The Return of the First Born...

By Ronanbelleza123

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Ronan the First Born Primarch The Proto-Primarch Primarch of the Thunder Warriors This is Another 40k U... More

Chapter 1
Lore and Notes
Chapter 2:Escaping and a New Age
Chapter 3:Battle and Revelation
Chapter 4:Battle of Luna
Chapter 5:Aftermath and Meeting the Emperor
Chapter 6:The New Breed
Chapter 7: 2ND Battle of Terra
Chapter 8:Aftermath and Flashbacks
Realm of Primordia's Lore
Chapter 9:Reaction
Chapter 10:Preparation and Council
Chapter 11:Reunion, and the Start of the Crusade
Chapter 12: Last Church and the Argument Between Son and Father
New Pick
Chapter 13:Meeting the Uncles
Chapter 14:Battle of Baal
Chapter 15:Aftermath
Chapter 16:Reaction PT 2
Chapter 17:Secret
Chapter 18:Forgotten Scene/Flashbacks
Chapter 19:The Return of
Chapter 20:Redeemtion
Chapter 21:Forgotten Scene/Flashbacks PT 2
Chapter 22:New Weapons of War
Chapter 23:Rage
Chapter 24:Vengeance
Chapter 25:Trap
Chapter 26:Rip & Tear
Chapter 27:The Discovery of the Ship
Chapter 28:New Breeds of War
Interlude:Fantasy World
Chapter 29:Earth's Relic
Chapter 30:Alpha Primus
Chapter 31:Temptation and Power
Chapter 32: Redemption PT 2
Chapter 33:Secret
Chapter 34:Brotherly Bond & Healing
Chapter 35:Forgotten scene
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:Forgotten Scene
Chapter 38:Demonic Side
Chapter 39:Diplomacy
Chapter 40
Chapter 41:The Liberation of the Realm
Chapter 42:Home
Chapter 43:Reunion
Chapter 44: Reunion PT 2
Chapter 45: Forces Unleash & Forgotten Scene PT 5
Demons/Angels of Chaos and Order of Primordial
Chapter 46: Forgotten Scene PT 6
Chapter 47:Plague Wars
Chapter 48:Aftermath & Reaction
Chapter 49:Awakening
Epilogue PT 2

Chapter 50:Final Chapter

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By Ronanbelleza123

Previously on the Return of the First Born of the Primrach

He wears a Golden armor, with Dark Blue Energy Wings at his back as he glared at Nurgle

His Aura was Vastly Powerful that it Engulf the Entire Galaxy within his Presense alone both in the Warp and Materium

"Now Behold the Ancient Primordial's Form and now he has Return to exact his Revenge" Said Isha with awe at her Lover's Form again


Nurgle Begun to scream in Pain as he was Burning in Golden and Dark Blue Flame that surround his Body within seconds there is nothing Left from Him not even ashes

With it Every demons of Nurgle begun to die because of their Master is Dead, while those who have his Blessing are Removed, those who are not strong enough died in agony, while Mortarion and his Sons will Suffer a pain that is Far Greater than his Brother did to him

The Realm of Nurgle begun to Crumble as the Realm of Primordial begun to Expand

P,Ronan Transform back to his Primarch Form "Come on let's Get out of Here!" Said P.Ronan though he is Panting

"No time for Explanation for now, let's Get out of here!" Said Magnus as he Agreed with his Eldest Brother

For thet Escape from the Portal



20 Days after P.Ronan being Dragged to the Warp, and Encounter his Brothers Leman russ and Magnus the Red and Rescuing the Aeldari goddess, isha and killing Nurgle 


the 4 beings exit from the Warp just outside from the Imperial Palace

The People who are so Absorbed to their Daily Lives, took a Pause to admire and Gaze in awe at the Newer Arrivals

As soon as Isha Put her feet on the Capital of the Imperium the Very Presence of the goddess of life and Fertility restored the broken atmosphere to the Days of Infancy making the People to breath much Easier and not to Mention to feel the Peak of Earth's Air

The People looked to the New Arrivals would awe but at the Same time Fear when they saw Magnus the Red, though of what Truly get their Attention is the Towering Woman that are besides with the Primarchs with Unparalleled beauty  that could be Considered Equal to their Empress of Humanity Usagim she stood in impossible height in 10 ft tall, her Pale are Ethereal that she is no Mere Mortal, and pink with the Same vibrancy that sprouted flowers in her Feet when she touche the Very Ground of Terra, she was dressed in transparent silks that accentuated her form, though it left little Imagination to her body as it shows her Assets, and her hair so Inhumanely Beautiful golden like a Field of Ripened grain 

Every Mortals could only think of one thing, They Knew, this is a goddess for sure, even if she is not a Human like their Emperor and Empress

Isha looked to the Mortal gathered Crowed and smiled sweetly to them at all who gaze upon her, her Benevolent Aura washed away any Negatives in their Lives, those that cast their Eyes on her were immediately blessed with Vitality, as Old People who once bent on their walking crane stood tall as if they are on their Prime, Veterans who have suffered from War who have chipped away their Humanity because of the Horrors of War saw again of what they had missed for so long that it was Myth in this Galaxy

