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By madsuniverse

3.4K 127 360

โ” who knew the chime of a clock could mean the worst thing possible? ยฉ mads 2022 More

๐ˆ๐๐“๐‘๐Ž๐ƒ๐”๐‚๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐ !
ยน summer of love & death
ยณ hells party
โด hiding from the gods
โต a beg or a plead
โถ a secret to keep

ยฒ a year in time

623 23 41
By madsuniverse

OVER A YEAR AFTER THE FATAL SUMMER OF AMELIES LOVE HAPPENED, the friend group still remained, and so did amelie's resentment. everything that happened were things that she would never forget—-she was stuck, stuck in el's shadow.

mike and el had been dating for roughly a year and a half now.

amelie never got used to it, it bothered her all the time, but she did learn how to tolerate it... it wasn't easy, seeing mike at her house all the time before he went off in el's room and did god knows what with her.

she didn't want to think about it, not with her sister at least...

she had intense pent up anger at herself, she hated herself for never having enough balls to say anything about her emotions, she was the reason why el got everything she wanted.

el took the leap, and amelie stayed planted.

amelie had to learn how to take that leap.

el had been taking the leap her entire life, she was a badass, she moved shit with her mind, escaped a governmental lab, opened and closed portals to other dimensions, and saved the world multiple times.

thankfully, it had been almost two and a half years since anything related to the upside down has happened as well, which was a breath or relief for everyone, they had finally killed off everything.

or did they?

amelie, however, was nowhere near taking that leap, not having remotely enough confidence for it—-she did however, find herself sitting across from the couple that she couldn't tell if she hated, or was just incredibly jealous of.

maybe a little bit of both.

amelie dug her fork into her salad aggressively as she death stared mike and el sitting across from her while breathing heavily, she looked like she wanted to rip both of their spines out—-which max obviously noticed.

max noticed everything, and it tore her apart seeing her best friend in this much pain.

"have you guys applied to any colleges yet?" lucas asked everyone, amelie just looked out the window with her headphones in at this point, this conversation didn't apply to her considering she was a year younger than everyone else.

"no not yet, you?" dustin asked before taking a sip of his drink, "nah, still stuck on where i want to even apply" lucas shook his head, but el giggled as she wrapped her arms around one of mikes before answering,

this caught amelie's attention instantly before she began eyeing both of them like a hawk,

"mike and i are applying to all the same schools so we don't have to worry about long distance" she said as she dreamily looked up at him, making mike smile softly,

"how cute" will said flatly, clearly making fun of them, making mike flip him off before rolling his eyes. amelie on the other hand, wanted to stab her fork into both of her gorgeous eyes so she could never see anything again.

she rather slam her tongue in a car door than watch that happen again.

amelie slammed both her hands on the table loudly, making everything on it shake before standing up and sliding herself out of the booth, making everyone look at her with wide eyes—-but she cut them off before they could even say anything,

"i have a lot of homework, i'm headed home" she stared down at the six teenagers, el laughed as she furrowed her brows, taking a bite of a fry before speaking, "since when do you do homework?" she rhetorically asked, making all of the others snicker at the table.

max didn't though.

amelie sucked in a deep breath, looking to the side for a moment before looking back and giving a bitter smile, "since i've had a big test tomorrow" she said through gritted teeth, making el hold her hands up in surrender.

"well we are almost done here, then i'm going back to your house with el, you can just drive with us" mike offered, making amelie's eyes widen before she quickly shook her head.

oh fuck no.

"no? why not?" el asked in confusion at her wicked quick no, "because, i have no time to wait, i'm skating home" amelie said as she clenched her skateboard in her right hand.

el opened her mouth to respond, but before she could get another word out, amelie turned up her music all the way before storming out of the diner, she could hear them all calling her name, but she just tuned them out as she pushed the door open.

the second she stepped outside, a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders, feeling like she could finally breathe again.

she threw her skateboard down on the ground before jumping on it quickly and skating home with her music blasting in her ears, and in that moment she was of course listening to thunderstruck by ac/dc.

the moon shined down on her as she skated home, she let her black hair flow in the wind as it struck her on the face in a calming essence, she absorbed the nature and the energy around her like no other.

she always had a love for the earth, and just nature in general, she appreciated the environment that was around her, and always did her best to take care of it too.

but then, her music abruptly stopped.

it almost felt like a force threw her off her skateboard, she let out a loud yelp before she fell forward off her skateboard, using her left hand and right arm to break her fall.

which instantly skinned both against the scratchy cement, making her loudly groan from the burning pain she instantly began to feel.

