Your Sister, Twilight (#Watty...

By PotterCullenBlack

307K 8.5K 629

Edwards little sister Elizabeth has found happiness again with her new family but what happens when they move... More

Authors Note
~~~Chapter 1~~~
~~~Chapter 2~~~
~~~Chapter 3~~~
~~~Chapter 4~~~
~~~Chapter 5~~~
~~~Chapter 7~~~
~~~Chapter 8~~~
~~~Chapter 9~~~
~~~Chapter 10~~~
~~~Chapter 11~~~
~~~Chapter 12~~~
~~~Chapter 13~~~
~~~Chapter 14~~~
~~~Chapter 15~~~
~~~Chapter 16~~~
~~~Chapter 17~~~
~~~Chapter 18~~~
~~~Chapter 19~~~
~~~Chapter 20~~~
~~~Chapter 21~~~
~~~Chapter 22~~~
~~~Chapter 23~~~
~~~Chapter 24~~~
~~~Chapter 25~~~
~~~Chapter 26~~~
~~~Chapter 27~~~
~~~Chapter 28~~~
Published a New Story!

~~~Chapter 6~~~

10.8K 332 29
By PotterCullenBlack

Meanwhile in Forks

Lily got out of Jess's car and started to look for Elizabeth. She started towards their lockers when a cold hand was placed on her shoulder. She turned quickly expecting to find Elizabeth but came face to face with Rosalie.

"Where's Elizabeth?" Rosalie asked looking worried.

Lily became confused.

"She went least that's what she wrote in this note, I thought she went home to argue with Edward. He said some horrible things to her last night." Lily explained.

"She didn't come home.....what did she say he said?" Rosalie asked panic flooding her eyes.

"That she was acting spoilt and that their Mother and Father would be ashamed of her..." Lily said sadly.

"What!" Rosalie shouted making Lily jump. "Sorry," Rosalie apologised.

Lily nodded.

"Don't worry about Lizzie, she probably went to see our family in Port Angeles, now I need to go talk to my 'brother'" Rosalie hissed the end angrily.

She started towards her family when a screeching noise filled everyone's ears and a blue van skidded on the ice and started heading straight for Bella Swan. Rosalie snarled as Edward ran to Bella's aid. The rest of the Cullen family jumped in the car and rushed home. Rosalie being Rosalie was now so angry she was going to confront Edward about Elizabeth and now Bella.

With Elizabeth

"Yes we are the Volturi," the black haired one said smiling "I am Aro, you are?"

"Elizabeth Mason Cullen," I introduced myself. I looked around the room again trying to find an escape but instead my eyes fell on a boy. He had cropped brown hair, and plump lips. His eyes were framed by thick lashes and when I looked into his burgundy eyes it was like time stopped. I pulled my gaze away from him to look at Aro.

"What am I doing here, may I ask?" I said politely.

"You have broken a law!" the blonde hissed.

I raised and eyebrow confidently, "Prove it." I dared him.

He hissed at me menacingly.

"Caius!" Aro warned. "I will collect the truth."

"You have the truth! Jane and Alec saw her with a human girl, they were talking about vampires!" Caius glared at me.

"Oh you mean Lily!" I acted surprised "Yeah she knows about Vampires..." I said casually.

Suddenly I was grabbed and someone had my head in a tight headlock ready to pull it off. I heard a hiss from the other side of the room.

"...but I didn't tell her," I finished, gasping for breath. The hands loosened slightly.

"Explain child," Aro said interested.

"Lily knows about vampires because her whole family were killed in front of her by one, she was left alive, she's not stupid she figured it out." I told them.

"You are still guilty for not disposing of her," Caius hissed at me, he really didn't like me.

"What so I am expected to clean up after rouge vampires, I thought that was your job," I hissed at him breaking free from the men. "Or am I supposed to do your job as well? Because I bet I could do it a hell of a lot better than you can!"

He stood up and I stepped forward. We were both hissing at each other. Suddenly arms grabbed my waist and held my back. I felt sparks flow through my body from whoever was holding me and I calmed instantly. I saw the other man whisper something to Aro but I couldn't hear anything over Caius's hissing.

"Come here Elizabeth," Aro commanded. I walked towards him but the hands never left my waist.

"Alec......"Aro warned and the hands left. "Your hand child," he held his hand out and I put mine in it. He let go after a minute. "She is telling the truth," he declared.

"Thank you!" I sighed dramatically.

"You have quite the personality Elizabeth," Aro said kindly "You seem to have made a rather large impression on our Alec."

I turned to face Alec and for the first time in almost 100 years, I blushed. Everyone gasped except Aro who had read my thoughts and knew I could change my appearance."Sorry, I must have lost control of my gift..." I murmured.

"Gift?" Alec asked. 

His voice was like sugar and made me want to listen to it all day forever.

"Ummmmm...." I said still dazzled by his voice. 

I heard people laugh and Alec smirked at me causing me to loose my train of thought...again. I looked away from him quickly.

"Yeah....oh my gift is to change my appearance," I stated happily still avoiding looking at Alec.

"That's interesting....can you show us?" I heard Alec's beautiful voice from behind me ask.

"Yeah sure." I said grinning "But first can I speak to Aro alone," I touched his hand carefully showing him my idea.

"Yes of course my dear, follow me," I followed him into a room of the side of the chamber I woke up in. 

I changed my appearance to look like Aro.I then walked out of the chamber leaving the real Aro behind me.

"Where is she Master Aro?" A young girl asked me."Not here." I said in Aro's voice.

"Master!" Alec shouted. "Where is she?"

I ignored him and sat down on the throne."You know Caius, you really should get a hair cut, and while your at it get a personality change, or give up the throne and give it to the amazing Elizabeth..." 

I watched as some of the vampires around the room grinned realising it was me.

"Aro, the girl is a pest, she should be disposed of," Caius hissed.

I heard Alec growl and I stood up facing him and changed my appearance back to normal. Anger shone in my eyes.

Your a pest!" I hissed.

"Elizabeth!" The real Aro warned walking into the room.

Suddenly a round of applause started throughout the room.I smirked triumphantly and bowed dramatically.

"Thank you, Thank you! I will be here till...." I glanced at Aro looking for an answer.

"Up to you my can leave as long as it's night so you won't draw attention I yourself."I nodded and thought about it. 

Did I want to go and face Edward who thought I was spoilt. No. I couldn't face that right now. 

I would stay for a couple I weeks,"I will stay for a while, if that's okay?" I asked turning to face Aro.

"Of course it is, there's a forest just outside of the city, we can get you some clothes and necessary items and we have a spare room..."

"Thank you," I smiled politely.

"Alec show Elizabeth to her room,"

"Yes Master Aro," Alec said and grabbed my hand leading me out of the room.

"Lizzie...out!" I called as the doors shut in my face.


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