The Millionaires Sugar Baby M...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

48K 1.2K 350

For louis life was hard as when at 17 he came out to his parents they kicked him out of the house as they wer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 17

1.8K 45 13
By NotReadyToPlayNice


its been 6 months since louis and harry found out louis was pregnant and harry has been the happiest he has ever been being at every appointment and helping set up the nursery at louis 6 month check up they found out they were having a boy and harry cried harry still talks to louis belly which now has been their favorite part of the day, harry doesnt work as much and has learned to balance louis and work and he feels so much happier , louis and zayns business has been growing and zayn and louis decided that after louis has the baby they were going into look into getting a store front, and louis and harry moved into their forever home 3 weeks after they got the keys


"im proud of you harry" jonathan says

"you are" harry says with a wide smile

"i really am" jonathan says

"it means alot to me" harry says

"you are front and center at every doctors visit and everything just like i know you would of done with our son" jonathan says as they hug and kiss "wont louis get mad"

"no he told me you are the only one i am allowed to cheat with" harry says laughing

"i know he told me" jonathan says laughing

"i want your blessing to ask louis to marry me" harry says nervously

"you have my blessing" jonathan says with a wide smile as jonathan sees louis walking to them "ohh my we are in trouble" jonathan says laughing

"what are you doing in my dream" harry says laughing as he reaches for louis

"i knew you were here you talk in your sleep when you are with jonathan wanted to see what you two were upto" louis says laughing

"not much just talking" harry says

"i heard you" louis says

"heard what "harry questions

"that jonathan is the only one you can cheat on me with" louis says

"you told me" harry says

"its true jonathan is my sister wife" louis says laughing as Louis and Jonathan hug as jonathan puts his hand on louis belly

"he is done baking" jonathan says with a wide smile "and you will finally meet your son"

"i know i cant wait until then keep him safe for us and send him when you know we will be ready and with open arms we will receive him" louis says

"you look at peace" jonathan says

"i am at peace and its all because of you and louis" harry says as he hugs jonathan and louis "i love you both my heart will always love you both"

"and we love you too" louis and jonathan says at the same time

"my job is done with you but dont worry harry i will come visit you and keep an eye on you" jonathan says

"what about our son and louis' harry says

"all three of you and for every baby you have know that i will keep them safe until they are ready to be with you" jonathan says

"please dont leave" harry says

"i am not leaving i am letting you live your life with louis but i will never leave" jonathan says as he starts to laugh "louis is alot of work"

"i know" harry says laughing

"and louis thank you its your job to take care of him you know he is alot of work" jonathan says

"i know" louis says

"turn around louis" harry says as louis turns around as harry gets jonathan and passionately starts to kiss him "thank you for everything you have done for me i will love you always"

"and forever" jonathan says "harry "


"are you happy" jonathan asks

"very happy i never thought i would ever be this happy" harry says

"i am happy too take care of our son he will be in your arms sooner than you think" jonathan says with a wide smile "happy birthday harry"

"harry my water broke" louis says 'I hate you"

"no you dont" jonathan says laughing

"we have to go" harry says as louis grabs and squeezes harrys arm


"for fucks sakes harold wake your ass up" louis yells out as he shakes harry awake

"ohh shit are you in labor" harry asks as he sits up quickly

"yes stupid" louis yells out as he massages his belly "i think he is coming"

"let me help you stand up" harry says as he gets off the bed and walks to louis side of the bed as he helps louis off the bed "lets walk slowly"

"shit this hurts" louis says as he wraps his arms around harrys neck as they sway side to side as harry massages louis belly

"you are amazing wonderful and i love you so much" harry says

"me too" louis says "lets go downstairs so we can leave when i am at 5 minutes apart like the doctor said"

"take your time" harry says as they start to walk down the stairs

"hold on" louis says as he starts to rub the side of his belly and soon walk to the bottom step "wait" louis says as he wraps his arms around harrys neck as harry massages louis belly

"please baby dont give mommy to much trouble or he will ground both of us" harry says lauging'

