Lovers & Friends

By TheGagCityBarb

28.1K 737 23

After a wild threesome between Beyoncé, Kelly, and Y/N Beyoncé swore it'll never happen again she will not je... More

Chapter 1 pt.1 ( Beyoncé + Kelly Rowland + Y/N )
Chapter 2 pt.2 (Beyoncé + Kelly Rowland + Y/N)
Chapter 2 pt.3 (Beyoncé + Kelly Rowland + Y/N)
Chapter 2 pt.4 (Beyoncé + Kelly Rowland + Y/N)
Chapter 2 pt.5 (Beyoncé + Kelly Rowland + Y/N)
Chapter 2 pt.6 Final (Beyoncé + Kelly Rowland + Y/N)
L&F chapter 8
L&F Chapter. 10
L&F Chapter.11
L&F Chapter 18
L&F Chapter 19
L&F Chapter 20
L&F Chapter 21
Author's Note 🚨🚨🚨🚨
L&F Chapter 22
L&F Chapter 24 Final chapter
1 Last Finale Message

L&F Chapter 7

1.3K 33 0
By TheGagCityBarb

Wow. That's all that can describe that night, I don't know what gotten into those ladies but I'm definitely not complaining the next morning when we all woke up we where all shocked to say the least, me personally I thought I just had a wet dream till i woke up looked my left and seen a sleeping Beyoncé and to my right a sleeping Kelly.

A few seconds after waking Beyoncé shifts in her sleep, she slowly open her eyes then she see's me her eyes almost pop out her skull, then a few seconds after her Kelly shifts then slowly open her eyes she has the same reaction. We all are seating there looking like 3 deers caught in headlights.

The after shock was soon short lived, all it took was for one of us (and by that I mean Kelly lol) to make the first move and it ignited another explosive round of morning sex. After all three of us reached our climax it's like we all came to our senses, they both realize they have kids and husbands at home probably wondering where they are.

They hurriedly gathered their scattered clothes then left. I on the other just sucked in what just happened for a second longer. I just stuck my dick into 452 million dollars (if u don't get it look up their net worth & add it up) lol I got rich dick.

2 Weeks Later...

After that amazing night I haven't heard from either of the lady's I'm not really tripping though this not my first rodeo. I had serval one night stands but that was my first having one with a celebrity such as Beyoncé. But I'll be lying if I said I wasn't shocked to see Kelly though, during the rehearsal process of beychella we spent a lot of time together but the most we'll do is cuddle and watch movies I never knew she was attracted to me in some way.

I push the thought to the back of my mind and focus on the present, I have today and tomorrow off so I decide to go pick up my son and have a treat day. Lucky my sons mother and I are cordial and I can just come get him whenever I want.

I wanted to take my son Jaxson to get ice cream and go bowling so that's what we did, he had the time of his life and so did I watching him. We was out for like 3 hours and I just laid him down for a much need nap he should be out for a good 2 hours maybe.

Right as I reach the bottom of the stair case my door bell rings, I throw my head back and exhale a big breath all I want is to have at least 30 minutes of peace and quiet I guess that'll never happen.

I take my poor sweet time walking to the door once I'm in arms length I twist the knob and pull the door open, on the other side stands the two women I'll never thought I'll see. Beyoncé Knowles-Carter and Kelly Rowland. I stand there with the most confused face ever, I mean who wouldn't want 2/3 of Destiny Child on their doorstep but isn't this against the unspoken rules of one night stands. I mean it is call " One knight stand" for a reason.

Beyoncé POV.....

Right now Kelly and myself came to y/n house to discuss a few rules that we all must follow after the sexual activity that occurred a couple weeks ago. It should have never happened I have a husband and 3 young kids at home that look up to me and if any of them where to find out about my drunken mistake I don't think I'll be able to live anymore, and the second worst thing is if the media where to find out. I don't even want to imagine what the headlines would say or what the fans will think.

Even though technically Shawn did cheat first, we all know the double standards when it comes to women cheating and I rather not be apart of the debate. So I came to the conclusion that it'll be best if we all seat down and have a conversation with her signing a NDA. It's nothing personal against her I really enjoyed the time spent working with her and she's genuinely a cool person to hang around, but again it's not personal I just see it as business.

When I brought the idea up to Kelly about her signing a NDA she was upset for a few days I have no idea why, she has a family of her own that could be negatively affected also why would she be upset? I don't personally know what kind (if any at all) of feelings she has for this girl but I'm sure if it was any she would tell me right?

She's like my sister we tell each other everything. But regardless of her feelings after the third day she came around which leads us this this moment now, standing on her doorstep waiting for her to open the door. I hear the lock on the door unlatch and the door pulled open from the inside, and there y/n herself with a look of confusion. Awww her confused face soo cute ... what? no Giselle focus!!

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