Hope, Hope that they have waited for so long now it has Arrived, just like the Empress Before the Goddess before them has also bring them another Hope for a Greater Galaxy

The Crowd Cheered, as when they saw the Wolf King and The first born, though they held their Suspicious to the Sorcerer King but he was with 2 of his Brothers who could kill him within Range of their Melee weapon, though still Cheered for they knew of what to call the goddess that stand on their Street

Soon the Gate Opened and Hundreds of Custodians Came Forth as their Make a Military Line to the 4 beings

"At least they have been told that Magnus is on our Side now brother" Leman Whisper to them as P.Ronan nod to him

"Well we have avoid bloodshed in Terra for the 3rd Time" Said P.Ronan with it he Hurried them along, for P.Ronan was not here to Parade her around the Imperial city not yet at least "Come let us Brough her to our Father" he added as Isha Meekly agreed and allowed herself to be swept up to the gates of the Imperial Palace

"Lord Pri---" Isha was Cut off

"You could simply Call me Ronan if you want" Said P.Ronan with Reassuring smile "I Might have Returned my Memory but here in this Incarnation i have a Family that i can called even though i have Many Children in my Realm"

Isha smiled upon him "Even Queen Serenity Gave you that Name as if your Name was Truly Destined to you Ronan" Said Isha as she Lean to his Body and he Let her to so he could comfort his Lover "It's been millions of Years since our Last Met my Love"

"Indeed Isha" Said P.Ronan Softly as he Moved his hand Over her shoulder "I've missed you, and we will do it later"

Isha Smiled fondly at him and she knows what he Means about Later that they are going to do it

as they walk there they saw the Servants and Servitors  pushed open many doors leading to the Throne Room, where they saw the Emperor Sat Interred for the last 10,000 Years, they Notice the walls and floors were restored after the defense of the City against the Demons of Khorne that have Invade Terra, with it the Emperor's skeleton was still that Immobile that stayed the Same that P.Ronan have Remembered as well as Russ

There they Even saw the Empress along with of their Brothers who are Happy to see their Brother alive even more when they saw Russ only for them to Glare when they saw Magnis

Isha looked P.Ronan and then to the Emperor then at the Glorified corpse, her Expression was one of Sadness and Tender Compassion "is that him?" She ask

"Yes" Said P.Ronan

The Empress Step forward and Begun to hug her sons "My Sons you have Returned" Said Usagi as she Hug P.Ronan Then she Hug Leman Russ who Hug her Back despite that he is in Filthy smell "What an Awlful Smell Leman i want you to get wash later Okay? Or i will do it myself and you don't want me to Right?" She said Sweetly as she looked at Leman who Gulped in fear to their Mother

"Of-- Of course Mother"  Said Leman

"Hi Magnus" Said usagi as she smiled to her Son Warmly

"Hello Mother it's good to see again" Said Magnus as he hug his Mother back with a Soft tone

"Mother Magnus might have Return but he has still some answers for his crimes" Said Dorn bluntly

"Rogal this is not how you speak to your Brother!" Said Usagi in a Mortified tone

"Mother you do realize his Action had cause Untold Destruction, Brother Ronan have tried to Reason with him but he Refuse because you are not who will Judge him" Said Corax

Before Usagi could Speak Magnus stops her "Mother it's Okay i will handle this on my Own" Said Magnus

Magnus Step forward as he looked to his Brothers "Brothers i know what i've done is Wrong, I Know many Innocent People have Died because of my Arrogance, but I Will never Regret of saving my Sons to Tzeanch" said Magnus

"Are you saying that you are Willing to Join Tzeanch again to save yourself?" Said Guilliman

"If i've come back in Time then Yes, if you give me alternative then we shall speak it, What Russ done to my People 10,000 Years ago is cannot be forgiven because of his hatred towards Psykers and not to Mention his hypocrisy of his so called Rune Priest, now i have come to you as a Brother and not as an Enemy i will do everything i can so that one day me and my Sons shall be Forgiven" Said Magnus as he bow his Head

"Brother it has been 10,000 Years" Curze Begun being the judge as Always "Yes, Magnus did a Horrible Decision but can you Blame him Brothers? We Betrayed him first before he Even Join Chaos, Let's him Prove himself if he is truly dedicated to Redeemed himself"

Magnus gave Curze a Thankful smile "Thank you Brother" Said Magnus

Curze Shrugged "Don't think me Yet Book for Brains, prove to us of your Actions not your Words" Said Curze

Usagi smiled to her Sons until she Landed to Isha "Lady Isha, welcome to Terra i welcome you as the Empress of the Imperium" Said Usagi as she Curtsy to Isha and did the Same

"It is good to see you as well Princess Serenity" Said Isha with a Smile "When we heard your Death Ronan here almost got on in Rampage to Destroy whoever have Killed your Mother But luckily we are able to talk him out"