"and dont think i wont" louis says "shit this hurts"

"but after all this we will meet my perfect little boy my son" harry says proudly

"our little boy he is going to be a mommas boy" louis says

"i know he will just let me borrow him from time to time" harry says laughing

"no promises" louis says laughing

"i cant wait" harry says

"i know you cant and i cant wait for you and him to start making memories good memories" louis says

"me either" harry says as louis lets go of harry as they look at the floor

"i think we need to leave my water broke" louis says

"you want to change" harry says

"no its ok just get a towel from the laundry room" louis says "is my bag in the car"

"yes with the carseat and carrier" harry says "umm hold on to the banister so i can get you the towel"

"hurry" louis says as he holds on the the banister as harry runs to the bathroom and gets a towel as they walk out fhe house and harry puts the towel in the car as louis gets in "umm harry hurry i think he is crowning"

"how do you know' harry says

" i feel somthing on the seat" louis says

"I dont think we are going to make it to the hospital let me call the emergency number" harry says as he takes out his phone and dials the emergency

"emergency how can i help you"

"umm my husband is in labor and he thinks the baby is coming now" harry says as he panics

"sir please i need you calm i am dispatching an ambulance" the lady says "tell your husband to feel and see of he feels something"

'umm can you feel anything" harry asks

"i think his head" louis says

"he said he thinks its the head" harry says "let me feel"


"its the head" harry says

"is your husband laying down"

"no he is in the car" harry says panicking but trying to stay calm

"ok put the seat as back as he can you might have to deliver your baby" the lady says "do you know if its a boy or girl"

"a boy" harry says

"ok you are about to deliver your son do you have any blankets in the car with you"

"umm yes we have my husbands blanket and some for the baby" harry says

"i need to get out of this car" louis says

"ma'am my husband said he want to get out of the car"

"help him out but make sure he doesn't take off his pants incase the baby slides out"

"ok" harry says as he helps louis out of the car and they go to the sidewalk and harry puts the blanket down and helps louis lay down as harry puts a pillow under louis head


"yes i am here im sorry" harry says as he starts to cry

"i can hear the ambulance' louis says

"ambulance is almost here" harry say

"ok you need to take of his pants off" the lady says as harry does what he is told

"how far out is the head"

"i can see his forehead" harry says crying

"ok put your hand under his head this will help guide him out" the lady says

"sir we will take over" the paramedic says

"Paramedics are here and are taking over" harry says

"ok good luck and congratulations" the lady says as she hangs up the phone as harry goes to louis and sits next to him

"you are doing amazing i am so proud of you" harry says to louis "this is the happiest day of my life and i am happy i am sharing this moment with you"

"one more push" the paramedic says and soon louis and harry hear crying as harry looks up and starts to cry hearing the cries of his son a son he has been waiting for since he found out jonathan was pregnant a son to heal his heart "sir you want to hold your son"

"yes" harry says crying as they hand him the baby as the paramedics finish with louis "princess our son"

"i know our son" louis says crying as harry puts the baby close to louis as louis kisses him

"we need to take both to the hospital to get checked out" the paremedic says

"can i go too please" harry say

"yes of course lets get mom in first" the paramedic says as they put louis first them harry goes in with the baby and soon get to the hospital and take louis to get checked and harry goes with the baby and gets checked and soon they go to a room

"how did he do" louis asked

"passed hearing and eye" harry says

"we need to call everyone" louis says

"i know let me call my mom and she can tell everyone" harry says as he takes out his phone and calls his mom

"harry we have all been worried sick" anne says

"sorry mom" harry says as he tells anne everything that happened as anne starts to cry

"ohh my he is here" anne says as they hear zayn gasps in shock

"yes mom and he is perfect let me text you the room number can you please let everyone know" harry says

"of course" anne says crying "you want me to tell linda and brandy"

"yes please i have to go louis is hungry" harry says

"no dont leave i will take you both something to eat" anne says

"ohh can you tell liam to call the housekeeper to go clean up tell her it might look like a murder scene" harry says laughing

