The Millionaires Sugar Baby M...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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For louis life was hard as when at 17 he came out to his parents they kicked him out of the house as they wer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 16

1.8K 47 6
By NotReadyToPlayNice

" congratulations your pregnant" the doctor says

"NOOO" louis and harry say at the same time

"yes" the doctor says laughing "now lay down and I can give you measurements and a due date" and louis lays down on the table as the doctor takes out the ultra sound machine "now this is going to be cold" the doctor says as he squirts some gel on louis stomach and starts to move the wand around "ok you see this little dot here"

"yeah" louis and harry say at the same time

"this is your baby I say you are at about 10 weeks" the doctor says as louis reaches for harrys hand as louis sees the tears in harrys eyes knowing it was because of their baby and it was the same time he found out about his first baby "I will put your due date at February 5" the doctor says

"we are going to share a birthday month" harry says with a wide smile as the tears start to fall "that's my baby my baby my beautiful baby"

"that's our baby" louis says crying with a wide smile as harry kisses louis lips "we are having a baby"

"I know the answer but do you want pictures" the doctor says

"yes please" louis says as the doctor prints the pictures and gives them to harry "are you happy"

"my heart is going to burst with how happy I am I am finally going to be a father" harry says crying

"I love you" louis says as the doctor starts to wipe the gell off louis belly as harry helps louis sit up

"I need you to go to the nurses station and get your prenatal vitamins and I want to see you every 2 weeks" the doctor says

"ok thank you for everything" louis says

"thank you doctor" harry says

"no problem at least we know why you were having morning sickness" the doctor says laughing

"yes thank you" harry says as they walk out of the exam room as louis goes to get his vitamins and makes an appointment as they walk out of the office

"you cant tell anyone until after my first trimester" louis warns

"I know but I don't know if I can do it I want the world to know" harry says with excitement

"I think we need to go home I will pick up the contract and bring it to you" louis says laughing

"no I wont say anything" harry says as louis unlocks the car door and opens the drivers side as harry moves him to the side

"what are you doing" louis says

"im driving you are not driving anywhere" harry says

"ok fine" louis says as he goes to the passanger side and gets in as they drive to harrys office and walk in as they go to the elevator " I see you got a new receptionist" louis says laughing

"yeah the other one didn't like my baby momma" harry says laughing as they get to harrys floor and walk in "morning brandy this is louis" harry says

"morning louis sorry about the call this morning mr payne told me to call you or else you would hang up on him or wouldn't answer" brandy says with a small laugh

"that is true but nice to meet you as well sorry about the attitude was worried about harry just wanted him to take care of himself" louis says

"I understand he does need to take care of himself" brandy says

"did you know he was throwing up the  last few weeks" louis asks as louis catches harry shaking his head saying no

"I told him to tell you" brandy says

"the level of betrayal told you not to tell him" harry says in shock

"you don't listen" brandy says laughing

"anyways" harry says as he starts to laugh

"are you ok mr styles I mean health wise" brand asks with concern

"yes I am healthy I promise everything is perfect" harry says "can you call liam so we can go over the contract so I can leave before louis drags me out of the building pulling me by the ear"

"yes sir" brandy says as he picks up the phone

"come with me I want you to meet linda" harry says as they walk to lindas office and go in

"mr styles how are you feeling" linda says as she stands up "I would hug you but I don't want to get sick"

"I am not sick I promise I am healthy as can be" harry says

"ohh so your staying the rest of the day" linda asks

"no I have a contract to go over with liam and leaving straight after louis orders" harry says

"good finally someone that will make you stay home and relax" linda says

"ohh how rude of me linda this is louis my boyfriend" harry says

"nice to meet you finally louis" linda says as they shake hands

"you as well harry talks about you and brandy all the time" louis says

"he talks about you more and I see how happy he is finally that is all I ever wanted for him is to find his happiness" linda says

"well he makes me happy too" louis says with a smile as they see liam walk into the office

"is it safe to come in" liam says as he gets close to louis and harry

"shut it" louis says as he hugs liam

"well we better get to work before louis throws me out of the window" liam says

"it was nice meeting you louis" linda says

"you as well" louis says as they walk out of the office and go into harrys office as harry sits at his chair and liam directly across from harry "can I go with gemma"

"yeah ask brandy to take you" harry says as louis walks out of the office and goes to brandys desk

"umm where is gemmas office" louis says

"I can take you" brandy says "I need to walk"