"of course and you have my Thanks Lady isha and it's good to see someone who knows my Past" Said Usagi

"You are the Exact Replica to your Mother Serenity, she would be proud that her daughter still lives" Said Isha

"I Know, and i will not waste it" Said usagi with Sad Smile "Can you heal my Husband even in this State?" She ask as soon as she ask that question everyone in the Throneroom begun to looked at Isha Expectantly

"I Can try it is the least i can do after your Son have done to me, even though he was only Dragged by Nurgle" Said Isha as she looked at her Saviors 

Usagi Smiled "Then i shall help you Lady Isha, i've done that before but his Damage was far beyond of my powers" Said Usagi sadly to the Aeldari Goddess "No Matter what i did i could able to heal my Husband the 4 chaos Imbued my Son Horus with so much Power that he could Damage him Beyond Repair that even myself could able to heal him"

Isha looked to her Sadly "The Chaos have Indeed Wanted nothing but your Husband Destruction and i believe he is one of the Old One's own Creation his Very being is to combat the forces of Chaos themselves" Said Isha

With it the 2 goddess moved towards the Emperor as isha and Usagi took the Hold of the skull as they begun to Summon their Immense Power as everyone could feel it as the healing take effect

P.Ronan along with his Brothers waiting as they hold their Breath, as they watched with Eager anticipation of the Culmination of P.Ronan's Magnus and Leman Russ Efforts, the Custodians themselves that have Escorted them Whispered among themselves wondering of what was to come

To the Mortal's Eyes they would Never notice it first, but the Brother Primarchs saw it along with Every Augmented Super humans, The Flesh crept up across the ancient bones, sinews and Muscular formed over sutures and forearms sported nerves and blood vessel, then as the Ancient of a Human face formed, the skin stretch out from thin air and spread out evenly on the head and all over the body therein, P.Ronan and his Brothers have Gasp in gape  amaze at Isha's Power along with their Mother the power of Life making manifest itself before them

Hair sprouted, from the roots, and flowed over scalp, eyelids stretch over open sockets only to lift and reveal the Ancient brown eyes that Radiated with Power and wisdom 

All of his Sons  Knew those Eyes, even after 10,000 Years they still Remember those eyes, the Eyes that are Indifference and Authoritative 

"Father" Said all the Primarchs

"Emperor!" The Custodians Joined in in Joy as they finally saw their Lord in the Flesh for the first time in 10,000 Years, only the Oldest Custodian Dreadnoughts during the Unfication wars through horus Heresy still Remember of what he looked liked and how they told them of his Majesty

The Emperor wasn't Listening to them, for in the Moment of his Resurrection he only cared one thing, the beautiful face that stared down at him with love, as he looked at Usagi and she Lean down to him as she press her Lips against his, his hands held in place by wires plugged into the throne made alot of noise as they Moved up to caress his Wife's Smooth Cheek as he pulled her Down and kiss her

after for several Minutes, the Emperor and Empress are Satisfied as for the first time in 10,000 Years the Master of Mankind Finally Rose up from his throne and cast a Bright glow over the ancient Machine

Well done my sons" Said the Emperor with a Smile a Smile that Usagi Recongize was Real and not a Lie "I am proud to all of you that you have united once again" he said

The Emperor  Glance at P.Ronan "It would seems that you have finally Remember yourself Primordial Either Way which one do you Prefer?" He ask

"I Still Prefer Ronan for it is Queen Serenity that given to me and i will Keep it for Eternity" Said P.Ronan

His Brothers looked Confuse except for Russ and Magnus who would Tell their Brothers about their battle against the Plague god

The Emperor Nod his head in Understanding the Primordial is one of the Few Beings that he would Rather not Fight or even Provoke, this is the Same god who Destroys Malal who is More Powerful than the 4 gods of chaos combined and the Powers of the Primordial was such that even he would Try to avoid him for the sake of Peace and now he has his memories once more

"Come, Let us give them the good News" Said the Emperor as he Beckoned them and the gods of the imperium walked up to the balcony so the crowd could their Lord and Master to see

For the Emperor has Returned and with it The Imperium Rejoice for their Emperor has Finally Returend for their Darkest Hour and hope had Reignite in the hearts of Every Humans of the Imperium with this Little  Message they Fight even Harder

Because for the first time in their Life they Finally believe in One thing that Humanity have Forgotten

a Dream of a Brighter Future


Scene Change

5 days later

Realm of Order

"Isha your finally freed" Said Khaine to his once Colleague and Enemy "At least we have now the most Benevolent goddess in our Ranks"

"indeed Lord Khaine and Thanks for your Greetings" Said Isha Awkwardly as she looked to several C'tan who are seating with their Throne, she still Remembers them as an Enemy for the past 60 Million Years but now here they are allies and they are also the gods of order

"For these Years i was thinking you would have glaring at us the Moment you Entered here and worse case, you would attack us because of our Ancient History Lady Isha" Said the Void Dragon 

