked to be abandoned. Cato literally jumps out of his car and runs in. "Clove....Clove where are you?!" He panicks as he practically tore the front door down. The house had an awful stench of beer, smoke and what seemed to be food that went bad. Pulling his black dress shirt by covering his nose to keep him from gagging. In between short breaths shouts again but more harshly. "Clove, Clove can you hear me?" Wreseling through the trash looking everywhere possible for Clove but as he passed through the rooms hope was becoming desperate. Just then as Cato quickly glanced through a room he heard soft moans from across the hall. Quickly Cato turns swiftly around and rushes into the room where the faint sounds were coming. Inside the room Cato finds a lifeless Clove on the floor. Cato speaks under his breath. "Oh no!!!"

Six years back:

"Cato come on!" Said a impatient Clove.

Cato and Clove were headed to the annual fair that took place in their hometown once a year. Clove was getting a little restless down stairs for she couldn't wait to try out the newest ride that she heard was out of this world.  

"I'm coming..." Said Cato coming from down the stairs. Cato was this tiny blonde scrawny blue eyed boy. Clove loved his eyes for she always thought his eyes were as light as the bluest skies out there. He had been a good friend of hers for over a year now and probably her only friend since she was alway kinda of conservative. "Okay lets go! Bye mom!" Cato takes a hold of Clove that rested on the stair rail. "Be careful you two, stay together and be back no later then 5pm" Said Cato's mother shouts from upstairs. "We will." Said Cato and Clove both said in unison. The two walked out the door Cato acts a bit cocky and looks at Clove.

"You think you can beat me to the fairgrounds?" Clove glances at him as she stands beside the door.

"Oh is this a challenge of some sort Cato Zane? If so I'm game." Cato them makes Clove line up at a small line from the end of the sidewalk.

"1-2-..." Clove gives Cato a quick smirk at him. "3!" Shouts Cato. Together they sprinted the next couple of blocks that lead then to the fairgrounds.

Entering the fair was filled with people enjoying the rides, the food and music. Let alone just walking into the fair was hard enough to get through. "What do you want to do first?" As she breathed in the freshly made popcorn.

Cato who was just turning in his ticket to get through the gate. "I'm up for a ride if you are!" Clove nods and retrieves her tickets out of her pant pocket.

Within a half hour of some rides they decided to get a drink. "Thanks for coming with me Clove." He said taking a quick sip of his soda.

Clove who was fiddling with her straw. "Sure, anytime I'm glad you asked me, besides the fact my parents were driving me crazy." Looking at her and nods he knew her parents were struggling to get along and pressured Clove to present "the perfect" outlook at all times for their failed mistakes. Cato knew no family was perfect but having a child to endure there mess bothered him. "So what should we do next?" Said Clove looking around the park. Cato swallows hard.

"Lets try some games over there!" As he pointed at some stands across the way Clove looks at his point in direction.

"Okay cool, lets go!" The first game they played was a ring toss which neither of them won anything. Next they moved on to balloon popping. "So how do I play this?" Said Cato asking the guy standing at the booth.

"Just aim at the balloons on the wall and try to hit one as many as you can with your five darts." Cato goes first and misses the first four shots.

"Try not to be so hard when you throw it." Said Clove from the side watching. Cato's face turns serious for he was determined to get it this time. Carefully he eyes the balloon and flings the dart. "Pop" went the balloon but nothing was inside it.

"Ugh this stinks, I give up!" Said Cato throwing his arms up and letting Clove through. Clove slowly picks up the dart eyes at one of the purple balloons and flings it. Instantly the balloon pops and a little surprise came out of it. Cato mouth drops wide open as he couldn't believe what he just saw. How was it possible that Clove got it at her first shot.

"Nice shot!" Said the young teenage boy at the booth. Clove blushed a little at his compliment and continued on with her other darts which again she shot another couple of balloons. In the end she retrieves her prizes. One was a charm of a cat and another was a gold pin. "What is this?" Said Clove looking at it more closely. Cato draws in to here to see for himself.

"It looks to be some bird with an arrow of some sort." She says as she rubs the pin at her finger tips.

The boy at the booth comes in too to take a look. "Oh that's a Mockingjay! It's a cross breed of a Mocking bird and a Jabber Jay. Stories are told that if you speak to one they will talk back to you." Clove admires the pin a bit longer.

"That's there kind of like a guiding tool. The boy laughed at the idea to her comment.

"Yeah I guess you can call it that." Clove smiles back at him and places the pin in her pocket.

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