"harry told me to ask you but I thought you might have a lot of work to do didn't want to bother you" louis says

"its ok let me tell ms linda I am leaving my desk" brandy says as she calls linda and lets her know she is leaving and takes louis to gemmas office

"thank you" louis says as he walks into gemmas office

"louis what brings you in today" gemma says

"harry has to sign a contract that needs to be mailed out today and I didn't want to listen to anything so I came to see you" louis says

"ohh good I was just balancing the sales from the last few weeks and they have been positive with all the social media posts and new followers we are growing and quick" gemma says

"good but I don't want to grow to quick I have seen what happens to businesses when they grow to quick I want slow and steady " louis says

"I know but if it happens we need to be proactive and not try to play catch up all the product needs to be consistent at all times" gemma says

" I know zayn and I have talked about it a lot with anne" louis says

"well that is good I am still going to talk to you zayn and mom this afternoon I am going over like at 4 are you going over" gemma says

"I don't know harry wasn't feeling good this morning I want him to rest" louis says

"ohh is he better" gemma says

"yeah it was something he ate and I want him to rest but I can call in or we can video chat" louis says

"yeah that too" gemma says " niall told me you yelled at him"

"yeah" louis says as he tells gemma about his conversation with liam

"I love you" gemma says laughing "told him he shouldn't of called you after you told brandy"

"well I know harry cant relax and was feeling antsy but I was worried about him" louis says

"I know you worry so much about him I used to too a lot and so did mom but now that he has you we don't worry about him we know you take good care of him" gemma says

"thank you it means so much to me that you both trust me with him" louis says

"we do" gemma says as they stand up and hug as they sit down and continue to talk and soon hear a knock at the door

"I heard you weren't working might have to fire you" harry says laughing as he walks in the door

"shut it we been talking business" louis says

"you should see everyone staring at me cuz im wearing sweats and a sweater" harry says laughing

"well its unheard of for you to come to the office looking like that let alone you taking a day off" gemma says

"you know what talk to human resources and have them type up that every Friday we are doing casual Friday they can come to work how ever they want I mean not in pajamas or anything not work appropriate and have candace email to me I like this coming to work comfortable" harry says

"let me email her and I will add you" gemma says as she starts to type

"did you talk to niall" louis asks

"yeah" harry says

"ok lets get going then" louis says "call me when you get to zayns"

"I will you go rest harry" gemma says as harry gives gemma a thumbs up as they walk out of the office as harry interwines his fingers with Louis as they leave the building and get in the car and drive to their new house as they meet the realtor and do their walk thru and soon sign what they needed and go back to their apartment and walk in as louis lays down on the bed and harry lays down next to him

"talk to me" louis says

"I am happy honestly I am happy but I just thought back at the day Jonathan told me he was pregnant he was 10 weeks to and a week later everything was taken from me" harry says as a tear falls

"andsome this baby was picked by Jonathan for us and I know he will protect our baby until he or she is ready to come and meet us then we are going to protect our baby and raise our baby together forever" louis says

"and he or she will be what ever they want I don't want to repeat what my father did" harry say

"you wont I wont let you" louis says

"you promise" harry says

"I promise" louis says as harry puts his hand on louis barely there belly "can I tell you something"


"I am happy you are having the morning sickness" louis says laughing

"shut it" harry says as they start to laugh 'can I ask you for a favor"

"yeah anything" louis says

"umm im scared of you driving but I know we both have a lot going on" harry says as he takes a deep breath" can you text me when you leave and when you get to where ever you are going please"

"I can do that I promise just until you are comfortable and not scared" louis says

"thank you" harry says "im still scared of you being alone"

"how about this until you feel better I can have zayn or your mom pick me up and you can drop me off mind you there are times I will have to do things on my own but I understand where your fear is coming from I really do" louis says

"thank you just I am trying not to be so scared but I am" harry says

"its ok but you might have to tell everyone why" louis says "if you are ready"

"I am and I want everyone to know why and not have to lie about things or have them think I am just being over protective or dramatic" harry says

"I will be there to hold your hand I promise" louis says

"thanks" harry says as louis phone starts to ring

"im sorry I have to take this" louis says

"ok but hurry" harry says

"hey zayn" louis says

"how is harry"

"better we were just laying down talking" louis says

"well gemma said she talked to you already you don't have to be on the call if you don't want to" zayn says