"And yet, for all the Torture that you have Receive from Nurgle your Light still shines bright lady isha, i could not expect more from you Goddess of Life truly an Anathema to me" Said the Nightbringer he is the god of death of course and Isha was his Counter the goddess life, though Nurgle was the perfect Counterpart for her because of his Concept

"Thanks Lord Aza'gorod and Lord Mag'Ladroth you should not Praise me because i have to Protect my Children and along with those Mortals who would Suffer from his Plague, each time he Makes a New Plague and Distracted enough i could make Cures from his Decease that he makes to counter it and secretly Whisper it to the Mortals who needed it more" Said Isha as she do everything she can to protect her children not only them but also every Mortal and they deserve to suffer from Nurgle's Plague

"Still Hope Remains in your Heart Isha" Said Cegorath as he appeared beside her "Just like Queen Serenity and her Daughter you People are Hope Embodiment even Nurgle could not Break you for the past Tens of thousands of years in your Captivity in the Garden of Nurgle" He said

"You have always been that isha since your Very Creation by the Old Ones themselves, you haven't change, i can at least see why some of them are very Protective of you because of your Very Nature Isha" Said Khaine

"He is Right" Said Bahamut one of the Old Ones and the one who help to Forge P.Ronan's armor and Weapons and other Wargear that he Needs for the Future "You my Dear are one of our Greatest Creation your very Embodiment was Pure and Innocent that even we the Old Ones your Very Own Creator Refuse to Destroy you despite of your Many Protest against us, Many gods have been Fallen in our Wrath because they Challenge us, but not you, you should feel like because you are the Very Few that we never felt Regret of creating you"

isha bow humbly to her Creator "You have my Thanks my Lord even then i don't deserve your Praise" Said Isha

"Always as modest as always are you young Isha?" Said Kroak he always have a Soft spot to the Aeldari goddess since she was born, he is the 1st one to be overprotective and he has always has been acting like a Father to the goddess Life

Isha Blush at Kroak's Comment after all he was the most Closet to her and she consider him to be her father in some aspect

"You always have a soft spot to young Isha  Kroak" Said Sotek as he Shrugged

"Indeed, whenever she is in Trouble it was you came firs to protect her" Said Xok'ha one of the most Powerful old ones, he is a Great Warrior enough to Challenge the Likes of Khorne in a Duel "And not to Mention with the Primordial's Return then the Death of the chaos gods are near" He said

"The Chaos god Nurgle is Dead i could feel when his Life has Faded when Primordial Killed him in his Realm and now it was absorbed and we have 3 Chaos gods that we still have to be wary of" Said the Machine god being in Joy that the Fatty shit is Dead after he Tried to Corrupt his children

"Still Nurgle maybe gone, but Plagues would still Continue but not as Intensifies or Powerful as  Nurgle's CReation or his Children" Said the Empeor as he Entered

"Will Lord Primordial would Join us in the Meeting Emperor?" Said Khaine

"No, he won't he would be too Busy and he likes being Human, his Body is just his Vessel and being the most Powerful god in Existence i would rather not try to Provoke him even if i have become more Powerful for the last 10,000 Years" Said the Emperor

"Isha can't you at least try to Persuade him to Join us in the Meeting? You have a Higher Chance of doing it since you can seduce him without such Efforts" Said Cegorath

Isha shook her head "The Primordial had just Recently have his Memory Return to him, he would not able to Join us as he would likely going to Enjoy to be a Mortal and you know him that's what his Hobby is, he has always have a Soft spot to the Mortals because they are so Fragile that they will need guidance for a Better future for themselves" Said Isha

"Well it can't be help we know his personallity, and Let him have his Fun before he assumed command again" Said Kroak as they Nod to him

"Then we shall start our Meeting without the Primordial" Said the Emperor as he sat on his throne

"Then let us start" Said Void Dragon


Scene Change


"Ronan we miss you" Said Ami as they Hug Ronan after they have arrived in Terra when they Heard Ronan have Returned the 3 Decided to come to Terra to greet their Lover

"Hello there my 3 little Beauties" Said P.Ronan with a Smile as he kiss them all "Hope i din't worry the 3 of you" He said in a Apologetic tone

the 3 Woman Raise Eyebrow "How long Exactly are in the warp Ronan?" Said Starsha

"Well let's just say 20 Years since i was in the warp" Said P.Ronan in a Joking Manner

The 3 Woman Playfully Punch him "You idiot this is not manner to Joke Ronie" said Alarielle as she shake her head to their Lover as she scolded him "If it weren't for your Mother giving us Further Details about the Warp from it's flow of Time then you had just made it even more Worried than we should be"

"And can't stop Imagining of how you are going to suffer from the Warp despite how Strong you are" Said Ami as she Cross her arms and Close her Eyes

"And most of all how much we can't sleep knowing that you are going to be Trap in the Warp" Said Starsha as she nod with her fellow Consorts

"Oh please i was just hanging around and trolling the Chaos gods you know" Said Ronan