"dont worry i will take care of it" anne says as harry hangs up the phone as he picks up the baby and gives him to louis

"what are we going to name this little butterball" louis says

"i dont know" harry says as they hear a knock at the door as a nurse walks in

"im sorry to bother you but we need to get measurements and weight" the nurse says as harry gets the baby and puts him where he was told as the baby starts to cry

"I know buddy this mean nurse made me" harry says laughing

"i did not" the nurse says laughing as she writes all the information she needed "little man is 9 pounds and 14 ounces and is 23 inches long"

"ohh my almost 10 pounds" louis says in shock

"you were the one feeding him every 2 hours" harry says laughing

"he was hungry" louis says 'what you wanted me to starve my son"

"anyways" harry says laughing as the nurse walks out of the room as harry goes to lay down with louis

"andsome" louis says

"Yeah" harry says

"umm i want to name our son after you" louis says

'"are you sure" harry questions

"yeah i think he is going to be your twin from pictures your mom has shown me" louis says

"if that is what you want i would love that" harry says "so my son is harry edward styles"

"yes" louis says

"i love you" harry says

"me too" louis says " but man can your son make an entrance"

"so dramatic like his mommy" harry says laughing

"we are" louis says as the baby starts to cry as harry hands the baby to louis "aww its ok buddy i am starving to"

"let me feed him" harry says as he takes the baby from louis as he starts to feed him as louis tells harry what to do

"easy right and after you feed him you need to burp him"

"oh ok" harry says as they hear a knock at the door

"come in" louis says as anne and gemma walk in

"is this my nephew" gemma asks

"no we borrowed this one ours is still being built" louis says laughing

"shut up" gemma says as she takes the baby from harry

"hey he is mine" harry says

"not anymore" gemma says as she sits down and continues to feed him

"i brought you both some food" anne says

"thank you i am starving" louis says as he and harry start to eat and soon everyone shows up As niall walks in with a cake

"happy birthday harry" niall says

"thank you but I got the best present anyone can ever get me" harry says with pride as he takes his son from gemma  and looks at louis as he nods "everyone meet Harry Edward Styles Junior"

"aww he will be just like his daddy" liam says

"I hope so" louis says "minus that temper"

"well he looks like harry when he was a baby so I think he is going to be his twin" anne says

"I told him" louis says as he points to harry as they continue to talk and soon everyone leaves and harry puts the baby in the bassinet as harry lays down next to louis "happy birthday andsome"

"thank you and thank you for my present" harry says

"im glad you like it because I didn't know what else to get you" louis says as they start to laugh

"where have you been all my life" harry says with a smile

"depending at what age either my moms stomach my dads balls or in daycare" louis says laughing

"shut it" harry says laughing

"you walked right into that one" louis says laughing

"shhh you are going to wake up my son" harry says laughing as harry cuddles into louis as they fall asleep and harry makes sure to let louis sleep as he wakes up when the baby cries and the following morning louis wakes up as he sees harry with the baby in his arms

"did he just wake up" louis questions

"no he just went back to sleep" harry says as a nurse walks into the hospital room

"good morning I am here to register you son" the nurse says "do you have a name if not I can come back"

"we have a name" louis says

"ok when you are ready" the nurse says

"harry Edward styles junior" louis says as the nurse starts to type away

"I need you to check over my entries and sign here and dad you sign here" the nurse says as louis and harry read over what they needed and soon sign "birth certificatre will be available in 30 days"

"thank you" louis says as the nurse walks out of the room

"well now to raise this little boy into the best human possible" louis says as harry gives him the baby as louis stares at his son as he traces the babys face with gently with his finger "you my son are perfect"

"he is and he is going to choose his way in life" harry says with a smile as he sits on the bed as he holds louis and his son as the doctor walks in the room

"I need to check you and if I am happy you can go home" the doctor says

"ok" louis says as he gives the baby to harry as harry puts the baby in the bassinet as the doctor checks louis

