Crabapple (twisted wonderland...

By Mushroomchild96

3.6K 133 22

Epel and Jack have just graduated from NRC. they have finally moved out together as roommates and have great... More

Adopted Family


605 24 7
By Mushroomchild96

Everyone woke up really quick after Jack got back. Leona was the last one up though and it was only cause Ruggie pulled him out of Jack's room by his leg. I giggled a little watching as Ruggie struggled to pull him in the living room. Jack held me close and smiled a little.

"Leona dosn't like to get up for anyone. Only Ruggie can get his a- er Butt up." I nodded. Ruggie was a good Friend. Making sure Leona got up. Vil walked in before them though and started making something on the stove. It smelled like flowers. Epel and Rook shared a look.

"Would anyone like Tea?" Vil said turning. He was still in his Pajamas. His hair pulled away from his face except for his bangs. I tilted my head. Epel smiled a little.

"I'll have some, There should be some Apple blossom Tea in the cabinet." Vil nodded and reached inside.

"I'll have some to" Leona said standing up and scratching his stomach before yawning wide. I yawned to and rubbed my eyes.

"Did you sleep ok Yuu?" I nodded.

"mmhmm just still tried" Jack nodded and pet my head.

"I bet, How about some Breakfast pup?" I smiled at the sound of that. I really wanted food please. Jack walked into the kitchen, Vil handed a mug to Epel and they sat at the table. Leona plopped down next to them. Rook beside him moving his Mug to Leona. Leona took a drink and nodded. Ruggie however followed jack and me into the kitchen.

"How does Omelets sound?" Jack called out.

"Mine only with Egg Whites please" Vil said taking small drink. Jack nodded.

"That sounds lovely Monsieur Tough Guy" Epel nodded with Rook.

"That's Great Jack thanks" Ruggie said he would help and I got to take a dull knife and help cut mushroom! Jack made sure to be really careful and help me cut the big parts. I even got to help do the Spinach! Jack let me scramble the eggs but he did Vil's egg whites. It was weird I've never seen someone just eat the white part. But Jack made sure to mix it so it had foam to it. 

After all the food was made I got to Carry it over! I Jack made sure to help me though cause Last time I carried something I tripped. We got to the table. Epel picked me up and set me in my chair. Breakfast was really fun. It was weird cause Normally it was really quiet for Breakfast but now it was louder. Vil and Rook talked about a Photo shoot Vil was going to do today. That's why he was in town I think. Ruggie was trying to keep Leona awake though. It was funny to see his face almost hit his food a few times. Jack said he would be giving a Tour to Ruggie and Leona but Epel had to go with Vil.

"Would you rather walk around Yuu? Or come see the Photo shoot?" Epel asked. I didn't know, I didn't know what a Photo Shoot did and I didn't wanna walk around today.

"C-Can I go to the Shoot?" Vil gave me a soft smile.

"Of course you can, It might be a tad boring though" that was ok I could sit in a corner. I just didn't wanna walk today. Epel put a hand on my head.

"Then we'll head out" Jack said taking his plate and The others to the kitchen. Vil stood and nodded.

"I should begin to get ready. They will need to get me dolled up for the Shoot. Oh Epel you should join me for the shoot! I just know you will be quite Famus in the indestry!" Epel blushed and shook his head.

"Thanks but no thanks, I prefer to just stick with what I'm doing now" Vil pouted a little before sighing.

"Very well," Vil stood and walked to the bathroom. Rook stretched and looked around.

"I believe I shale join the Others in a Tour today, Perhaps I can Find some new Prey" Jack nodded and Leona put a hand to his head glaring at the ground.

"Great now I have to deal with him following us all day" Ruggie smirked.

"Atleast he isn't aiming for you anymore" I tilted my head and Jack shook his head.

"That's a story for another time. Go with Epel to get dressed Pup," I nodded and Epel took my hand. We walked to my room and Epel took out some clothes. He even let me pick what I wanted to wear!

"hmm, This is a fancy shoot we should probably have you dress nice. Yuu, What would you like to wear? It's pretty cold outside Would you like a sweater under your Jacket?" I nodded and Epel set some sweaters I could chose from. I picked the one Epel got me! It was a really dark Purple. Epel said I had to wear a tank top cause the Photo shook can get warm inside. I put on my pants and then Epel gave me a Jacket to put on.

Walking out of my room Vil was waiting for us. His hand on his hip. Vil was wearing a Suit looking outfit and Heals. I've never seen a boy wear heals before! Epel gave him a small smile. 

