Never had meet (Izana Kurokaw...

By KazOkume

50.7K 1.7K 572

You're Kakucho's brother and Izana's friend The supposed male is protective and fond of you even though he a... More

Part 1 - When it all began
Part 2 : Maturing
Part 3 : New faces
Part 4 : Losing him
Part 5 : Sorry
Part 6 : Dumb ideas
Part 7 : For you
Part 8 : Hard way
Part 9 : Date
Part 10 : last chance
Part 12 : Roses
not a chapter
Part 13 : Trust you
Part 14 : Apologize
Part 15 : Unsee
Part 16 : his legacy
Part 17 : Deal?
Part 18 : The Truth
Part 19 : My bad
Part 20 : Together?
Part 21 : Do it again?
Part 22 : His end

Part 11 : Your name

1.6K 65 67
By KazOkume

Please talk to me :((( I'm not gonna ignore y'all I'm not a weirdo 😭

Lol anyways fr say smt I feel like I'm writing this to a wall sniff sniff


"Not again" you said frowning at the younger Haitani

"Oh c'mon (Y/n)-kun it will be fun~" Ran said giving you a smile while longing the last word in pleading

"I don't like dancing , why would I go back in a club , one you own besides that , a whole way to Roppongi for a club night sounds like a waste" you start raising your voice to seem more intimidating

"Idk nii-san it sounds cool" Kakucho said from besides you

You just pushed his head back into the sofa "you were not coming anyway , I don't think they allow 14 years old in clubs" you said looking at him

"Don't get cocky (Y/n)-kun if you wouldn't be with me neither you nor Rin would be allowed in, ain't you 16 still?" Ran said patting his brother's head

"Fuck off , I'm almost 18 you idiot" Rindou just yelled at his brother getting off the sofa

"How do you suggest going into a club , if you aren't allowed in it?" Sanzu asked from besides (Y/n) on the sofa

"Shut up aren't you younger than me?" Rin asked looking at Sanzu

The pink haired male huffed In annoyance then rested his head on your shoulder

You just leaned your head on top of his "your head is heavy"

He just hummed with his eyes closed

"Didn't know you two were this close" Ran said in a high tone

"Yea I thought you hated eachother" Rindou said completing his brother

"Old days are bad days sometimes" you just said looking at him

'Why do I feel unwell , I feel lost what's happening' you thought to yourself raising your head

You suddenly got up and headed to the entrance

Sanzu who was laying his head on you fell with his face in the sofa

"What's with the hurry?" Kakucho asked looking you basically sprinting out of the house

You just slammed the door not saying a word , you were looking around for something to travel with

That's when your eyes landed on Sanzu's bike , it was well maintained not gonna lie , and it seemed like your only valid option

Running back into the house , pulled Sanzu up and searched him for the keys

"WHERE ARE THE BIKE KEYS" You asked looking at him

"Huh why you need them? You don't know how to ride a bike" Sanzu said giving you a glare

"And what's with the panic?" Koko asked seeing you agitated

"JUST GIVE EM TO ME" You felt something was wrong , it involved Izana and you hated it , the albino was so careless God knows what he got himself into , you might also be wrong , but why risk it

Sanzu pointed at a little key holder on the wall , "next time check that too" he said rolling his eyes

You just went grabbed his key , it was the only one you didn't recognize 

Getting on the bike you felt your heart rushing , the only knowledge you had about motorcycles was from Mikey but he never actually made you ride one by yourself

Turning it on , you took a deep breath ready to launch on

"(Y/n) could you not get yourself killed?" Ran said placing a hand on the motorcycle front

You didn't say anything but ratherly stared into a void

"Tell me where you wanna go I'll take you there" he said making you a sign to move aside

The first thing you did when his hand was off the motorcycle,  was to drive off

You heard the Haitani yell after you , but you kept going

The bike was pretty stable , driving it wasn't necessarily the problem... but how do you stop

The club wasn't too far away maybe 15 minutes apart if you were with the motorcycle


When you got close , you started feeling blood rushing through your veins

'Mikey only thought me to speed up , WHAT ABOUT THE STOPPING PART' its all you could mentally scream

You were slowly pulling the breaks , at the end you fell off but you almost stopped , you were fine ...but the bike had some scratches on it , Sanzu was gonna kill you

Not caring about the bike you left it there with the keys , and ran to the entrance

The guard stopped you from entering "Get in line kid you ain't the only one who wants to get in"

"I have to get in Izana is in there , he might be in danger!" You didn't want to fight a random guard at a club but you really needed to get in

The guard just laughed at you and signaled you to get in line

You were about to throw punches when someone came besides you showing his card to the guard and letting you pass

Looking up you saw someone you weren't really expecting to see again

"Wakasa-san?!" You asked surprised , he must have recognized you and came to help you

"Sup kiddo , wanna go in? Didn't know you like partying" he said patting your head

"It's not that , it's important I have to go" you said dashing off inside

Wakasa only watched you disappear

'What did Shinichiro find interesting in you?' He questioned himself


Running to the private rooms , you opened each door you could

Opening the first one you saw two girls making out , you just backed away and closed the door 'God don't let me see naked people'

Continuing on , you opened a door where you saw some buff guys talking and drinking , you just looked at them in surprise

"Want a drink?" One asked getting up

"No" you said slamming the door closed 'oh cmon where is he'

Reaching close to the last doors , opening one you saw a familiar face , it was one of the male's Izana was with the first time