"mother— FUCKER! SHIT!" she yelled to herself in pain as she looked down at her hand which had pieces of skin hanging off as it started to gush blood, she waved it up and down while breathing heavily to help the pain.

her headphones were yanked from her walkman when she fell onto the ground, she lifted herself up with the burning pain in her hand, before sitting in the middle of the street for a moment to process what the hell just happened.

she breathed heavily before she turned to the side and saw her skateboard about ten feet away from her, she stood up and walked over to it, putting her foot on it to keep it still before looking down at her walkman.

"please don't be broken, please don't be broken" she muttered to herself as she plugged the headphones back in, rubbing on some of the scuffs that it got from her falling before rewinding it and hitting play.

suddenly, she hears thunderstruck beginning to play again, making her sign a breath of relief before shaking her head and looking around, feeling uneasy, she looked at the ground to see if there was a rock she could've hit.

even if she did hit a rock, it felt like she was full on thrown off the skateboard—-completely shoved from an invisible force, amelie's mind instantly began to wander.

what if it it's—

it's been over two years since anything has happened, no way.

you saw the thing die, come on.

she shook her head before continuing to skate down the street and make her way home, however, she kept finding herself looking over her shoulder every few seconds, because she kept feeling like she was being watched.

by someone... or something.

out of everyone, amelie was the most skeptical. she came into the picture at the same time max did, who was just as skeptical as her, but she ended up believing it, where amelie always tried to find a logical explanation for everything.

even though her sister legit moves things with her mind, she still tries to find a logical explanation for it all.

these were the kind of things that you heard about in movies or some stupid video game, not in real life, she had a very hard time processing everything, even though she had seen it all with her own two eyes.

but the thing with amelie is, she's never been in real danger with it. she's seen it happen, she's seen other people in danger, but nothing has ever came after her. she's never had that shock of, 'holy shit this is happening to me'

max was the same way, up until she watched billy get stabbed in the chest by the thing and die in her arms, that was the shock for her. that this is all very real, it has been two and a half years and max still carried the grief with her everyday.

in that moment, she felt a twinge in her stomach when she was thrown off of her skateboard, that maybe this thing isn't dead, and it hasn't been for the past two and a half years.

but she didn't want to tell anyone anything.

she wanted a normal damn life, her mother already died in a plane crash, and she spent almost three years fighting these creatures, jumping into the upside down, watching her sister move shit with her mind, she was over it.

she wanted a normal life.

and most of all, she didn't want anyone else getting hurt, so she pushed every single thought away out of fear that it would all actually come back.

it's dead.

it's dead amelie.

amelie groaned as she wrapped white gauze around her left hand that she skinned in the bathroom at the cabin, she ripped the gauze with her teeth before grabbing tape and pressing it down on her hand.

she grabbed the blue rag off the counter and ran it under the water in the sink, wringing it out of the blood it absorbed from the wound on the back of her forearm.

she held it up, staring at the reflection of the wound that was gushing blood in the mirror, she hissed in pain as she dabbed the rag against it, biting on her bottom lip from the pain.

"hey kid— what happened to you?" amelie heard hoppers voice from the doorway, she looked over to him, standing with a cigarette in his mouth, leaning against the side of the doorframe,

"o-oh, this? skating injury" she stuttered, which she did often due to her lack of confidence, every time she opened her mouth to speak, she just felt like she shouldn't be.

hopper shook his head as he blew the smoke out of his mouth while looking at his daughter, "i told you to be more careful while skating, you're lucky you didn't hit your head" he warned her, making amelie just continue patting the wound with the rag.

