Shaitan Homicide

By mustard-cream2356

1.1K 53 33

Ochako Uraraka lost her parents at a very young age by the hands of a Shaitan and was taken in by a mysteriou... More

Ep1: Shantai Homicide
Ep2: A Deal With The Devil
Ep3: The Sacred Scroll
Ep4: Hashan Village
Ep6: Diamonds, Gold and Stories Untold
Ep7: Resent and Regret
Ep8: The Birth Of Courage
Ep9: A Foe in the Waters
Ep10: An Ill-Fated One

Ep5: The sixth Beast

90 6 2
By mustard-cream2356

"Who's here?" The brunette asked. Has the month ended by already?

"That Shaitan you were talking about?" Lida questioned but Deku disagreed.

"No, her subordinates."
He seems to know a lot about this place.The holy knight was just growing more skeptical on who the greenette truly was but he had no time to think about it as the females appeared before him in the blink of an eye.

"What do you want?!" The brunette yelled and they responded Simultaneously with only a few words...

"Your salary, if not you die."


Narrator's POV

"We don't have enough money right now!" Katsuma yelled but the women did not buy it instead they just repeated what they had previously said.

"Your salary, if not you die."

The brunette became infuriated and pulled her Katanas out from nothing more than thin air frightening the two children.

"The only ones dying will be you two." She narrowed her eyes at them as she got in her stance. Noticing the aura around her, the two ladies flinched a little.

'Is this that Shaitan hunter?' Is what they could both think simultaneously. Looking at her the greenette could really tell her hatred for Shaitan was pure and there was nothing more to it. She looked like she could turn mad because of them and it made him more excited, what a nice way to live!

He kept his excitement to himself and maintained composure. It was really gonna be interesting to watch this go down but he could feel a strange aura coming from the two mysterious women.

The blue haired male was going to stop but let her be, it would be easier to handle things this way after all, she is an experienced hunter. In the speed of light she lunged towards them, it was surprisingly fast as they couldn't see her coming.

"Now!" One yelled stretching out her hand to the other but could never reach it as her friend stumbled back and protected them in a barrier. 'That must be her ability? She's weak.' The brunette's glare was ominous and they could both feel it from within. Visible cracks were starting to fill what was protecting them.

'Darn it! It wouldn't be long before she breaks through it! I've got to think of something.'

"Kai.... let her in."

"What why?!"

"Just do it and once you do grab my hand."
Kai could quickly catch unto what her sister was planning.
Her sister Fukitsu nodded at this and sighed, it's the only option... "If she lets herself in we'll die."

"She can't be that strong-

"Don't be a child, you know how many Shaitan she's killed? all with different kinds of abilities. What makes you think you have a chance with just a shield as yours?!" The brunette could feel something off with their conversation. 'They're planning something..."

A cold sweat ran down Kai's face as she glanced up at the brunette who looked more monster to her than human.

"She can kill anyone but one person right now... you know that." Fukitsu added. Kai nodded as she took a heavy breath. "Yeah sure..." she let one hands go of her barrier which instantly weakened it and connected her fingers with her sister's Fukitsu.

'They're planning an attack!' Ochako caught on to what they were trying to do, She's seen this move done by very few Shaitan and can be proven both strong and weak under different circumstances but it could do her no good as she unconsciously broke through the shield. Yellow glass envelopes the area but in the blink of an eye the brunette was gone, she disappeared.

This caused the blue haired male to look around subconsciously, what happened? he didn't even know when she vanished. "Ah... I see." Deku placed his index finger on his chin and stared at the scene while walking closer to the exit of the hut.

Lida glared at the two women who were panting heavily and they faced him returning his gesture with a scowl, he pulls out the sword that was hanging at his back and aimed it at them. He was more than infuriated, he had only one job and that was to watch over Ochako and be present wherever she is under all circumstances until her time is due, because of them he might fail his mission and they barely even started.

The greenette sniffed the air for about three seconds before he scurried out. I think I know where coconut is, I'm going to go get her.