"I don't want to I want to talk to harry about some things" louis says

"ok then tomorrow when you come we can go everything" zayn says

"ok" louis says as he hangs up the phone and goes back to lay down with harry

"that was quick" harry says

"I didn't have to be there it was what gemma and I talked about earlier" louis says

"you know if I tell everyone about Jonathan I have to tell them you are pregnant" harry says

"its ok we can tell them I know you want to" louis says with a smile

"I do" harry says

"when ever you are ready" louis says

"I want to tell you something" harry says

"anything" louis says

"2 weeks after Jonathan passed away my dad and I got in a fight I told him I hated him and I was no longer his son it was bad I was just angry" harry says as he cries and tells louis what happened that night "as I walked out I told him that I hated him and slammed the door and walks out of the house I went to a hotel room the same room Jonathan and I had gone to the day we got married I was so angry I was alone I lost the love of my life and my baby I stayed there the night crying the whole night"

"im sorry its ok you can cry" louis says as he holds harry tight as harry places his hand on Louis belly as he goes down and kisses it

"baby I don't care what you are your daddy loves you so much" harry says as he cries and places a kiss on it

"and your baby loves you so much" louis says

"what about you" harry says with a smile as he looks at louis

"I love you more than you will ever know" louis says

"then I never want to know" harry says as he pulls louis shirt up and places another kiss on louis belly "I love you baby"

"we love you more" louis says with a smile

"baby when you get older I am going to tell you about the one week I knew about your sibling I am sure it was a boy I would talk to him everyday like I am doing now I know your in mommys belly but I know you can hear be because I am going to be your favorite" harry says as he starts to laugh "please baby stay in mommys belly until we are ready to meet you I cant wait I know you are going to be big and strong I know you are and we are going to drive mommy crazy I promise you its going to be us against mommy"

"no you are not" louis says as he laughing as harry places another kiss on louis belly as harry lays down next to louis as louis starts to play with harrys hair "you really talked to jonathans belly when you found out he was pregnant"

"yeah we skipped that whole week when we got married and spent it together I knew after I told my parents about us being married and Jonathan being pregnant my dad was going to flip out and he did" harry says "so I didn't really care for school and honestly I am happy we did because the memories of that week are some of my favorite"

"I love you" louis says

"love you too" harry says

"im hungry order dinner its to late to make anything" louis says as harry takes out his phone and orders food as he goes back to lay down with louis not being able to not put his hand on louis belly they lay there staring into each others eyes comfortable silence stealing kisses from each other and soon the food gets to their apartment as they eat and louis decides he would clean the next morning and they get back into bed and soon fall asleep


Harry checks into the hotel that he and Jonathan has spent their wedding day at and goes to the room as he walks in he goes to the bed and falls as he takes out the ultrasound picture and wedding rind as he starts to cry and soon falls asleep the next morning harry is woken up when his phone starts to ring and sees its his mom calling and harry ignores the call not wanting to talk to his parents and the phone starts to ring again and again its his mom and harry ignores the call and the phone starts to ring a third time

"WHAT" harry answers with anger

"son" anne says as she starts to cry

"what is wrong mom" harry says with concerned

"your father" anne says crying and soon hears gemma crying in the back ground and harry sits up

"what about dad" harry says concerned

"he ..... he .... Is dead" anne cries out

"what" harry yells out out "no no please tell me its not true"

"son please come home your sister and I need you right now" anne says crying

"on my way" harry says as he gets his things and goes to his car as he drives to his parents house and walks in as anne and gemma run to him crying as he hugs them tight "mom what happened'

"after you left I came to the office and he was sitting there I told him to come to bed he told be 10 minutes and I went back to bed this morning I got up he was not in bed I thought he went to work early and when I came down stairs I saw the office door open and he was sitting on the chair he looked like he was asleep" anne says as she starts to cry harder " he was cold he was gone"

"no this cant be happening please noo" harry says crying

'what are we going to do" anne says criying

"don't worry mom I will take care of the three of us just like dad wanted" harry says crying full of regret knowing that the last words he ever told his father were that he hated him "I will take over the company and run it like dad wanted me to"

"no son you don't have too" anne syas "we can sell it and you can do what ever you want"

"no mom its for dad its what he wanted and I am going to make his company successful" harry says

"if that is what you want" anne says

"its what he wanted I have nothing he took everything from me so I will dive into this business like he wanted me to" harry says as he hugs his sister and mom "when everything is settled I will take ownership of dads company"