"I'm sorry I still have to get dressed, Yuu do you mind waiting with Vil for a moment?" I shook my head. Vil gave a soft smile.

"Go get dressed, I'll keep an eye on them." Epel gave a small look before walking to his room. I stood with Vil who was much more intimidatingly now that I was alone with him. Jack had left already and I was ok cause I knew Jack would come back. Epel was just in his room so it was ok. He hadn't left me I was ok.

"Little one, Epel will be back quickly." I looked up at Vil who gave me a soft smile. I returned in and played with my jacket. 

"How do you like living here?" I looked up and gave a little laugh.

"I love living with Jack and Epel, Their really nice. I get to eat food everyday and Jack tells the best stories. Epel lets me help him in the kitchen and doesn't even get mad when I make a mistake. They let me ask lots of Questions and help me when I don't feel ok" Vil nodded.

"I can tell they care for you quite a bit. Epel told me he found you alone and hurt is that true" I nodded.

"Ya... Mama told me to wait for her but a really long time went by and she never came back. Epel has been trying to find her but cant find anyone who knows her" Vil scrunched his face before relaxing quickly.

'I see, For such a women to do such a thing, Well that won't be an issue any more I suppose" I tilted my head. Epel walked out in a turtle neck sweater and a scarf with a long jacket. Vil smirked.

"Very nice, You are learning. Come we should be off." Epel rolled his eyes and held my hand.

"Well we can't leave his highness waiting. Come on yuu" He snickered .I giggled and we followed Vil. Outside the Apartment there was a really long black car. Epel blinked and squeezed my hand a little. Looking up at him he had his lip pinched.

"Vil, I thought you said your shoot wasn't to far away." Vil turned as the door opened for him. He put his sunglasses down looking above them at Epel.

"It isn't far but we should arrive in style. After all it won't be me if We didn't. We must think of Presentation when arriving to such an important job" Epel groaned. I patted his leg. Epel didn't like that kind of Attention though. I member I went with him to work once and alot of Boys kept asking him out saying he would be a cute little Sub for them or that he would make a good girlfriend. Epel didn't like it though when I bit them. He and Jack talked about it that night cause He thought Jack told me to. But he didn't! It was our Neighber said that if someone Grabbed me wrong to Bite them hard and then run. These guys were grabbing Epel though!

We climbed into to the big long car and Epel set me in a seat. I've never been in a car before. Jack and Epel Always walk places and Mama never had a car. The drive wasn't long. I looked out the window at how fast we were going. But I kept my hands in my lap.

"They are very well behaved, And Quite a bit more Mannered then you were. I was expecting them to be a hoddlum" What was a hoodlum?  Epel snorted.

"Oh yes, Cause I lost all that work you put into" Epel said crossing his arms. Vil narrowed his eyes.

"I only did so, So you-" Epel nodded and relaxed a little.

'I know, So I could realize I was being silly about Gender roles and learn to like how I was. I know that now." It got really quiet and we pulled up to a Big building. Outside there were people with Big Camaras! and Flashing lights.

"Vil" Vil smirked and the door opened he walked out and smiled at everyone giving a little wave. Epel walked out next and offered me his hand. I took it and we walked behind Vil. I held Epel's hand tight as we walked inside. Epel took a breath out.

"Paparazzi really?" Vil looked at him raising an eye brow.

"You know I get followed, I can't help that the light is on me recently" Vil smirked. Epel rolled his eyes. A man walked over with people following him. I grabbed Epel's leg. He put a hand on my head.

"Vil! Darling you made it!" The man kissed Vil's cheeks and then turned to us.

"I hope you don't mind, Fredric but I brought a Friend and his little sibling" The man smiled big.

"OH ofcourse not, A friend of yours is a friend of mine, Oh and look how cute the little one is! Oh and your friend is Gorgous well we should get started. Are we going all natural today or Make up?" Vil and him started talking while we followed. I made a face. the Man Fredric was really Dramatic. Epel snickered a little.

"Well little one," I pouted up at him. He smirked and picked me up.

"I am not little" Epel snickered.

"No your not your, growing everyday. He just probably hasn't worked with kids often" Epel whispered to me. I giggled. Vil looked back and gave a small smile.

 "I have to head to make up. Why don't you show Yuu around a bit? They might like what's happening. They certainly have what it takes to be a Child Model" Epel made a face.

"How about we just see how it goes today" Vil nodded and was taken away as people started fussing over him. There were so many hands reaching at him. I was surprised that he didn't get scared.

