The unpredictable Avenger(On...

By PiratePhox4

220K 5.4K 2.8K

Follow the story of one young y/n tennyson. As he goes through the struggle of being a normal kid, and superh... More

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Spider-Man: NWH (4)
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secrets of the Omnitrix (4)
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Be-Knignted (one-shot)
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...hear me out...

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2.8K 90 16
By PiratePhox4

Y/n: "you sure it's just the kinks that needs working?"

Shuri: "ok.. maybe I lied when I said I just found it.. I kinda workshopped half of this thing randomly before any tests..."

Y/n: "huh.. next time sweetheart. If your gonna follow me in a ship, take an actual one, and not one that you could kill yourself in"

Zed let out a loud huff, covering her face with a paw.

Shuri: "I'll uh... I'll keep that in mind. Thank you"

Y/n: "good, perfect. Now, can we go save my disfunctional family before they all die? I.. said some nasty things before they got kidnapped"

Shuri: "like what?"

Y/n: "nothing important. Oh hey! Looky here!"

Y/n points at the console screen, as a large shape began to form in the clouds as they approached.

Y/n: "holy crap.. that's the red room?"

Shuri: "it looks like that watchtower from that American superhero comic book you have"

Y/n: "Enough talk please.. can you pick up on any signals inside?"

Shuri: "nothing but the normal stuff. A few speakers and such... oh, wait. There's a communications server"

Y/n: "outside source?"

Shuri: "outside source! Shall we hack in?"

Y/n: "go for it cupcake"

And just with the snap of the fingers, shuri was in, as three frequencies we're going off, but only two were active.

Y/n: "hello, hello, testing testing. This is y/n Tennyson Romanoff speaking, anyone want to tell me where the hell you are?"

Yelena: "y/n? When the hell did you get here?"

Y/n: "just now. I got some backup to take out the red room once and for all. Any need of outside help?"

Melina: "not at the moment. Stay there, we'll call if your needed"

Y/n: "oh great. It's my ”grandma”.."

Melina: "look, I'm sorry. I didn't trust you, but now I do. So trust me when I say that your mother is more than capable to deal with this"

Y/n: "oh I know that. I'm just saying that I don't really know your guys stuff... Well, except for Yelena. You cool auntie"

Shuri: "you have an aunt now? I want to meet her!"

Yelena: "who was that?"

Y/n: "my girlfriend!"

Suddenly, y/n feels a ting in the back of his neck, as something began to aggregate him. He doesn't know why, or how, but he has a feeling. A bad feeling. On about his mother. Out of nowhere, y/n's eyes turn a vibrant, almost glowing purple hue. In a green flash, y/n had become ghostfreak, but a more sinister appearance, as some of the cloth covering his body was torn, showing his lanky arms, along with sharp claws, and a little tear where his mouth was. From the flash, shuri and zed turn around, only to see nothing. Not even y/n.

Shuri: "y/n? Y/n!"

Before they turned around, y/n went invisible, and intangible, flying out of the mini wakandan jet, and right into the red room, flying every which way, as red lights, and sirens began blaring. Until he fell upon a room that was quiet. All that was heard was the conversation between two people. Y/n new one of them by heart.

Dreykov: "You ran away to fight in the wrong war. The real war was fought here, in the shadows"

Natasha: "You didn't fight in the shadows. You hid in the dark"

Dreykov: "Real power comes from undetectable influence"

Natasha: "If no one's noticed, then why even do it? You're nothing. You have nothing"

Dreykov: "There are 50 people on this planet..."

Natasha: "Oh, stop it"

Dreykov: "Don't tell me to stop!!"

Natasha: "If I don't tell you when to stop, then how will you know when to shut up?"

Out of nowhere, the man known as Dreykov throws a punch, right across nats face, causing her to jerk back. Something inside y/n began to grow.. something that he was having trouble controlling.

Natasha: "Come on. Think I can't take a punch?"

Dreykov: "Oh"

Dreykov then throws another punch, causing that feeling inside y/n to grow even more.

Natasha: "God damn it, you're weak"

Dreykov: "Weak?"

Natasha: "I bet it's easier to be tough in front of defenseless little girls, huh?"

Dreykov: "That's enough"

Dreykov then throws another, sending nat to the floor. Nat gets up to her knees, only for Dreykov to kick her in the shoulder, knocking her back down. That feeling inside y/n became unbearable.. as voice's began to echo inside his head. He attempted to force them all back.. this was what his mom's plan was. He was giving her what she needed... However, a burning anger was constantly eating away at y/n for not immediately jumping in to stop it.