"i'll be fine" she muttered before pressing a bandaid on it and putting all of the first aid stuff back in the drawer before looking over to him, he was furrowing his brows while looking at her, like he was examining her.

"you okay, kid?" hopper asked with concern, she looked at her father with a slightly gaped mouth as she breathed heavily, "you look like you got something on your mind" he spoke, making her just shake her head.

"no, no, i'm good, arm just hurts" she pushed passed him out of the bathroom, but he slowly followed her as she walked over to her bedroom, opening the door and going to shut it behind her.

"amelie" he said, as he put his hand on the door, holding it open, she sighed for a moment before looking up to hopper, "yeah dad?" she asked him, sounding slightly annoyed,

"you can talk to me, you know that, right?" he asked her, making her suck in a heavy breath before she hesitantly nodded, making him give her a knowing look, "i mean that, about anything" he reassured her, she nodded once again.

amelie knew that she could talk to hopper about anything, there was nothing wrong with him. she just didn't like talking about her emotions in general, no matter who it was, despite being a very emotional person.

she hated being vulnerable.

when you're vulnerable, you get hurt.

she's learned that the hard way, so as a result, she shuts in.

"just stressed with school right now, junior year isn't exactly easy" she softly said, amelie was a very quiet person. loud people pissed her off, sometimes el was loud, she hated it.

"alright, but if there's anything else—" he began saying, but then, they heard the front door open, making amelie open the door a bit wider as they both looked at each other.

she knew it was el and mike, so she wanted to slam the door and hide in her room, but now, hopper was kind of holding her up, and she didn't exactly want to slam the door on his face.

"—my point is, if there's anything else you want to talk about, i'm all ears" he explained to her, making amelie nod quickly as he took his hand off the door, "thanks dad! uh, i really appreciate it but right now i uh..." she trailed off as she heard el and mikes voice coming closer to her room.

her room was right next to els room, fuck.

"ihaveareallybigtesttostudyfortomorrow" she came up with an excuse to be left alone as fast as possible, literally smashing all her words into one extremely long one, making hoppers brows furrow at how odd she sounded.

he looked at her with confusion for a moment,

"what?" he was utterly confused,

she pursed her lips together nervously, but before she could shoot out another terrible excuse, she heard her sisters voice, "hey li" she said as she walked over, with mike right beside her, amelie wasn't even nervous, just annoyed.

god dammit.

"what?" el said as her, mike, and hopper furrowed their brows while staring at her, making her eyes widen upon realization.

did i say that out loud?


"nothing— hey el, hey mike" she said in the most forced tone of voice ever, which hopper may or may not have picked up on as he narrowed his eyes between the three.

"how's studying going?" mike asked as he put his car keys in his pocket, amelie just shook her head as she held her hand with gauze up, "haven't even had the chance to start because i fell off my skateboard on the way home" making mike and els eyes widen.

"what? are you okay?" el instantly asked with concern, amelie just shook her head, mike looked at her hand and then at her arm with a massive bandaid on it, his mouth fell open in shock before he spoke,

"jesus christ, you should've just drove home with us" mike said with concern before el nodded, making amelie just shake her head again, trying her best to keep her composure around the two.

"it's okay, it'll probably leave a gnarly scar" she gave a small smile, making mike smile, "cool" he laughed a little bit, he liked that optimistic look that she had on life, he admired that about her.

"alright, you, get to studying, and you two, leave the door open three damn inches" hopper pointed at amelie, and then mike and el, warning the couple more specifically since they had a tendency to break that rule.

there was a pounding in amelie's chest at the thought of them, alone, in els room, with the door shut. it made her sick. she was jealous, she wanted to be in her room with mike, alone with the door shut.

that would be nice.