"I caught her scent." Was all he said before speeding the hell out of there and ran deeper into the depths of the village. There were two paths going opposite from each other. One leads to a deep forest and the other is a calm stream, following the latter he stared at it for some time before sighing and diving in, this better be where she is, he is not really fond of the water.

It was dark and cold but the brunette found herself regaining consciousness. She glanced at her surroundings which were very unrecognisable. Glancing to the ground she was above the surface of water, she stood up and quickly attained balance.

Noticing that she was far away from where she should be she gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. They teleported her! the question is to where?

The whole surrounding was white and filled with marble encrusted pillars. It all led to a hall way which would only get brighter the more she walked deeper into it. The water is stable enough for her to walk on so its meant to be the ground supposedly. "Just great." She had no clue where she was, it's like she wasn't even on earth anymore. What kind of surrounding was this?

The path grew thinner and thinner the more she walked through the halls until finally it was bright as hell... you'd actually think you've reached heaven but she still found herself at the end of the road. Two giant doors were standing firmly before her and it was creaked open. The light from wherever the doors lead to was actually the only thing illuminating this entire place.

Suddenly she started hearing voices that were coming from the room and arched up to the door slowly peeking through the hole.

"Mine all mine!" What she found was not a room but a palace hall, not as narrow as the last but certainly wide, and at the end was a golden embedded throne which was surrounded by many jewels and treasures. The entire room looked like it was a huge treasure chest and it's not surprising that this is where all the light was coming from.
This placed was stuffed with different kind of relics but the one in the midst of it was a gorgeous lady who had slightly purple skin and long lavender hair. She was wearing a black neck collar and bra strap but everything else was covered by her slightly transparent pink clothing. She threw the jewels in her hand and admired them continuously.

Standing up she swirled around the room and let out the sweetest laugh. 'She's obviously a Shaitan.' The brunette thought but didn't move forward she could tell this one wasn't as weak as the other two she saw last and maintained a distance.... in fact the aura she felt around this demon was almost frightening, it was similar to that of Deku's but he was acting to ridiculous and annoying for her to fully grasp a hold of it and that's when she saw it.

On the right cheek of this beautiful lady there was a magenta tattoo that spelled out Roku which was the Kanji for six.

She's one of the six beasts?!! The brunette backed away a little before regaining her composure. 'They really do exist, though i should have known ever since I met Deku, but I never should have run into one so early-

Her thoughts were interrupted when she was pulled into the room by wind alone and the doors were slammed behind her. 'Wait? Did she notice my presence?' She gritted her teeth and stared at the Shaitan that was now before her. Subconsciously the demon turned around, her eyes resembled that of a cat's. Beautiful but Mischievous.

"So we meet Ochako."


The blue haired male dashed towards the females but they jumped out of the way. Slowly people gathered the area and were dumbfounded that someone was actually challenging those demons.

Fukitsu grabbed a hold of some of the people there and took out their blood, forming arrows out of them. They shrieked as the red liquid pulled away from their body. Lida seeing this zoomed towards them but was put to a halt by Kai's dome. He simply broke through it and sliced her in half.

"Agh!" She was lucky.

"I missed." He mumbled as he then aimed for the other one.
"Kai!" She yelled and grunted aiming the arrows for him and letting them loose he dodged all of them rather quickly and before she knew it, he was right behind her.

"Where did you send her?!" He asked before slashing at her neck but she stopped him with her hand..... well she tried. It cut her fingers off and she rolled on the floor. When the blue haired male landed he glared at the people standing on the sidelines.

"You're still here? Do you want to end up like these two?!"
He yelled pointing his sword to the dead bodies that got their blood sucked out of them and this caused the rest of the people to shiver in fear and back away. Mahoro and Katsuma on the other hand kept silent in their hut as they observed everything that was going on, both of them were afraid but there was a difference. The little girl looked at them in terror and so did the boy but apart from that he also observed everything happening before him in awe.... it almost felt like he was inspired.

Suddenly the thought of something came to the mind of the blue haired male. The thought of someone laying on the ground with blood everywhere while he was sitting down crying next to him and begging the supposed Shaitan to spare his life.