Dreykov: "You wouldn't be so glib if you had any notion of the scope of what I've built. I own this world. Me"

Natasha: "You seem desperate to impress me"

Dreykov: "I don't need to impress you. I don't need to impress anyone. These world leaders, these great men, they answer to me and my widows"

Dreykov returned to his desk, using the ring on his finger to activate a holographic map in the middle of the room.

Dreykov: "Look at them. These girls were trash. They are thrown out into the street. I recycle the trash. And I give them purpose. I give them a life"

Nat returns to her feet, watching the map intently. Y/n on the other hand, began to cool down, but not fully. Unknown to him completely, black and white tentacles began forming from his back.

Dreykov: "It's my network of widows that help me control the scales of power. One command, the oil and stock markets crumble. One command, and a quarter of the planet will starve. My widows can start and end wars. They can make and break kings"

Natasha: "You control all of that from here?"

Dreykov: "And with you, an Avenger under my control, I can finally come out of the shadows using the only natural resource that the world has too much of. Girls"

Natasha: "All from that little console?"

Dreykov: "Yeah. Oh, you find this amusing? Why are you smiling?"

Natasha: "Don't take it personal, but, uh... Thank you for your cooperation"

Natasha: "You weren't quite strong enough, so... I'll have to finish it myself"

Dreykov: "What are you going to do?"

Natasha: "introduce you to someone"

Dreykov: "and who's that?"

Natasha: "my son"

As if on command, y/n's eye widens, as he becomes visible, and tangible, wrapping multiple tentacles around Dreykov's body, right as he touched down on his control tablet.

Natasha: "Not so talkative now, are you? You took my childhood. You took my choices and tried to break me. But you're never gonna do that to anybody ever again"

Y/n began to tighten his tentacles on instinct, causing Dreykov to grunt. From the front door, a grapple hook was shot into nat's shoulder, as it yanks her back, y/n let's go of Dreykov, and flew over to his mother. In a mixture of green and purple, y/n returned to human. Why? He doesn't know himself. Dreykov got to his feet, using his desk to help him up.

Dreykov: "Nobody leaves this room until she, and that boy, are dead. Make them suffer"

With y/n's help, nat got back up to her feet, all the while Dreykov walked past, and out the door, past the other widows. Taking the hook out of her back, she bares it as a weapon, as y/n activates the Omnitrix.

Natasha: "I don't wanna hurt you. You don't wanna hurt me"

Y/n then immediately stepped up Infront of nat, surprising her.

Natasha: "y/n, whatever you're thinking, don't"

Y/n: "your hurt mom. I don't want you getting worse. Let me take 'em"

Nat takes a step back, as a couple widow's walk closer to her, only for y/n to walk in front of her.

Y/n: "nu-uh. Me first"

A widow suddenly jumps at y/n, who side steps, and kicks the back of her leg, causing her to take a knee, as he backhands her head, causing her to lean forward, letting y/n use her as a springboard to jump kick another widow, who blocks it. However, y/n wraps his legs around her, and uses his own body weight to throw her to the floor. With a sly of hand, y/n takes her wrist zapper, and puts it on his one free wrist, then lightly zaps the first widow, then the second. But a third went up, and grabs y/n by the throat, but before that widow could do anything, nat ran up, and elbowed her in the face.

Y/n: "thanks.."

Natasha: "no problem kiddo"

Y/n: "hey uh.. mom.. I'm sorry for what I said. I never meant it to come out like that.."

Natasha: "don't worry. No matter what, your still my son, got it? not even in death will I ever stop being your mother"

Y/n smirks, as they both began to get surrounded by widows. They bare their fist, ready to fight, only for red smoke to explode above them, causing all the widows to freeze in place.

Yelena: "Hey"

Y/n: "really? Are you serious?! We just had this sweet, tender moment, and you ruined it by saving us"

Yelena: "at least your safe!"

Nat chuckles, but then turns to all the confused widows.

Natasha: "Get as far away from here as possible. You get to make your own choices now"

Suddenly, the entire facility began to shake violently.

Yelena: "We gotta get outta here. We need to find Dreykov. Are you coming?"

Natasha: "I'm right behind you"

Y/n: "you better be! I'll be outside!"

Yelena: "how are you-"

Y/n ran at the wall, suddenly changing into big chill, and flies right through.