"whatever you say" mike said with a smirk before they went into els room, before amelie could get even another look at him, she stepped backwards into her room and slammed the door shut.

she leaned against her bedroom door before exhaling and shutting her eyes, sliding down it feeling her body burn with jealousy, she was jealous of el, el was perfect, she had everything.

el was cute and short, amelie was lanky and tall, el loved attention, amelie hated attention, el got everything she wanted, and amelie watched it all happen.

and it was never going to change.

amelie really did have a test the next day, but was she going to study for it? pfft, no. instead, she was sitting on her bed with her headphones in, painting on her canvas.

she used art to express how she was feeling, or just whatever came to mind. the wall that her bed was against was almost completely covered in her paintings.

this painting was completely black in the background, with a neon blue flower in the middle of it, raining white mist. it was beautiful, it reminded her of herself in some sort of way.

if water was a flower, this would be it.

if amelie was a flower, this would be it.

she rocked her head back and forth as she listened to her music, for whom the bell tolls by metallica was playing as she painted, music always helped her concentrate the most.

it drowned her out of her surroundings, brought her away from reality.

but then, she felt herself being abruptly brought back to reality when her music stopped, she instantly put her brush down on the pallet before looking down at her walkman.

she pressed the buttons a few times before sighing,

"shit" she muttered to herself at the realization that it died, she pulled her headphones off before walking over to her drawer, bending down and opening it up in an attempt to find some new batteries.

she found the case of batteries before pulling it open and seeing that there were none left, she sighed once again before throwing it back down and slamming the drawer shut.

amelie rolled her eyes in annoyance, knowing that she was going to have to wake up early tomorrow to run to the dollar store and get batteries, because she was not going to be able to function without her headphones.

and more importantly, she didn't have any music right now.

she groaned before falling back on her bed and looking up at the ceiling, hearing like a virgin by madonna blasting on els stereo, she inhaled deeply as she closed her eyes out of annoyance.

she hated pop music.

she grabbed her pillow and slammed it over her head, groaning loudly at what sounded like fucking nails on a chalkboard to her. she missed her metallica already, she felt like she was going through withdrawals.

is there any reason for her to be playing that this fucking loud?

the walls might as well be shaking at this point.

amelie threw the pillow off her face before banging on the wall harshly, hoping she would take the sign to turn the god damn music down, but after about twenty seconds, it stayed the same, making her groan even louder.

she probably didn't even hear it with how loud this fucking cancer is playing.

"jesus fuck" she groaned as she stretched her face with her hands before standing up and walking over to her bedroom door and opening it, she walked across the hall and to els door.

which was closed, breaking hoppers three inch rule.

of course they did.

she knocked on the door before talking through it, "el" she called her sisters name, but she didn't hear anything from the other side, just the loud music playing. amelie sighed before she knocked again,

"el turn down the music!" she yelled through the door, making her blood boil even more, her sister wasn't answering her, blasting this annoying ass music, and with her crush behind the door.

so what did she impulsively do?

burst the door open, which she would instantly regret in less than five seconds.

"el turn down the god damn— OH SHIT!" amelie yelled as she walked into her sisters room, seeing mike on top of el, with his hand under her shirt while they were making out.

and now she wanted to light herself on fire and permanently erase that sight from her mind forever.

el and mike instantly gasped before mike rolled off el, falling off the bed and smacking his head against her bedside table as el tried to fix her shirt, "what the hell amelie!" she yelled at her little sister,

amelie fell backwards into the wall as she covered her eyes, "EW! ew, ew, ew, ew" she repeated over and over as she looked away, seriously wanting to rip her eyeballs out of her damn head.

going blind sounded good right around now.

"why did you just barge in here?!" el yelled at her sister, making amelie turn around and uncover her eyes to see mike on the ground breathing heavily with wide eyes, and el staring at her with incredible anger.

"i knocked like ten times! turn this absolute dog shit off!" amelie yelled before going over to els stereo and slamming on the pause button, finally getting that dumbass song off.

"hey! turn it back on!" el yelled at her sister, "not until you agree to turn it down!" amelie yelled back as mikes eyes watched between the two sisters back and forth, els jaw hardened, she was ready to burn up like the flame she was, but hopper came storming in.