The feeling of familiarity came back to him, it's as if he could feel the presence of that demon... the demon that ruined his brother's life forever.

He glared at the two female Shaitans before him and scowled. The two who were about to attack didn't even notice when he got there. He was faster than the speed of light and as soon as he reached them, he retracted his sword and then slashed it at them, cutting through their hearts simultaneously.

They shrieked so loudly you could feel the ground shaking, their blood spilled everywhere and melted the hard soil like it was pure acid until finally they fell to the ground dry and partly lifeless.

"Cover your eyes!" Mahoro shielded they eyes of her little brother but he wanted to see, he wanted to see the climax of everything and how he defeated The Shaitan.

When Tenya was done, the lifeless bodies of the demons began fading away. He pointed his sword towards one of the people which startled them.

"Do you know the way to their leader?"

"Well.... I-I think I c-can get a way a-around-

"Perfect! Lead me the way!"

"W-What?" He asked to which the blue haired male responded with a glare.... "Guide me to their leader." Subconsciously, The man just responded "yes sir!"

He led them away from the citizens of the village who were all looking in fear and astonishment.

A tear streamed down Mahoro's cheek as she held unto her brother who was now desiring to become a Shaitan hunter himself but she was unaware to this fact and hugged him tightly. "Who are this people?......"


"So we meet Ochako." The brunette was stunned by this and gritted her teeth as she reached for her katanas and asked. "How the hell do you know my name?"

"Mm? A little birdie told me..."

"Birdie? Deku?!"

"You know Deku-Kun?! What a delight! That'll make eating you all the more fun!"

"What the hell?!" She lunged towards her but the Shaitan suddenly disappeared which confused the brunette and before she knew it she received a punch to the face. She fell to ground splashing water everywhere but still managed to maintain balance and keep herself on her feet.

There was a little ray of light in the room and the Shaitan appeared again. She placed her hand under the light and bent it around. The brunette watched her move in slow motion trying to quickly analyse her skills and movements.

Then suddenly spears of light formed behind the Shaitan and aimed for Ochako. The beautiful lady stood in the midst of it and smirked at the brunette before disappearing again, now the weapons of light were zooming towards Ochako but she jumped out of the way and even started avoiding them mid-air. Not even a scratch was on her body but it didn't mean she was not worried. More was attacking her from out of no where and then suddenly she could feel slapped. It was hard enough to send her flying but she didn't just fall the to the ground like last time and avoided the incoming spear which was too close for comfort.

She heard the sound of clapping echoing around the room and got infuriated. "Show yourself!" She yelled annoyed but confused at the same time. This Shaitan has two techniques?!

"Wow! Wow! Well done! If it was an ordinary hunter they would have at least gotten scratched by now. You're really light on your feet and I'm impressed." The brunette could here her voice as she giggled but still could not see her but then the felt the tips of hair at her neck standing as she heard a whisper form right behind her...

"I don't know how long it will last though." This Shaitan's voice was cheerful but also sly like a snake so the brunette chose not to move.

Suddenly, she remembered the first time she was told about the seven beasts.

"Ichi (1)"
"Ni (2)"
"San (3)"
"Yon (4)"
"Go (5)"
"Roku (6)"
"Nana (7)" Ochako and Her mentor Midnight where counting the numbers of the most powerful demons to ever exist in their legends...

"There are seven beasts of the demon realm. They are the most powerful demons that could exist but always ruled within the shadows but There was a man powerful enough to kill their leader."


"Yes, The leader of the seven beast but he was killed by Toshinori yagi. He was the one that made the scroll but it's been so long since one like the first had appeared people don't believe they exist anymore and they became myths of the past..."

"Do you believe they exist?" The brunette looked up to her mentor with a curious face to which she just smiled and patted her head as a response.

"To be honest, I don't know. I think they don't exist anymore and somehow faded away behind the scenes but sometimes, I feel..... like they're still out there.... somewhere."

"Far away?"

"Who knows...." the lady giggled before continuing... "they might be closer than you think."

Chapter End.

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