Yelena: "oh"

Y/n flew outside, watching the entire facility explode and crumble. However, he grunts in the sight of the mini wakandan ship floating next to him. He flew inside, and returns to human.

Shuri: "that was stupid"

Y/n: "yes, I know"

Shuri: "did you apologize?"

Y/n: "yes, I did"

Shuri: "did you win?"

Y/n: "..not yet.. watch out for mom, she could come running from anywhere!"

Zed barks out, pointing out the window. Shuri and y/n follow her paw, watching as Yelena goes falling off the facility, with nat jumping off right after her.

Y/n: "no... Shuri, open the hatch!!"

Shuri nods, and slams open the back hatch, as both he and zed go running out. With a whistle, and a leap, zed began to transform, becoming a large purple bird like creature. An Omnivoracious. Y/n clenches onto her back, as she began to divebomb down towards the ground.

Y/n: "mom!"

Zed wasn't fast enough, even with her new transformation. As even though it was a bird, it was still better apt for running, than flying. Nat has already made it to the ground, after putting a parachute on Yelena, and getting tackled by the masked fighter.

When they did make it to the ground, he saw the sight of nat kneeling down next to a fallen Yelena. Thinking the worst, y/n jumps off zed, and ran right up to them. Thankfully, Yelena was ok, as before y/n even got there, she sat up, and hugged Natasha. Without warning, y/n ran up, and hugged them both.

Natasha: "y/n.. are you ok?"

Y/n: "am I ok? AM I OK!?! you scared the god damn hell out of me mom!"

Natasha: "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry... I'll make it up to you.. ok?"

Y/n nods slightly, before hugging nat again. From behind them, both Alexei, and Melina had arrived to them. Getting up, the entire family stood together, with one extra alien dog of course.

Natasha: "Everybody good?"

Melina: "I am clearly injured"

Natasha: "You got something to say?"

Alexei: "I'd just mess it up"

Having a silent moment with each, the family smiles, only for loud vehicles to be heard coming closer gradually.

Natasha: "Here comes the cavalry"

Melina: "So, what's our plan?"

Natasha: "You guys go. I'll stay"

Alexei: "That's insanity. We fight. We fight with you"

Natasha: "I'll hold them off"

Alexei: "Natasha, we fight"

Melina: "We can't split up. You're so pigheaded"

Natasha: "You guys, go"

Yelena: "Oh, my God"

Natasha: "Besides, if it can work out with the four of us, you know, there may be some hope for the Avengers. Little bit"

Nat looks over to y/n, who playfully rolls his eyes.

Y/n: "whatever. That family still needs work"

Yelena: "Okay, well, if you're leaving, then I guess you should take this. I know how much you like it"

Taking off her vest, Yelena hands it off to nat, who chuckles while taking it.

Natasha: "Shucks. It does have a lot of pockets"

Yelena: "Very handy pockets, yeah"

Pulling out the vials, nat holds them out, giving them to Yelena.

Natasha: "He had widows implanted all over the world. Melina will need to copy the formula, but you should be the one to tell 'em it's over"

The moment she took them, a jet landed next to them. The side door opens, revealing all the widows that escaped before. Yelena, surprised, walked up to them.

Yelena: "You came back for us"

Widow: "мы не оставим тебя позади"
(We wouldn't leave you behind)

Yelena: "Thank you"

Right on target, the mini wakandan ship lands opposite side of the red room carrier, and walking right out of the hatch is shuri.

Shuri: " I swear, if you leave me on that ship one more time"

Y/n: "I won't! I promise!"

Shuri: "right. Well... We should get going. I'm sure my brother is worried sick for us both"

Y/n: "what? Wait.. You.. you didn't tell him you were leaving, did you?"

Shuri stayed quiet, looking around to find a way to escape the conversation.

Shuri: "o-oh! Hello there, you must be y/n's mother!"

Y/n: "whoa, whoa! Don't dodge the question!"

Nat chuckles at the two, before turning to her mother, who turns back to her.

Melina: "Hey. Hey. You take care of yourself, okay?"

Natasha: "Don't worry. I got this"

Melina: "Melina"

As Melina, and the other widows take off, y/n turns to his mom one last time.

Y/n: "well mom.. if you ever need anything. Just give me a call.."

Wordless, nat walks up to y/n, and hugs him tightly.

Natasha: "I'll call, don't worry. Be safe, alright?"

Y/n nods, and turns back to shuri and zed.

Y/n: "alright! Let's head out!"


To be continued
Y/n 10 will return

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