"what the hell is going on in here?!" hopper yelled as he came in, his eyes fell on amelie who looked disgusted, mike on the floor with wide eyes, and el who had a clearly messed up shirt.

he instantly caught onto what just happened.

he exhaled loudly as he shut his eyes, "somebody..." he began, "...clearly didn't leave the door open three inches, hmm?" he asked through gritted teeth as he shot daggers between mike and el, who looked back at him nervously.


"—i cannot believe you!" el shouted at amelie right after mike left, amelie just rolled her eyes as she walked away from the front door, el hot on her tail as she followed her.

"you got me grounded!" el shouted at her little sister, incredibly pissed off at her, amelie furrowed her brows as she turned around, "i didn't do shit! i came in to tell you to turn the music down!" she yelled back before storming off again, el continued to follow her though.

hopper looked up with annoyance from his chair in front of the tv, watching the two argue, "girls" he tried to get their attention,

"—yeah well if you never did, i never would've gotten grounded! tomorrow is the championship basketball game and now i can't go!" el angrily shouted, making amelie clench her fists as she turned around,

"or maybe, just maybe if you weren't being felt up in bed by your boyfriend while dad was HOME none of this would have happened!" amelie exploded in anger on her, sick of being blamed for this.

that one however, finally made hopper stand up as that sentence sent a shiver down the guys spine, "enough!" he yelled as he got in between the two, amelie and el were still staring daggers at each other while breathing heavily though.

"you are grounded because of your actions! not hers, you are not going to the game tomorrow, and you're not going out this weekend! i don't care if jesus christ comes down from the sky, you're not leaving this house!" hopper yelled at el, making her suck in a breath of anger.

"you bitch!" el yelled at amelie, making her roll her eyes and mock el, "yOu bItCh!" she mocked back in a high pitched voice, making hopper even angrier before he yelled again,

"hey! both of you watch your mouth!" he looked back and forth between the two teenage girls, all the guy wanted to do was watch some damn tv, but they were driving him up a wall.

el just shook her head before storming off and slamming her bedroom door behind her, amelie stared at the spot she once stood in for a moment before going to her room and doing the same thing.

"i'm going to lose my fucking mind" hopper muttered to himself.

the next day, amelie walked the halls of hawkins high miserably, the only thing keeping her sane was the fact that she got batteries for her walkman before school, she was late to first period though because of it.

which got her another detention, that she most likely wasn't gonna serve.

she walked into the gym to see a lot of students in the stands, the cheerleaders cheering, and the band playing music, she stared at everything with a scowl, how could people be this excited over this shit?

welcome to a fucking pep rally.

the most cringe thing ever.

she looked to the left and saw robin playing the trumpet, she smiled before she waved at her, robin waved back. amelie liked robin a lot, she was like her comedic relief, they got along very well too.

she walked up in the stands, seeing mike, who's eyes met hers, making hers widen before she awkwardly looked away after what she walked in on the night before, but then she felt a hand grab hers.


"come stand next to me" max pulled amelie next to her, max standing in between of her and mike, who didn't look at her again.

then, all the basketball players came running out, making the stand of students start cheering loudly, when lucas came out amelie cheered for him, but that was it, the rest were a bunch of stone headed jocks she couldn't give a fuck about.

then, jason grabbed the microphone, making her roll her eyes before she face palmed, "jesus christ" she muttered to herself, knowing that he was going to give some speech like he was a prophecy of god or something.

"i think i can speak for all of us when i say hawkins had a rough couple years" he began walking back and forth, "oh my fucking god" amelie whispered to herself, she literally couldn't take her head out of her hands because of how embarrassing this was to watch.

"so much loss, and sometimes i wonder, 'how much can a community take?'" he walked back and forth, amelie couldn't stand this, it was a high school pep rally, not a god damn memorial.

"we need something to believe in in these dark times" he said as he clenched his fist over his chest, there was one thing on amelie's mind and one thing only.

every time i enter this building it gives me more of a reason to want to drop out.

"so last night we were down by ten points, at half i looked my team in the eyes and said..." he trailed off, looking down dramatically which only made amelie want to beat his ass even more.