"you are healing good" the doctor says "you can go home I will have a nurse come in and go over some after care instructions for you and the baby"

"ok thank you" louis says as the doctor walks out of the room "h call your mom and tell her we are going home"

"ok" harry says as he text anne as a nurse walks in the room and starts to go over care instructions with louis as harry listens and louis signs what he needs  "we don't have a car" harry says laughing

"that is right" louis say laughing as anne walks in

"what are you doing here" harry questions

"you don't have a car I picked up louis car so you all can go home" anne syas laughing

"I know we just realized it when the nurse was going over louis paperwork" harry says laughing "thanks mom"

"no problem here is the baby's carrier" anne says as she hands it to harry " ohh and your bag"

"thanks" louis says "H I need your help"

"ok" harry says as he helps louis walk to the bathroom and helps him change and soon walk out as he sits on the wheelchair and anne gets the baby carrier as  they walk out of the hospital and get into the car harry  drives as louis sits in the back with the baby and anne sits in the passanger side and soon get to louis and harrys house and walk in

"anne mind watching the baby so I can take a shower" louis says

"of course not when ever you need a baby sitter I am more than happy to watch him" anne says

"if harry lets him out of his sight" louis says

"what so I am over protective" harry says

"well you are worst with me" louis says

"your point being" harry says as he starts to laugh "it took me almost 40 years to find you I am not letting you go ever you are mine for ever and ever and a day"

"you know I am" louis says with a smile "help me up the stairs so I can shower"

"we will be back" harry says as they start to walk up the stairs harry going slow and soon they get to their bedroom and harry helps louis get in the shower "I'll be back let me get you some comfy pants and shirt"

"thanks" louis says as he starts to shower and soon gets out as harry helps him out and walk him to the bed as louis gets dressed "lets go down stairs"

"let me shower too lay down and we can go together" harry says as he helps louis on the bed and gets in the shower and when harry gets out he sees louis asleep and harry changes his clothes and lays down next to louis as he falls asleep a few hours later harry wakes up and louis is still asleep and harry goes down stairs

"is louis napping" anne says

"yeah I want him to rest as much as he can it was such a chaotic day yesterday" harry says laughing "did he give you any trouble"

"no he was napping and woke up I fed and changed him and he is back asleep" anne says

"mom I cant believe I am a father" harry says as he starts crying as he stares at his son his beautiful baby boy

"I know I have prayed for this day since forever" anne says

"he is perfect my perfect baby boy" harry says "I had came to peace that I was going to be alone forever and then mr Tomlinson came crashing into my life"

"I don't know what he did but I am glad he did" anne says

"I don't know I think he was like huh let me come in to this dumbasses heart and then moved in unpacked and then was yup its comfy here now love me stupid" harry says laughing

"why does that really sound like him" anne says laughing

"cuz its him" harry says "mom how do I find balance I don't want to miss anything with my son, I want louis and I to be together forever I want to do everything and not be stuck at the office all day"

"how have you and louis found time to spend together" anne says

"he calls me at 5 and tells me if I am not home by 5:30 he is going to hide for 3 days" harry says laughing

"really" anne says in shock as she laughs

"yeah and our house in 25 minutes from the office" harry says

"well there you have it do to him what he does to you harry I want you and louis to work and be each others forever and that means you both need to find balance and just because you have a baby doesn't mean you don't have to work hard to make that work I see a fire in you since you met louis never loose what you have built he lets you be you and you let him be himself and he knows how much you love your job but when he tells you he wants you home don't think its because he is being needy its because he knows you have been working to much look there is about 15 plus years difference between the two of you and that means he knows that your time might be shorter here on earth and he wants to spend as much time with you and make memories for the rest of his life and yours and now the baby and any other children you might have" anne says

"your right mom" harry says "umm since I found out about the baby I been thinking I want to sell the business and be home more i mean you all keep me busy with sugar and spice but it's a thought or I might just step down as CEO and just go in a few says a week I haven't talked to louis about it but I have been thinking about it a lot and a lot more since yesterday when I held my son in my arms"