"THAT'S EVEN WORSE EXCUSE OF NOT RETURNING BACK TO THE MATERIUM!" The 3 Consorts yelled at P.Ronan who Hold his Ears

P.Ronan Raise his hand "Okay Okay, please don't yell at me i was just wanting some Payback because they dare to Imprisoned me and tried to kill me where they are at their strongest and where there demons does not Vanish" Said P.Ronan

The 3 consorts Sight "Still you haven't change a bit Ronie" Said Ami with a Sad smile "If Rini Knew that she had Brothers despite being more Mature in some aspect she would still be happy, even though you have disipline her whenever she is out of line whenever she had done something to Usagi" she said Sadly, there was still a Time where P.Ronan would Hurt Rini whenever she out of line to their Mother and now she Understands it P.Ronan was more Mature than Rini could ever be, when they finally arrived at Terra they have Met the other Primarchs and they are still quite Surprise that all of them towers their Mother

Even Ami was the most shock thinking of how such Thing that Usagi able to Birth Such Gigantic human beings and she is still Small Compared to her sons and Grandsons who tower over her, the way the Primarchs Acts though they may different in Personality because of their Planets that they Landed on but they share the  same Goal of Protecting Humanity and Guiding them to have a Better Future, she could tell that they can be serious in any moments notice that which even Rini was not that capable of despite that she is the crown princess of the Tokyo Crystal

"Maybe because we live in Peace while they Live in War" Though of Ami

"Though i might have gone for a Few Years or decades in your Galaxy but it's Decades to a Century to me you know, i will Welcome any allies who would going to stranded in my Galaxy just like they have done to me" Said P.Ronan

"But Remembers this Ronie whenever you are trap ever again try not to Play with their for Long Okay?" Said Starsha

"Yeah, i'll Consider that Option" Said P.Ronan with a Thoughful Expression

the 3 consorts Groaned as P.Ronan smiled at their Expression he then Lifted them "So shall we my Loves?" He ask with a Lustful grin on his Face

The consorts looked to Each other within moments before they nod, as they have nothing much to do and have preserve their stamina for a Possible S'x with P.Ronan

"Excellent" Said P.Ronan as he kiss the 3 of them and at the same time Groping their Bodies and not for long their Rooms could be heard loud moans as he Enjoys their Company for the 1st time in Decades since his Last encounter to them and he doesn't have time to that when he was on his Realm as he have to Organize and Plan for the Counter attack with his own massive Invasion fleet to Liberated the Imperium in the Taint of Chaos and along with Other Xenos factions



"It's good to see you again my Lord" Said Arik as he salute to their Primarch

"Indeed my Sons, sorry for my Absence as i have certain things to take care of" Said P.Ronan

"So it is True, Nurgle is Dead Father?" Said TW.Ronan hoping for the Right Answer 

P.Ronan Smiled "Yes, my Sons Nurgle is Dead and he would no longer Bother us any longer" Said P.Ronan

With it the Thunder Warriors Roared in Joy that they heard a Chaos is finally Dead

"Father this Deserves a Celebration what say you Brothers?!" Said Nath as the Thunder Warriors Roared even Louder 

"Father let us Celebrate your Victory against the Chaos god" Said Dean with a Smile

"Indeed, You have hard fought battle and we must Celebrate your Victory" Said Titus

P.Ronan smiled "Fine, then but it would take some time before we could have a Proper Celebration, but don't tell your Uncle Leman or he mi-----" He was Cut off

"Did somebody Said Celebration?!" Said Leman Russ who suddenly appeared at P.Ronan's Front with dust follow soon after he arrives in front of P.Ronan

P.Ronan Cringe at his Brother's Sharp Hearing whenever he heard about Celebration "Of course Brother we are planning to Celebrate, the Masses has yet to know the Death of a Chaos god as it will truly give them another Hope that chaos gods can be killed" Said P.Ronan with a frowned

"of course Celetration to lift the Spirits our People Brother, that's a good Decision i shall Organize the Setting maybe even the Smurf lord could help me to Organize one" Said Leman Russ with a Grin 

"uhhh do what you want Leman" Said P.Ronan with a Defeated Expression as he knows Russ could be the most Stubborn when it comes to Feast the more it is justified then the more Persuasive he is and P.Ronan have surrendered from that long ago from his Brother's Antics


Scene Change

Flash back

59 Millions of Years ago 1 million years after the War in heaven that have been fought for millions of Years by the Creations of the Old Ones and the Necron Empire

The Primordial appeared to be looking at the smaller Planet in his hand , then he felt something powerful behind his Presence though he though it would be another chaos god, but it was not, this being was far more vastly more Powerful than him

He Turned around but he had to shield his Eyes of how bright it is 

"Be not Afraid Young one" Said the being before him as it formed before him, though Primordial thinks someone would likely going to fear him