"...think of jack, think of melissa, think of heather" he said as he began walking back and forth again, max looked over to her best friend before whispering, "this can't be real, no fucking way" she shook her head with wide eyes, amelie doing the same.

"think of billy, think of all of our friends who perished in that mall fire" he continued talking, amelie felt a slam in her chest at the mention of billy's name, she was there. she saw it all happen.

and she never forgot.

"—billy!" max screamed as she saw her step brother collapse to the ground after getting his chest ripped open by the mind flayer, el and amelie gasped in horror as they watched.

"m-max" he choked out, amelie reached her shaky hand down and wrapped it in els, holding her hand as they saw the sight of billy choking on his own blood in maxs arms.

present amelie looked over to max who visibly tensed at the mention of his name, amelie felt herself get angry for max, this entire speech was uncalled for, and she couldn't bare herself to listen to anymore words from it.

max let out a shaky sigh, so amelie reached her hand down and held hers just like she did with el two and a half years ago, giving her a small sign of reassurance that she was there, without actually saying it.

sometimes words don't convey emotions enough.

amelie was snapped out of her thoughts when all the students started cheering once again, making her realize that jason's god awful speech was finally over, it became the only relief that she had actually had all day.

"i hate pep rally's" she muttered to herself as she walked down the stands.

it was lunch, amelie's only mediocre part of the day. it was better than sitting in class with a bunch of miserable teachers who just bark orders at you the entire time.

she walked through the cafeteria blasting metallica through her headphones, but then she was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt an arm wrap around her as she continued walking.

but then, her eyes tripled in size when she saw that it was mike with his arm around her while walking, "what the hell?" she looked up at him in confusion, but then she heard another voice from the other side of her.

"now mike!" dustin whisper shouted, making her look between the two of them in confusion. "what's going on—" she began asking, but mike cut her off by leaning down and whispering in her ear as they continued walking.

"shhh shhh... follow my lead" he said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her over to a table of people she didn't talk to, she stood awkwardly as dustin walked over to the senior sitting at the head of the table.

"eddie..." dustin began saying as he grabbed his shoulders, standing behind him, "this is our substitute for lucas tonight at the dnd campaign" he forced a smile on his face,

"dnd campaign?!" amelie yelled, being caught completely off guard as she never agreed to do this once, she barely even knew how to play the god damn game.

"oh no, no way" the guy stood up from his seat,

eddie munson: your average metal head loud mouth raving cocky kind of guy, he walked around everywhere like he owned the damn place. kinda funny to watch, or incredibly annoying.

he walked close to the girl as he stared down at her, resting his right hand on the table beside them, "you really brought a junior to me, henderson?" he looked over to dustin with a look of near offense,

that one didn't slide with amelie easily.

"oh wow, i'm the actual age of someone who's supposed to be in high school, fascinating right?" she gave eddie a bitchy smile, making his jaw harden as his friends at the table started laughing a bit,

"you all look like you're thirty by the way" she looked over to everyone else sitting at the table, making them all glare at her angrily, she shot them all the same smile she gave eddie before looking back to him and raising her brows.

"this your girls sister?" he asked mike, cocking his head towards him for a moment, he nodded. amelie felt a burn in her chest at that answer, but she kept her cool in front of everyone.

eddie leaned closer to amelie with a smirk on his face before speaking, "so you are el hoppers little sister, hmm?" he asked, amelie nodded as she stared him dead in the eyes,

"you are... nothing like her" he slowly stated as he eyed her up and down, amelie could feel the tension, and so could everyone else around them. "your sister is sweet, outgoing, and..." he trailed off to the headphones around her neck, then down to the walkman,

but he could see a certain tape sticking out.