"I don't think that is a good idea" anne says concerned

"its what he wanted and I am going to honor his wishes even if it means putting my own happiness on hold" harry says and that was the day that he decided he will never marry or have kids he was going to be single for the rest of his life it was to much for him to go thru all this heartbreak again

"I don't agree but if this is what you want they I will support you" anne says

"thank you mom" harry says

"I need to call the funeral home" anne says as she goes to the office and calls the funeral home "harry gemma"

"yes mom" harry says as they walk into the office

"help me go thru all this paperwork and find his will and insurance documents" anne says as they go thru the filing cabinets and desk draw

"mom what is the combination to the safe" harry asks

"its your birthday" anne says as harry enters his birthday and opens the safe door as he starts to go thru the paperwork in there and soon find what he needs as he starts to read the will

"mom" harry says

"yes" anne answers

"he left everything to me" harry says confused "nothing to gemma or you"

"I know son" anne says

"why" harry says confused

"you dad believed that a womans place is in the home and as long as I lived here and he took care of me that is all that I needed so when you were born he told me that everything will go to you I told him what about your sister and he said that her husband was responsible for her once she got married when he showed me the will I was angry I was livid he actually did all this when you turned 18" anne says

"I cant believe him" harry says with anger "mom you helped dad build this company and earned everything"

"its ok son I am ok" anne says

"no mom once I get everything I am keeping the company and everything else you and gemma can split fifty fifty" harry says

"are you sure" anne questions

"yes I don't need anything else" harry says

"thank you son" anne says as she hugs harry tight


And harry sits up as louis wakes up

"you ok" louis says

"just" harry says as he takes a deep breath

"you don't have too" louis says as he sits up

"the day after my father and I had the fight he passed away he had a massive heart attack and it was my fault and I carry the guilt" harry says crying "it was my fault he died I killed him"

"no you didn't you did not kill him he died because he had a bad heart" louis says "have you ever wondered if it might have happened even if you did not have that fight"

"no I blame myself for everyones death it was all my fault they should all be alive I should be the one dead" harry cries out

"then you never would of met me, you saved me too" louis

"no you saved me" harry says

"no I didn't like being a sugar baby I hated it I felt not human" louis confesses to harry "you were my actual third sugar daddy the first we met a few times but I didn't connect with him so I ended it the second one he just wanted to talk we actually never met it was all phone calls and all he did was talk about his wife and kids but every week he would send me my money then I met you I actually wasn't going to show up but I was bored and hungry" louis says laughing "when I first saw you I swear I felt this connection with you like the universe aligned just for us then I got to know you the real you and I never wanted to leave your side everytime I am in your arms I feel safe like the world can come crashing down and as long as I have you i know I will be safe" louis says

"I felt the same way but I knew I fell in love with you when you weren't in my arms when we came back from new York" harry says

"don't ever think that you deserve sadness and heartache you deserve happiness like I deserve happiness" louis says "I don't know what I ever did to deserve you but I will spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you and how happy I am with you"

"me too but I do carry the guilt of my fathers death" harry says

"you shouldn't" louis says "let me ask you something"


"lets say nothing would of happened to your dad and he was still alive the way you have dived into the business do you think you would of become a sugar daddy"

"I don't think so" harry sys

"and that would of meant you would have worked only until you died and we never would of met something or someone in the universe made it so we would cross paths and I know it was Jonathan" louis says as harry takes a deep breath

"I know your right I dreamt about it he said he had to find the perfect person for me to mend my broken heart" harry says as he tells louis about his dreams

"see I told you he wanted us to meet to cross paths please let go of that guilt it was not your fault" louis says

"it wasn't my fault" harry says as he repeats the words over and over again "it wasn't my fault"

"can you show me a picture of Jonathan" louis says as harry turns on the light as he goes into his night stand and opens a book and takes out the picture

"I took this one a few days before the accident" harry says "and I still have the ultrasound picture"

"he is handsome" louis says as he takes a good look at the picture as he gasps

"are you ok" harry say confused

"he came to me in my dreams he kept telling me to be patient with you and that you were scared and not to push you to much that when you were ready you would tell me everything I told him I would wait and I gave him my heart to give to you and to tell you when ever you were ready I would wait for you to tell me you love me" louis says as he starts to cry "it was him I knew it"