Busting the door open you went and grabbed the guy's collard looking at him

"WHERE'S IZANA" You shouted grabbing his hair with the other hand


The room was silent till the man started screaming

"IZANA GET YOUR DOG OFF OF ME" He said looking behind you

Turing your head around you saw Izana sitting down behind the door

He just looked at you before looking at the man you were threatening

"What did you call him again?" He said with a cold stare

You instantly let go of the man and ran besides Izana , you hugged him in relief

He was confused but didn't really hesitate to hug you back

"Cut his tongue off" he said looking at a tall male besides you two

The man that called you a dog suddenly began to shiver and make up excuses "ITS NOT MY FAULT HE ATTACKED ME FIRST"

You didn't say anything nor did you bother stop Izana , your head was resting on his shoulder facing the back of the room , your leg was slightly over his for support

You didn't know what you felt and why , your body suddenly started feeling heavy

Your body compelling gave out and you collapsed over Izana

The male was surprised as on why you just fell on him

"You good (Y/n)?" He asked grabing your face to look at you

You nodded slightly , it might have been relief what you felt , you were still unstable but sat down properly next to Izana

The man was struggling in the guards hands 'were they really gonna cut off his tongue?'

"Enough let's go they can handle him without my watch" Izana said standing up

Looking back at you he saw you looking doubtfully , you were still worried you would fall

He extended you a hand , which you took , you started feeling dizzy at this point you stopped believing it was relief

'What even is going on , I didn't drink anything' you said supporting yourself with Izana's help

"What's going on?" He said with a blunt expression

"I dont know , I feel dizzy and my body is giving out" You just said standing up

Izana sighed then checked your forehead for a high temperature , it seemed fine your face was a bit red

He was confused , he just dragged you with him , you tripped from time to time but you managed to follow him

Close to the exit , the same male that helped you approached you again

"What's wrong with him?" Wakasa asked seeing you so lifeless

"Wakasa? Nevermind that , I dont know what he has he said he feels dizzy and he can't stand properly" Izana said hooking your hand higher around his neck

"Then carry him don't let him suffer" he said grabbing your other free hand and from under your thighs to lift you up

Izana didn't seem too happy about it since he just stared at Wakasa in the face

"Stop acting like a jealous teenager and open the door , I came here with a car" he said seeing Izana's glare

"I can help him on my own no need for you to be here" said the albino

"OK then what does he have? If you can help him then you know what's affecting him right?" Wakasa was one not to play around with , he wasn't gonna let a guy like Izana look down on him

Izana was getting annoyed , he wanted to punch the male but you were still in his arms

Upon getting out of the club and going in the back to the car Wakasa came in

Once they reached the car they saw some buff guys messing around , same guys you walked over in


"Hey isn't that the boy that walked in on us while we were drinking then ran off?" One of the guys asked seeing you in Wakasa's arms

Izana bluntly approached the car , one of the guys got in front of him

"Move it before I make you unable to move" Izana threatened him

They started laughing , that was before one of them recognized his earrings

"Those hanafuda earrings , only one person is known for wearing those earrings , that's Tenjiku's leader , Izana Kurokawa"

He said dropping his sassy attitude and backing away

Some of the male's didn't understand , that was till they saw one of their friends on the ground kicked by the albino

"I told you to move" he said approaching the car

The other's didn't bother stopping Izana they didn't wanna eat the ground

Opening the back door he let Wakasa put you down , Izana's first instinct was to sit down next to you , to make sure you're fine

Wakasa got on and started driving

Izana didn't know where they were going "where are we going?" He finally asked seeing you frown

"Hospital , have a better idea?" He asked speeding up

Izana remained silent the whole ride

When you got there , Izana helped you get up , Wakasa offered picking you up

That's when Izana instinctively picked you up "I'll carry him" he said approaching the entrance

Wakasa just looked at him grinning 'such a hassle these kids are' He thought following you behind


After they took a few tests , they found out it's because lack of multiple vitamins and also a strong shockwave that hit you a few minutes before

Apparently you weren't getting enough sleep , and eating mostly instant noodles and candies wasn't much enough proteins


The others finally got there

Sanzu was eyeing you with a death glare

Ran seemed upset probably from the way you left him

Koko and Rindou seemed worried but since they knew it wasn't something serious they weren't really showing it

Kakucho was questioning you like crazy , why did you leave like that , you can't drive a bike why risk it , it was sweet he cared so much

Kakucho got up and looked at Izana

"He risked his life to get to you thinking you are in danger" he said looking aside , he seemed jealous of (y/n)'s care for the albino

"The doctor said he will be fine , he  needs a bit of rest , and someone has to watch over what he eats , no more sweets" Wakasa said from the corner

That's when your silent being suddenly spoke up

"UH NO- NO" You yelled with a pout on your face 

Izana just pushed your head back into the bed , giving you a glare to stay there


Everyone left besides Izana , kakucho was dragged by the Haitani's

Izana was looking at you with a serious face "you're so dumb" it's the only thing he said before he lay down in the chair next to your bed laying his head on the bed

You were looking at his form , it's not like he was taking better care of just happened to give out sooner

"Come here" you said patting the bed , signaling him to to get on the bed

He knew he wasn't supposed to , but if anyone says something then he will beat them up

Laying down next to you he pulled your head on his chest and was patting you gently

You both fell asleep , feeling his heart beats once again calmed you down


Author's note :

So this was - idk man I'm feeling dead talk to me :(((

Yah yah anyways ~~

Word count : 2.1k (story only)

Huhu cyaaa~

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