"is that metallica?" his eyes lit up as he stared at it, making her look down at her walkman, "this? yeah, they're one of my favorite bands" she shrugged as she looked back up at him, making his mouth fall open,

"you are nothing like your sister" he said breathlessly before he held his hand out, "welcome to hellfire" he said, making one of the guys look up at eddie,

"seriously?" he looked pissed off, making eddie look back at him, "hush" he silenced the kid that was sitting down before looking back down at the hand he was holding out for her to shake, then back up at her, raising his brows for a moment.

she looked over to dustin, who had the widest smile, and mike, who was shooting daggers between the both of them, looking pissed.

she held her hand out and shook his, he looked down at their conjoined hands, "better tighten up that grip, a weak grip means a weak person" he warned her, making her brows furrow.

"wouldn't be too sure about that one munson" amelie laughed, she felt almost... confident around him, like the energy he radiated spread to everyone else like a wild fire, and man did she like that feeling.

"so... what do you know about dnd?" eddie asked as he pulled a chair over to the corner of the table so amelie could sit next to him, he sat down, facing his body on a diagonal towards her with his elbows resting on his knees, inspecting her.

she slowly sat down, dropping her bag beside the chair as she did so.

mike sat beside her with dustin next to him, she could hear mike sigh out of annoyance from the side of her. amelie felt herself not knowing how to answer, she hadn't played the game since middle school, honestly she forgot everything.

well, honesty is the best policy.

"absolutely nothi—" she began saying, but felt mike step on her shoe and kick her from underneath the table, "—everything! absolutely everything!" she forced a fake smile on her face as she leaned her hand forward, resting her chin on it.

"well how about that uh? these two right here, tried to make us nearly postpone the cult of vecna" he held his hand out towards dustin and mike, making the two laugh a bit, but it seemed pretty fake in all honesty.

"but then you came in and saved the day, didn't you, ya pretty little thing?" he lowly said as he leaned over the table slightly in his seat and stared down at her, making her eyes widen.

amelie stared up at him, she couldn't tell if she should be flattered or mortified, however she focused on one thing and one thing only, "cult?" she asked, sounding a little frightened, which eddie of course picked up on.

"oh yeah" he dragged out in a very low tone, leaning forward a bit more, "cult, cause' you know, we are freaks over here, because we like to play a fantasy game" he backed away, sitting straight in his seat for a moment.

"but..." he began, slamming his hand on the table, "as long as your into band..." he stepped onto the table, looking down at all of the students in the cafeteria as he began walking across from it.

amelie looked up at him with wide eyes.

she had never had a conversation with eddie, and she couldn't tell if she hated this entire thing or secretly liked him because of how he was the physical embodiment of not giving a fuck.

"or science..." he looked over to a group of nerds on his right, before looking forward once again, "or pArtIeSsS" he mocked towards what they liked to call the frat boys of hawkins high, making one of them with shades on, flip him off.

the hellfire club laughed at his joke for a moment as he turned his body to the left, "orrr a game where you like to toss BALLS into LAUNDRY BASKETS!" he loudly yelled across the cafeteria towards the jocks,

"you want something freak?!" jason shouted towards him like he was some big tough guy, making amelie just roll her eyes at hearing his insufferable voice, that guy could never give it a break.

amelie laughed loudly at eddie, this guy was fucking great, she wished mike and dustin had introduced her to him sooner at this point.

but then, she felt mike grab her arm and pull her up from her chair, making her turn to look at him with an angered look, but if anything, he was staring back at her with even more anger.

"it's forced conforming..." eddie began walking back down the table, "that's what's KILLING THE KIIIIDSSS!" he loudly shouted as he ran and jumped off the table towards a teacher, making her gasp.

amelie laughed once again, that was ms. jensen, her sophomore year math teacher who gave her absolute hell, she deserved every bit of that, eddie turned around to look at amelie and mike, who were standing next to one another.

but then his gaze fell down to mikes death grip on her arm, "wrong hopper, am i right wheeler?" he cocked a brow up, making amelie's heart burn at the thought of being referred to as 'the wrong hopper'

why can't i be the right one?

mike slowly loosened his grip on amelie's arm, dropping it to the side as eddie took a step forward, "you know, these frat guys are assholes but mike, dustin, and i were thinking about hittin up one of dylan's parties he's throwing later tonight after the game, you wanna join us?" he asked amelie,

amelie had never been to a party in her life.

sure el has, but she never went with, it never seemed like her kind of thing.

but it did now.