"he told me  all of that" harry says

"he is amazing thank you for trusting me with all of this" louis says

"I have no words" harry says

"umm andsome" louis says nervously


"I want to put this ultrasound picture in our baby's nursery our baby needs to know they have a brother in heaven that watches them all the time" louis says

"I would love that" harry says with a smile

"give him a name" louis says

"angel" harry says

"this is our baby angel he is yours and jonathans but now he is mine too" louis says

"thank you for all of this you have no idea how much this all means to me" harry says

"no problem I made Jonathan a promise and I will keep it forever and ever" louis says

"I don't deserve this" harry says crying "but I love every moment of it"

"lets get back to sleep" louis says as they cuddle into each other as they fall asleep again the following morning louis wakes up and he goes and makes breakfast for harry as harry walks to the kitchen "here" louis says as he hands harry his plate as harry places a kiss on louis lips "how do you feel"

"so estactic" harry says with a wide smile and louis cant help but smile too "and you"

"im so happy I never thought I could ever be this happy I have you we are going to be parents I could never have imagined my life would be like this" louis says

"I know but lets focus on our future" harry says

"yeah I know" louis says

'what time are you going to zayns" harry says

"we said at 10"louis says

"I will take you" harry says and louis wanted to tell him no but louis knew why

"ok I will be ready" louis says "don't forget to write on your calender my next appointment"

"I already did I don't want to miss anything" harry says

"I know" louis says as he sits down next to harry as they eat breakfast as they talk and soon harry leaves and louis starts to clean up and soon goes to the room and takes a shower and starts to get his things ready and soon harry walks in the house as louis puts his shoes on

"Um princess I want to tell everyone tonight when I pick you up" harry says

"ok" louis says

"I just don't want you to drive and it's the only way I hope they all understand" harry syas

"its ok I get it I don't want you to feel pressured" louis says

"I don't I was thinking about it at work and I think its best before everyone asks me why I am being so over protective of you" harry says

"I understand and when you tell everyone everything I am sure they will all understand" lous says

"I don't even know how I ever deserved you" harry says

"that big dick of yours" louis says laughing

"stop It" harry says laughing

"lets go can you get my bag" Louis says as harry gets louis bag as they walk out the door and get in harrys car and drive to zayns house and louis gets off the car and goes to knock at the door

"come in" zayn says as louis walks in the house "where is your car"

"harry dropped me off" louis says as zayn looks at louis weird "don't look at me like that harry is coming to get me when he gets off work and wants to talk to everyone so everyone is coming"

"is something wrong" zayn asks

"no nothing is wrong look trust me on this I would tell you but harry wants to be the one to tell you everything " louis says

"its ok I trust you" zayn says as louis sees a shiny object on zayns finger and louis grabs zayns hand

"when" louis says in shock

"last night we took the baby to my moms and we went to dinner and he surprised me" zayn says "I said yes"

"I am so happy for you" louis says as he smiles and starts to cry

"what is wrong I am sure harry is going to ask you to marry him too" zayn says confused

"no its nothing like that I am just so happy for you and I am happy you found your forever like you are happy I found mine" louis says

"thank you it means so much to me" zayns ays as they hug and hear the doorbell ring and zayn opens the door and anne walks in

"why are you crying" anne questions

"im engaged" zayn says as anne hugs zayn

"im so proud of you" anne says

"well lets get to work" zayn says

"where is your car" anne says

"Harry dropped me off and is picking me up he will explain when he gets here" louis says

"is everything ok" anne questions

"everything is fine I promise" louis says

"ok lets get to work" anne says

"where is joshy" louis says

"he stayed with my mom she is bring him by later" zayn says as they start to work and start to talk about what they want to start doing and changing and a few hours later they stop

"ohh shit" louis says

"What" zayn and anne says

"just got an email from the event coordinator we did and wants us to do the fashion show its in 3 months" louis says "what do you think"

"I want to do it" anne syas

"me too" zayn says

"ok let me email him back and we can see what the requirements are" louis says as he emails back and as they continue to eat and talk and soon go back to work

"when do you get the keys to the house" anne asks

"next week we did the final walk thru yesterday and everything looks good told harry I wanted to turn the guest house into the studio its unfinished so I think it will work perfectly and if we ever out grown it then we can rent a building" louis says

"I like that idea this office is not big enough" zayn says

" I know" louis says and they contionue to work and soon they see niall in the office

"when am I getting my office back" niall says

"never" louis says laughing

"I figured" niall says as he hugs louis and anne "harry will be here in 10 minutes"