"Well, Looks like we have some free time. How about we check the place out?" I nodded smiling big.

"Can we?" Epel smiled back.

"Might be fun. Maybe they have a costume room for you to see" Epel and I started exploring after that! It was really fun we got to see all the different places and there was a costume room! I tried on a dress. Epel took pictures and I got to play pretend that I was a Model like Vil was! After a bit though Epel said We had to head back cause it was time for Vil's shoot. I got to sit with Epel and watch Vil pose alot. Sometimes the Picture taker would move him a little and sometimes they would just take photos! 

"Hmm, You know" Fredric turned to us and I jumped.

"We need A cover for our Family Magazine? Vil you would look amazing with this little one in your arms" I glared. Epel covered his mouth and I pouted at him. 

"As lovely as that sounds Fredric, This little one isn't quite ready for the Limelight. I am also not one to give False Advertisement on a fake Family" Vil said nodding to us. Epel gave him a soft smile. I did to. I really didn't wanna get my photo taken by this man. Fredric pouted though.

"Oh very well" The pictures continues and Vil kept changing outfits. During little breaks Epel showed him the Photos I took.

"Well aren't you the little model" I giggled. Vil smiled at me and by the end of the day I realized Vil wasn't so scary anymore. He was uptight and kind really tall in his Heals but he was nice. When we got back Jack was already Home. I ran up to him and told him all that happened. He picked me up and his ear's perked so I knew he was really listening.

"Is that so? Sounds like you guys had quite the day." I nodded. Epel smirked.

"We stopped and Grabbed everyone dinner" Jack sighed relieved. He set me down and Ruggie played with me on the ground. Leona was down with us to but he was sleeping. Or atleast I think he was. I kept trying to catch his tail but it kept moving! How does he know if he was sleeping! Jack was on his phone with a smirk and Rook was to.  

When dinner was called though they both put it away and Leona Grabbed me pick putting me in a chair. I giggled. I knew he was fake sleeping! it was like Dinner time on the Tv when Families all sat together! I think I like them Visiting. But they didn't stay long after that.

the next day Vil left. He had another shoot to go to. He gave me a hug though and said if I ever wanted to talk to as Epel cause he had his number. Rook left soon after. after a few days Leona had to leave to. and Ruggie left with him. Then it was just us all again.

It was quiet with out everyone here. We all went back to our normal times again. Epel would leave in the mornings and Jack would watch me. Then At night Jack would leave and Epel and me would have dinner. Most nights before bed time Jack would come into my room and Tell me a story.

One night though I woke up from a nightmare. I started to cry and It was a late night for Jack. He had to do a long shift tonight. Epel had worked really really hard though and I didn't wanna wake him up. I sniffed crawling out of my bed and opened the door my self. I hugged Jacks shirt to me. It still smelled like him. 

I could hear Epel's small snores from his room. Walking to the Living room I went to Jack's room. His bed was really tall and big. I wanted Jack but he was working really late. He was working Later and Later recently. I climbed in and under the Covers. Jack's bed was really really warm. It had fur in it. I saw he had spiky plants around his room. I member he once said I shouldn't touch them cause they could hurt me. I hugged his pillow and closed my eyes. Maybe I could play pretend that Jack was here and The scary Mama in my dreams would leave me alone.


The next morning I heard snoring by my ear. Waking up Jack was laying next to me. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. Yep Jack was still here! I touched his nose and he scrunched it up. Giggling I did it again. He blinked and looked at me pulling me into a hug.

"Well look who's up, Pup you know I had quite the surprise last night. I came home went to check on our Littlest pup only to find them gone from their bed." I blushed and played with the blankets.

"Y-Ya?" He nodded looking down at me.

'Searched high and low only to find a little ball in my bed all curled up. Wanna tell me why you weren't asleep in our own bed" I looked down.

"I... I had a nightmare" He raised an eye brow.

"Ya?" I nodded.

"mmhmm, Mama found me and she took me away from you and Epel and She hit me and said you didn't love me and that I was a bad bad person for thinking you did" Jack's grip tightened on me. I heard a low Growl and Flinched.

'Pup, I want you to listen to me ok? Epel and I will never let her take you away. You are never going back to that women." I looked up at him.

"P-Promise?" He nodded and nosed my head.

"Promise. We love ya kid." I smiled big at him.

'I love you to jack! I love epel to hehe" I heard a knock and saw Epel standing in the door.

"I love you to Yuu, Now both of you come on. we have Breakfast to eat." I smiled big. I love my new family! My Pack!

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