The Primordial step back his Expression are both in Fear and Awe at the being before him, for what it is, he is far more Vaster than the Primordial and much more powerful and not to Mention He could feel that he is Ancient not just any Ancient but Something that Even the Primordial Made bow his head

the being had 6 wings each have multiple eyes on them, he is wearing Golden armor, though he had multiple faces 1 is a human and the other are Animals whatever it is there is something tell him that this being can be considered a Cosmic horror as he could feel even looking at his appearance

"W-- Who are you?" Said the Primordial with Fear on his Voice, taking a strong Front would be Pointless of how this being generating his power and he is appeared to be Retraining his power

"Well just your friendly Archangel" said the Being before him "And by the Way Names Ronan the Archangel of Wrath and Destruction" He said with a Bow though it was likely not humble and why would he be humble? he is entitle not to be humble to his Lesser creations

"Eh are you a new god?" The Primordial ask awkwardly but he would just want to Make sure

the Archangel laugh at the Question "Nope, Boy i'm older than even time Itself even the so called Big Bang was not even the fraction of my age Boy" Said Ronan

The Primordial Gulped it appears he is no longer deserve the title of Primordial, here a Being before him was far more older than him

"Why are you here then Lord Ronan?" Said Primordial Carefully not wanting to Piss of the archangel

"Well just passing through to my Creation" Said Ronan casually as he looked to the Small Planet in Primordial's Hand

"Do you know what's the name of this Planet?" said Ronan as he Teleport the Planet into his palm, it was very small to him

The Primordial Shook his head "I Do not much know my Lord" Said The Primordial as shake his head

"This Planet" Said Ronan as he show him the Planet in his Palm "Is called Earth"

"Earth? What happened to it? It looked like it was been hit by an Asteroid" Said the Primordial

Ronan chuckled "It's because of the War in heaven because of untold destructions and Weapons of the Aeldari, the Orks, and Necrons have they Accidentally hit Earth and thus Destroying many Species around it" Said Ronan with a Sad smile "Though this is not the first time i saw The Extinction of the Dinosaurs" He said

"What?" Was only the Primordial to respond in confusion "What did he mean by that?" His though

"You will learn it some day by young friend, The Earth will heal in time and with it another Species shall be created after the dust has been settled when it was going to be Suitable for them but for now it is not the time for the birth of a New species" Said Ronan as he put the Earth back on it's place as he flies away

Then Primordial was hit something in Realization "Hey what do you mean your Creation?!" Said the Primordial

Ronan din't turn to him "Let's just say, this Reality was not the creation of my father" He said before he Vanish


Scene Change


Planet Primordial

1 month Later

The feast was Great to say the Least as the Entire Galaxy have celetrate at the death of the chaos god nurgle, and now there is few Chaos warbands have left considering their Massive Counter attack they have deal a Massive Damage to the forces of Chaos because of Nurgle's Death many of his Followers have scream in Pain because of their lord is dead and thus they are quickly been taking care of by the inquisition as Many Planets were the Cults of Nurgle able to make their Way their and even some Important Position that which is no longer a Surprise to the Imperials as they have to deal with it in Daily basis, thus the Very one of his Followers are Dead

Though there is still quite another Problem to them, Mortarion was still on the Run and P.Ronan doesn't know how to Deal with him along with his sons the Death Guard Legion, their Mother wanted to Redeemed him though many of them have disagree with her despite that Mortarion may now have a Chance of Returning to the Imperium as a Loyal Primarch once more the only question is how

He is already making New Weapons of War in the Future against the Forces of Chaos as well as the Larger Threat of the Tyranids and Orks

The Tyranids themselves cannot be Determined of how powerful they are, their Numbers are truly Endless and so he would have make an Organization dedicated of Destroying the threat whenever they are Present since their Numbers would win any Day should they are Lead by a Capable and Cunning Leader like the swarmlords, lately last time he had Check there is only 1 swarmlord in any Given Battle but now he heard multiple Reports about them that there is no longer single swarmlord that which is quite Disturbing and for that he is creating weapons that can eliminate their Vast Numbers as many as possible knowing their adaptability he would entrusted it to the Competent Commanders

Right now they are scouring the Galaxy as they Eliminated Orks after Orks as they are reducing their Numbers Significantly just enough for them not to Cause a War hopefully in a Century that which they are more than prepared against the Greenskins, with the help of their Allies as they now know how to Prevent them to Increase their Numbers dramatically, because of that they Might have been Prevent Thraka to become the New Beast of the Prime Orks hopefully of course, They have made Early Warning signs should the Orks attack Armageddon again

With his Memories have Returned couple with the Astronomican, along with the other gods of Order they are able to make the Warp much more stable and clearer to the Navigators as the Warp storms have vanish

Now there is a New Cults that which they worshiping the Primordial that which the Emperor and Empress made it approved and for that their Numbers are growing fast, his Sons know that he is a chaos god, but he is still their father that have fought beside them for centuries

