Riddle And Grindelwald (Book...

By fayally1998

15.4K 660 63

Genevieve Grindelwald is serving a life sentence in Nurmengard prison, just like her father Gellert. Since sh... More

1. After All This Time
2. Home Sweet Home
3. The Start Of Something New
4. Showing Who's Boss
5. Fugitive
6. Gift Giving
7. An Unwelcome Visitor
8. Gritty Reality
9. Truth And Lies
10. A Mother's Love
11. Long Awaited Reunion
12. Brave Boy
13. Thorns On The Rose
14. Normalcy
15. The Heist
16. Retrieval Mission
17. Battle For Supremacy
18. Accusations
19. Escalating
20. The Traitor
21. Just A Boy
22. Pure Soul
23. Why?
24. Little Dragon
25. Twin Cores
26. Helping A Prisoner
27. Small Bundle Of Trouble
28. A Great Man
29. A Word Of Warning
30. Death At Dinner
31. Dangerous Wand
32. More Than A Myth
33. Taking Over
34. Escape Artist
35. Magic Is Might
36. Being Feared
37. Breakout
38. Riddle Me This
39. The Other Wand Maker
40. Trust The Snake
42. The Thief
43. Who's Side Are You On?
44. The Truth Hurts
45. I'd Give My Life For Her
46. Tombs And Chambers
47. Chaperone
48. Torturous Revenge
49. Blood On Her Hands
50. The Horcrux Seeker
51. The Spark Of War
52. For The Greater Good
53. Completing A Prophecy
54. Until The End
55. Justice
56. Mercy
57. Happy Ever Happy

41. Globe Trotters

159 8 2
By fayally1998

Genevieve was glad to have Nagini out of her house. But because of her demanding job, Genevieve didn't get to spend much time at home in the weeks that followed.
She was constantly travelling around the world, trying to convince other magical governments that they were not breaking any laws, and that Muggle-borns were not being slaughtered for fun.
Most of what Genevieve told the world leaders, was false, but since a lot of them were afraid of Lord Voldemort, they didn't want to start a war they didn't think they could win.

Tom wasn't at home much either, as he was also globe trotting, on his hunt to find the mysterious thief, who had taken the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch.
It was rare that he was at home, and Genevieve wasn't, so when she returned from America one evening, she was surprised to find him sitting in the living room, with a glass of wine in his hand.
"Where have you been?" Questioned Tom.
"MACUSA" answered Genevieve.
"How long were you there?" Asked Tom.
"Only a couple of days. Why? Have you been waiting for me, for long?"
"I arrived yesterday, and was surprised to find you missing".

"If you were that worried about me, you could've just apparated to my side" reminded Genevieve.
"I know, but I didn't want to cause any problems for you, by joining you. I didn't think you were in any danger, so I decided to wait for a few days, before apparating to you" replied Tom.
Genevieve joined Tom on the sofa and nestled up close to him.
"I'm glad you care so much about where I am, and that I'm safe. But I'm glad that you didn't apparate to me, as that would've made my meetings with the President of MACUSA, very difficult" admitted Genevieve.

Tom swigged the last of his wine, before placing the glass onto the table, so that he could put his arm around Genevieve.
"So, you had an audience with the President did you?" He questioned.
"Yep. I am the Head of International Magical Co-operation, afterall. I get treated with respect everywhere I go, as no one is in any rush to start a magical world war" replied Genevieve.
"You've managed to convince the other wizarding governments, that we aren't a threat then?" Asked Tom.
"Yep. The fact that you didn't make yourself Minister for Magic, makes my job a whole lot easier. And it isn't too tricky convincing those in power, that nothing bad is going on in Britain. We've just changed a few of our policies, that's all. The only thing that works against me, is the fact that Gellert Grindelwald is my father. He did want the whole world under his control, which makes it harder for me to convince people that we don't want that".

"World domination would be nice, but I want to make sure that I have all of Britain under my control first" informed Tom.
"We definitely don't have enough supporters to take over any other countries. We would need allies, if we were to invade other places. Because we cannot fight the whole world single-handedly. If we were to invade one country, then their allies would attack us. Which is why will need people on our side, before we take over anywhere else. And no one is in a rush to be our ally right now" admitted Genevieve.
"There is no rush to conquer the world, for we will live forever. And once all of Britain is indoctrinated into our way of thinking, we will have the army we need to take over the world. By then, Harry Potter will be dead, and the Elder Wand will be in my possession".

"Still no luck finding who took the Elder Wand?" Asked Genevieve, praying the answer was no.
Tom sighed, "Not yet. There was something familiar about the man, I'm sure of it. But since I only saw his face for a few seconds, it's hard to track him down. It would be much easier if I had a picture of him, because then I could show it to people. It's at times like this when I miss your visions. Because you might've had a vision of him, right about now, and then you could've drawn a picture of the thief for me".
"You're not the only one who misses my visions. They would be rather useful to us right now. But alas, I haven't had one since making a Horcrux" reminded Genevieve.

"That was a small price to pay, for becoming immortal, right?" Questioned Tom.
Genevieve bit her lip, as she didn't think Tom would like her answer if she told the truth.
"I would do anything to spend all eternity with you. No price would be too great. But, I do miss my visions" answered Genevieve, as she spun the truth slightly.
"And I would do anything to spend all of time with you" replied Tom.
"I know you would, you're my soul mate, my knight in shining armour"
"I love you so much, and I hate it when you aren't here"
"Well, Christmas is coming up, and I plan on taking a long holiday. Since you are in charge of my boss, you can grant me any time off that I want. But I will only take several weeks off, if you promise me that I won't be stuck here by myself"
"I promise".

"I mean it Vee, this Christmas I want you to put your Elder Wand search on hold. I want your entire focus on me, from December until the end of January" announced Genevieve.
Tom sighed, "You sure do make a lot of demands".
Genevieve grinned, "And that's why you love me".
Tom placed his hand around Genevieve's face, and pulled her closer to him.
"I am yours, and you are mine. Until the end of time" murmered Tom, before pressing his lips against Genevieve's, and joining their bodies into one.

This is the last nice chapter for a while. Things are going to get darker from here on. You have been warned...

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