"y—" she began saying, but mike cut her off, "—s-she cant!" he choked out, making eddie furrow his brows as he crossed his arms, "no?" he turned to amelie, giving her a staggering look, "no, she's um... busy tonight" mike began bullshitting.

amelie's blood began to boil, why the fuck was he acting like this, like he was her dad or something?

"busy dooiiing what exactly?" eddie asked, prying to know what the hell amelie hopper of all people would be busy doing on a friday night, "it's her... dads birthday! they're celebrating, that's why el can't come anymore!" he completely lied.

el can't come anymore because she got caught almost having sex with you, you lying piece of shit.

"and i actually, need to talk to her about this, about making the time work with our dnd campaign!" mike grabbed her shoulders and began pulling her away from the table before she could even get a word in.

mike pulled her away and out of the cafeteria, into the hall where no one else was.

"what the hell, mike!" amelie slapped his hand off that was gripping her shoulder, "me what the hell? you what the hell! we needed a sub for lucas, not me watching eddie munson try to get into your pants!" he yelled at her,

"okay first of all, i never even agreed to do any of this, you dragged me over here!" she yelled at him, making mike sigh as he shut his eyes, knowing that she was right, "second of all, it isn't like that, we just became friends!" she continued shouting, making mike throw up his hand, loudly slapping it down at his side.

"oh come on amelie, you can't be that naive! you could see what was going on from a mile away" he gave her a knowing look, making her suck in a breath, she hated even being in mikes presence now, especially not in this context either.

"i'm sorry, why do you care?" she crossed her arms as she looked up at the boy who towered over her, mike hardened his jaw for a moment, "i care..." he trailed off before shaking his head,

"i care because eddie is nothing but trouble and you know that, he is very intense when it comes to... women, and you... you're, well..." he gestured up and down, making amelie lean her head forward as she tried to gather what he was getting at.

but then she felt the scowl travel across her face upon realization,

"are you calling me a virgin?!" she angrily yelled through the empty hall, making mike look at her as if it was obvious, "well am i wrong?!" he yelled back in his defense, making amelie just cringe.

this is so embarrassing holy shit.

i'm gonna die.

am i dead?

please kill me now.

"i mean really, have you even kissed a guy?" mike grilled her, making amelie stutter relentlessly at that question, her crush was literally talking about her sexual experiences with her.

no, i haven't.

"t-that's none of your business" she shook her head as she looked away, making mikes expression turn even more horrified, "holy shit you've never even kissed a guy..." he trailed off upon realization,

"this is exactly why you need to stay away from eddie, you are not going to that party tonight" he demanded, making her stare up at him with a look that could kill anything, "who the hell do you think you are? i'm going!" she yelled before going to walk away.

mike grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "you are not going to that party tonight, i will be there... and so help me god if i see your ass there, i am dragging you out by your god damn ankles" he threatened her.

amelie had never seen mike this way in her entire years of knowing him.

so... possessive, so pissed off, so intense.

is this what dating him is like?

that can't be... el can't ever keep her hands off him because he's so perfect.

"bite me" amelie sarcastically said, clearly showing she wasn't intimidated by him in the slightest, which made him give her such a strong look, right in the eye that it made her feel like her legs were jelly.

"i better not see you there" was all he said before storming off down the hall, leaving amelie alone as she stared through the glass window on the cafeteria door, seeing eddie laughing.

oh, amelie was going to that party.

she just won't let mike see her, just like he said.

but she'll be there.

but little did amelie, or anyone for that matter know, that this party was the far least of their concerns, because something big was coming.

something they couldn't begin to predict.

YOOOOO what do we think of this first chapter guys? i busted my ass all day on this shit i really hope you guys like it so far because this was so much fun to write if i'm being completely honest:) i'm very excited for the next chapter, as always, like, comment, share, subscribe, retweet, vote, do whatever shawtyssss. anyways imma go bc it's late as hell. love u guys.

WORD COUNT; 7193 <3

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