Christianity as well Grow in Vast Numbers thanks to P.Ronan sending Missionaries, some planets have Christianity in them but not as powerful as the Imperial Creed but with the Decreed of the Emperor of adding another Religion there is much they can do but accept it since it was directly from their god who have spoken it, at least the Adeptus Ministurom have finally find a Challenge where they can be Competitive and check themselves from corruption   and making sure the Emperor would not be Displease ever again because of their Arrogance and Greed

for now Warp Travels are Safe to travel even without Gellar field though better to be safe than sorry though 

and there is 3 Main Religion to the Imperium Christianity, Imperial Creed and the Cults of Primordial

as P.Ronan seating on his Office With Honor Guards Beside him as he is reading Reports the Time suddenly stop that which P.Ronan felt it as he looked to the Holo screen had stop moving even if he Tried it too

and he for the first time in a Million years he felt the Same Presence before

P.Ronan frowned at that "Not him again" His though as he is no longer on his Office 

Now he is in endless Void as there is literally nothing here to be found no life or any Matter just simply Nothing to be Found 

and so the Archangel appeared in front of him again, this time he took the shape of a Male Human being standing in 18 feet tall same height as Him and Wearing some Expensive suit

"Hello there" He Called

"Archangel You are a Bold one" Said P.Ronan as he narrowed his Eyes despite being more powerful than before he is still Infinitely Vastly Inferior to the being before him "What is your Purpose of Transporting me here?" He ask

"Simply to see you again of course my Creation" Said (A For Archangel) A.Ronan

P.Ronan gasp in shock "You said that before Lord Ronan" Said P.Ronan "What do you Mean by that again and it's been tens of Millions since we last saw each other"

A.Ronan smiled "Do you know that you are Never Meant to be Born or Created Hmm Lord Primordial?" Said A.Ronan as he put his hands to his back

"W--- What do you Mean by that?" Said P.Ronan in confusion at the Ancient Being

A.Ronan Waved his Hand and with it a Numberless Orbs appeared

"Take a Look Primordial" said A.Ronan as he Gesture P.Ronan to looked at the Orbs

P.Ronan looked to Orb as soon as he looked to it, the Orb Shines Brightly Blue, there he saw himself "Th- That's me" He said 

"Yes indeed but?" Said A.Ronan with Amusement

"Well why am i son of Guilliman in there?" said P.Ronan in confusion as it doesn't make sense 

"Simply in this Reality you are the Son of Guilliman you are an Ultramarine here Primordial the same as your Nephew here, though he Never Exist but he is still looked like the both of you" said A.Ronan 

P.Ronan groaned at that, being going to be a brother Like Cato Sicarious might be going to be a Nightmare for his Counterpart "I Feel sorry for him then to have a Brother like the Glory hog like Cato Sicarious" Said P.Ronan as he cringe  as he watched his Counterpart fighting the forces of the Orks

"Indeed though he was Born during the Great Crusade he was there when Guilliman was found by your Father Lord Ronan and so he along with the others become the 1st Batch of Ultramarines in the Realm of Ultramar just like your Nephew become the 1st Generation to become a Thunder Warrior when you Finally Reunited with the Emperor and he is still Live" Said A.Ronan

"Then all of these Orbs are?" Said P.Ronan in realization

"Yes, all of it are your Alternative Versions of Different Reality" Said A.Ronan as he walk around the Orbs "Many of them you are aren't even exist" 

"Eh?!" P.Ronan looked in surprise

"Please don't be too Surprise Lord Primordial After all you have been traveling another Galaxies in your Adventure and not to Mention my Lover did mention me, have you Forgotten it Lord Primordial?" Said A.Ronan with a smirk

P.Ronan was surprise in that "You Mean from what Teresa told me it was you the archangel her lover!" Said P.Ronan as he Remembered it

A.Ronan nod his Head "Correct"

"But why?" Said P.Ronan

"Simple i was Bored and i want some Entertainment every time you are sent to another Galaxy it was actually me you know" Said A.Ronan

"Eh are you doing it for simple you are bored?" Said P.Ronan

"Yep and at the Same time i want Entertainment i even sent you without even getting bored you know" Said A.Ronan

"And you said you Created us?" He ask

A.Ronan nod "Yep, some of them i din't created and there is endless number of Realities within here my Friend" Said A.Ronan "And i can simply Erase this with just a Though, but where is the fun in that then?" He said

"And Remember there is still Many Realities out there you might going to have adventure with them and i'am busy creating new Much of Creations for myself" Said A.Ronan as he Begun to move as his Cloths Change

"Eh what  are you wearing?" Said P.Ronan

"Well i'm wearing a Pirate Cloth, i'm gonna Visit the One Piece Universe gotta go now Mate, my Captain there is waiting for me along with my Friends and Woman to fck... Byebye!" Said A.Ronan as he Created a Portal and Vanish but not before he salute him

P.Ronan was no longer in the Void but now Return back to his Office and saw the Time hasn't change it past only 1 second after he had Returned

"What a Strange being" Though of P.Ronan with a smile as he looked at the Window


Scene Change

1 Year Later

"So how's your Campaign in the Tau Empire?" Said the Emperor as he looked at Commander Farsight