"son what ever decision you make I will fully support you" anne says with a smile as harrys phone starts to ring"

"princess" harry says

"come get me" louis says as harry hangs up and goes to get louis and soon walk down the stairs

"where do you want me to take you" harry says

"recliner" louis says as they walk to the recliner "cant wait to be independent again"

"nope never again" harry says laughing

"is he napping" louis asks

"yeah he hasn't woken up yet" harry says as they start to talk and soon the baby starts to cry as harry picks him up and hands him to louis as anne takes him a bottle as louis starts to feed him

"aww my precious little boy I know I know I am starving too might have to start crying to get fed too" louis says as he starts to laugh

'dinner is almost ready and everyone is coming over at 6" anne says

"ok you have enough for everyone" harry says

"yeah I went to the store before I went to pick you up and got more food for dinner" anne says

"just relax I got this" anne says as she continues to make dinner

"H" louis says

"yeah" harry says as he walks to louis

"can you put the baby in the bassinet and bring me something to drink please" louis says

"you want water or juice" harry says

"water" louis says as he gives harry the baby as the baby starts to stretch

"aww buddy " harry says we he puts the baby in the bassinet as he goes to get louis some water and harry sits next to louis when he comes back as louis cuddles into harry as he runs his fingers thru harrys hair as harry starts to fall asleep

"he sleeps peacefully his heart full and his mind at peace" louis whispers into harrys ear as louis falls asleep and a few hours later are woken up when the baby starts to cry as harry stands up

"go back to sleep I got him" gemma says as she picks up the baby and starts to change him then feeds him

"what time did you all get here" louis says as he stretches

"right now" niall says

"unckle achoo" josh says as harry picks him up and puts him on louis lap

"hi joshy I missed you soo much" louis says

"me too that cousin" josh says as he points to the baby

"yes that is your cousin his name is harry" louis says

"like unkle hawwy"

"yes like uncle harry" louis says

"ok I play with hawwy" josh says as he gets down from louis lap and runs to gemma as they continue to talk and enjoy each others company harry just looking around the room at the people in there as he smiles wide loving the moment he is in


Its been a week since louis had the baby and cant be any happier spending as much time as he can with his son harry being front and center helping where he can

"we have to go before we are late for his one week check up" louis says

"im coming your son did not want to stop crying" harry says

"my son he is half yours" louis says as he starts to laugh

"well when he is happy he is mine when he is being difficult like you he is yours" harry says laughing as they leave the house and get in the car as they drive to the doctors office and soon walk in and sit down

"parents for Harry Edward Styles junior" the nurse yells out as harry and louis stand up and louis gets the diaper bag and harry gets the carrier as they follow the nurse to the exam room "please undress the baby and the doctor will be right with you"

"thank you" louis says as harry takes the baby out of the carrier and louis starts to undress him as the baby starts to wake up and looks at louis as louis gasps "green"

"green what" harry syas

"your son his eyes are green" louis says in shock

"my son love me" harry says

"little butthead" louis says laughing

"leave my son alone" harry says as the doctor walks in the room

"good morning how is this handsome little man doing" the doctor says

"good he is so mellow" louis says

"you are lucky then most babies are not as considerate" the doctor says "well he grew an inch and lost 1 pound but that is normal so nothing to be worried about just keep feeding him on his schedule"

"ok he is still eating every 2 hours but at night he wakes up every 4 is that normal" louis asks

"yes that is normal" the doctor says "I want to see him at his 3 month check up and I will see you at your 6 week post partum"

"ok yeah I have that appointment" louis says

"you can dress him and are free to go" the doctor says as he walks out of the room as louis starts to dress the baby and soon walk out as louis makes the appointment and soon louis and harry walk out of the office and go to harrys car and drive back to their house and relax the rest of the day


hello my beautiful readers hope you all having an amazing day or night where ever you may be

Do you guys think this book needs some drama yes no may ok we will add a bit of drama🤣😂😘

See y'all next chapter

all the love


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