"ok help us move this table" louis says as niall moves what he was told as zayn and louis tell him where they want it

"thanks babe" zayn says as he kisses niall and soon harry walks in the door and liam and gemma

"you ready to go princess" harry says laughing

"yeah alright I will see you all Monday" louis says laughing

"ohh no what was all this big news about" anne says

"lets go to the living room I have a lot to tell you all" harry says as he takes a deep breath

"I love you" louis whispers into harrys ear as they walk to the living room

"ok" gemma says

"umm" harry says nervously as he stares at everyone

"mom gemma you all know about me and Jonathan" harry says

"Jonathan knight" liam questions

"yes" harry says "we were together and you all know that dad didn't want us together because he wanted me to concentrate on the business"

"yeah we all know is he trying to come back to you" anne questions

"no" harry says

"its ok tell them" louis says with a gentle voice

"2 days before he went to talk to dad he told me he was pregnant" harry says as everyone gasps

"is the baby trying to reach you" anne says

"wait" harry says "the day he told me he was pregnant the next day we got married"

"what" everyone yells out as louis chuckles

"and you knew all this" anne tells louis

"anne please let him finish" louis says laughing

"mom everyone the day Jonathan went to talk to dad, dad offered Jonathan 5 million dollars to walk away from me he refused it Jonathan called me to meet him at his apartment when we hung up the light turned green and Jonathan started driving but another driver was texting and crashed into him Jonathan died a week later from the injuries along with the baby he was 10 weeks along and the baby was to small to survive" harry says crying

"son" anne says crying as she goes to sit next to Harry trying to comfort harry

"im sorry I never told anyone because I wanted these memories to only be mine" harry says

"your dad didn't tell me" anne says

"no one knew we were married no one knew he was pregnant I never told anyone until I told louis but I told him bits at a time" harry says as he takes a deep breath "the night dad and I got in a fight I told him I hated him I told him I never wanted to see him again that I was no longer his son and he was not my father the next day he died and I blame myself"

"harry it wasn't your fault your dad had heart problems his whole life I would beg him to take care of himself but he worked himself to death, he would of lived longer if he had had the heart transplant he needed but her refused because that would of meant he would have been out of work for 6 months" anne says

"really mom" harry says in shock

"yes son really he never wanted anyone to know because he didn't want anyone to feel sorry for him" anne says "don't blame yourself it wasn't your fault"

"thank you that means so much to me" harry says

"so why now why are you telling us all of this now" liam questions as harry looks at louis as louis nods

"yesterday you all know I wasn't feeling good and louis took me to the doctor and nothing was wrong with me but the doctor said that sometimes the other parent can experience morning sickness its not always the carrier" harry says laughing as everyone gasp "so louis is pregnant he is 10 weeks"

"ohh I understand" gemma says

"and Jonathan was 10 weeks when he passed and you are scared it will happen to louis which is the reason he didn't drive today" zayn says

"yes" harry says nervously

"we get it we understand" niall says first as he goes to harry and hugs him tight "love you buddy"

"thank you love you too" harry says

"what ever we can do to help you" liam says next "love you buddy"

"love you too" harry says

"you should of came to talk to me" anne says

"im sorry mom I really am but I was so angry at dad and what happened that I just never wanted to let anyone know since I thought no one would care" harry says crying

"I love you son I love you no matter what and I am sorry I never stood up to your father" anne says

"its ok mom this is a new beginning for all of us" harry says

"it is I love you son" anne as they hug each other

"I love you brother you have been the best big brother any sister could ever ask for and seeing you and louis together makes me so happy for you that you finally found your forever and your heart can finally heal" gemma says with a wide watery smile

"thank you I love you too" harry says

"told ya" louis says as he wipes the tears

"congratulations you two we are all so happy for the both of you" liam says as they all hug

"well zayn did you tell everyone" louis says

"we are engaged" zayn says with a wide smile as niall puts zayns hand up

"ohh my what a day" anne says laughing as they all hug each other "so louis I will pick you up tomorrow at 10"

"ok" louis says

"and if anne cant I will" zayn says

"and I can drop off when harry cant" gemma says

"ohh my" louis says

"told ya" harry says laughing "I love you all"

"lets go eat we are hungry and have a lot to celebrate" gemma says as they walk out of the house and go to a near bye restaurant to celebrate


what do you all think its been one hell of an emotional rollercoaster dont y'all think

all the love


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