"It is successful and now my People are now Free from them" Said Commander Farsight 

The Emperor Smiled "Good, and i've been wanting to meet with you for quite some time now Commander Farsight" Said the Emperor

Farsight raise his Eyebrow "And what did i do to get your attention Emperor of Mankind?" He ask in Curious Tone after all it's not everyday that the ruler of the Imperium wants to meet with you

"So far for your entire Species you are the only one who fights in glorious melee" Said the Emperor

Farsight Jaw Drop "Okay what in the Greater good is this? He wants to meet me simply because i fight in melee?" Though of Farsight he swallowed his Saliva

"Your not joking Right? I Though the Emperor of humanity from what i've heard are serious never though i would think that you are joking" Said Farsight as he begun to laugh while everyone looked with a Deadpanned expression "Your not joking" After he calmed himself when he notice that they are not laughing

"No, i'am not, for you to be fighting in Glorious Melee, you have got my attention unlike your Pettiful Race who avoids it, but you have made me think that you would be the Better Leader to your People and not to Mention of how Brave you are to face your opponent even if they are stronger than you" Said the Emperor

Farsight sweat drop at the Emperor "Thanks Emperor of Mankind" He said as there is nothing to say much towards the Emperor

Usagi let out a Giggle "He hasn't change" Her though despite for the last 10,000 Years immobile in the Golden Throne her husband is still serious and at the same time not knowing it was funny


Scene Change

Unknown Location

There a Hundreds of Thousands of Ships had been Gathered, being only Dwarfted by the Phalanx class star-forts, even bigger than the Phalanx, with the Craftworlds and the World Engine

There fleets of Ships bearing the factions of the Imperium, the Eldar with Exodites and harlequins and the Necrons

Together this alliance Factions are called Order

"The Tyranid Main Fleet have finally Arrived, we have already sent Fleets after fleets to Stop them so far it has Proven successful but it would be matter of time before they would fail Lord Ronan" Said Eldrad as he was on his flagship

"Indeed, these Bugs have been a Thorn for long and now with their Main Fleet have arrived we have to be going all out for the sake of our galaxy" Said Imothek

"I've already have a Vision where they are going to attack Brother with the Help of our Specialist Psykers along with the Farseers of the Eldars we are able to pin point their Location of where they are going to attack" Said Magnus the Red with his New Flagship and not to Mention he is leading the Blood Ravens his Long Lost Sons, though they are very Reluctant to accept him along with his other Sons because of their Action but with the orders Directly from the Empress they have nothing much to do but to accept him as their leader

"Brother we are waiting your Orders" said Guilliman 

P.Ronan nod "Alright People Today we are gonna face a Tyranid that is 100 times Vaster than the last ones that we have Fight Earlier but fret not as long as we are united we will prevail against such foe" Said P.Ronan as the Entire People Cheered 


They are cries of said no 


THAT THIS THIS IS OUR GALAXY TO RULE AND NOT THEIRS TO DEVOUR!" Said P.Ronan as he raise his Fist that which they all Roared


With it they go via FTL as they are going to battle the Tyranids themselves

"Alright People Buckle up this Ride going to be Bumbpy" Said Emily with a Smile as she looked to P.Ronan "let's Spray some Bugs shall we my Lord?" 

"Of course Emily" Said P.Ronan as he Returned the smile



1,500 Years Later

The war is Over for the last 1,500 Years  as P.Ronan was on his office looking at the Window as he looked to his City with Pride

"It's been Many Centuries since the last war" Said P.Ronan "My People Finally know Peace and Let's just hope there is no more wa----" He was Cut off

"FATHER TROUBLE!" TW.Ronan burst on his Office

"WHAT FCKING TROUBLE?!" Said P.Ronan in anger as he Glared at his Son as the Honor Guards back off piying their Brother who is about to be Punish

"You should looked at the Screen now!" Said TW.Ronan in Urgent

P.Ronan looked to the screen and looked in Horror as he saw his People being killed, he then notice a Large Roman like structure who appeared in the Middle of the Plaza as he glared at it

P.Ronan Clench his Fist as he looked to the ones who are Responsible, it appears they are Wearing Medieval Armor but with Weapons of between WW1 and WW2

His Consorts looked Horrified

"What have they done" said Alarielle, Ami and Starsha at the Same time they could not believe he Audacity of this Invaders attack the Capital of the Realm of Primordia and Worst of all they are targeting the Innocents

"Ronan i want you to kill every last Invaders, Capture if possible They will be Punish for it" Said P.Ronan darkly as his Eyes Glowed Brightly as TW.Ronan salute and Sprint

"Whoever Invade my Home, then they will Suffer for it" Said P.Ronan Darkly 


And Done

This is the Last Chapter of my 40k I Already Reach beyond my Limit and this is the Very last that i could write and i could Write no more into this Story, sorry

Though it's nothing much but i hope you would Enjoy it at least

Peace Out

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